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Questions tagged [latex]

Questions related to the typesetting-system LaTeX and closely related subjects. Please note that there is a Q&A-site dedicated to this subject Most questions involving LaTeX are a better fit there, and if asked here, might still be migrated to the other site. Most of the existing questions with this tag predate the existence of the other site, they are not a good indicator for which questions now would remain on this site.

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44 votes
8 answers

Suggestions and feature requests for the design of a font for math articles/books

Edit: The project website, GitHub repository, and Discord server for Darwin are now up! A little context and introduction: I'm currently working on a family of fonts ("Darwin") designed for ...
5 votes
1 answer

MREF tool and TeX formatting

For sometime I have used the very useful MathSciNet MRef tool. It allows one to input a citation (e.g. from zbMath or from MRLookup, if you don't have MathSciNet access, as I didn't for a while, and ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
  • 18.7k
6 votes
1 answer

Desargues ten point configuration $D_{10}$ in LaTeX

I want to draw the Desargues configuration $10_3$ in LaTeX using the standard picture environment, which allows only lines with the slopes $n:m$ where $\max\{|n|,|m|\}\le 6$. Is it possible? If not, ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
  • 41.8k
12 votes
0 answers

Where to upload digitized LaTeX versions of old papers?

Let's say I took the time to convert into proper modern LaTeX a few old math papers (which cannot be found online, or only in poorly scanned versions which are hard to read due to this). If someone ...
cs89's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is there a canonical resource for mathematical Lorem ipsum text?

I'm designing a template intended for mathematical writing. I'd like to fill the template with Lorem ipsum text, but would like that text to showcase some of the common ways that mathematics is ...
90 votes
14 answers

Time-saving (technology) tricks for writing papers

I have over the years learned some tricks which saves a lot of time, and I wish I had known them earlier. Some tricks are LaTeX-specific, but other tricks are more general. Let me start with a few ...
0 votes
1 answer

Laundering PDF files [closed]

Is there an easy way to "launder" a PDF file so that it won't appear to have been generated from LaTeX? (I have a good reason for wanting to do this: I just tried to post an article to the arXiv, but ...
James Propp's user avatar
  • 19.7k
0 votes
1 answer

Suggestions for Math Equation OCR tool with API [closed]

I am looking forward to converting equation images to tex/mathml. All the equations are computer printed. So, not so worried about the clarity. We have around 100K images and hence looking for some ...
Ishan Joshi's user avatar
89 votes
14 answers

LaTeX tricks that save time in typesetting

In ${\rm\LaTeX}$ typesetting, when we repeat a long and complex formula in long documents, it is appropriate to create a new command that just by calling this new command we get the desired output. ...
155 votes
54 answers

Old books you would like to have reprinted with high-quality typesetting

There are some questions on mathoverflow such as What out-of-print books would you like to see re-printed? Old books still used with answers that tell us things such as: Mathematicians prefer to use ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Looking for the name of a mathematical symbol that looks remotely like 1 (answer: indicator function) [closed]

Original question: The symbol looks like a numeral 1 written like an R in $\mathbb{R}$. It has a double vertical line and a serif at the bottom. It represents a function of a parameter: $1_{\{0,1\}}(x)...
AOphagen's user avatar
  • 121
19 votes
2 answers

Listing ORCiD in LaTeX papers

The ORCiD unique author identifier, run by a non-profit organisation, has been around for a number of years now. Its stated goal is to become a de facto standard for uniquely identifying authors, even ...
3 votes
1 answer

Use a graphic tablet to write in Latex or MathML [closed]

I have a Graphic Tablet and I am looking for a software which have the following features: Math equation recognition I want to write and solve math equations in Graphic Tablet and auto recognized to ...
Tasos's user avatar
  • 131
8 votes
3 answers

Punctuation and Other Rules for Variables and Their Verbal Definitions in Math Narrative [closed]

To better understand what I'm asking about, let's immediately define some examples. Imagine that you are writing some paper which involves a lot of math narrative. And you have a term, say, computing ...
Alexander Shukaev's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Which tools can identify scholarly papers that use the same types of equations?

Many types of equations are being used in multiple contexts, so a search for specific formulas might be one way to identify scholarly papers that are conceptually related. Is any website or tool ...
Daniel Mietchen's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Inserting maple or macaulay script in a paper [closed]

I see many wonderful papers where the authors include some script written in Maple, Macaulay or other software that are needed for their proof. How do you insert that in your tex file?
IMeasy's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Polyglot note-keeping? [closed]

I sometimes give roughly the same course in different languages, and update my TeX notes (if any) each time. Keeping all sets of notes current is a pain (and doesn´t always get done). Does anybody ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
  • 20.2k
13 votes
2 answers

Graph of dependencies from a Latex file [closed]

This question has been "manually migrated" to TeX-SX: Apologies if the question is not very appropiate for Mathoverflow. It seems to me more appropiate here ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Any viable modern LaTeX alternative for expressing mathematics? [closed]

Is there any viable (meaning working) modern LaTeX alternative for expressing mathematics? Or is LaTex the accepted standard?
Slavomir Kaslev's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Recommended page layout settings for latex [closed]

I would appreciate input and thoughts on what a good page layout for a mathematical article looks like in latex. What would you consider good practice? What is your own personal preference? Which page ...
4 votes
0 answers

Using bibtex files with coauthors [closed]

When working with different coauthors, I have always had some troubles in using bibtex effectively. Everyone has its own set of bibtex entries, with keys in their own favorite format --- for instance, ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Social Reading Platform for Math or LaTeX texts

Social reading is considered to be one of the big trends that could be catalysing learning by reading. Features could include: Highlighting or annotating paragraphs or single steps in a proof for ...
8 votes
6 answers

What is a satisfactory way to format definitions in Latex?

There are several ways one may format a definition in latex, but each has their problems. Use the amsthm package, and the usual style for theorems. This will result in everything italicized. It is ...
3 votes
1 answer

Online latex editor [closed]

I am not sure if this is a proper place for my question, but: can anybody recommend any good online latex editor? Anyone interested in this would probably benefit from the answers to this question on ...
Sasha's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Suggestions for wiki farm with good latex support

I've decided to start a wiki to do collaborative mathematics. However I don't have access or control over a server. So I need a wiki farm. I've tried out pbworks and wikidot, but their latex support ...
11 votes
2 answers

Automatically extract a bibitem (not BibTeX!) from MathSciNet?

I am writing a small thing in which I am required to use manually formatted \bibitem entries rather than a BibTeX file. This takes a lot of time, and I probably get some of the formatting wrong. Is ...
Andreas Holmstrom's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

The (upper hat of) an octahedral diagram in (la)tex

I would like to draw an octahedral diagram in my paper; I would prefer to present it as the 'upper hat' + the 'lower hat' (as it is common in the texts on triangulated categories). Could anyone tell ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Accessing AMS fonts in LaTex

The document amsfndoc.pdf, available from the AMS website , has large tables of unusual fonts at the end. Can someone explain how I can access these fonts in a standard installation of LaTex? I use ...
Dan Ramras's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Why does the arXiv produce a messed-up DVI when the PDF is fine?

Historically, I've checked the quality of arXiv output by reading the PDF it creates; I learned today that this actually a serious mistake. If you look at the PDF and DVI for my most recent article, ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
  • 44.7k
93 votes
6 answers

How do I see LaTeX math on any web page and in email?

This is a follow up to this closed question. I open a random page, such as something on arXiv at 8:05 p.m. EST, and I see all these dollar signs, and I sigh and I wish that I could see nicely ...
VA.'s user avatar
  • 13.1k
6 votes
7 answers

Typesetting mathematics: how do {\em you} convert text into pdf?

Prompted by this question I would like to ask the community how they convert their mathematics into pdf files. In any given procedure for converting mathematics into pdf I am interested in two issues:...
42 votes
13 answers

How to draw knots with LaTeX?

I am writing an exam for my students, and the topic is intro knots theory. I have no idea how to put knots into the file, but I know many MO users who can draw amazing diagrams in their papers. Can ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
  • 30.5k
24 votes
3 answers

How do you make a good math research poster for a non-mathematical audience?

I have the opportunity to prepare a research poster for a non-mathematical, yet scientifically savvy audience, and I want to do it well. I have asked a few mathematicians, and I have heard the ...
49 votes
20 answers

Sources for BibTeX entries

Does anyone know of a good place to find already-done BibTeX entries for standard books in advanced math? Or is this impossible because the citation should include items specific to your copy? (I am ...
13 votes
1 answer

Seeing math when viewing abstracts on [closed]

One very enjoyable feature of mathoverflow is that the math just works. You enter it using the usual LaTeX, and then the jsMath magic does the rest. One of the most frequent activities for many ...
VA.'s user avatar
  • 13.1k
20 votes
3 answers

Modular Arithmetic in LaTeX

This question may end up [closed], but I'm going to ask and let the people decide. It's certainly the kind of question that I'd ask people at tea, and it's not one whose answer I've been able find ...
user1504's user avatar
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52 votes
5 answers

What is the best graph editor to use in your articles?

Here is the criteria for a "perfect" graph editor: it should be able to perform an automated, but controllable layout one is able to make "manual" enforcements to nodes and edges locations when you ...
18 votes
4 answers

Using TikZ in papers

I've started using TikZ for a paper I'm writing and am worrying that a journal might not accept the paper with inline TikZ. I had to update my PGF installation for all the examples to work and I'm not ...
Yossi Farjoun's user avatar
129 votes
19 answers

Periods and commas in mathematical writing

I just realized that I am a barbarian when it comes to writing. But I am not entirely sure, so this might be the right place to ask. When typing display-mode formulae do you guys add a period after ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Splitting book into chapters [closed]

I need a way to split output pdf-file (a book) into chapters on such a way that cross-references will survive. A simple example with a solution (based on answers below) can be found here
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Beamer printout [closed]

I have just created a presentation using beamer, and I want the "one" command at the top of the file that creates a printable version. It is true that I can recompile having searched for all the \...
15 votes
10 answers

Typo/grammar checker for LaTeX [closed]

Anyone know a good grammar checker for LaTeX? I find that by the time a paper is ready for submission that my small typos are invisible to me, because I have looked at it so many times already. ...
jon's user avatar
  • 801
116 votes
24 answers

Tools for collaborative paper-writing

I personally use a revision control system (git) to manage my own paper writing, back things up, and synchronize between different machines. However, I've found most programmer's revision control ...
32 votes
15 answers

Learning LaTeX properly [closed]

I have never learned how to use Latex properly. Whenever writing a paper, I use hacks to override behavior of the underlying template. What would be an intermediate to advanced book on learning how to ...
14 votes
8 answers

Automatically updating PDF reader for Windows

So, when doing LaTeX, it is absolutely necessary for ones sanity to using a preview program which updates automatically every time you compile. Of course, any previewer designed for DVIs will do this,...
Ben Webster's user avatar
  • 44.7k
3 votes
2 answers

Latex Template for a Popular Math Journal [closed]

Can anyone offer a Latex template for a popular mathematics journal? It is easy to prepare a template for a technical journal with simple page layout but what I am looking for is something like the ...
Sonat Suer's user avatar
18 votes
22 answers

LaTeX based document editors

I'm afraid my first question isn't a math puzzle per se, but rather question of math "presentation" . Basically I've been out of school for a year or two - so I'm a bit out of practice in writing up ...