There is a recent theorem by Kleiner (based on previous work by Colding & Minicozzi), that reads: If $G$ is a finitely generated group of polynomial growth, then for every $d$ the space of harmonic functions with polynomial growth of at most $d$ is finite dimensional. Kleiner later uses this to obtain a non-trivial representation of $G$.
Is an analogue for the setting of Lie groups known? that is, is it known whether for a polynomially growing (equivalently, type (R)) Lie group, the space of polynomially growing harmonic functions of some fixed rate is finite dimensional?
Edit: the measure setting is a probability measure $\mu$ such that:
- $\mu$ is adapted, in the sense that there is no proper subgroup $H$ such that $\mu(H)=1$.
- $\mu$ is compactly supported.
- $\mu$ is absolutely continuous w.r.t. the Haar measure.
- $\mu$ is symmetric.