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44 votes
2 answers

What is known about the sum x^{n^2}/n?

It follows from a general theorem of Honda that the formal group with the logarithm $$ x+x^{2^s}/2+x^{3^s}/3+x^{4^s}/4+\cdots $$ has integer coefficients. I became interested in it because its $p$-...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
79 votes
12 answers

Is there a high-concept explanation for why characteristic 2 is special?

The structure of the multiplicative groups of $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ or of $\mathbb{Z}_p$ is the same for odd primes, but not for $2.$ Quadratic reciprocity has a uniform statement for odd primes, ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
30 votes
3 answers

Modular forms of fractional weight

Modular forms of integral weight are prominent in number theory. Furthermore, there are $\theta$-functions and the $\eta$-function, having weight 1/2, which also have a rich theory. But I have never ...
wood's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

On level $10$ of the McKay-Thompson series of the Monster

(For brevity, the level-6 functions have been migrated to another post.) I. Level-10 functions Given the Dedekind eta function $\eta(\tau)$. To recall, for level-6, $$j_{6A} = \left(\sqrt{j_{6B}} + \...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Solving the Bring quintic using the Monster?

I. Method Hermite's method to solve the Bring quintic by functions that obey $x^8+y^8=1$ implicitly uses octahedral symmetry, while Emil Jann Fiedler's solution by the Rogers-Ramanujan continued ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

About a Ramanujan-Sato formula of level 10, a recurrence, and $\zeta(5)$?

I. Level 6 This is a long shot, but I am curious where it leads. Given the Dedekind eta function $\eta(\tau),$ define, $$\begin{aligned} j_{6A}(\tau) &= \Big(\sqrt{j_{6B}(\tau)} - \frac{1}{\sqrt{...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
66 votes
8 answers

Why are powers of $\exp(\pi\sqrt{163})$ almost integers?

I've been prodded to ask a question expanding this one on Ramanujan's constant $R=\exp(\pi\sqrt{163})$. Recall that $R$ is very close to an integer; specifically $R=262537412640768744 - \epsilon$ ...
Michael Lugo's user avatar
48 votes
6 answers

Algebraic Attacks on the Odd Perfect Number Problem

The odd perfect number problem likely needs no introduction. Recent progress (where by recent I mean roughly the last two centuries) seems to have focused on providing restrictions on an odd perfect ...
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

The work of E. Artin and F. K. Schmidt on (what are now called) the Weil conjectures.

I was reading Dieudonne's "On the history of the Weil conjectures" and found two things that surprised me. Dieudonne makes some assertions about the work of Artin and Schmidt which are no doubt ...
Kevin Buzzard's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Why are values of Eisenstein $E_2^*$ algebraic integers?

I'm looking for a proof that the following term is an algebraic integer whenever $\tau_N=\frac{N+\sqrt{-N}}{2}$ is a quadratic irrationality with class number $1$: $$A_N:=\sqrt{-N}\cdot\frac{E_2(\...
L. Milla's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

When is the image of a 2-dim l-adic representation associated to a modular form open

I know the following theorems by Serre: 1, The 2-dim l-adic representation associated to a non-CM elliptic curve is open. 2, The 2-dim l-adic representation associated the weight-12 cusp form $\...
user42690's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Complex Multiplication and algebraic integers

Let $q=e^{2\pi i\tau}$ and $$E_2(\tau) = 1 - 24 \sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{nq^n}{1-q^n}$$ be the Eisenstein Series of weight $2$ and let $E_2^*(\tau) = E_2(\tau) - \frac{3}{\pi\cdot Im(\tau)}$ be the ...
L. Milla's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Convergence of L-series

I remember to have read that the L-function of an elliptic curve, which a priori only converges for $\Re s > \frac{3}{2}$ also converges at $s=1$ provided that the $L$-function satisfies the ...
wood's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Reference for: CM Hilbert Modular forms arise from Hecke characters

For classical modular forms, the correspondence between the form having CM by an imaginary quadratic field $K$ and it being induced from a Hecke character on $K$ is well-known. (Ribet's paper is a ...
unramified's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to compute Coefficients in Chudnovsky's Formula?

My aim is to understand all three coefficients arising in the Chudnovsky-Formula (see also Question 300385). Two of them are easily computed, but I failed with the third: It is known that for all $\...
L. Milla's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Transformations of Ramanujan's 1/pi formulas $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} s(n)\frac{An+ B}{C^n}$ and Monster moonshine functions

Someone with many papers on Ramanujan's work asked me how I managed to find the closed-forms for the binomial sums of level $10$ in a recent MO post. (A colleague of his wasn't able to find them.) I ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
131 votes
14 answers

Why are modular forms interesting?

Well, I'm aware that this question may seem very naive to the several experts on this topic that populate this site: feel free to add the "soft question" tag if you want... So, knowing nothing about ...
51 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between an automorphic form and a modular form?

This is more of a question about terminology than about math. The term "automorphic form" is clearly a generalization of the term "modular form." What is not clear is exactly which generalization it ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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49 votes
2 answers

Why should I care about topological modular forms?

There seems to be a lot of recent activity concerning topological modular forms (TMF), which I gather is an extraordinary cohomology theory constructed from the classical theory of modular forms on ...
Doug P's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

Intuition behind the Eichler-Shimura relation?

The modular curve $X_0(N)$ has good reduction at all primes $p$ not dividing $N$. At such a prime, the Eichler-Shimura relation expresses the Hecke operator $T_p$ (as an element of the ring of ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
34 votes
4 answers

$A_5$-extension of number fields unramified everywhere

So I was having tea with a colleague immensely more talented than myself and we were discussing his teaching algebraic number theory. He told me that he had given a few examples of abelian and ...
Olivier's user avatar
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32 votes
9 answers

Do there exist modern expositions of Klein's Icosahedron?

Reading Serre's letter to Gray , I wonder if now modern expositions of the themes in Klein's book exist. Do you know any?
Thomas Riepe's user avatar
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28 votes
1 answer

Can we use the Rogers-Ramanujan cfrac to parameterize the Fermat quintic $x^5+y^5=1$?

Define $\color{blue}{q=e^{2\pi i \tau}}$ and Dedekind eta function $\eta(\tau)$. Note: I found these relations empirically, but their consistent forms suggest they can be rigorously proven. I. $p=2$...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

Which quaternary quadratic form represents $n$ the greatest number of times?

Let $Q$ be a four-variable positive-definite quadratic form with integer coefficients and let $r_{Q}(n)$ be the number of representations of $n$ by $Q$. The theory of modular forms explains how $r_{Q}(...
Jeremy Rouse's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Proofs of Jacobi's four-square theorem

What are the nicest proofs of Jacobi’s four-square theorem you know? How much can they be streamlined? How are they related to each other? I know of essentially three aproaches. Modular forms, as in,...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Where can I find a comprehensive list of equations for small genus modular curves?

Does there exist anywhere a comprehensive list of small genus modular curves $X_G$, for G a subgroup of GL(2,Z/(n))$? (say genus <= 2), together with equations? I'm particularly interested in genus ...
David Zureick-Brown's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

Ramanujan's pi formulas with a twist

Given the binomial function $\binom{n}{k}$. 1. Define the following sequences, $$\begin{aligned} u_1(k) &= \tbinom{2k}{k}\tbinom{3k}{k}\tbinom{6k}{3k} = 1, 120, 83160, 81681600,\dots \\ u_2(k) &...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Relation between Hecke Operator and Hecke Algebra

In the study of number theory (and in other branches of mathematics) presence of Hecke Algebra and Hecke Operator is very prominent. One of the many ways to define the Hecke Operator $T(p)$ is in ...
Dipramit Majumdar's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Elkies' supersingularity theorem in higher dimension

The following is a theorem of Elkies: Let $X$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$. Then there are infinitely many primes $p$ such that the action of Frobenius on $H^1(\mathcal{O}, X)$ is zero. ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Questions about the "universal elliptic curve" over the affine $j$-line punctured at 0 and 1728

So my question refers to families of elliptic curves over the $\mathbb{A}^1_\mathbb{C}\setminus\{0,1728\}$ whose fiber above a point $j$ has $j$-invariant equal to $j$ (I understand it's not universal)...
Will Chen's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Generators of the graded ring of modular forms

Let $\Gamma$ be a finite-index subgroup of $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$. I've seen it stated (in a comment in the code of a computer program) that the graded ring $$ M(\Gamma, \mathbb{C}) = \...
David Loeffler's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Details for the action of the braid group B_3 on modular forms

I'm reading Terry Gannon's Moonshine Beyond the Monster, and in section 2.4.3 he hints at (but does not explicitly describe) a way to extend the action of $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ on modular forms to an ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Arithmetic motivations for modularity in higher rank

The classical setting of modularity is that one can associate elliptic modular forms (or automorphic representations of GL(2)/$\mathbb Q$) to elliptic curves over $\mathbb Q$. This has far-reaching ...
Kimball's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

The complete list of continued fractions like the Rogers-Ramanujan?

I have two questions about q-continued fractions, but a little intro first. Given Ramanujan's theta function, $$f(a,b) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}a^{n(n+1)/2}b^{n(n-1)/2}$$ then the following, $$A(q) =...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Is $\eta(\tau)^2$ a modular form of weight 1 on $\Gamma(12)$?

As we know, the Dedekind eta function $\eta(\tau)$ acquires a phase $\exp(2\pi i/24)$ under the modular transformation: $\tau \rightarrow \tau+1$. Therefore $\eta(\tau)^2$ is invariant under $\tau \...
Franklin Wu's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Do L-functions exist for Half-integral weight modular forms?

Classically, we can attach $L$-functions (with properties like, analytic continuation, functional equation) to Dirichlet characters, Hecke eigenforms, etc... My question is: can one attach $L$-...
N. Kumar's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Extensions of the modularity theorem

In 1995 (if I'm not mistaken) Taylor and Wiles proved that all semistable elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ are modular. This result was extended to all elliptic curves in 2001 by Breuil, Conrad, ...
Eugene's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Kronecker's Jugendtraum for real quadratic fields?

Kronecker's Jugendtraum (or Hilbert's 12'th problem) is to find abelian extensions of arbitrary number fields by adjoining `special' values of transcendental functions. The Kronecker-Weber theorem was ...
Adam Harris's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Up to $10^6$: $\sigma(8n+1) \mod 4 = OEIS A001935(n) \mod 4$ (Number of partitions with no even part repeated )

Up to $10^6$: $\sigma(8n+1) \mod 4 = OEIS A001935(n) \mod 4$ A001935 Number of partitions with no even part repeated Is this true in general? It would mean relation between restricted partitions ...
joro's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Are the L-functions of a normalized newform and the corresponding cuspidal representation equal?

Let $f \in S_k(\Gamma_0(N))$ be a normalized newform with Fourier expansion $$f(z) = \sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n e^{2\pi i z n}$$ and $a_1 = 1$. Then $f$ is an eigenfunction of all Hecke ...
D_S's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

On the Klein quartic and the similar $a^2b+b^2c+c^2a$?

Given the Ramanujan theta function, $$f(a,b) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty a^{n(n+1)/2} \; b^{n(n-1)/2}$$ Let $q = e^{2\pi i \tau}$ and assume $\tau = \sqrt{-d}$. I. Degree 5 \begin{align} a &= q^{11/...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Asymptotic formulas for Monster-related modular functions?

Define the following, $$j(\tau) = \Big(\tfrac{E_4(\tau)}{\eta^8(\tau)}\Big)^3 = {1 \over q} + 744 + \color{blue}{196884} q + 21493760 q^2 + 864299970 q^3 + \cdots \tag{1}$$ $$j_{2A}(\tau) =\Big(\big(...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Generalizing Ramanujan's and the Chudnovskys' 1/pi formula (Part 1)

Some years ago, I asked in MSE a question about the Chudnovsky brothers pi formula. Later, I asked in MO a related question. The former was unanswered until a few days ago when L. Miller gave me a ...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How did Gauss characterize the metrical relations in the uniform (4 4 4) tiling of the hyperbolic unit disk?

My purpose is to verify an historical hypothesis I have on Gauss's tesselation of the unit disk as described in John Stilwell "Mathematics and its history". Looking at the relevant pages in ...
user2554's user avatar
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8 votes
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Deligne's exterior power

In "Catégories Tannakiennes", Deligne defines the $n$th exterior power of an object $A$ of an abelian tensor category $\mathcal{C}$ as the image of the morphism $$p : A^{\otimes n} \to A^{\otimes n}, ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Omitting primes from a Hecke algebra

Let $N \ge 1, k \ge 2$ be integers, and $M_k(\Gamma_1(N))$ the space of weight k modular forms of level $\Gamma_1(N)$. Let $\mathbb{T}$ be the $\mathbb{Z}$-subalgebra of $\operatorname{End} M_k(\...
David Loeffler's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Numerical evaluation of the Petersson product of elliptic modular forms

It is known how to compute the Fourier expansion of elliptic modular forms using modular symbols, and it is known how to get numerical evaluations of $L$-functions of various type ; it's possible to ...
8 votes
3 answers

Modular form on $\Gamma_0(N)$

I recently asked this question on Math.StackExchange with no answer so far. So I thought maybe I can find an answer here. Let $M(k,\Gamma_0(N))$ be a space of modular forms of weight $k$ on $\Gamma_0(...
user31009's user avatar
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8 votes
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When do the Galois reps of modular forms have open image?

Suppose f is a newform (with coefficients generating some number field E), and $\rho_{f,\lambda}: {\rm Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}} / \mathbb{Q}) \to {\rm GL}_2(E_\lambda)$ the associated Galois rep (...
David Loeffler's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Duality of eta product identities: a new idea?

Looking at the collection of Eta Function Product Identities by Michael Somos, it seems like generally those identities come in pairs: let's call two eta product identities $\sum\limits_{i=1}^r a_iP_i=...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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