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The maximal $p$-abelian $p$-ramified extension of the cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension

$\DeclareMathOperator\Gal{Gal}\DeclareMathOperator\Cl{Cl}$[Reference: S. Lang, Cyclotomic Fields I and II, §2 chap 6] Let $K$ be a number field. Suppose that $K$ contains the $p$-th roots of unity if $...
Mario's user avatar
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Abelian extensions of Q and cyclotomic fields

I have changed some notation based on the comments of Chris Wuthrich and Wojowu. For an abelian extension $F$ of $\mathbb{Q}$, let $c(F)$ be its conductor. That is, $c(F)$ is the smallest positive ...
Steve Stahl's user avatar
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Diophantine equation $\cos(2\pi x)\cos(2\pi y) = \cos(2\pi z)$

While working on finite order elements of $\operatorname{SO}_n$, I meet this question: Find all identities of the form $\cos(2\pi x)\cos(2\pi y) = \cos(2\pi z)$ with $x, y, z$ rational numbers. As ...
WhatsUp's user avatar
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Is the minus class group isomorphic to the relative class group?

I think this is something I should have known, but if I ever did I forgot about it. Consider the field $L$ of $p$-th roots of unity ($p$ prime) and its maximal real subfield $L^+$. The transfer of ...
Franz Lemmermeyer's user avatar
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How to describe a concrete generator of $\widetilde{K_0(\mathbb{Z}[C_{23}])} \cong \widetilde{K_0(\mathbb{Z}[\zeta_{23}])}$

Milnor (page 29, see below) gives an explicit proof that the zeroth $K$-theory of the group ring $\mathbb{Z}[C_p]$, where $C_p$ is the cyclic group of order $p$ with $p$ a prime agrees with $K_0$ of $\...
Georg Lehner's user avatar
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Class numbers of cyclotomic fields and their maximal totally real subfields

Let $\zeta_p$ be a $p$-th root of unity for a prime $p$, let $L:=\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p)$ and $K$ the maximal totally real subfield of $L$, i.e. $K:=\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p+\zeta_p^{-1})$. I am trying to prove ...
did's user avatar
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relating class number and narrow class number of a real field

I am interested in finding out when the narrow class number of $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p+\zeta_p^{-1})$ is the same as the class number of $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p+\zeta_p^{-1})$ where $\zeta_p$ is a primitive $...
did's user avatar
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Generalisation of Sharifi's conjecture for Siegel varieties

I recently learned Sharifi's conjecture in this article by F.Takako and K.Kato. According to my understanding, this conjecture states that (the conjugation invariant) of the projective limit $\...
Marsault Chabat's user avatar
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Relation between two finite abelian extensions of rationals

For $\mathbb{F}$ a finite abelian extension of $\mathbb{Q}$, recall that the conductor $c(\mathbb{F})$ of $\mathbb{F}$ is the smallest positive integer such that $\mathbb{F}$ is contained in the $c(\...
Steve Stahl's user avatar
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Recover cyclotomic integer with bounded coefficients from its known associate

Recall that two cyclotomic integers are called associated if their ratio is a unit in the corresponding ring of cyclotomic integers. We will view cyclotomic integers as polynomials (of degree $<\...
Max Alekseyev's user avatar
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The group of all units of integral cyclotomic ring

Let $\zeta_n = e^{i2\pi/n}$. What is the group of all units in the integral cyclotomic ring $\mathbb{Z}[\zeta_n]$? Here I like to know all the group elements for small $n$'s. For $n=1$ and $n=2$, the ...
Xiao-Gang Wen's user avatar
7 votes
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Finding when a certain product in a cyclotomic field is equal to one

For the following, fix $m\geq 2$, and let $a_{0},\dots,a_{m-1}\in\mathbb{Z}$ be such that $\sum_{k=0}^{m-1}a_{k}=0$. I would like to find the exact conditions on the $a_{k}$ so that the following ...
Ian Montague's user avatar
4 votes
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Existence of solution for a system of quadratic diophantine equations / symmetric quadratic froms

I am interested in solving, or even just deciding the existence of a solution, for a system of quadratic diophantine equations. Let $p$ be a prime congruent to 1 modulo 8, so $ p =17$ is the first ...
margollo's user avatar
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How to describe the automorphisms of $\mathbb{Q}(\theta)$ that fix $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-m})$

Suppose $m > 0$ is a square free integer and $m \equiv 1 $mod $4$. Then the $K = \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-m})$ is a subfield of $L = \mathbb{Q}(\theta)$, where $\theta$ is a primitive $4m$-th root of ...
matt stokes's user avatar
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Question about infinitude of $m$-irregular primes

Let $p>2$ be a prime, $\zeta$ a primitive $p$th root of unity, and $m >0$ a square-free integer such that $m \not\equiv 3 \mod 4$ and $\gcd(m,p)=1$. Let $\chi$ be the imaginary quadratic ...
matt stokes's user avatar
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The average number of solutions to $a+b=c$ in a multiplicative subgroup of $\mathbb{F}_q^\times$ when $c\in\mathbb{F}_q^\times$ is random

$\mathbb{F}_q^\times$ is the multiplicative group of the finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, and H is a multiplicative subgroup of $\mathbb{F}_q^\times$ of order $r<q−1$. What is the average number of ...
user473130's user avatar
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"multi-dimensional" cyclotomic number

Let $F_q$ be the finite field with $q$ elements with characteristic $p$ and with $g$ being a primitive root. Let $N$ be a divisor of $q-1$ and let $C_0$ be the subgroup of $F_q^*$ with index $N$. Then ...
Kyle Yip's user avatar
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Classification of cyclotomic fields with class number 1

1.Let $p$ be an odd prime number. Is there a classification of cyclotomic fields of the form $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p)$ with class number 1? 2.Is there such a classification for general cyclotomic fields $...
Ehsan Shahoseini's user avatar
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Galois cohomology with coefficients in the unit group of a cyclotomic field

While understanding Fermat's last theorem's proof for regular primes, I bumped into a proposition (, written in Japanese) stating: ...
H Koba's user avatar
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Connecting different ways of constructing cubic extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$

There are at least two ways to construct cyclic cubic extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$ as explained below. (A third one is given in the answer to an earlier question). Given $A, B, C$ integers with $A\neq ...
Kapil's user avatar
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Why is the regulator of the degree 11 extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ so large?

Let $K_\infty/\mathbb{Q}$ denote the $\hat{\mathbb{Z}}$-extension of $\mathbb{Q}$. Then for each $n\geq1$, $K_\infty$ has a unique subfield $K_n$ of degree $n$ over $\mathbb{Q}$. The fields $K_n$ are ...
Thomas Browning's user avatar
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Multiplicative set of positive algebraic integers

Let $S$ be a set of algebraic integers such that: $\mathbb{N}_{\ge 1} \subseteq S \subset \mathbb{R}_{\ge 1}$, $\alpha, \beta \in S \Rightarrow \alpha \beta \in S$, $\alpha, \beta \in S \Rightarrow ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Are the class numbers of $\mathbb{Q}(\cos(2\pi / m))$ $O(m^n)$ for some fixed $n$?

Question: Are the class numbers of $\mathbb{Q}(\cos(\frac{2\pi}m))$ $O(m^n)$ for some fixed $n$? Evidences (e.g. a recent paper) showing that the question above is open are also OK. Remark: If such $n$...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Is class group of cyclotomic fields cyclic?

What are the cyclotomics fields with a cyclic class group. I read that there are only 29 cyclotomic extensions of $\Bbb Q$ with class number one. But I wanted to know what condition on $n$ would make $...
SUNIL PASUPULATI's user avatar
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Euler systems over abelian number fields [duplicate]

Im confused with the following statement: Coleman’s conjecture concerning circular distribution imply that Euler systems over abelian number fields arise in “an elementary” way from the theory of ...
Ash's user avatar
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Definition of Euler system of cyclotomic units

I am not sure about my understanding of Euler system of cyclotomic unit. This is what I have learnt: Let $F=\mathbb{Q}(\mu_m)$. Let $\mathcal{I}(m)$ = {positive square free integers divisible only by ...
Ash's user avatar
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Euler Systems and Coleman’s Conjecture

I’m trying to work on Coleman’s conjecture for abelian extensions of imaginary quadratic fields. I’ve read most papers by Seo regarding circular distributions. However, I’m a still confused about what ...
Ash's user avatar
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Simultaneous vanishing $\mathbb{Q}$-linear relations between $N$-th roots of unity

Let $\zeta$ be a primitive $N$-th root of unity and $\Gamma \subset (\mathbb{Z}/N)^\times$ a subgroup. Let $|\Gamma|$ be the cardinality of $\Gamma$ and consider the linear map $M_\Gamma\colon \mathbb{...
LFM's user avatar
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Toward a cyclotomic Riemann hypothesis

For an integer $n \ge 3$, consider the function $$u(n) = \frac{\sigma(n)}{n \log \log n}$$ with $\sigma$ the divisor function. Now consider the sequence (bounded below and decreasing) $$v_n = \sup_{m&...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Quadratic extensions of cyclotomic numbers by absolute values of elements

Summary I was wondering whether there is an explicit description of the extension $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n, |z|)/\mathbb{Q}$ obtained from a cyclotomic field $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n)$ by adjoining any finite ...
Stefano Gogioso's user avatar
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Minimum of a product of polynomial evaluated at primitive roots of unity, given that the value of the polynomial at the same lies on unit circle

This is something that came out of working on a problem: Let $m$ be an odd positive integer and $f \in \mathbb Q[x]$ be a polynomial of degree less than $m$. With $\zeta_m$ denoting a primitive root ...
asrxiiviii's user avatar
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Regulator of number fields of a special form

Is it possible to estimate the regulator of a number field of a special form (e.g. cyclotomic fields)? My motivation mainly comes from the investigation of the number fields $K_n=\mathbb{Q}[x]/(x^n+x+...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Is an integral sum of periodic vectors always a sum of integral periodic vectors?

Update: I have found reference to this problem. It is known as "the Rédei-de Bruijn-Schönberg theorem", which is proved in the following papers: N. G. de Bruijn: On the factorization of cyclic ...
WhatsUp's user avatar
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How to find a cyclotomic polynomial of degree d that decompose into d irreducible polynomials in $Z_6$?

More specifically, I need the degree $d$ to be around 1024. I can easily find the cyclotomic polynomial of degree 1024 that satisfies the above requirement in $Z_2$, i.e., $x^{1024}+1$, which is equal ...
user67451's user avatar
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Is there a pattern for the irreducible factors and degrees of a characteristic polynomial?

Let $Log(n) = \sum_{i=1}^r \alpha_i \cdot e_i$, where $n = \prod_{i=1}^r p_i^{\alpha_i}$ and $p_i$ is the $i$-th prime, $\alpha_i \ge 0$, $e_i$ is the $i$-th standard basis vector. For example $6 = 2\...
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A sum involving roots of unity

Let $n$ be a positive integer and $\zeta$ be a primitive $n$th root of unity. It is not hard to show that \begin{align*} \sum_{k=1}^{n-1}\frac{\zeta^k}{1-\zeta^k}=\frac{1-n}{2}. \end{align*} Since $\...
Chitsai Liu's user avatar
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Easy cases of Herbrand's theorem

$\def\QQ{\mathbb{Q}}\def\ZZ{\mathbb{Z}}$ I recall Herbrand's theorem about class groups of cyclotomic fields: Let $p$ be an odd prime, let $\zeta$ be a primitive $p$-th root of $1$ and let $K = \QQ(\...
David E Speyer's user avatar
6 votes
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Splitting of primes in cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension

Let $p$ be a prime, $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ and $K_{\infty}$ be a cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension of $K$ i.e. Gal$(K_{\infty}/K) \cong \mathbb{Z}_p$, the group of $p$-adic ...
Robert's user avatar
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Points of elliptic curves over cyclotomic extensions

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb Q$. Let's look at the group of points of this elliptic curve over $\mathbb Q(1^{1/\infty})$ which we get after adding all roots of unity to $\mathbb Q$. It ...
cll's user avatar
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Cyclotomic ring of integers proof via matrix theory

Not sure of a better title (and I'm open to suggestions). But when following Laffey's notes on Integer Matrices, found here (and in particular, starting on page 13), I came across an alternative proof ...
HumbabaOReilly's user avatar
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On discrepancy properties of $\{0,\pm1\}$ sequences arising from cyclotomic polynomials

Given $n=2^k p^r q^m$ take a $d\in\Bbb Z$ with $d\mid n$ such that each $a_i$ is in $\{0,\pm1\}$ in $$f_{d,n}(x)=\frac{x^n-1}{\Phi_d(x)}=a_0+a_1x+\cdots+a_{\deg(f_{d,n}(x))}x^{\deg(f_{d,n}(x))}.$$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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On largest degree of polynomial related to cyclotomic polynomials - I

We know cyclotomic polynomials $\Phi_{2^kp^rq^m}(x)$ have coefficients in $\{0,\pm1\}$. What is the largest degree $f_{d,n}(x)=\frac{x^{2^{k}p^{r}q^{m}}-1}{\Phi_d(x)}$ with $\{0,\pm1\}$ coefficients ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Elements of absolute value 1 in cyclotomic extension of dyadic rationals

Let $\zeta$ be a primitive $2^k$th root of unity, and consider the ring $ \mathbb{Z}[\zeta, \frac{1}{2}] \subset \mathbb{C}$. Are there any elements of absolute value 1 other than the powers of $\zeta$...
Adam P. Goucher's user avatar
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Cyclotomic Extension of a Perfectoid Space

Maybe, I am being stupid, but when I consider ramified extension of a perfectoid field with the characteristic $0$, I cannot find the correspondent field with characteristic $p$. Let me put it more ...
Wayne Peng's user avatar
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Something interesting about the quintic $x^5 + x^4 - 4 x^3 - 3 x^2 + 3 x + 1=0$ and its cousins

(Update): Courtesy of Myerson's and Elkies' answers, we find a second cyclic quintic for $\cos\frac{2\pi}{p}$ with $p=\text{1 mod 10}$ as, $$\frac{z^5}{\beta} = 10 z^3 - 20 n^2 z^2 + 5 (3 n^4 - 25 n^...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
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Unique factorization for the semigroup generated by {2cos(π/n) | n>3}?

Let $S$ be the multiplicative semigroup of numbers generated by $B=\{ 2cos(\frac{\pi}{n}) \mid n \ge 4 \}$. Question: Does every number of $S$ factorize uniquely (up to perm.) as a product of ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Unit in cyclotomic field

Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and $\zeta$ be a primitive $n$-th root of unity. I want to know for which $n$ the element $1+2(\zeta+\zeta^{-1})$ is a unit in the ring of integers of $\mathbb{Q}[\zeta]$. Can ...
guest's user avatar
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Motivation for cyclotomic units

I am wondering the original motivation for considering cyclotomic units. Maybe one can rephrase the question as: Why did people initially consider such units in $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p)$ specially? ...
User0829's user avatar
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A strange condition on containment of special complex numbers in cyclotomic fields

In a recent theorem we have naturally come across this condition, that seems to be important, but rarely satisfied: $\sqrt{\frac 1 4 + a^m} \in \mathbb Q(\zeta_m, a)$ where $a\in\mathbb C^*$ and $\...
Robert A. Neiss's user avatar
18 votes
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What are the products $\prod_{A\subset{\mathbb F}_p\colon |A|=n} \sum_{a\in A} \zeta^a$ equal to?

This is a somewhat more explicit version of a question I have recently asked. Let $p$ be an odd prime, and write $\zeta:=\exp(2\pi i/p)$ (any other primitive $p$th root of unity will do as well). For ...
Seva's user avatar
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