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Questions tagged [pr.probability]

Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

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2 answers

Randomized algorithm?

The problem is as follows. Given a set $S$ of natural numbers of size $n$ where each $x_i \in S$ is from the set $[n^2]$. Elements of $S$ are not necessarily pairwise different, i.e., there can be ...
Joe's user avatar
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1 answer

Distribution of the standard deviation of normal variates

What is the distribution of the standard deviation of $n$ normal variates? That is, if $X_1,...,X_n$ are i.i.d. normal random variables with mean $\mu$ and s.d. $\sigma$ and $M=\sum X_i/n$, then what ...
Bigfishpanda's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Conditioning on one term of a sum of random variables

Let $\theta$ be normally distributed with mean $\bar \theta$ and variance $s^2$. Let $Z$ be normally distributed with mean $0$ and variance $\sigma^2$, and chosen independently of $\theta$. Define $...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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What is the mean-value of a particular exponential sum related to the non-trivial zeros of Riemann's zeta function?

This question arose from an earlier one and the MO user's useful answers there: What are the values of the derivative of Riemann's zeta function at the known non-trivial zeros? (which is not a ...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Joint law of the time integral of Brownian motion and its maximum

Suppose $W_t$ is a standard one dimensional Brownian motion. Let $M_t$ and $I_t$ be its running maximum and time integral, respectively: $$M_t=\max_{0\leq s\leq t}\,W_s$$ $$I_t=\int\limits_0^tW_s\,\...
HMPanzo's user avatar
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some weird relations among beta random variables

Let $X_i, Y_i, Z_i$ be three iid family of standard normal random variables. Then the following random variable is distributed the same as the first coordinate of a uniform $2$-sphere: $$ \frac{X_1}{\...
John Jiang's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Given a Levy Exponent find the jump-measure and drift

A Levy subordinator is an finite variation Levy process with non-negative drift and positive jumps. The Levy exponent is given by $$\phi(\lambda) = \gamma \lambda + \int_0^\infty ( 1 - e^{-\lambda s}...
psyduck's user avatar
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3 answers

Law of large numbers for stochastically chosen samples

Let $X_t$ be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with mean $\mu$. Then the law of large numbers states that $$\lim_{T \to \infty} \frac1T \sum_{t=1}^T X_t = \mu \quad a.s.$$ Now suppose that (in a ...
pharms's user avatar
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1 answer

Does a definition for delta sequences in the multidimensional case exist?

does anybody know a good book on multidimensional delta sequences?
Phoebe's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

CLT for the squares of unbounded non-identically independently distributed random variables

I have a sequence of independent but not identically-distributed random variables $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n$ where $X_i\sim A_i$, with each $A_i$ having a support over $\mathbb{R}$ and subject to the ...
Bullmoose's user avatar
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2 answers

Terrain Generation: Infinite 2D space filled with Diffusion-limited aggregation clusters?

Disclaimer: I don't have a deep understanding of fractals or any higher math, I'm just personally interested in it, so please excuse me if I'm using wrong terms or if I'm being inaccurate. Making ...
Anselm Eickhoff's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Doubly stochastic matrices as squares of entires of unitary matrices

Given a unitary matrix $A$ with entries $a_{ii}$, it's clear that the matrix $B$ with entries $b_{ii} = |a_{ii}|^2$ is doubly stochastic. Is the inverse of this statement true? Namely, given a ...
Ben Lerner's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Expected norm of sum of random orthogonal matrices

Somehow I got wondering about the following question today: Suppose $Q_1,\ldots,Q_n$ are random (uniformly sampled) $d \times d$ orthogonal matrices. What is the expected value of the quantity $\|\...
Suvrit's user avatar
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Stable Law with Rates

If $X_{i}$ are a bunch of iid random variables with mean 0 and finite second moments, we know that $\sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{X_{i}}{\sqrt{n}}$ converges in law to a Gaussian. Furthermore, by the Berry-...
QAMS's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the Hausdorff metric on sub-$\sigma$-fields separable?

Let $(X,\mu,\mathcal{F})$ be a probability space. The paper Equiconvergence of Martingales by Edward Boylan introduced a pseudometric on sub-$\sigma$-fields (sub-$\sigma$-algebras) of $\mathcal{F}$ ...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Random distance matrices

My question is motivated by the following recent paper: Gadgil, Siddhartha; Krishnapur, Manjunath, Lipschitz correspondence between metric measure spaces and random distance matrices, Int. Math. Res. ...
ght's user avatar
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proofs of stochastic boundedness

I'm looking at some statistical literature and trying to compare the results given there in probabilistic big-Oh notation with statements I'm more familiar with. In particular, I'm trying to ...
AatG's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a fair coin?

I attended a course on stochastic processes a few years ago. During the course the lecturer mentioned that there is a mathematical proof (with some assumptions, naturally) of non-existence of a fair ...
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Convergence of stopped Brownian motion

Suppose $B$, $B_n$ are Brownian motions, and write $B^s$ for $B$ stopped at the first time equals $k$, say. (Similarly $B^s_n$). I know how to prove the following: if $B_n \to B$ uniformly on ...
Tom Ellis's user avatar
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How similar are discrete stable RVs to their continuous analogues?

The generalized central limit theorem of Gnedenko-Levy describes the asymptotic behavior of a sum of IIDRVs which may not have finite mean or variance. Only a small class of limit laws can be realized,...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
16 votes
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Length of the last edge when visiting points by nearest neighbor order

Take $n$ points uniformly in $[0,1] \times [0,1]$. Then pick uniformly $X_0$ one of these points as your starting point. Then let $X_1$ be the nearest neighbor of $X_0$, let $X_2$ be the nearest ...
Julien Berestycki's user avatar
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3 answers

Exponential (or other) families of distributions on manifolds.

The exponential family is a general parametrized class of probability distributions on $R^n$ that has many nice properties (ML estimation among them) and includes most of the "standard" distributions ...
Suresh Venkat's user avatar
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5 answers

Some questions concerning a random number process

Consider the following Markov process: Start with an integer $N = N_0$. Now repeatedly choose an $N_i$ uniformly at random in the range $[1...N_{i-1}]$ until $N_i = 1$ at which point one terminates ...
ARupinski's user avatar
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1 answer

Intuitive understanding of the Stieltjes transform

I have been using random matrix theory in signal processing and have some trouble understanding what the Stieltjes transform does. The gist of my work is that I have an $N\times N$ true covariance ...
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Overall covariance of Mixture of Gaussian

I have a Mixture of Gaussians to model an arbitrary distribution. I would like to model a distribution derived from this GMM with: Mean = Weighted average mean of GMM means. I am not sure about how ...
Santhosh's user avatar
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1 answer

Brownian particle with jump boundary condition

I would like to find a function $f(s)$, which solves the following equation: $ \int_0^t \int_0^L f(s,x) p(t-s,x,y) dy ds = 1 $ The function $p(\tau,x,y)$ is $p(\tau,x,y) = \sum_n e^{-\lambda_n \tau}...
psyduck's user avatar
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Low degree polynomial approximation for the entropy function

Let $X$ be a discrete random variable with possible values $\{x_1,\ldots,x_n\}$, and let $p$ denote the probability mass function of $X$. In addition, denote $p_i=p(x_i)$. The entropy of $X$ is ...
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Processes approximating a reflected brownian motion.

Let $W$ be a standard Brownian Motion. Let $\epsilon>0$ be given. Let $X^\epsilon$ be the process which diffuses like $W$ on $(-\epsilon,\infty)$, but when $X^\epsilon$ reaches the level $-\...
weakstar's user avatar
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2 answers

Distribution of a maximum

I am reposting a question on math.stackexchange which did not recieve good questions. The orginal questio is at Randomly ...
Fan Zhang's user avatar
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1 answer

Probability-one event for Markov chain

Let $X$ be a Markov chain, with countable state space $I$ and transition probability matrix $P$. $X$ is irreducible, but need not be recurrent. Let $S$ be a fixed subset of $I$. Define a subset $K$ ...
Elena Yudovina's user avatar
10 votes
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For what range of edge probability does the following property hold for random graphs?

Let $G(n,p)$ denote the Erdős–Rényi model of random graph. For a given function $p = p(n)$ we say that $G \in G(n,p)$ asymptotically almost surely has property $\mathcal{P}$ if $$\mbox{Pr}[G \mbox{ ...
Matthew Kahle's user avatar
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Bounding the success time of a coupon collector like problem

Consider the complete graph on $n$ vertices. Each step, one chooses one of the $\binom{n}{2}$ edges iid uniformly at random. Say a sequence of choice is successful if there is some permutation of the ...
John Jiang's user avatar
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Lower bounds for partial sums of multiplicative functions

The motivation for this enquiry is to understand something about the impact of multiplicativity for $f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ on the conditional convergence of Dirichlet series $$F(s)=\...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Markov Property: determined by just the law or also the realization?

When one says that a stochastic process is Markovian, is this a property solely of the law of the process, or does the realization of the process also come in to play? I am asking even for the ...
Tom Alberts's user avatar
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2 answers

Copulas and time series

Please, can anybody give a reference(s) to some good recent review papers about copulas and time series?
kjetil b halvorsen's user avatar
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Elementary analysis: reference request

Given the continuous maps $[0,\infty) \to \mathbb R$ define the following "truncation at level $K$ operator", $T$: $T(f)(t) = f(\min(t, S_f))$, where $S_f = \inf \{ s : f(s) \ge K \}$ So essentially ...
Tom Ellis's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

What is the maximum diameter of $N$ steps of a random walk?

Since probability is quite far away from my daily buisiness, please forgive me if my use of terminology is wrong or the question is too trivial. However, I was not able to find the right keyword to ...
Dirk's user avatar
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Absolute moments of symmetrical distributions

Suppose $F~$ is a probability distribution symmetrical about 0, for which all moments exist. Let $\mu_i~$be the $i$-th moment (of course $\mu_i=0$ if $i~$ is odd). We know there are some conditions ...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
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Multidimensional Berry–Esseen for probability density functions

This is a follow up to this recent question: Berry Esseen type result for probability density functions There exists a multidimensional version of the usual Berry–Esseen theorem (for cumulative ...
Anthony Leverrier's user avatar
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Normal distribution with positive SEMI-definite covariance matrix

In [1] is noted, that a covariance matrix is "positive- semi definite and symmetric". I wonder if it is possible to a multivariate normal distribution with a covariance matrix that is only ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Iterated Kumaraswamy distributions

The Kumaraswamy distribution has cdf $F(x;a,b) = 1-(1-x^a)^b$. Does anyone know any formulas or properties relating to iterations of this on itself, meaning $$ F_i(x;a,b) = 1-(1-F_{i-1}^a)^b$$ If ...
OctaviaQ's user avatar
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Eigenvalue density of some random matrices?

Consider a class of real symmetric random matrices,$M_{n\times n}=(X_{i,j})_{n\times n},$ whose off-diagonal elements follow an exchangeable distribution, and the diagonal elements follow another ...
Youzhou Zhou's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Random Reidemeister moves to unknot

Suppose one has a link diagram of the unknot, and applies random Reidemeister moves until the unknot is reached. Surely it requires an exponential number of moves, exponential in, say, the crossing ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
41 votes
2 answers

Topple height of randomly stacked bricks

What is the expected height of a stack of unit-length bricks, each one stacked on the previous with a uniformly random shift within $\pm \delta$? The stack topples if the center of gravity of the top $...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
10 votes
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Statistics for Haar measure of random matrices?

Let's say I have $M$ samples of $N\times N$ real orthogonal matrices. What statistics can I calculate to test if they could have been drawn from a distribution consistent with Haar measure over $O(N)$?...
Jiahao Chen's user avatar
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Conditional prob of value given input is drawn from subset = conditioning over subset?

Hey guys, I have a pretty basic question that I want to be sure of. I'm taking a probability over an input selected uniformly at random from binary strings of length $l(n)$. I would like to compare ...
drewbarbs's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Eigenvalue densities of sample covariance matrices when the population covariance matrix is a perturbed identity matrix

TLDR: I'm looking for a random matrix theory reference for the eigenvalue densities of sample covariance matrices (both dimensions approaching infinity at the same rate) when the true (population) ...
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Distances between and among points in a region

Let $X = \{x_1, \dots, x_n\}$ denote a finite set of $n$ points in the unit square $S$, and let's center $S$ at the origin. Let $F(X) = \sum_{i=1}^n \| x_i \| $ and let $G(X) = \iint_S \min_i \|x - ...
Joord Jacobsen's user avatar
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How are epidemic models simulated in case of mobility?

I am not a mathematician but out of curiosity I am trying to implement the SIS epidemic model when the nodes have mobility to understand how it will change the results. I understand how to perform ...
Legend's user avatar
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Sequences of linear combinations of measures

Let $X$ be a Polish space. Let $J\in\mathbb{N}$. Let $\lbrace a^n_1\rbrace_n,\dots,\lbrace a^n_J\rbrace_n$ be $J$ sequences of reals. Let $\lbrace \mu^n_1\rbrace_n,\dots,\lbrace \mu^n_J\rbrace_n$ be ...
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