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Questions about the branch of algebra that deals with groups.

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Which conjectures are proved for sofic groups? [closed]

Which conjectures about groups are resolved in case of sofic groups? I know two examples: Kaplansky's direct finiteness conjecture (proved by Gabor Elek). Some versions of Ornstein's isomorphism ...
Noah's user avatar
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Infinite Hirsch length [closed]

Can a residually finite group $G \in LFin \rtimes VPoly$ ($G$ is a semi-direct product of a locally finite group by a virtually polycyclic group) have an infinite Hirsch length?
Krzysztof Swiecicki's user avatar
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Exponent of the quotient of the commutator of a free group

Let $F$ be a free group on two generators, let $F^p$ denote the normal subgroup of $F$ generated by the $p$-th power, $p$ a prime. Do we know anything about the exponent of $[F,F]/[F^p,F]$. Edit: $G=...
user114539's user avatar
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HNN extension group with finitely generated base

Let $B$ be a group and let $A_1$ and $A_2$ subgroups of $B$ with $\phi :A_1\rightarrow A_2$ an isomorphism. Let $\left<t\right>$ be the infinite cyclic group, generated by a new element $t$. The ...
user182085's user avatar
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When can a 2-cocycle on a subgroup can be extended?

This question is based on a question when is the restriction $H^2(G,\mathbb{C}^*)\to H^2(K,\mathbb{C}^*)$ surjective? I am asking this as a new question as I already asked that user but got no ...
Steve's user avatar
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Acyclicity of covering space

Suppose we have some 2-dimensional non-aspherical finite CW-complex $K$ with $\pi_1(K)=G$. Is there any sufficient condition on $H\leq G$ (and maybe on the group $G$ itself) which allows to conclude ...
Samarkand's user avatar
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The normalizer problem for group rings

I recently studied about The Normalizer problem (NP) which states that given an integral group ring $\Bbb{Z}G$, $N_{\cal{U}}(G)=G\frak{z}$ where $\frak{z}$ denotes centre of $\cal{U}$ = $\cal{U}$$(\...
Bhaskar Vashishth's user avatar
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Profinite rank of Fuchsian groups

Let $G$ be a Fuchsian group whose profinite completion is finitely generated. Must $G$ be finitely generated? A Fuchsian group is a discrete subgroup of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$ or $\mathrm{PSL}_2(...
Pablo's user avatar
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Invariant free factors for automorphisms of free products

I am thinking the following question: for a group that splits as a free product $G = G_1 \ast F_n $, where $G_1$ is any infinite group (preferebly freely indecomposable) and we denote by $F_n$ the ...
user75691's user avatar
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Subgroup generated by elements of finite order

Let G be any group and let H be the subgroup of G generated by all elements of finite order. Is there a name for H?
user82540's user avatar
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Rational cohomological dimension of the lattices in $SL_n(\mathbb{Q}_p)$

What is the rational cohomological dimension of the lattices in $SL_n(\mathbb{Q}_p)$, where $n\geq 3$ ? A reference would be appreciated. For the definition of "cohomological dimension of a group ...
Kajal Das's user avatar
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associativity of the extension of finie groups [closed]

Following my previous question I have two questions: 1.the extensions of the group is associative or not, i.e. as we know by the notations of atlas if $S={\rm PSL}(2,q)$, where $q=p^f>9$, then $2....
Behsa's user avatar
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Space of polynomially growing harmonic functions on a Lie group

There is a recent theorem by Kleiner (based on previous work by Colding & Minicozzi), that reads: If $G$ is a finitely generated group of polynomial growth, then for every $d$ the space of ...
Snoop Catt's user avatar
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divisible 2nd cohomolgy group $H^2(G,\mathbb{Z}G)$

Recall that a (nontrivial) abelian group $A$ is called divisible if the multiplication by $n$ is surjection $A\to A$ for all $n\in\mathbb{Z}_{>1}$. My question is the following. Is there a ...
Jiang's user avatar
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Poincaré inequality for connected Lie groups

Let $G$ be a compactly generated second countable locally compact group, and let $\mu$ be a probability measure which is: symmetric, adapted (in the sense that there is no proper subgroup $H$ such ...
Snoop Catt's user avatar
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Cayley graphs with special subgraphs and some related problems

I asked some questions about finite Cayley graphs with special type of subgraphs which has been answered by Dear Prof. Godsil. It can be seen in the MO page with address: Cayley graphs and its ...
Shahrooz's user avatar
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Representation of finite group

Let $\Gamma$ be a finite index subgroup of $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$. Let $\pi$ be a natural covering from $\Gamma\backslash\mathbb{H}$ to $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})\backslash\mathbb{H}$. Denote by $\text{Deck}(\pi)$ ...
TNT's user avatar
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Are the finite groups inclusions, almost all relatively cyclic?

Definition: An inclusion of finite groups $(A \subset B)$ is relatively cyclic if $\exists b \in B$ such that $\langle A,b \rangle = B$. Definition: Two inclusions of finite groups are equivalent, $(...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Dense subgroups in subgroups of profinite groups

Let $G$ be a finitely generated residually finite group and $\hat G$ its profinite completion. Then for all $g\in \hat G$ we have $gGg^{-1}\leq \hat G$ is dense. Suppose that $H\leq \hat G$ is a ...
PHL's user avatar
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about subgroup of general linear group [closed]

Thanks for any comments Let $G=GL_n(F)$ be general linear group over finite field $F$. Consider two isomorphic subgeoup $H_1,H_2$ of $G$ such that $H_i\cong GL_k(\bar{F})$, where $\bar{F}$ is an ...
maryam's user avatar
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How generic are Cayley graphs of non-Abelian groups with logarithmic girth?

Given a non-Abelian group $G$ I want to choose a symmetric generating set $S \subset G$ such that $Cay(G,S)$ has girth logarithmic in the size of the set. I want to know, For which $G$ can the ...
user6818's user avatar
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Homology and Burnside ring

If $G$ is a finite groupe, we denote $\mathcal{S}(G)$ the category of finite $G$-sets and $\mbox{I}(G)$ the set of isomorphism classes of it's objects. The Burnside ring of $G$, denoted by $\Omega(G)$,...
Anis Rajhi's user avatar
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Counting group invariants using Macdonald conjecture?

It is known from Dyson, Macdonald $et$ $al$ that the constant term asscoiated to the expansion of the following expression \begin{equation} \prod_{\alpha \in \Delta} (1-e^{\alpha})^k \end{equation} ...
Kevin Ye's user avatar
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Does SL(3,q) have a subgroup of order $q^3.(q^3-1)$ [closed]

Let $q=p^n$ for $p>3$.I want to know whether the group $G_2(q)$ has a subgroup of order $q^3.(q^3-1)$. First I look the paper of Peter Kleidman. In this paper Kleidman determined all maximal ...
gauss's user avatar
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Quotient groups of "Abelian-times-compact", what are they called?

In what I am doing now this class of groups appears all the way: (Hausdorff) quotient groups of $A\times K$, where $A$ are locally compact abelian groups, and $K$ compact groups. I wonder, if this ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
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Virtually abelian centralizers

This is a sort of a follow-up question to Limits of conjugated subgroups (though it might not seem at first glance to have much to do with it.) Anyway, I'm wondering what sort of groups have the ...
Teri's user avatar
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Intuitive meaning of benign subgroup

Disclaimer! This is a copy of a question I posted on M.SE! I still think the question belongs there but I'm not getting any answers so I'm dublicating with slight changes: I've been studying a proof ...
ShlomiF's user avatar
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Hyperspecial parahoric group schemes/Chevalley groups

Let $G$ be a simple group over $k=\mathbb{C}$, $A=k[[t]]$, $K=k((t))$, and consider the group $G(K)$. This group is a split reductive group over a local field, and therefore the results of Bruhat and ...
Michael Schuster's user avatar
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Free profinite products

Let $F$ be a nonabelian finitely generated free profinite group, and let $x \in F$. Must there be some $1 \neq y \in F$ such that $\langle x,y \rangle$ is isomorphic to the free profinite product of $\...
Pablo's user avatar
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Are lattices in the special real linear group subgroup seperable?

Let $G \leq SL_2(\mathbb{R})$ be a lattice, let $H \leq G$ be a finitely generated subgroup of infinite index, and let $n \in \mathbb{N}$. Must there be some $H \leq U \leq G$ such that $n \leq [G : U]...
Pablo's user avatar
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About Abelian Radicable Groups Generated by Chernikov's subgroups

Let $G$ be a abelian and radicable group generated by subgroups abelian, radicable and Chernikov. Then $G$ is Chernikov? ie, if $G = \left<H| H \leq G \right>$ with $H$ abelian, radicable and ...
Elisandro123456's user avatar
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Can a profinite completion be free pro-p?

Is there a prime number $p$ and a finitely generated residually finite group whose profinite completion is a free pro-$p$ group on a nonempty finite set? Thanks to YCor we see that we cannot take the ...
Pablo's user avatar
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What does the ring $K[S]$ know about a group generated by $S$?

Given a discrete group $\Gamma$ generated by $S$ let $K[S]$ denote the subring of the group-ring $K[\Gamma]$ generated by $S$ (over a commutative ring $K$). The ring $K[S]$ is thus a quotient of the ...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
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Normal p-complement and the Frattini subgroup [closed]

A normal subgroup $N$ of a finite group $G$ is said to be a normal $p$-complement if $(p,|N|)=1$ and there is a Sylow $p$-subgroup $P$ of $G$ such that $G=NP$. The definition of a normal $\pi$-...
Steve Stahl's user avatar
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Free abelian subgroups and distorsion

I realized that I know groups with distorted cyclic subgroups and groups all of whose free abelian subgroups are undistorted, but nothing between. Maybe it is a naive question, but: Does there ...
Seirios's user avatar
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Conjugacy classes in lie type group

I have two questions. Thanks for any comments. Suppose $S$ is a simple group of Lie type in characteristic p. Also suppose that $G=Aut(S)$. 1) Is there any reference for conjugacy class of element $...
maryam's user avatar
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Adelic integral factorization

In order to calculate Tamagawa numbers, I need to justify that for a nice (say Schwartz-Bruhat) function, the following identity holds : $$\int_{\mathbf{A}^2} f(x)dx = \int_{SL_2(\mathbf{A})/SL_2(K)} ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Finding an overgroup or a subgroup in PGL

Let k be a nonperfect field of characteristic $2$. Let $a\in k\backslash k^2$, $G=PGL_4(k)$ and and $$H= \left\{ \small\left[\begin{array}{cccc} x ...
Tomo's user avatar
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Lower periodic subsets of groups and semigroups

Suppose that $A$ and $B$ are subsets of a group or semigroup. We call $A$ left upper [resp. lower] $B$-periodic if $BA\subseteq A$ [resp. $A\subseteq BA$]. If $A$ is both left upper and lower $B$-...
M.H.Hooshmand's user avatar
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Explicitly showing that a free group is LERF [closed]

Let $F$ be a free group on a finite set $X$, and let $M$ be a finitely generated subgroup. Marshall Hall's theorem states that $M$ is closed in the profinite topology on $F$. That is, $M$ is the ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Topologically finitely generated residually finite group

Suppose that $G$ is a topologically finitely generated profinite group, and let $H$ be a subgroup of countably infinite index. Is $H$ necessarily topologically finitely generated with the subspace ...
Rupert's user avatar
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Dense free subgroups

Let $F$ be a free pro-$p$ group (for a prime number $p$) on a finite set $X$, $\Phi$ the abstract subgroup generated by $X$, $\{1\} \neq N \lhd_c F$. Is it possible that $\Phi \cap N = \{1\}$?
Pablo's user avatar
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Lower central series in a free pro-p group

Let $F$ be a nonabelian finitely generated free pro-$p$ group, $H \leq_c F$ of infinite index. Denote by $\{F_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ the lower central series of $F$, and set $r_n = [F : F_nH]$. Is ...
Pablo's user avatar
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A bound on the size of the center

Let $p$ be a prime number, $F$ a free pro-$p$ group, $H \leq_c F$ of infinite index. Can it be that $$\sup_{N \lhd_o F} |Z((F/N)/C_{F/N}(HN/N))| < \infty ?$$
Pablo's user avatar
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Golod Shafarevich Inequality and Inequalities among higher Cohomology groups

As a consequence of Golod- Shafarevich, we get an inequality between second cohomology group of a $p$-group with coefficients in $F_p$ and the first cohomology group of a $p$-group with coefficients ...
user114539's user avatar
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on reductive monoids which are gorenstein

Let $M$ a reductive monoid, i.e. a integral normal affine scheme, which is a monoid whose group of units is a connected reductive group. By Rittatore
prochet's user avatar
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Semidirect products with braid groups and type $F_\infty$

Let $F$ be a group which is strongly type $F_\infty$ in the sense that every subgroup is of type $F_\infty$. Here, type $F_\infty$ means that the group admits a classifying space with compact skeleta. ...
Werner Thumann's user avatar
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Reference on calculation of 2nd cohomology group

Let $G$ be a finitely generated, infinite, countable discrete nonamenable group with zero first Betti number, I.e., $H^1(G, \ell^2(G))=0$, e.g., $G=F_2\times F_2$, the product of free groups of two ...
Jiang's user avatar
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Research of a reference about $G$-linearizations of line bundles on quasi-projective schemes

I am looking for some references for the following statement: Let $G$ be a linearly reductive algebraic group acting on a quasi-projective scheme $X$, over an algebraically closed field $K$. Let $L$ ...
User3773's user avatar
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Name/terminology for a relationship between group actions

Let $G$ and $H$ be groups, both acting on a set $X$. Suppose that there is a homomorphism $\phi:G\to H$ such that for every $g\in G$ and $x\in X$, $g\cdot x = \phi(g)\cdot x$. Is there a name for this ...
Iian Smythe's user avatar
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