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Rank of covariance matrix whose diagonal elements are same [closed]

Suppose A is a covariance matrix whose diagonal elements are same, i.e. $A_{1,1}=A_{2,2}=\cdots=A_{N,N}$, can we conclude that A is full rank? Suppose the absolute values of the off-diagonal elements ...
user2008790's user avatar
7 votes
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Existence of a generalized matrix inverse over an arbitrary field?

Let $A\in M_n(K)$ be a square matrix over a field $K$. The notion of inverse matrix was generalized by Moore and Penrose for real and complex matrices (also called pseudo-inverse $A^{\dagger}$ of $A$, ...
Dietrich Burde's user avatar
12 votes
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Largest subset of $GL_n(p)$ in which pairwise subtraction is also in $GL_n(p)$

Suppose $X\subset \mathrm{GL}_n(p)$ is a set of invertible matrices such that for every $A,B\in X$ then also $A-B\in \mathrm{GL}_n(p)\cup \{0\}$. (If anyone knows a name for such sets I would be ...
A.B.'s user avatar
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Maximum dimension of an isotropic subspace in a quadratic space

i hope my question is not too trivial. Let's suppose we have a vector space $V$ with a unimodular quadratic form $q$ of signature $(m,n)$. My question is: which is the maximum dimension of an ...
michael waltz's user avatar
1 vote
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"Stable" bounds on maximum size independent set in a graph

Suppose we have a graph $G=(V,E)$, and we want to upper bound $|I|/|V|$, where $I$ is the largest independent set in $G$. Then there is the Hoffman bound, which is $|I|/|V| \leq -\lambda_{min}/(\...
karpasi's user avatar
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8 votes
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Inequalities for Hadamard products of complex symmetric matrices

Consider a complex symmetric matrix $$ C= C_R + i C_I $$ with $C_R,C_I \in \text{Mat}_{n\times n}(\mathbb R)$ symmetric, and assume that the eigenvalues of $C_R$ are all strictly positive. Then, $C$ ...
martin's user avatar
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Restricted Isometry Property (Non Sparse Gaussian)

Let $x$ be a $N \times 1$ vector in $\mathbb{R}^{N}$ where $M$ components are zero and the remaining $N-M$ components are standard normal random variables. $x$ may not be sparse e.g. $M$ may be ...
Mykie's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Opposite complex structure on Kaehler manifold

Let $(M,J)$ be a Kaehler manifold. How can one describe the opposite complex structure? What is the precise definition of the opposite complex structure? Can one describe the opposite complex ...
Michael's user avatar
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decomposition according to embeddings

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{Q}$ and $L/\mathbb{Q}$ a finite extension. Assume that $V$ is equipped with a structure of $L$-vector space. Then there is a decomposition $$...
compositio's user avatar
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Lattice basis reductions and finding minimal values

While reading several articles about lattice basis reduction I am left with a few questions. For one, I came across this piece of text Let $\alpha$ and $\beta \in \mathbb{R}$. Also let $X>0$ and $...
Zoe's user avatar
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How do you solve a tridiagonal matrix where all 3 diagonals are ones? [closed]

This is probably really simple, and I'm missing something, but Thomas' algorithm doesn't seem to work.
Kenneth's user avatar
2 votes
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Eigenvalues of powers of linear mappings

Let $\tau$ be a linear map on a finite dimensional complex vector space. Clearly, if $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $\tau$ then $\lambda^n$ is an eigenvalue of $\tau^n$, for any natural (integer, on ...
Michal R. Przybylek's user avatar
3 votes
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Simultaneous Linear System

Given a n-by-n matrix $\mathbf{\phi}$ and a vector $\mathbf{X}$, solve for the two vectors $\mathbf{\Phi}$ and $\mathbf{\Omega}$ that satisfy: $$ \Phi_i = \sum_{l} \frac{\phi_{il}X_l}{\Omega_l} $$ $$...
Ken's user avatar
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5 votes
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How did Hankel determinants get the name Hankel-Hadamard?

My question concerns the name for determinants of Hankel-matrices $H = (s_{i+j})_{i,j = 0}^n$. In the classical textbook of Shohat and Tamarkin (1943) "The Problem of Moments", these determinants are ...
Maria Z's user avatar
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How to determine there exists a unique invariant subspace for a set of matrices

Hi everyone, Ive been looking at the following problem, but its not entirely in my area and some potential solutions seem to rely on algebraic geometry. Maybe thats just a complicated way to solve ...
jeremy's user avatar
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4 votes
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Checking if a binary vector lies in the affine span of given binary vectors

Let $x_1,\ldots,x_N \in \{0,1\}^D$ be $N$ binary vectors in ${\mathbb R}^D$, assumed affinely independent. Is there an efficient algorithm for determining whether a new binary vector $x_{N+1}$ is in ...
Andre's user avatar
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square root of a certain matrix [closed]

Hello, I'd like to know the square root of the following $n$ by $n$ matrix, for $n > 2$ and $r>0$: $R_{ii}=r+1$ for $i < n$ $R_{ij}=r$ otherwise The $2$ by $2$ case is given by $\sqrt{R}=\...
user avatar
7 votes
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Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for bilinear forms valued in an abstract vector space

I previously posted this question on Math.SE but didn't receive an answer. It is perhaps a little vague; part of what I want to know is what question I should ask. First, consider the following form ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
1 vote
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Name of operations on two vectors

Suppose we have two vectors $x\in \mathbb{R}^n$ and $y\in \mathbb{R}^m$. I could define the mapping $$ T: \mathbb{R}^n\times \mathbb{R}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n\times m} $$ as follows $$ T(x,y) = ( ...
Fedor Nikitin's user avatar
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Subspace generated by positive vectors

Hi everyone, first of all i must admit i'm very familiar with quadratic forms and positive subspaces, so i'm sorry if my question is too trivial. So, here's my problem: Let $L$ be a real vector space ...
Filippo Amaducci's user avatar
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Tangent space to positive oriented Grassmannians

Let $L$ be a real vector space of dimension 22 and $q$ a quadratic form on $L$ of signature $(3,19)$. Let $V\subset L$ be a positive oriented subspace of dimension 2 and $G^{po}(2,L)$ be the ...
Filippo Amaducci's user avatar
2 votes
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Hessian of function of covariance matrices

Suppose we have a typical logdet function $\mathcal{L}$ with respect to a covariance matrix $\mathbf{A}$, $$ \mathcal{L}(\mathbf{A}) = \log\vert \mathbf{I} + \mathbf{A}\mathbf{S} \vert - \mathbf{q}^T(\...
liubenyuan's user avatar
10 votes
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A strange matrix equality

Let $A$ and $B$ be $n\times n$ real matrices. When $n=2$, we have the equality $$A\Big(\mbox{Trace}(B)A-\mbox{Trace}(A)B\Big) B=B\Big(\mbox{Trace}(B)A-\mbox{Trace}(A)B\Big) A.$$ Can we give an ...
driss-alamilouati's user avatar
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Second eigenvalue of a weighted tree

Hello, I am interested in upper bounding the second largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of a graph $T$ with the following property: 1. $T$ contains self loops. 2. $T$ contains multiple edges (...
Daniel86's user avatar
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On the linear transformation between matrix space

Suppose we have two matrix subspaces, $n\times n$ matrix subspace $S_1$ and $m\times m$ matrix subspace $S_2$. Every element of $S_1$ and $S_2$ is complex symmetric matrix. Suppose there exists ...
gondolf's user avatar
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Positive subspaces of quadratic forms

here's my question: Let $V$ be a k-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{R}$ and $q$ a quadratic form on $V$ of signature $(m,n)$ , $m+n=k$. We have $W\subset V$ a positive (with respect to the ...
Tony Harrison's user avatar
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Tensor product with $\mathbb{R}$ of an even unimodular lattice

Let $\Lambda$ be an unimodular even lattice of signature $(m,n)$. By a classifying theorem by Milnor, $\Lambda$ must be of the form $U^k\oplus E_8(\pm 1)^l$, where $U$ is the hyperbolic plane. Now ...
Tony Harrison's user avatar
16 votes
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How to explain the picturesque patterns in François Brunault's matrix?

How to explain the patterns in the matrix defined in François Brunault's answer to the question Freeness of a Z[x] module depicted below? -- Choosing colors according to the highest power of 2 which ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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Regularized Gradient with respect to a matrix (with a specific structure)

Suppose we have a typical logdet function $\mathcal{L}$ $$ \mathcal{L} = \log\vert \mathbf{I} + \mathbf{A}\mathbf{S} \vert - \mathbf{q}^T(\mathbf{A}^{-1} + \mathbf{S})^{-1} \mathbf{q}, $$ where $\...
liubenyuan's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Multivariate analogue of Vandermonde determinant

Dear all, Consider the $(n+1)\times (n+1)$ matrix $A$ with indeterminates $X_i, Y_i$, $0\leq i\leq n$ such that the $(i,j)$-th entry is given by $X_i^jY_i^{n-j}$. The $i$-th row is $(X_i^n,X_i^{n-1}...
Zeyu's user avatar
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"Spectral decomposition" action on the unitary group

Consider a matrix $U$ from the unitary group $U_N(\mathbb{C})$ and consider the map $f:U_N(\mathbb{C})\rightarrow U_N(\mathbb{C})$ where $f(U)$ is the matrix of the eigenvectors of $U$. What is ...
Adrien Hardy's user avatar
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Diagonal of the inverse of a 6x6 symmetric partitioned matrix

Let $$M = \begin{bmatrix} A & B \\ B & C \end{bmatrix}$$ in which $A$, $B$ and $C$ are $3 \times 3$ matrices being also symmetric. In fact, they are quite similar, just differing on a single ...
Martin's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of Sum of non-singular matrix and diagonal matrix

Suppose $D={\rm diag}(d_i)$ is a diagonal matrix with all diagonal entries $d_i=\pm 1$. This implies $D^2=I$. Suppose $A$ is a non-singular Hermitian matrix. If we know that $A+A^{-1}+D$ has rational ...
katie's user avatar
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Rank of a 0-1-matrix

Suppose $K$ is a field of characteristic $0$. Let $M \in K^{n \times m}$ be a matrix such that every entry of $M$ is either $0$ or $1$. About this matrix, I know further that each sum over a column ...
Fabian Werner's user avatar
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solving trace norm equality [closed]

Problem Formulation under what conditions can we solve $\mathrm{trace}(\mathbf{AB})=0$ ? or more specifically, when will $\mathrm{trace}(\mathbf{AB})=0$ implies that $\mathrm{trace}(\mathbf{B})=0$. ...
liubenyuan's user avatar
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What is the largest possible operator norm of a sparse (0,1)-matrix?

Inspired by this question, I was wondering about the following problem: Consider all $n\times n$ $(0,1)$-matrices with $k$ ones. Which of these matrices has the largest operator norm? And how does ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
8 votes
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Integer solution to special system of linear equations

This problem appear in my research, but I am unable to solve it. There should be an easy argument, but I have not yet found it. Informal version An integer $k\geq 2$ is fixed. We are given a matrix (...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
3 votes
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Question about the elementary divisors of a special matrix

I have the following question: Is there a closed formula for the elementary divisors of the Matrix $M=\lbrace (m_{ij})\rbrace_{i=1,...,n,\ j=1,...,k}$, where $m_{ij}$ is the greatest common ...
Monkey D Ruffy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Upper bound on iterations count for power iteration algorithm

I'm stuck trying to get upper bound on iterations count for power iteration algroithm for finding first eigenvalue of adjacency matrix $A$ given tolerance value. I've tried to figure something out ...
TotalNoob's user avatar
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Optimization over Spectral Laplacian in cycles and trees

Is there any idea on how one can deal with an optimization problem of sum of k largest eigenvalues(min) of Laplacian matrix of a simple cycle or tree? I would like to use semidefinite programming for ...
Royeh's user avatar
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when upper triangular matrix modulo prime ideals implies upper triangular?

Let $E/ \mathbb{Q}_p$ be a finite extension, let $\mathcal{O}$ be the ring of integers of $E$. Let $A$ be a reduced noetherian local complete $\mathcal{O}$-algebra with the maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$...
Przemyslaw Chojecki's user avatar
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Relaxation = absorption?

Let $A$ be a stochastic matrix, that is, the entries are non-negative and each row adds to $1$. Assume that it is primitive, that is, $A^n$ has only positive entries for sufficiently large $n$. We ...
anon's user avatar
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Deducing Linear Inequalities

Let $X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n $ be indeterminates. Denote by $S$ the set of all linear inequalities of the form $X_{i_1}+X_{i_2}+\ldots+X_{i_k} \geq k,$ with $k \in \{ 1,2,\ldots,n \}$ and $1 \leq i_1< ...
user21277's user avatar
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Regarding a Paper by Paul.A Clement on Tridiagonal Matrices

In Paul.A Clement's (1959) paper: A Class of Triple-Diagonal Matrices for Test Purposes SIAM Review, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan., 1959), pp. 50-52 He makes the claim ...
FlamingWilderbeest's user avatar
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Tensors as multilinear maps

I am aware that many books on differential geometry define tensors as multilinear maps. Namely $$ V\otimes W := L_2(V^* \times W^*,\Bbb F) $$ I am also aware that this space is isomorphic to the ...
Markus's user avatar
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Arrangements of hyperplanes

Fix $n>0$ and $X\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n$. A function $f:X\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is linear if it is of the form $$ f(\bar{x})=a_1x_1+\ldots+a_nx_n+b $$ for some $a_i,b\in\mathbb{R}$. Suppose we ...
Gabe Conant's user avatar
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Reference (or proof) for the following identity in Linear Algebra

Suppose both $A$ and $B$ are matrices with dimensions $n \times m$ and $n \times p$ respectively. Assume $m + p < n $ and $A \neq 0$ and $B \neq 0$. Further, assume Im($B$) $\cap$ Im($A$) = {0}. ...
Yao Hong Kok's user avatar
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Dense Matrix Estimation

I have a matrix $X \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ and I want to estimate it with a dense matrix $Y^{m\times n}$ such that $Y$ is still close to $X$ in some distance measure. Is this doable in a ...
Taha's user avatar
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Maximal norm-1 projection

Suppose I have a real unitary matrix $U$ and a unit vector $\mathbf{x}, \|\mathbf{x}\|_2 = 1$. What is the solution to the following problem? $$ \widehat{\mathbf{x}} = \arg\max_{\mathbf{x}, ~\|\...
Taha's user avatar
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Expected value of trace of matrix inverse

Given a $N\times K$ matrix $A$ of full rank with $ K < N $, a diagonal matrix $D$ and knowing that $E[D]=bI_N$, where $E[\cdot]$ is the expected value and $I_N$ is the $N\times N$ identity matrix ...
Peter's user avatar
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