I was wondering whether there is an explicit description of the extension $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n, |z|)/\mathbb{Q}$ obtained from a cyclotomic field $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n)$ by adjoining any finite number of absolute values $|z| := \sqrt{z\overline{z}} \in \mathbb{R}^+$ of elements $z \in \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n)$. I am of course interested in the cases where the absolute value $|z|$ is not itself a cyclotomic number, i.e. where $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n, |z|)/\mathbb{Q}$ is not an abelian extension, but see below for an additional desideratum.
Example of non-cyclotomic absolute value
As an example of an absolute value of interest, consider $z:=1+(2+\sqrt{2})i \in \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_8)$: $$ |z| = \sqrt{x\overline{x}} = \sqrt{7+4\sqrt{2}} $$ The minimal polynomial for $|z|$ is: $$ p(X) := X^4-14X^2+17 $$ Using the characterisation of Galois groups for biquadratic quartics (e.g. see Galois group of a biquadratic quartic), it is easy to check that the Galois group for $p(X)$ is $D_8$, so that $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n, |z|)/\mathbb{Q}$ is not abelian.
- I would like an algorithmic way to construct and work with a basis (over $\mathbb{Q}$) for the extension $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n, |z|)/\mathbb{Q}$, where $z$ is a given cyclotomic number.
- If a description of the basis above is made easier by assuming a that $|z|$ is not itself a cyclotomic number, then I would like to have an algorithmic way of determining when $|z|$ is a cyclotomic number for a given cyclotomic number $z$.
- I would like an algorithmic way to construct and work with a basis (over $\mathbb{Q}$) for the extension $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n, |z_1|, ..., |z_n|)/\mathbb{Q}$, where $z_1, ..., z_n$ are given cyclotomic numbers (possibly under the additional assumption that none of $|z_1|, ..., |z_n|$ is cyclotomic, see Q2).
If at all possible, I would like the basis for the extension to extend the basis described in [Breuer 1997] for the cyclotomic fields, or equivalently the one described in [Zumbroich 1989].
[Breuer 1997] T. Breuer. Integral Bases for Subfields of Cyclotomic Fields. 1997.
[Zumbroich 1989] M. Zumbroich. Grundlagen einer Arithmetik in Kreisteilungskörpern und ihre Implementation in CAS. 1989.