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105 votes
5 answers

Independent evidence for the classification of topological 4-manifolds?

Is there any evidence for the classification of topological 4-manifolds, aside from Freedman's 1982 paper "The topology of four-dimensional manifolds", Journal of Differential Geometry 17(3) 357–453? ...
Brendan Guilfoyle's user avatar
60 votes
6 answers

Torsion in homology or fundamental group of subsets of Euclidean 3-space

Here's a problem I've found entertaining. Is it possible to find a subset of 3-dimensional Euclidean space such that its homology groups (integer coefficients) or one of its fundamental groups is not ...
Ryan Budney's user avatar
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33 votes
1 answer

Fake versus Exotic

Without recourse to the Disc Theorem (or its progeny), is it true that all known examples of exotic differentiable structures on 4-manifolds would be fake rather than exotic? Terminology (perhaps non-...
Brendan Guilfoyle's user avatar
49 votes
3 answers

Thurston's 24 questions: All settled?

Thurston's 1982 article on three-dimensional manifolds1 ends with $24$ "open questions":       $\cdots$ Two naive questions from an outsider: (1) Have all $24$ now been resolved? (2)...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

connectivity of the group of orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the sphere

In the paper "Local Contractions and a Theorem of Poincare" Sternberg has mentioned the following question which was open when the paper was written: Is the group of orientation-preserving ...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Is the normal bundle of a torus trivial?

Question: Let $T^k \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$, $ n > k$, be a smoothly embedded $k$-torus. Is its normal bundle trivial? What about the normal bundle of $S^k \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$, $n > k$, the $...
Matthew Kvalheim's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Sperner's Lemma implies Tucker's Lemma - simple combinatorial proof

Sperner’s Lemma is often called the "combinatorial analog" of Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem, and similarly Tucker’s Lemma is often called the combinatorial analog of Borsuk–Ulam’s Theorem. We can ...
Claus's user avatar
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18 votes
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Proper discontinuity and existence of a fundamental domain

I am currently teaching a topics course where I talk about some discrete groups acting properly. A student asked a very basic question that stumped me: what is the precise relationship between proper ...
Ilia Smilga's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Klee's trick --- more applications

In his "Some topological properties..." (1955), Klee gave a construction (simple and beautiful) of an isotopy $h_t\colon\mathbb{R}^{2\cdot n}\to \mathbb{R}^{2\cdot n}$ which moves any compact set $K$ ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to prove the product of Whitehead manifold and $\mathbb{R}$ is homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^4$?

I am currently reading Rolfsen's "Knots and Links". At page 82 Whitehead manifold $W$ is defined and an exercise asking to show that $W\times \mathbb{R}\cong \mathbb{R}^4$ is left. Reference ...
Math Diego's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Any 3-manifold can be realized as the boundary of a 4-manifold

We know "Any closed, oriented $3$-manifold $M$ is the boundary of some oriented $4$-manifold $B$." See this post: Elegant proof that any closed, oriented 3-manifold is the boundary of some ...
wonderich's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Stability Question for Isotopies Between Compact Sets

Suppose $X, Y$ are compact sets in $\mathbb{R}^2$ and $F$ is an ambient isotopy carrying $X$ onto $Y$. Is there an ambient isotopy $F'$ agreeing with $F$ on $X$ and which is constant in a ...
John Samples's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to connect every compact set?

Let $X$ be a "nice" space: metrizable, connected, locally path connected perhaps. Let $K\subset X$ be a compact set. Is there a always a compact connected $L\subset X$ such that $K\subset L$? This ...
erz's user avatar
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Enveloping a Jordan curve with a trace of another one

This question is inspired by this one, or rather the way I understood it. Let $\gamma$ and $\delta$ be parametrised Jordan curves on the plane (i.e. homeomorphisms from $S^1$ onto its image in $\...
erz's user avatar
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77 votes
4 answers

What are good mathematical models for spider webs?

Sometimes I see spider webs in very complex surroundings, like in the middle of twigs in a tree or in a bush. I keep thinking “if you understand the spider web, you understand the space around it”. ...
Claus's user avatar
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47 votes
3 answers

A metric characterization of the real line

Is the following metric characterization of the real line true (and known)? A nonempty complete metric space $(X,d)$ is isometric to the real line if and only if for every $c\in X$ and positive real ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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40 votes
1 answer

Are there only countably many compact topological manifolds?

Up to homeomorphism, there are 2 one-dimensional topological manifolds and countably many 2- and 3-dimensional compact manifolds, respectively, since each manifold in these dimensions can be ...
Dominik's user avatar
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38 votes
3 answers

If $X$ and $Y$ are homotopy equivalent, then are $X \times \mathbb{R}^{\infty}$ and $Y \times \mathbb{R}^{\infty}$ homeomorphic?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be reasonable spaces. Since $\mathbb{R}^{\infty}$ is contractible, $$ X \times \mathbb{R}^{\infty} \cong Y \times \mathbb{R}^{\infty} \;\;\; \implies \;\;\; X \simeq Y. $$ Is the ...
John Wiltshire-Gordon's user avatar
35 votes
4 answers

An intelligent ant living on a torus or sphere – Does it have a universal way to find out?

I wanted to ask a question about topological invariants and whether they are connected in a fundamental or universal way. I am not an expert in topology, so please let me ask this question by way of a ...
Claus's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

Does there exist any non-contractible manifold with fixed point property?

Does there exist any non-trivial space (i.e not deformation retract onto a point) in $\mathbb R^n$ such that any continuous map from the space onto itself has a fixed point. I highly suspect that the ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
21 votes
7 answers

Reference for topological graph theory (research / problem-oriented)

I would be interested in recommendations for topological graph theory texts. I think Gross and Yellen has a great chapter on topological graph theory, and I find Mohar and Thomassen's Graphs on ...
20 votes
1 answer

A function composed with itself produces the identity

Let $B$ be the closed unit ball in $\mathbb R^3$ and $f: B\to B$ continuous, such that $f\circ f$ is the identity (i.e., $f\circ f=\mathbb 1_B$) and $f$ restricted on $\partial B$ is also the identity ...
smyrlis's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Rugged manifold

It is well known that any compact smooth $m$-manifold can be obtained from $m$-ball by gluing some points on the boundary. Is it still true for topological manifold? Comments: To proof the smooth ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

When is a finite cw-complex a compact topological manifold?

I think the statement of the question is pretty straightforward. Given a finite $n$-dimensional CW complex, are there necessary and sufficient conditions for determining that it is also a compact $n$-...
William's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Is every real n-manifold isomorphic to a quotient of $\mathbb{R}^n$?

I'm curious about the following: Is every real $n$-manifold isomorphic to a quotient of $\mathbb{R}^n$? Thanks. EDIT: As Tilman points out, the manifold should be connected. Also, yes, I'm thinking ...
Eivind Dahl's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Obstruction of spin-c structure and the generalized Wu manifods

Bockstein homomorphim and obstruction of spin-c structure: Let $w_2$ be the Stiefel Whintney class of manifold $M$. Let the Bockstein homomorphim $\beta$ be the $$ H^2(\mathbb{Z}_2,M) \to H^3(\mathbb{...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
14 votes
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Classification of 3-dimensional manifolds with boundary

It is well-known that every closed, connected and orientable 3-manifold $\mathcal{M}$ can uniquely be decomposed as $$\mathcal{M}=P_{1}\#\dots\# P_{n}$$ where $P_{i}$ are prime manifolds, i.e. ...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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13 votes
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Is the dimension given by Klee trick ever sharp?

The Klee Trick allows one to find an $\mathbb{R}^m$ where two embeddings of same compact metric space have homeomorphic complements. More precisely, given two embeddings of a compact metric space $K$ ...
Neil Hoffman's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Does a self map from the wedge sum of two spheres have either a fixed point or a point of period 2?

Let $X$ be the wedge sum of two $2$-dimensional spheres and $f$ a continuous function from $X$ into $X$. Does $f$ have either a fixed point or a periodic point of order 2? Thanks
Pedro Perez's user avatar
12 votes
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3 manifolds with diffeomorphic unit tangent bundles

What can one say about two closed oriented 3-manifolds $M_1$ and $M_2$ such that $S^2 \times M_1$ is diffeomorphic to $S^2 \times M_2$?
Murat Saglam's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Quotient of $S^3$ by Montgomery and Zippin's "wild involution"

In 1952, Bing showed the existence of a topological involution of $S^3$ with fixed point set the Alexander horned sphere, demonstrating that $S^3$ has finite-order homeomorphisms not conjugate to ...
benblumsmith's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is limit of null-homotopic maps null-homotopic?

The question is motivated by my failed comment to this one. Let $M$ and $N$ be path connected locally compact, locally contractible metric spaces (you may assume that they are manifolds). Let $\...
erz's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Uniform Embedding into Euclidean Space

Given a locally compact, separable, metric space $X$. When does $X$ uniformly embed into some Euclidean space? This means, when does there exist some integer $n$ and a closed subset $Y\subset\...
Hannes Thiel's user avatar
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8 votes
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Does the continuous image of a disc contain an embedded disc?

Let $\phi:\Bbb D^2\to\Bbb R^n$ be a continuous mapping of the 2-disc $\Bbb D^2$ that is injective on the boundary $\partial\Bbb D^2=\Bbb S^1$. Does its image contain an embedded disc with the same ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is every contractible homogeneous space of a connected Lie group homeomorphic to a Euclidean space?

Problem. Let $G$ be a connected Lie group and $H$ is a closed subgroup of $G$ such that the homogeneous space $G/H$ is contractible. Is $G/H$ homeomorphic to a Euclidean space $\mathbb R^n$ for some $...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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8 votes
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Homotopy equivalence from contractibility of fiber

Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are two $CW$ complexes and $f:X\rightarrow Y$ is a continuous surjection such that fiber of each point (i.e. $f^{-1}(y)$ for each $y\in Y$) is contractible. Does it implies that $...
Cusp's user avatar
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7 votes
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Decomposition of manifolds with toroidal boundary

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a compact, connected, oriented 3-manifolds with non-empty connected boundary $\partial\mathcal{M}$. Then, following this article, it is stated that $\mathcal{M}$ can be written as ...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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6 votes
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Nonvanishing section of infinite-dimensional tautological bundle

Let $H$ be a real or complex Hilbert space. In the case where $H$ is infinite-dimensional, let us define a half-dimensional subspace as a subspace $W \subset H$ such that both $W$ and $W^\perp$ have ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
6 votes
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Tools for constructing homeomorphisms between 4-manifolds

(I am a complete amateur in topology, so this is a question out of curiosity.) The question was inspired by this post Fake versus Exotic . What methods can, realistically, be used to construct a ...
Alex Gavrilov's user avatar
5 votes
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Non-density of continuous functions to interior in set of all continuous functions

Let $M$ be an $m$-dimensional manifold and $N$ be an $n$-dimensional manifold. Suppose also that the topology on $N$ can be described by a metric. Thus, the set $C(M,N)$ can be endowed with the ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Is it possible to fill a boundary component of an irreducible 3-manifold using a handlebody so that the resulting manifold is still irreducible?

Let $M$ be a compact, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold with boundary (possibly more than one component). Let $S\subseteq\partial M$ be one of its boundary components, which is an orientable surface ...
YC Su's user avatar
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4 votes
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Can every manifold be represented as a quotient

My question is "inspired" by the uniformization theorem for Riemmannian surfaces and this post. Suppose that $X$ is connected (finite-dimensional) topological manifold without boundary. ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Symmetric line spaces are homeomorphic to Euclidean spaces

For points $x,y,z$ of a metric space $(X,d)$ we write $\mathbf Mxyz$ and say that $y$ is a midpoint between $x$ and $z$ if $d(x,z)=d(x,y)+d(y,z)$ and $d(x,y)=d(y,z)$. Definition: A metric space $(X,d)$...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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4 votes
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Homotopy groups of K3

Let X be a K3 surface and $Y=X/\mathbb{Z}_2$, an Enrique surface. Long exact sequence of homotopy groups corresponding to fiberaion $\pi:X\to Y$, says that $\pi_2(X)=\pi_2(Y)$, while we know $H_2(X)$ ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
3 votes
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Weak contractibility of some infinite dimensional metric spaces

Let $(X_{n},d_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of complete geodesic metric spaces such that: $X_{n}$ is a regular$^1$ CW-complex of constant local dimension$^3$ $n$, it is of finite type$^4$, ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
2 votes
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Density of functions into the circle glueing

Let $\{U_i\}_{i=1}^2$ be an open cover of $S^1$, with $U_i\cong \mathbb{R}$ (for example, $U_1$ is the lower arc of the circle and $U_2$ is the upper part). Let $\iota_i:U_i\hookrightarrow S^1$ be ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Does any smooth orbifold can be triangulated by orbi-simplex(triangulation of orbifolds)

every smooth manifold can be triangulated, is it true for orbifold? Is it a known result? If yes, is there any reference? reply to the comment : G does not need to be any subgroup of Sn , any ...
haoyu's user avatar
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Subsets of $\mathbb{S}^n$ fixed by an orientation-reversing self-homeomorphism — Part 2

This is another special case of this question. Recall that we call a subset $Z$ of $\mathbb{S}^n$ ambiently-reversible, if there is an orientation-reversing homeomorphism $h: \mathbb{S}^n \to \mathbb{...
Agelos's user avatar
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Subsets of $\mathbb{S}^n$ fixed by an orientation-reversing self-homeomorphism — Part 1

Call a subset $Z$ of $\mathbb{S}^n$ ambiently-reversible, if there is an orientation-reversing self-homeomorphism $h: \mathbb{S}^n \to \mathbb{S}^n$ fixing $Z$ pointwise. Question 1: Which subsets of ...
Agelos's user avatar
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Retracting to a bigger compact

Consider the topological spaces $X$ with the following property: For every compact $K\subseteq X$ there is a compact set $L$ such that $K\subseteq L\subseteq X$ and $L$ is a retract of $X$. Let ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar