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Questions tagged [examples]

For questions requesting examples of a certain structure or phenomenon

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1 vote
1 answer

What are examples of theorems get extensions based on simple observation?

Here are some examples illustrate what I meant: Bonnet-Myers:Bonnet in 1855 proved n=2 case, Myers in 1941 extended to any dimension using the same idea. Bishop-Gromov Volume comparison: Bishop knew ...
10 votes
2 answers

Has there been any application of tensor species?

Joyal's combinatorial species, endofunctors in the category of finite sets with bijections $\mathbf B$ have found numerous applications. One generalisation is given by so-called "tensor species" (...
11 votes
3 answers

Nonprojective Surface

Let k be an algebraically closed field. It's well known that every complete curve, period, is projective. Also, that every smooth surface is, and that there are smooth 3-folds which are not, and ...
13 votes
2 answers

Does such an infinite index subgroup exist?

Notation: If $G$ is a countable group and $H$ is a subgroup, for $g\in G$, let $|\mathcal{O}_{gH}|$ be the size of the $H$-orbit of $gH$ in the $H$-set $G/H$. Does there exist a countable group $G$ ...
6 votes
1 answer

A counter example in obstruction theory

Let $K$ denote a simplicial complex and $Y$ a path-connected topological space. Let us also denote by $K^n$ the $n$-skeleton of $K$. I would like to have an example for the following situation or a ...
5 votes
5 answers

Easy and Hard problems in Mathematics [closed]

Modified question: I would like to know some examples of problems in Mathematics, for pedagogical purposes, which do not involve difficult techiques to solve the problem but with a change of context ...
7 votes
0 answers

Principal $G$-bundles as fully extended TQFTs, and $n$-representations

This is a follow up to this MO question: Fully dualizable objects in classical field theories Assuming the notation there (which in turn come from Topological Quantum Field Theories from Compact Lie ...
9 votes
1 answer

Mean value property with fixed radius

Let $f$ be a continuous function defined on $\mathbb{R^n}$. It is well known that both the spherical mean value property (MVP) of $f$, i.e. $$f(x)=\frac{1}{|\partial B(x,r)|}\int_{\partial B(x,r)}f,\ ...
43 votes
77 answers

What is the first interesting theorem in (insert subject here)? [closed]

In most students' introduction to rigorous proof-based mathematics, many of the initial exercises and theorems are just a test of a student's understanding of how to work with the axioms and unpack ...
32 votes
2 answers

Graded local rings versus local rings

A lot of times I see theorems stated for local rings, but usually they are also true for "graded local rings", i.e., graded rings with a unique homogeneous maximal ideal (like the polynomial ring). ...
1 vote
1 answer

"Highly balanced" periodic functions

The function $f(x) = e^{2\pi ix}$ on the domain $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ has the property that, for every $n > 1$ and every $x$, $\displaystyle \sum_{i = 0}^{n-1} f(x + \frac{i}{n}) = 0$. Other ...
5 votes
3 answers

Nonmetrizable uniformities with metrizable topologies

I'm looking for such pathological examples of uniform spaces which are not metrizable, but whose underlying topology is metrizable. Willard in his General Topology text constructs such a uniformity ...
8 votes
1 answer

Examples of exotic modules for the additive group

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic $p > 0$, and let $X$ be an intedeterminate over $k$. I am interested in the additive group scheme $\mathbb{G}_a$, that is, the ...
19 votes
1 answer

What are "good" examples of string manifolds?

Based on this mathoverlow question, I would like to have a similar list for the case of string manifolds. An $n$-dim. Riemannian manifold $M$ is said to be string, if the classifying map of its bundle ...
46 votes
4 answers

What are "good" examples of spin manifolds?

I'm trying to get a grasp on what it means for a manifold to be spin. My question is, roughly: What are some "good" (in the sense of illustrating the concept) examples of manifolds which are spin (...
5 votes
3 answers

two essentially different concretizaions

It is sometimes emphasized that a "concrete category" is not a property of a category $C$, but rather a structure, i.e. a faithful functor from $C$ to $Set$. Thus, When people talk about a concrete ...
8 votes
5 answers

Examples of left reversible semigroups

I am looking for concrete examples of cancellative, left reversible semigroups. Left reversible semigroups are also called "Ore semigroups". See this wikipedia page for the definition of a left ...
2 votes
1 answer

Non-uniruled variety with level one Hodge structure.

I wonder if there exists one example of non-uniruled algebraic variety with level one Hodge structure.
2 votes
2 answers

Non-split groups

I am looking for a reference with definitions on what it means for an algebraic group to be split, quasi-split, and non-split. I would like to see some examples of the different "types". Thanks, Tom
32 votes
3 answers

Wanted: example of a non-algebraic singularity

Given a finitely generated $\def\CC{\mathbb C}\CC$-algebra $R$ and a $\CC$-point (maximal ideal) $p\in Spec(R)$, I define the singularity type of $p\in Spec(R)$ to be the isomorphism class of the ...
16 votes
2 answers

Is there an example of a formally smooth morphism which is not smooth?

A morphism of schemes is formally smooth and locally of finite presentation iff it is smooth. What happens if we drop the finitely presented hypothesis? Of course, locally of finite presentation is ...
5 votes
3 answers

Natural examples of finite dimensional spaces with interesting 2-type

Riemann surfaces provide interesting examples of 1-types - interesting as they have roles in diverse areas. However, apart from 2-dimensional lens spaces, I can't readily bring to mind natural ...
0 votes
0 answers

Example of function with a certain behavior.

Let $f: R \rightarrow R$. Consider the following properties: $(1)$ - There are positive constants $a$ and $r$ such that $\forall x, y$ $$|f(x)-f(y)|\leq a(1 + |x|^r+|y|^r)|x-y|.$$ $(2)$ - There is a ...
4 votes
1 answer

Examples of "inner products" of parallel morphisms in a dagger category

There is a very interesting abstract notion of the trace of an endomorphism $f : c \to c$ of an object $c$ in a braided monoidal category (although the symmetric case is easier): see, for example, ...
4 votes
3 answers

Examples of Banach spaces and their duals

There are many representation theorems which state that the dual space of a Banach space $X$ has a particularly concrete form. For example, if $X = C([0,1],\mathbb R)$ is the space of real-valued ...
86 votes
6 answers

What are the most elegant proofs that you have learned from MO?

One of the things that MO does best is provide clear, concise answers to specific mathematical questions. I have picked up ideas from areas of mathematics I normally wouldn't touch, simply because ...
3 votes
2 answers

higher order structure by higher order derivatives

Anyone recall a structure determined by a 3rd order partial derivative? not the general nth order of recent Baranovsky
7 votes
2 answers

The rank of a not necessarily finitely generated module.

This question is motivated by this one. The main point of the question (was) to try to weaken the notion of rank. After the answers and comments, it seems this is not a good way to do it, but perhaps ...
7 votes
1 answer

An example of a rank one projective R-Module that is not invertible

Let $R$ be a commutative noetherian ring. I know that an $R$-module is invertible iff it is finitely generated and locally free of rank one. I presume then that there are examples of non-finitely ...
12 votes
2 answers

Cohen-Macaulay domain with non-Cohen-Macaulay normalization?

Is the normalization of a Cohen-Macaulay domain necessarily Cohen-Macaulay? I suspect that the answer is no, but I don't have a counterexample. I am most interested in "geometric" situations, so one ...
5 votes
5 answers

Appearances of 'exotic' compact Lie Groups

The structure theorem for compact Lie Groups states that all compact Lie groups are finite central quotients of a product of copies of $U(1)$ and simple compact Lie groups. And yet, as easy as ...
6 votes
1 answer

On the Existence of Certain Fourier Series

Is there an $f\in L^{1}(T)$ whose partial sums of Fourier series $S_{n}(f)$ satisfies $\|S_{n}(f)\|_{L^{1}(T)} \rightarrow \|f\|_{L^{1}(T)}$ but $S_{n}(f)$ fails to converge to $f$ in $L^1$-norm ?
2 votes
2 answers

description of functions of conditionally negative type on a group

Recall that a kernel conditionaly of negative type on a set $X$ is a map $\psi:X\times X\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ with the following properties: 1) $\psi(x,x)=0$ 2) $\psi(y,x)=\psi(x,y)$ 3) for any ...
19 votes
3 answers

Can a coequalizer of schemes fail to be surjective?

Suppose $g,h:Z\to X$ are two morphisms of schemes. Then we say that $f:X\to Y$ is the coequalizer of $g$ and $h$ if the following condition holds: any morphism $t:X\to T$ such that $t\circ g=t\circ h$ ...
30 votes
8 answers


I am curious to collect examples of equivalent axiomatizations of mathematical structures. The two examples that I have in mind are Topological Spaces. These can be defined in terms of open sets, ...
7 votes
2 answers

Statements forced by one condition of a poset, but not the whole thing

In order to get the relative consistency of some statement, it suffices to find a notion of forcing, and a condition $p$ in that forcing, such that $p$ forces the desired statement. It seems to be ...
3 votes
2 answers

Is there an example of an algebraic stack whose closed points have affine stabilizers but whose diagonal is not affine?

Burt Totaro has a result that for a certain class of algebraic stacks, having affine diagonal is equivalent to the stabilizers at closed points begin affine. Is there an example of this equivalence ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a category with a subobject classifier but which is not finitely complete?

This is a reverse of the question “Is there a finitely complete category with terminal object but NO subobject classifier?” From “An informal introduction to topos theory” by Tom Leinster I learned ...
5 votes
9 answers

Examples of two different descriptions of a set that are not obviously equivalent?

I am teaching a course in enumerative combinatorics this semester and one of my students asked for deeper clarification regarding the difference between a "combinatorial" and a "bijective" proof. ...
5 votes
2 answers

Simple example of a sequence without computable modulus of convergence

Can anyone give a simple example of a sequence that converges, but there's no computable function that gives $N$ as a function of $\epsilon$, i.e., the modulus of convergence is not computable? In ...
4 votes
1 answer

Example in dimension theory

Could you give me an example of a complete metric space wiht covering dimension $> n$ all of which compact subsets have covering dimension $\le n$?
6 votes
2 answers

Simple examples of equivariant homology and bordism

I'm looking for simple examples of calculations of equivariant homology and of equivariant bordism. I have a finite group G acting on an CW-complex X. I would like to calculate the equivariant ...
20 votes
3 answers

Is there an additive functor between abelian categories which isn't exact in the middle?

Suppose $F: C\to D$ is an additive functor between abelian categories and that $$0\to X\xrightarrow f Y\xrightarrow g Z\to 0$$ is and exact sequence in $C$. Does it follow that $F(X)\xrightarrow{F(f)...
10 votes
3 answers

Algebraic Curves and Phase Diagrams of Physical Systems

Lots of low degree curves arise naturally as the phase spaces of physical systems (that is, the curve parameterized by $(q,p)$ where $q$ is a generalized position variable and $p$ is a generalized ...
25 votes
2 answers

Examples where the analogy between number theory and geometry fails

The analogy between $O_K$ ($K$ a number field) and affine curves over a field has been very fruitful. It also knows many variations: the field over which the curve is defined may have positive or zero ...
32 votes
19 answers

Examples of categorification

What is your favorite example of categorification?
5 votes
1 answer

Categories with products that preserve quotients

It is well known that in the category of all topological spaces, quotient maps aren't preserved by products (this follows from the simpler fact that $X\times (-):Top\to Top$ doesn't preserve quotients)...
4 votes
0 answers

Example of a Grothendieck pretopology satisfying a weak saturation condition

Recall that a singleton Grothendieck pretopology (henceforth 'singleton pretopology') on a category $C$ is a collection of maps $J$ containing the isomorphisms, closed under composition and stable ...
12 votes
0 answers

Pencils with many completely decomposable fibers

Let $F= \frac{G}{H} : \mathbb P^n \to \mathbb P^1$ be a non-constant rational function ($G$ and $H$ homogenous polynomials of the same degree in $\mathbb C^{n+1})$. The fiber over $(\lambda:\mu) \in ...
2 votes
0 answers

Example of smooth, proper but non-projective curve over an affine, connected base?

Would someone please give an example of a smooth, proper but non-projective curve $C/S$, where $S$ is affine and connected? I believe that whatever your example, $C/S$ must have genus $1$, admit no ...

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