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"Next steps" after TQFT?

(Disclaimer: I'm rather nervous that this isn't appropriate for MathOverflow, but given the contents of my question I don't really know a better place to ask something like this.) Recently, I've been ...
Nicholas James's user avatar
18 votes
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What is the strongest nerve lemma?

The most basic nerve lemma can be found as Corollary 4G.3 in Hatcher's Algebraic Topology: If $\mathcal U$ is an open cover of a paracompact space $X$ such that every nonempty intersection of ...
2xThink's user avatar
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When can we extend a diffeomorphism from a surface to its neighborhood as identity?

Let $M$ be a closed and simply-connected 4-manifold and let $f: M^4 \to M^4$ be a diffeomorphism such that $f^*: H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})\to H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})$ is the identity map. Moreover, let $\Sigma \...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
13 votes
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pizza lemma (topology)

given six real-analytic arcs in the unit disk $D$, each of which connects the origin to a boundary point, and no two arcs meet anywhere except at the origin, and the arcs meet at equal (60 degree) ...
Michael Beeson's user avatar
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Counter example to lifting contractibility of a topological space

I'm looking for a simple example of an open proper continuous map between topological spaces $\varphi:X\to Y$ such that : $Y$ is contractible and locally contractible ; for any $y\in Y$, $\varphi^{-1}...
thibaud lemanissier's user avatar
12 votes
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3 manifolds with diffeomorphic unit tangent bundles

What can one say about two closed oriented 3-manifolds $M_1$ and $M_2$ such that $S^2 \times M_1$ is diffeomorphic to $S^2 \times M_2$?
Murat Saglam's user avatar
9 votes
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Sheaf cohomology of non-paracompact manifolds (e.g. the long line)

I have long heard that manifolds are "affine". If we allow non-paracompact manifolds, then this seems to fail, since as explained in Dmitri Pavlov's answer, the Serre–Swan theorem fails. I ...
Z. M's user avatar
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Homotopical characterization of CW complexes

Let $X$ be a compact metrizable topological space of covering dimension $n\leq 3$. Is it possible to give a necessary and sufficient condition for $X$ to be a CW complex in terms of the homotopy types ...
Nguyen's user avatar
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Homotopical characterization of manifolds

Let $X$ be a compact metrizable topological space of covering dimension $4$. Assume that for any point $x\in X$ any neighbourhood of $x$ contains a contractible open neighbourhood $U$ such that $U\...
Nguyen's user avatar
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Pseudocycle definition of open Gromov-Witten invariants

I decided my original question was unnecessarily long, and have edited to simply ask the desired question directly (the below is much more direct than my original post, though it may seem just as long!...
Sam Lewallen's user avatar
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The Klee Trick for subsets of $\mathbb{R}^3$

Update: The lead paragraph has been changed to reflect the solution to a related question. I asked the question Is dimension given by the Klee trick ever sharp? and it has been answered in the ...
Neil Hoffman's user avatar
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Spaces that never separate the Hilbert cube

I am interested in topological spaces such that whenever the space embeds into the Hilbert cube, the image of the embedding has a path-connected complement. Any finite dimensional space has this ...
Igor Belegradek's user avatar
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Intersection form of logarithmic transformations

Now I want to calculate the intersection form of a logarithmic transformation which is defined as follows. Let $X$ be an oriented, closed, simply-connected 4-manifold and $T^2\subset X$ be an ...
Hopf Fibration's user avatar
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Classification of contractible open n-manifolds which embed in a compact n-manifold

Does there exist a classification of contractible open $n$-manifolds ($n\geq 3$) which embed in a compact $n$-manifold? More general, does there exist a classification of contractible open $n$-...
Shijie Gu's user avatar
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Logarithm on formal power series continuous?

Denote $V:=\mathbb{R}^d$ and consider the Cartesian product $V^\infty:=\prod_{k=0}^\infty V^{\otimes k}$ together with its canonical projections $\pi_k : V^\infty\rightarrow V^{\otimes k}, (v_0, v_1, \...
fsp-b's user avatar
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Quotients of 4-sphere by smooth $Z_p$ actions with knotted fixed point sets

This question is closely related to another I asked today. Giffen showed in 1966 that the generalized Smith conjecture is false by constructing for odd $p$ a smooth $Z_p$ action on $S^4$ with fixed-...
benblumsmith's user avatar
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Homeomorphisms of product spaces: an example

In the first of these lectures ( given by M. Freedman he says that there exists (compact metric) spaces $X$ and $Y$ such that $X\times S^{1}$ is homeomorphic to $...
Dario's user avatar
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$M^3$ admits $Sol$ geometry if and only if $\pi_1M$ is virtually solvable but not virtually nilpotent?

Let $M$ be a closed, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold and having an infinite fundamental group. Is it true that $M$ admits $Sol$ geometry if and only if $\pi_1M$ is virtually solvable but not ...
YC Su's user avatar
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Aspherical space whose fundamental group is subgroup of the Euclidean isometry group

Let $M$ be a smooth, compact manifold without a boundary, with its universal covering $\tilde{M} = \mathbb{R}^n$. If there exists an injective homomorphism $h: \pi_1(M) \rightarrow O(k) \ltimes \...
Chicken feed's user avatar
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Sheaf-like reconstruction of a continuous function

Let $X$ and $Y$ be topological manifolds and let $\{(\phi_x,U_x)\}_{x \in X}$ and $\{(\psi_y,Y_y)\}_{y \in Y}$ be respective atlases of $X$ and $Y$; with each $\phi_x:U_x\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n,\...
ABIM's user avatar
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What is the local structure of a fibration?

It's sometimes said that a fibration is a fiber bundle which is not locally trivial. I'd like to make this precise, by identifying the "local models" on which fibrations are modeled. Here I'd like ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Quotienting disk inside sphere result in sphere

Let $S^k$ be a topological $k$-dimensional sphere. Let $D^k$ be a $k$ dimensional disk that includes in $S^k$. Let $q: D^k \to D^r$ be a map and $r \leq k$. Let $$W = S^k \sqcup D^r/\sim$$ where $S^...
Prasit's user avatar
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Is there a notion of "locally flat" for CW complexes?

A submanifold $X^n\subset Y^m$ is locally flat if each point $x\in X$ has a neighborhood $U\subset Y$ so that $(U,U\cap X)\simeq (\Bbb R^m, \Bbb R^n)$ with the standard embedding $\Bbb R^n\...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Does a contractible locally connected continuum have an fixed point property?

I'm surprised that I can't find any research on this topic. Maybe it's too obvious? Kinoshita proved that contractible continuum do not have FPP, but his example is not locally connected. Maybe if we ...
LoliDeveloper's user avatar
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Symmetric line spaces are homeomorphic to Euclidean spaces

For points $x,y,z$ of a metric space $(X,d)$ we write $\mathbf Mxyz$ and say that $y$ is a midpoint between $x$ and $z$ if $d(x,z)=d(x,y)+d(y,z)$ and $d(x,y)=d(y,z)$. Definition: A metric space $(X,d)$...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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In how far does the Whitney trick work in the piecewise linear setting in $\Bbb R^4$?

I usually read about the Whitney trick in the context of smooth manifolds, but I wonder in how far it works in the piecewise linear (PL) category as well. I have a specific setting in mind that I will ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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'Monodromy' for relative homology group

Let $A$ and $X$ be topological manifolds. Denote by $\mathbb {Emb}(A,X)$ the space of all topological embeddings $A\to X$. A loop $f_s:A\to X$ ($s\in[0,1]$) in $\mathbb{Emb}(A,X)$ should give rise to ...
Hang's user avatar
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Enlarging a compact set in order to improve its shape

In my previous question it was established that if $X$ is a metrizable, connected, locally path connected space and $K\subset X$ is compact, then there is a Peano continuum $L\subset X$ such that $K\...
erz's user avatar
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source of argument about relative primeness of simple closed curves on tori

I have know this argument for decades. I have no idea of its source. If anyone knows (not guesses) its origin, then I would be very appreciative. My guesses are among Ralph Fox, JHC Whitehead, RH ...
Matt Brin's user avatar
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A generalized ellipse

We know that an ellipse is the locus of all point $z$ in the plane with $$|z-a|+|z-b|=\lambda$$ where $a,b$ are two given points in the plane and $\lambda$ is a constant. Now we consider the ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Finiteness of non-orientable 3-manifolds with the same orientable two-fold cover

Given a compact, orientable and boundary incompressible 3-manifold $M$. Suppose that either $M$ is closed, or $\partial M$ consists of tori. For which non-orientable 3-manifolds $N$, the orientable ...
YC Su's user avatar
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"Maehara-style" proof of Jordan-Schoenflies theorem?

The highest upvoted answer to this old question Nice proof of the Jordan curve theorem? is a proof by Ryuji Maehara. I personally really liked/appreciated that Maehara's proof is A) a fairly ...
D.R.'s user avatar
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Is the thickening of a PL 2-disc in $\Bbb R^4$ a 4-ball?

Let $D\subset\Bbb R^4$ be a PL-embedded 2-dimensional disc. Let $N=D+K$ be a thickening of the disc, where $K$ is some sufficiently small 4-dimensional PL-ball and "$+$" means Minkowski ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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When do Polish spaces admit complete metric making them $\mathrm{CAT}(\kappa)$?

Question $\DeclareMathOperator\CAT{CAT}$Let $X$ be a Polish space. When are there known conditions under which $X$'s topology can be metrized by a metric $d$ such that $(X,d)$ is a: $\CAT(\kappa)$ ...
Carlos_Petterson's user avatar
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Commutator length of the fundamental group of some grope

A popular way to describe a grope as the direct limit $L$ of a nested sequence of compact 2-dimensional polyhedra $L_0 \to L_1 \to L_2 \to \cdots$ obtained as follows. Take $L_0$ as some $S_g$, an ...
Shijie Gu's user avatar
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A holomorphic shrinking of a domain into a compact subset

This question is related to these two. Let $X\subset \mathbb{C}^{n}$ be a bounded domain. I am interested in the following property: there is a sequence of continuous maps $\varphi_n:\overline{X}\to X$...
erz's user avatar
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A user guide to the theory on Corks

I am trying to digest the meanings of the corks from the both: algebraic topology and geometry topology perspectives. Studying corks is important for understanding the exotic phenomenon of 4-...
wonderich's user avatar
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Find a certain triangulation subordinate to a given covering of a manifold

Let $\{U_\alpha\}$ be a covering of a smooth manifold $M$. Replacing it by a refined covering if necessary, we may assume some good properties of it, like, (1) any intersection $\cap_{i=1}^k U_{\...
Hang's user avatar
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Weak contractibility of some infinite dimensional metric spaces

Let $(X_{n},d_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of complete geodesic metric spaces such that: $X_{n}$ is a regular$^1$ CW-complex of constant local dimension$^3$ $n$, it is of finite type$^4$, ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Cubical approximation theorem for cubical complexes

A version of the simplicial approximation theorem states that a continuous map between finite simplicial complexes is homotopic to a simplicial map after subdividing the domain. I have found a claim ...
Ben Knudsen's user avatar
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A link of four 2-tori $T^2$ in $S^2 \times S^2$

Step 1: We glue two sets of complement space of $D^2\times T^2$ out of the 4-sphere $S^4$, through their $T^3$ boundary with their three $S^1$ boundaries of $T^3$ cyclic permuted to obtain a new 4-...
wonderich's user avatar
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A link of four 2-tori $T^2$ in $S^3 \times S^1 \# S^2 \times S^2 \# S^2 \times S^2$

Step 1: We glue two sets of complement space of $D^2\times T^2$ out of the 4-sphere $S^4$, through their $T^3$ boundary to obtain a new 4-manifold: $$(S^4 \smallsetminus D^2\times T^2) \cup (S^4 \...
wonderich's user avatar
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When closed subsets have finitely many connected componenets

Let $X$ be topological space such that every its closed subset has finitely many connected componenets. Is there any charactrization for such topological space?
etale space's user avatar
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Extension of a tangent vector field

Let $\Omega$ be an open subset of $S^2$ with $\overline{\Omega} \neq S^2$. Suppose a continuous tangent vector field $G$ is defined on $\partial \Omega$ such that $|G(y)| = 1$ for all $y \in \partial \...
MathLearner's user avatar
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Subsets of $\mathbb{S}^n$ fixed by an orientation-reversing self-homeomorphism — Part 1

Call a subset $Z$ of $\mathbb{S}^n$ ambiently-reversible, if there is an orientation-reversing self-homeomorphism $h: \mathbb{S}^n \to \mathbb{S}^n$ fixing $Z$ pointwise. Question 1: Which subsets of ...
Agelos's user avatar
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Single theorem for hybrid of winding number and rotation number?

I am trying to make mathematical sense of some observations from my physics research, so I hope that you will bear with me. For a complex-valued function $z(t)$ dependent on parameter $t$, I calculate ...
TribalChief's user avatar
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Is the reversibility of inflation of a subset equivalent to its smoothness?

$D_r(x)$ denotes a closed ball of radius $r$ centered at $x$. Definition. Let $M \subset \mathbb{R}^n$. $D_r (M): = \bigcup\limits_{x \in M} D_r (x)$ $Int_r (M): = \{x ~|~ D_r(x) \subset M\}$ ...
Arshak Aivazian's user avatar
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Continuous injective functions with dense image

Let $X$ be the set of continuous, injective functions from $\mathbb{R}^n$ to $\mathbb{R}^n$ with dense image; and equip $X$ with the (relative) compact-open topology. What is known about this space? ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Dense embeddings into Euclidean space

The question is a follow-up on this old post. Fix a positive integer $d$ and consider $\mathbb{R}^d$ with its usual Euclidean topology. Given a metric space $(X,\delta_X)$, what conditions are ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Retracting to a bigger compact

Consider the topological spaces $X$ with the following property: For every compact $K\subseteq X$ there is a compact set $L$ such that $K\subseteq L\subseteq X$ and $L$ is a retract of $X$. Let ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar