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Questions tagged [jordan-curves]

Jordan curves and arcs and related material such as the Schoenflies theorem in dimension two.

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71 votes
10 answers

Nice proof of the Jordan curve theorem?

As a student, I was taught that the Jordan curve theorem is a great example of an intuitively clear statement which has no simple proof. What is the simplest known proof today? Is there an intuitive ...
user2498's user avatar
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Why are there no wild arcs in the plane?

On math.stackexchange it was asked whether all arcs in the plane are ambient-isotopic. I suggested that one could prove this by appealing to the Schönflies theorem, which you can do as long as you can ...
Jim Conant's user avatar
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Dehn and the Jordan curve theorem

I am looking for a manuscript of Max Dehn entitled "Beweis des Satzes, dass jedes geradlinige geschlossene Polygon ohne Doppelpunkte 'die Ebene in zwei Teile teilt'". According to Heinrich ...
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