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Simple definition of the Hausdorff measure using squared paper

I am giving a "non-technical" seminar in which I would like to give an elementary introduction to the Hausdorff dimension and measure. For simplicity, I was hoping to give a more intuitive ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
6 votes
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Notation: Exponent of a group

The exponent of a group $G$ is the least positive $n$ such that $g^n = e$ for all $g \in G$. This is obviously a sensible name for the concept. A notational awkwardness arises however when the group $...
Oliver's user avatar
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2 answers

Notation/name for "Artin-Schreier roots"?

If x is an element of a field K and n is a positive integer, we have both a symbol and a name for a root of the polynomial t^n - x = 0: we denote it by x^{1/n} and call it an nth root of x. Of course ...
Pete L. Clark's user avatar
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Notation arb(x)

Suppose we have extended $ZF$ by adding to $ZF$ an unary function symbol $arb$ (an arbitrary element of a set) and a corresponding axiom "For every non-empty set $S$, $arb(S)$ is in $S$". Will be the ...
Victor Makarov's user avatar
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4 answers

Better terminology than "equivalence class of functions"

Let $X = C(\mathbb R)$ be the Fréchet space of real-valued continuous functions. For each $f \in X$ and each compact set $D \subseteq \mathbb R$, let $$[f]_D = \{ g \in X : \mbox{$g(t) = f(t)$ for ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Name of a lattice-property

Assume that we have a complete lattice $(L,\leq)$. I would like to know whether the following property has a specific name and whether lattices with this property have been studied somewhere: For ...
Niemi's user avatar
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A question about some notation involving the exclamation mark [closed]

What does the symbol ‘!’ signify? Is it $ \text{argmin} $? For example, $ \| A x - y \| = \min! $.
natali's user avatar
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Understanding Sweedler's notation for the structure map of a comodule

I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on the choice of indices for expressing the coaction using Sweedler notation. For example, in the paper of Andruskiewitsch About finite-...
crackplot's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Good chalk in the UK

Sometime ago it was asked in Mathoverflow about good chalk in the US Where to buy premium white chalk in the U.S., like they have at RIMS?. I will be grateful for any recommendations on good chalk in ...
4 votes
3 answers

Is there a (standard) name for $\bar{A}\setminus A$?

This is a notation question: If $A$ is a set in a topological space and $\bar{A}$ is its closure, is there a (standard) name for $\bar{A}\setminus A$?
Ioannis Souldatos's user avatar
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What does this notation mean: matrix norm with a two-number subscript

I recently came across this notation, without explanation, in a paper: $||\mathbf{W}||_{2,1}$ From the context, I know that $\mathbf{W}$ is a matrix, which could be any size, and that $||\mathbf{W}||...
Tom Future's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Choosing Notation for Variable Substitution into Derivative Expressed with Differentials [closed]

Consider function $f(x)$. I've counted 4 possible notations to write a derivative of $f(x)$ at point $x = a$: $f'(a)$; $\frac{\operatorname{d}{f(a)}}{\operatorname{d}x}$; $\left.\frac{\operatorname{d}...
Alexander Shukaev's user avatar
9 votes
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Where can I find questions motivating important ideas in math?

I would like questions that demonstrate why a mathematical tool or technique is useful, and which can be used to introduce that idea. Ideally, this would be a compilation of problems organized by the ...
0 votes
2 answers

Conventional notation for the probabilistic functor

The probabilistic functor $P$ sends a measurable space $X$ to the space of probability measures on $X$ endowed with $\sigma$-algebra generated by evaluation maps, and measurable maps $f:X\to Y$ to ...
SBF's user avatar
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Lower semicontinuity of naive fiber size

I would like to present the following result in my algebraic geometry class, but it is seeming much harder than I would expect. Since my class is working with closed points over an algebraically ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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Lines on degree 2n-3 Fermat hypersufaces

It is well known that a generic hypersurface of degree $2n-3$ in $\mathbb CP^n$ has finite number of lines. I would like to ask a couple of questions about lines on Fermat hypersurfaces and their ...
aglearner's user avatar
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What is the geometric meaning of the third derivative of a function at a point? [closed]

What is the geometric meaning of the third derivative of a function at a point? This question is now asked on the sister site:
AJAY's user avatar
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How to Express Undirected Integration

Is there an agreed way of expressing undirected integration in formulas? my idea of doing so would be to use the absolute value of the differential $$\int_a^b f(x)|dx| = \int_b^a f(x)|dx|$$ but I ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Is there a name for groups of the form $Sp(1)^n$?

A (compact) torus is a Lie group isomorphic to the product of finitely many circles: $T^n = S^1 \times \cdots \times S^1$. Such groups are extremely important in Lie theory, Differential Geometry, ...
Claudio Gorodski's user avatar
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Notation for ends of a string

I work now a lot with strings of characters and other finite sequences and found that I need many times a good notation for "cutting the end" a string. If $a$ is a finite sequence and $a'$ is its ...
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Is the notation ${}^t g$ for the transpose of a linear transformation intended to be suggestive?

The notation ${}^t g$ for the transpose of a linear transformation is, in my view, quite unusual: otherwise (at least in many areas of math), one almost never sees subscripts or superscripts appearing ...
Frank Thorne's user avatar
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Any suggestions for a course in Mathematical Logic?

I am teaching a topics course for Mathematics majors (at Temple), and am considering Logic as the topic. I was wondering if people (a) have suggestions for an appropriate text and (b) how much might ...
0 votes
2 answers

What is a maximal set in the context of argumentation in AI [closed]

I am computer scientist, not a mathematician, I've been reading some papers on argumentation in AI that uses the term 'maximal' set without defining it. I think it's left undefined because it's a ...
ale's user avatar
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Names of noncompact riemannian symmetric spaces?

Irreducible riemannian symmetric spaces come in pairs: one compact and one not compact, usally called the noncompact dual. The compact symmetric spaces include spheres, complex and quaternionic ...
José Figueroa-O'Farrill's user avatar
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Examples of random variables

I'm looking for a list of examples of random variables to use in teaching a measure-theoretic probability course. For example, the Rademacher functions are an explicit construction of independent ...
John D. Cook's user avatar
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Notation clash between a representation and spectral radius

I am currently writing a paper where I need talk both about a representation of a semisimple Lie group (usually denoted by $\rho$), and about spectral radii of linear maps (also usually denoted by $\...
Ilia Smilga's user avatar
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Decomposition of $K_{10}$ in copies of the Petersen graph

It is a well-known and cute exercise in algebraic graph theory to show that $K_{10}$ cannot be written as the edge-disjoint union of three copies of the Petersen graph $P$. Indeed, the graph $G$ whose ...
Olivier's user avatar
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10 votes
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What is a convenient shorthand notation for a category

Set theory has a very convenient and well established curly brace notation to specify a set by its elements: $\{2,3,4,6\}$ or $\{\text{finite subgroups of }SU(2)\}$ are simple examples. There should ...
David MJC's user avatar
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When is the Siegel-Walfisz theorem non-trivial?

The following paragraph appears in Analytic Number Theory (Iwaniec, Kowalski): The Siegel-Walfisz theorem asserts that: $\displaystyle \hspace{5cm} \psi(x;q,a) = \frac{x}{\phi(q)} + O(x(\log x)^{-A})...
Sputnik's user avatar
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What does the square root sign tells us in the wave equation? [closed]

I have been reading the paper on wave equations, and I have some confusion in notations. Consider the initial value problem(IVP)(Wave equation): $\frac{\partial ^2 u } {\partial t^2}(x,t) = \...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Linear Algebra Text Book [closed]

In our department we do not like our current linear algebra book and so we would want to find a better book. This is for the first course in linear algebra and the title of the course is Elementary ...
1 vote
5 answers

Notation: Vector space spanned by all finite polynomials in $x$ and all finite polynomials in $y$

This is a simple question about notation: Given two generators $x,y$ how does one denote the vector space spanned by all finite K-polynomials in $x$ and all finite polynomials in $y$. If I use K**$[x] ...
Dyke Acland's user avatar
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Is $O(10^{-6})$ an acceptable notation in numerical analysis? [closed]

The following question has been on math.SE for several days. Without having a satisfying answer, I'd like to ask the experts here. In mathematics, the big $O$ notation is used to describe the ...
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What exactly does \gg and \ll mean?

For example, $f(T)\ll_T 1$ where $T$ is a positive number.
7-adic's user avatar
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Is Diagonalization worth to be taught? [closed]

When students come to the College (first two years of the University system in most of the developped countries) to train in mathematics, they get a linear algebra / matrix analysis course. After a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Teaching profession:Differential Equations and Mean Value Theorems

Usually I teach Algebra,Algebra and Geometyry, Topology, at various University levels. This semester (Spring 2014) I have to teach Differential Equations to University second year students (4th ...
Al-Amrani's user avatar
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3 answers

Pedagogical notes on line bundles on complex projective manifolds

I would like to find some notes (or book), that explains on a very basic level what is a line bundle on a complex projective manifold. Maybe even, what is a line bundle on $\mathbb CP^n$. It seems ...
4 votes
2 answers

Terminology question on covering spaces

I'm teaching an elementary class about fundamental groups and covering spaces. It was very useful to use "fool's covering spaces" of a space $X$, defined as functors $\Pi_1(X)\to Sets$, where $\Pi_1(X)...
Pavol S.'s user avatar
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11 votes
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Social Reading Platform for Math or LaTeX texts

Social reading is considered to be one of the big trends that could be catalysing learning by reading. Features could include: Highlighting or annotating paragraphs or single steps in a proof for ...
1 vote
1 answer

What does $\mathcal{N}$ mean? [closed]

I'm reading a paper that refers to a set $\mathcal{N}$, without defining it. It's a CS paper so it's not complicated maths. Is this the set of natural numbers? I don't get why they're using this style ...
Bob Bobson's user avatar
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Sierpinski Triangle and the Chaos Game

The chaos game is a way to construct (an approximation) of Sierpinski triangle. It's clear (using Thales' theorem!) that if we begin with a point on the sierpinski triangle, then we will never leave ...
Behzad's user avatar
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Lefschetz fixed notation

If $f\colon X\to X$ is a self-map of a nice space with isolated fixed points, then the Lefschetz fixed point theorem relates a global number to local numbers. Some write: $L(f)=\sum_{x\in \mathrm{Fix}(...
Ben Wieland's user avatar
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Set Exponentiation: Is Y always disjoint from Y^X? [closed]

If $y \in Y$ and $g \in Y^X$, we often write $y+g$ as shorthand for the map $x \mapsto y+ g(x)$. Similarly if $f \in Y^X$ then $f+g = x \mapsto f(x)+g(x)$. However this presupposes that we can ...
goblin GONE's user avatar
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Integration in several variables and elementary applications

This fall I'm teaching the "second half" of the standard entry-level undergraduate multivariable calculus course: the focus is on double and triple integrals, path integrals, Green's theorem, Stokes' ...
0 votes
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Help with notation for the state of a dynamical system defined by a PDE

Before my question let me briefly describe a simplified version of the dynamical system I'm working with. Suppose that I have a density function $m(\boldsymbol{x},t)$, that describes the abundance of ...
Michael Andrew Bentley's user avatar
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Useless question on rank

What is the rank of $A^{n}$ if A is the zero ring? It's clearly not $n$ as many careless authors claim, since it's not even invariant. I don't think it's 0 either because it does have a linearly ...
ashpool's user avatar
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Notation for largest universal subclass and class of arrows "locally in" a given class of arrows

Let $\mathcal M$ be a class of arrows in a category $\mathsf C$. I would like suggestions for good notation for the following two classes. The smallest universal (pullback stable) subclass $\mathcal ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Notation for algebras

Is there standard notation for (1) exterior algebras (2) free graded commutative algebras (3) divided polynomial algebras ? I've seen (and used) $\Lambda$, $\Gamma$, $\Delta$ etc. used for ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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Notation of a pregallery

I'm transcribing parts of Harm van der Lek's thesis 'The homotopy type of complex hyperplane complements' and due to it being written in 1983 the typesetting isn't very detailed. In latex, how should ...
Calliston's user avatar
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Meaning of notation $\mathbb{Q}^\wedge k$, $-\infty^\wedge \mathbb{Q}$ for linear orders

I am reading Friedman & Stanley A Borel reducibility theory for classes of countable structures (J. Symbolic Logic 54 (1989), 894–914; MR1011177) and a caret (${}^\wedge$) appears as notation in ...
Linda Brown Westrick's user avatar

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