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Linear Program Optimal Value

If $f(A,b,c)$ is the optimal value of a linear program $\min c.x$ subject to $A.x \leq b ; x \geq 0.$ Does $f(A,b,c)$ have a piecewise polynomial/rational upper bound in $(A,b,c)$ on the domain of ...
Pathikrit Basu's user avatar
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Random walk to visible lattice points

Consider a random walk from the $\mathbb{Z}^2$ origin $(0,0)$ to visible (not blocked) lattice points $p$, with a parameter $r$ a given radius of a circle centered on $p$. With $p$ the previous point, ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Illumination from visible lattice points with inverse square intensity

It is well known that the number of $\mathbb{Z}^2$ lattice points visible from the origin is $6/\pi^2$, about $61$%. See, e.g., What fraction of the integer lattice can be seen from the origin?. I am ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Mixed integer program and continuous Diophantine approximation

Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $n\geq 2$ and let $0<r<1$ be a real number. We wish to solve the following problem. $$\min_{(t,(z_j)_{j=2}^n) \in \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{Z}^{n-1}} t$$ subject to ...
Pathikrit Basu's user avatar
9 votes
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Connected geometric thickness two

A graph $G = (V,E)$ has geometric thickness two if there exists an embedding $\varphi: V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$ and a decomposition $E = E_1\cup E_2$ such that $G_1 = (V,E_1)$ and $G_2 = (V,E_2)$ ...
Till's user avatar
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Minimum number of common edges of triangulations

Let $S$ and $T$ be two triangulations. We define $c(S,T)$ as the number of edges shared by $S$ and $T$. With this, we can define $f(n) = \min_{P} \min_{S,T} c(S,T)$. Here the first minimum goes over ...
Till's user avatar
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Does Kalai's $3^d$ conjecture hold for simplicial spheres?

Kalai's $3^d$ conjecture asserts that every centrally symmetric $d$-polytope has at least $3^d$ non-empty faces. This is open in general, but has been proven for simplicial polytopes. Question: Does ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Divide Euclidean space by surfaces

It is well known that $n$ hyperplanes in $\mathbb{R}^k$ can divide $\mathbb{R}^k$ into at most $p$ regions where $p$ is \begin{equation} 1 + n + C^2_n + \cdots + C^k_n \end{equation} Is there similar ...
Hao Yu's user avatar
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On the number of intersection points between a curve and a (horizontal, vertical) line inside a unit square

I am looking for a reference (name, source) of the following elementary geometric combinatorial problem: Inside a unit square, given a smooth curve of length $L$. Then there exists a horizontal or ...
Vihun Pa's user avatar
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Frameworks in general position that are locally rigid but not infinitesimally rigid

The classical theorem of Asimow and Roth says that for a generic framework (i.e., coordinates of the nodes are algebraically independent), local rigidity and infinitesimal rigidity are equivalent. I ...
Pritam Majumder's user avatar
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The problem of finding the smallest number of copies of a certain shape that can be placed into a space to make fitting another copy impossible

Packing problems often ask for the largest number of some identical shape that can fit in a given space without overlapping, if they are placed optimally. I'm interested in the opposite question: Q. ...
EdvinW's user avatar
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Advice on results for balls on regular $N$-dimensional grids

I have obtained some results regarding balls on regular $N$-dimensional grids. I would like expert opinion on wether the results are significant or interesting enough for (trying to) publish them in a ...
Luis Mendo's user avatar
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Sum of square of parts, and sum of binomials over integer partition

Let $n$ be positive integer. Consider its integer partitions denoting as $(m_1,\cdots,m_k)$, where $m_1+\cdots+m_k=n$ and the order does not matter. We ignore the case of $(m_1,\cdots,m_k)=n$. I am ...
tony's user avatar
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Is the problem of vertex enumeration from an H-representation of a polytope NP-hard?

According to the Wikipedia page on the issue, the vertex enumeration problem is NP-hard. However, double description and reverse linear search are algorithms listed to solve the problem. Moreover, ...
Makogan's user avatar
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The optimal embedded and enclosing cardioids for a triangle

Ref: Earlier posts with similar questions: Smallest 3-ellipses that contain triangles and Curves of constant width that contain triangles Questions: Given any ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Can a regular icosahedron contain a rational point on each face?

The title says it all: Is there a (regular) icosahedron containing a rational point on each of its faces? For other Platonic solids, the affirmative answer is easy. Indeed, regular tetrahedra, cubes, ...
Ilya Bogdanov's user avatar
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Minimal set of geometric moves in various equivalence classes of triangulated geometries

I would like to get to know what is the minimal set of geometric changes "aka. moves" (topology preserving modifications / Pachner moves / bistellar moves) that can transform any 3-...
Kregnach's user avatar
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Which polytopes can be folded to an edge?

While playing with bar-and-joint linkages, I noticed that the skeleton of a regular 3-dimensional cube can be folded to a single edge (this can be achieved by first flexing the cube to bring it to a ...
Pritam Majumder's user avatar
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Which rectangles can be cut into mutually non-congruent rectangles all of same diagonal length?

This earlier post asks, among other things, whether the plane can be tiled with mutually non-congruent rectangles all of which have same length of diagonal: Tiling the plane with mutually non-...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Minimum number of points on sphere which cannot be covered by three double caps

What is the minimum number of points on the sphere $S^d \subset \mathbb{R}^{d+1}$ which cannot be covered by $d+1$ double caps? A double cap is defined to be a set $\{x \in S^d: |\langle x,a \rangle| &...
Tommy Williams's user avatar
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Does a matroid base polytope contain its circumcenter?

Let $(X,\mathcal B)$ be a matroid on the ground set $X=(x_1,...,x_n)$ and with set of bases $\mathcal B$, and let $P\subset\Bbb R^n$ be its matroid base polytope (i.e. the convex hull of the ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Which rectangles can be cut into finitely many rectangles all with same perimeter and different areas?

Ref 1: dividing a square into unique rectangles with the same perimeter Ref 1 asks if a square can be cut into some finite number of rectangles ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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On convex 3d bodies whose shadows are all of constant diameter [closed]

We add a bit to More on shadows of 3D convex bodies By a shadow of a 3D body, we mean the orthogonal projection of it onto a 2D plane. If all shadows of a convex 3D body have the same diameter, will ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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A projective plane in the Euclidean plane

Problem. Is there a subset $X$ in the Euclidean plane such that $X$ is not contained in a line and for any points $a,b,c,d\in X$ with $a\ne b$ and $c\ne d$, the intersection $X\cap\overline{ab}$ is ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Relationship of optimal solutions between the total function and the sub function

This is an unconstrained convex optimization problem. Let $\mathcal{N}=\left\{1,\ldots,n\right\}$, $2\leq n<\infty$. Suppose there are many strongly convex functions $f_i(x)$, where $x\in\mathbb{R}^...
lzzz's user avatar
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Show that $\max_{P_X : X\in (0,1) } \left| \frac{\mathbb{E} [ f'(X) ]}{ \mathbb{E} [ f(X) ] } \right|$ is maximized by at most two mass points

Let $f$ be some given well-behaved function. Consider the following optimization problem overall probability distribution on $[0,1]$ \begin{align} \max_{P_X : X\in [0,1] } \left| \frac{\mathbb{E} [ ...
Boby's user avatar
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$A^*$ algorithm to find shortest path when weights in my graph are the inverse of distance

Given a graph G=(V,E) where the weights on my edges are inverse of Euclidian distance between nodes, I want to know if I can use A* algorithm to find the shortest path. How I need to modify the ...
user2512443's user avatar
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On largest convex m-gons contained in a given convex n-gon where m < n

This post is the inside-out variant of On smallest convex m-gons that contain a given n-gon where m<n Given a convex n-gon region P, and an m less than n, how to find the max area convex m-gon Q ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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The number of incidences between points and parabolas on $\mathbb{R}^2$

I was reading Adam Sheffer's book "Polynomial Methods and Incidence Theory" and I tried to solve the following exercise: Exercise 1.1 Construct a set $\mathcal{P}$ of $m$ points and a set $\...
RFZ's user avatar
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On smallest convex m-gons that contain a given n-gon where m<n

Given a convex n-gon region P, and an m less than n, will the least area convex m-gon Q that contains P be such that an edge of Q coincides with an edge of P (in other words Q cannot be such that P ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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On points in the interior of planar convex regions and inscribed triangles

Given any planar convex region C, it is easy to show that every point in the interior C is the mid point of at least one chord of C. Likewise, Question: Is every point in the interior of C the ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Locality and restriction properties for self-avoiding and loop-erasing random walks

This question has been cross-posted from : I ...
Testcase's user avatar
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A variant of the corners problem

Question: What is the size of the largest subset of $[n]^2$ containing no three point configurations of the form $(x,y), (x,y+d), (x+d,y')$ with $d \neq 0$? In particular, is it at most $O(n)$? Recall ...
Kevin's user avatar
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When do the centers of mass of a uniform convex planar region as a whole and of its boundary alone coincide?

Given a uniform planar convex region C, let us consider 2 centers of mass - the center of mass of the region as a whole and the center of mass of its boundary alone (assuming its boundary to have ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Equivalent formulation of Szemerédi-Trotter theorem

I am reading the first chapter of Adam Sheffer's book "Polynomial Methods and Incidence Theory" and in Lemma 1.15 he proves an equivalent formulation of Szemerédi-Trotter theorem. Before ...
RFZ's user avatar
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Have the affine simplicial line arrangments been enumerated?

I am looking for a classification (or attempt at enumeration) of affine simplicial line arrangements. A line arrangment is a family of straight lines in $\Bbb R^2$. It is simplicial if all regions are ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Optimization on non-convex set

Let $\Omega$ be an open bounded subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$ and $f\in L^2(\Omega)$ be a given function. Consider the optimization problem $$\mathrm{min} \int_\Omega u(x) f(x) \,dx\,,$$ where a minimum is ...
mlogm's user avatar
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Continuous point map for spherical domains

Consider the space $J$ of Jordan domains on the sphere $\textbf{S}^2$, i.e., continuous injective maps from the unit disk into $\textbf{S}^2$ modulo homeomorphisms of the disk. How can one construct a ...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
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Planar convex region maximizing the difference in 'orientation' between its smallest containing rectangle and largest contained rectangle

We say a rectangle has orientation $\theta$ if the vector from its center to the middle of its shortest side (parallel to the longest side) has some angle $\theta$ with X axis. Consider a planar ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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To optimally wrap convex laminae with paper

Ref: On folding a polygonal sheet, Multi-layered wrapping of polyhedra Basic intent: to wrap a given convex planar lamina with a convex sheet of non-stretchable paper (such that every point on both ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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What does it mean "parallel"?

I am thinking on a strict definition of the notion of parallel affine sets in a linear space and came to the following Definition 1: An affine set $A$ is parallel to an affine set $B$ in a linear ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Alternating Sum Involving Catalan Numbers

I was wondering if anyone knew how to obtain a simpler closed form of the following sum(or had any other insights regarding it): $$\sum_{k=0}^n (-1)^k{n \choose k} C_{2n-2-k} $$ Here $C_n = \frac{1}{n+...
interstice's user avatar
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Membership test of convex set

Let $K$ be a compact convex subset of $R^n$ which has some positive gaussian measure, say at least 1/2. For each nonzero vector $u \in R^n$, we define another compact convex set $K * u$ in the ...
Sandra's user avatar
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A claim on planar sections of 3D convex bodies

Ref: More on shadows of 3D convex bodies, Shadows and planar sections of polyhedra Given a 3D convex body C, we define a maximal area (perimeter) section of C with respect to any specified direction $...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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More on shadows of 3D convex bodies

Ref: Shadows and planar sections of polyhedra By shadow we mean the orthogonal projection of a convex 3D body C onto a 2D plane, for example, the shadow on the xy-plane, with C above (z>0) that ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Beating trivial bound for $k$-AP-free sets in characteristic $k$

Given integers $k,n\ge 1$, I shall write $\Bbb{Z}_k^n := (\Bbb{Z}/k\Bbb{Z})^n$. Fix $k\ge 3$. Let $r_k(\Bbb{Z}_k^n)$ denote the cardinality of the largest $A\subset \Bbb{Z}_k^n$, such that $A$ does ...
Zach Hunter's user avatar
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On convex solids with all plane sections affine congruent

Question: How many (classes of) convex 3D solids are there such that all non-degenerate planar sections of the solid are mutually affine congruent? Further question: Same as above with 'projective' ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Calculating a relaxed Delaunay Triangulation

The triangles of a planar Delaunay Triangulations are essentially characterized by the property that no triangle's corner is inside another triangle's circumcircle; Delaunay Triangulations can be ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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A claim on concurrency of 'Width Bisectors' of planar convex regions

We add a bit to A claim on the concurrency of area bisectors of planar convex regions Define a width of a planar convex region $C$ as the distance between two parallel lines that just touch $C$. A ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Real-isability of a (relatively small) subconfiguration of the Klein configuration

The Klein configuration consists of $60$ points and $60$ planes in $\mathbb C\mathbf P^3$, each point lying on $15$ of the planes and each plane containing $15$ of the points. It appears, among many ...
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