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Unpacking the plethystic substitution $h_n[n\mathbf{z}]$ in a paper by Aval, Bergeron and Garsia

I'm not familiar with the formalism of plethysm, so I need some help in unpacking the plethystic substitution $h_n[n\mathbf{z}]$ found in eqns. 5.6 and 5.9 of "Combinatorics of labelled ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Minus sign inside derivative operator, notation problem

Hello fellow mathematicians. Can anybody help me understand what the minus (-) sign in this derivative means? Its the usual d/dy but with a minus added d-/dy. I can't find references, the book cited ...
Comeberza's user avatar
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Notation for function that is constant with respect to a parameter

I am wondering if there is a common notation for a function that does not depend on a particular parameter. I am wondering about notation both for applying the function ($f(x, y)$) as well as defining ...
Andenrx's user avatar
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Notation for dominating (or uniformly bounded) function

While I developing a new statistical estimator, I wondered is there any good notation for dominating (or uniformly bounded) function. A situation like this. For some true function $f:\mathbb{R} \to \...
Seung Hyeon Yu's user avatar
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Are there standard short notations for ascending and descending cyclic permutations?

In a paper I am currently writing I use cyclic permutations of the form $$ (k,k+1,\dots,\ell) $$ and $$ (\ell,\ell-1,\dots,k) $$ of consecutive elements quite a lot (I added the commas to avoid ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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What does square bracket superscript star mean in basic group theory typically?

I'm reading some paper where they haven't really defined their notation very well (or I've missed something). You can see the image below. What does the square bracket and star mean precisely? The ...
safetyduck's user avatar
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Notation for the regular and the adjoint representation of a finite group, in particular the symmetric group

The (left) regular representation of a finite group $G$ is the action on itself by left multiplication, $g\cdot h = gh$. The adjoint representation of a finite group $G$ is the action on itself by ...
Martin Rubey's user avatar
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Notation question: bigraded direct sum of graded objects

In some work I'm doing I have two graded modules $M$ and $N$ (graded on $\mathbb Z$, say) and need to take, not the usual direct sum, but the bigraded sum consisting of all $M_p \oplus N_q$ (so graded ...
Steve Costenoble's user avatar
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Are measures better thought of as densities than differentials?

The standard notation for integrating with respect to a measure $\mu$ is: $$\int f(x)\,d\mu(x).$$ But I've wondered if it could be better written as: $$\int f(x)\mu(x)\,dx$$ where $\mu(x)$ is now ...
wlad's user avatar
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Notation for the geometric quotient of a separated Deligne-Mumford stack?

Suppose that $X$ is a separated Deligne-Mumford stack, say over a base scheme. Is there some standard notation for the geometric quotient of $X$? I've tried using $[X]$ but have had complaints.
inkspot's user avatar
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Confusion optimal control abuse notation

I'm currently reading this paper describing a numerical scheme for the approximating optimal policy of a stochastic control problem. However, I run into a confusion directly on the first page where ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Arithmetization of Syntax: Can any semantic be encoded as syntax?

It is my understanding that Gödel Encoding and "Arithmetization of Syntax" can be used to represent any logical system. This is exemplified by the encoding of a Universal Turing Machine. "According ...
TCP's user avatar
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What does it mean for two natural numbers to be *approximately equal*?

This is related to this other question of mine about a paper of Colin and Honda. I'm trying to follow the proofs line by line. I found the following piece of notation that is not explained in the ...
Paul's user avatar
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Basic notation question involving Lie Groups and Lie algebras

I just started reading "On the functional equations satisfied by Eisentstein series" by Langlands . I wasn't sure of some notation/...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Question about Notation for Spaces of $n$-ary $k$-ic Forms

Define an $n$-ary $k$-ic form to be a polynomial over the integers of homogeneous degree $k$ in $n$ variables. In Section 1 of the paper "Higher Composition Laws I" (linked below), Bhargava writes $(\...
Ashvin Swaminathan's user avatar
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Notation for largest universal subclass and class of arrows "locally in" a given class of arrows

Let $\mathcal M$ be a class of arrows in a category $\mathsf C$. I would like suggestions for good notation for the following two classes. The smallest universal (pullback stable) subclass $\mathcal ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Name for the Quotient $SU(m+1)/(SU(k) \times SU(m-k))$

The sphere $S^{2m-1} \simeq SU(m+1)/SU(m)$ has a canonical $U(1)$-action, and quotienting by this action give complex projective space $CP^m$. We can generalise the family of sphere to the family of ...
Alesandro Levi's user avatar
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Notation clash between a representation and spectral radius

I am currently writing a paper where I need talk both about a representation of a semisimple Lie group (usually denoted by $\rho$), and about spectral radii of linear maps (also usually denoted by $\...
Ilia Smilga's user avatar
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notation for vector product in the space

The notation for vector (a.k.a. cross) product in $\mathbb{R}^3$ I usually see is $\times$. However, some places use $\wedge$ instead, which IMHO creates a lot of confusion, as $\wedge$ usually is ...
Dima Pasechnik's user avatar
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What does this notation mean: matrix norm with a two-number subscript

I recently came across this notation, without explanation, in a paper: $||\mathbf{W}||_{2,1}$ From the context, I know that $\mathbf{W}$ is a matrix, which could be any size, and that $||\mathbf{W}||...
Tom Future's user avatar
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Notation for the subobject classifier

Does anyone know why in books on category theory the notation for the subobject classifier is almost everywhere the capital greek letter $\Omega$? Gérard Lang
Gérard Lang's user avatar
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Notation for bilinear form $y^t M z$, where $M$ is a matrix and $y,z$ are vectors.

I'm working on a problem where I need to consider a bilinear form of the form $y^t M z$ where $M$ is an $n$-by-$n$ real symmetric matrix and $y,z \in \mathbb{R}^n$ are vectors. I also need to consider ...
Louigi Addario-Berry's user avatar
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Notation for space of Lipschitz continuous functions

The Lipschitz norm of a function over a domain $D \subseteq \mathbb R^n$ is easy to define: $$\|f\|_{\mathrm{Lip}} = \sup_{x,y \in D} \frac{|f(x) - f(y)|}{|x-y|}.$$ Is there a standard notation for ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Is there a good or commonly accepted short notation for the set of differentiable, but not necessarily continuously differentiable maps?

Every once in a while I find myself in need of some short notation for the set of differentiable, but not continuously differentiable maps, say, $X \to Y$. Always having to specify "...
M.G.'s user avatar
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How to talk about the “shape” of the kernel of an integral transform

So I'm learning about integral transforms, and although it isn't a complete specification, the fact that the Fourier transform decomposes functions into sinusoids, the Laplace into damped sinusoids, ...
misfortune's user avatar
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Notation $\le_{a,b,n,\ldots}$ in Analysis

In modern Analysis, especially Functional Analysis, one proves, or one uses inequalities of the form $$F(X)\le_{a,\ldots,n}G(X).$$ The meaning of the subscripts in the inequality sign means that there ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Definition of term functions, in universal algebra

According to the definitions in Sankappanavar's universal algebra : Assume $p$ is a term, then $p(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)$ indicates that the variables occurring in $p$ are among $x_1,...,x_n$. But there is ...
BAD MAN's user avatar
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Merging two composable walks in a graph

Let $G$ be a graph (i.e., an undirected graph in which we allow for loops and parallel edges). Denote by $V$ the vertex set, by $E$ the edge set, and by $\psi$ the incidence function of $G$, and let $\...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Is Baire's theorem stronger than needed for functional analysis?

Many classic theorems in functional analysis involve using Baire's theorem to prove facts about topology that relate to maps between Banach spaces (or, more generally, F-spaces). The application ...
user_35's user avatar
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About the theorem of Weierstrass?

Is $E=Vect\{1,x,x^2,...,x^{2^n},...\}$ dense in $C([0,1])$ for the uniform norm? While looking for a short proof for Weierstrass' theorem, I came across this justification(*) (which shows this result)...
Dattier's user avatar
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A question about chaining Vinogradov notation

This is not a research question, but I hope it is still legitimate to ask for this platform. Suppose $A(x)$, $B(x)$, $C(x)$, $D(x)$ are positive-valued functions of $x$, and $A(x) \ll B(x)$ and $ C(x) ...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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Terminology: Almost stable states

I have a question about fixed points which are almost stable. I have an increasing transition function $f:[0,1]\rightarrow[0,1]$ where $f(0)>0$ and $f(1)<1$ but I don't necessarily have ...
MDR's user avatar
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Notation of $P^+$-families - bibliography searching

have you ever met with notation of $P^+$-families in other papers than Iian B. Smythe "A local Ramsey theory for block sequences" and his phd? Thank you in advance
Andrzej Starosolski's user avatar
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Notation for iterated summation

Is there a more compact way to write $$ \sum_{i_1=0}^{N} \sum_{i_2=0}^{N-i_1} \sum_{i_3=0}^{N-i_1-i_2} \cdots \sum_{i_{K}=0}^{N-i_1-i_2-i_3-\ldots-i_{K-1}} a_{i_1i_2i_3\ldots i_K} $$ as something like ...
Marcelo Ventura's user avatar
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Format of grading Witt Lie Algebra

Let $W(n,m)$ be generalized Jacobson-Witt algebra over a field of characteristic $p>3$. According to the grading of $W(n,m)$, we know that it inherits the grading from $A(n,m)$ as follows: $$W(n,m)...
user118746's user avatar
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Notation for substructure, especially for permutations?

Is there a standard notation that expresses substructure? The specific case that I care about is the following: Suppose $\sigma,\tau$ are permutations such that $$\sigma(x)\not=x\implies \sigma(x)=\...
pre-kidney's user avatar
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Is $\{x_{zt}\}_{Z\times~ T}$ a good notation for specifying the indexed family of entities $x_{zt}$ with $z\in Z,\, t\in T$?

I have a model with lots of variables indexed over a few sets. After having introduced the model, i.e. having already said that $x_{zt}$ has indexes $z\in Z$ and $t\in T$, instead of writing "we ...
user16348's user avatar
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Terminology for the image of the diagonal embedding.

Let $X$ be a topological space equipped with maps into two spaces $\bar X_1$ and $\bar X_2$. Is there a standard notation/terminology for the closure $\bar X$ in $\bar X_1 \times \bar X_2$ of the ...
pinaki's user avatar
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Notation for isometric spaces?

Metric spaces are isometric if there exists a bijective isometry between them. Is there a standard notation for this, along the same lines as $X\approx Y$ for homeomorphic spaces and $X\simeq Y$ for ...
Mark Grant's user avatar
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Typed Values in Formulas

Question: are there any "standard" ways of indicating the meaning of numerical values in formulas, resp. general mathematical texts (theorems, proofs, etc.)? I am especially looking for ...
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