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Local cohomology and residues of rational functions at 0 and $\infty$

Let $a_1,\dots,a_s$ and $b_1,\dots,b_t$ be positive integers, where $s,t>0$. Choose $c\in\mathbb{Z}$. Let $M_c$ be the real vector space spanned by all monomials $x^\alpha y^\beta=x_1^{\alpha_1}\...
Richard Stanley's user avatar
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Does the book "Algebra III" exist (within the Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences series from Springer)?

Within the series "Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences", as published by Springer, one finds the 8 volumes, namely, the volumes I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX but zbMath has no listing ...
mathdude's user avatar
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What does Hilbert's 90 theorem tell us about Galois fixed points in projective space?

Consider the following statement: If $K\subseteq L$ is a Galois extension of fields with Galois group $G$ and $x \in \mathbb{P}^n(L)$ is such that $\sigma(x)=x$ for all $\sigma\in G$, then $x \in \...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Is $\mathbb{Z}_p \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} \mathbb{Z}_p$ coherent?

The question is as in the title: Is the ring $\mathbb{Z}_p \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} \mathbb{Z}_p = \mathbb{Z}_p \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}} \mathbb{Z}_p$ coherent? As shown in the related question, the ...
Drew Heard's user avatar
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Toward a cyclotomic Riemann hypothesis

For an integer $n \ge 3$, consider the function $$u(n) = \frac{\sigma(n)}{n \log \log n}$$ with $\sigma$ the divisor function. Now consider the sequence (bounded below and decreasing) $$v_n = \sup_{m&...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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How general are Gröbner degenerations?

While working with flat degenerations of flag varieties and Schubert varieties I've noticed that among the numerous known constructions there doesn't seem to be a single one that doesn't turn out to ...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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Triangle $X'\to X\to X''\to\Sigma X'$ splits if $X\simeq X'\oplus X''$?

Given a commutative ring $R$ and a distinguished triangle $X'\to X\to X''\xrightarrow e\Sigma X'$ in the derived category $D(R)$, where $X',X,X''$ are perfect complexes. If we have an equivalence $X\...
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Valuation with values in a semiring?

The notion of "valuation" on a ring $R$ is peculiar in that as typically presented, it is really two notions, neither of which subsumes the other. A valuation can be a homomorphism $v: (R,\times) \to ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Has anyone seen this construction of dg algebras?

Let $A$ be an associative algebra, $M$ a right $A$-module. Suppose we are given an $A$-module homomorphism $M \to A$. Then we can make $M$ itself into an associative algebra via the multiplication $$ ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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A formula for Frobenius number of certain numerical semigroups

The old formula for the Frobenius number of a numerical semigroup generated by two elements can be stated as follows: assume $\gcd\{a+1,b+1\}=1$, then the Frobenius number of $S= \left<a+1,b+1\...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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Scholze's infinite to finite type ring theory reductions?

In following essay "The Perfectoid Concept: Test Case for an Absent Theory" by Michael Harris, there is the following sentence I found to be quite striking. The most virtuosic pages in Scholze's ...
Stan's user avatar
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Mumford's intuition for flatness

In Mumford's book Algebraic Geometry II, he writes on page 179..."In order to get at what I consider the intuitive content of "flat" we need first a deeper fact..." After the deeper fact is proven he ...
Karl's user avatar
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Higher Adeles of a scheme and related topics

Let $X$ be a noetherian scheme. I will describe a construction of a simplicial ring which I think is called the Bellinson higher Adeles complex (or something similar). Consider the augmented ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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What is the etale fundamental group of Spec Z((x))?

I know the etale fundamental group of $\mathbb{Z}$ is trivial. For algebraically closed fields $K$, the etale fundamental group of $K((x))$ is $\hat{\mathbb{Z}}$, since all covers in this case are ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Singularities arising from the Minimal Model Program (an algebraic point of view)

I will start the story by the end: Is there some characterization of (some of) the singularities arising from the Minimal Model Program (canonical, terminal, log-...) in terms of commutative algebra ?...
Pedro Montero's user avatar
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How much do idempotent ultrafilters generate in terms of semigroups?

It is known that the set of ultrafilters on, say, the natural numbers $\mathbb{N}$, can naturally be endowed with the structure of a compact topological left semigroup (which fails to be anything ...
Jakub Konieczny's user avatar
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What is known about vector subspaces of polynomial rings closed under factors?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring. Call a nonempty subset $F$ of $R$ a factroid if it is closed under sums and factors. That is: If $a,b \in F$, then $a+b \in F$, and If $a,b \in R$ with $a\in R$ ...
Neil Epstein's user avatar
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Surjectivity of a bilinear map $A^m\times A^n\to A$ for a polynomial ring $A$

Let $k$ be a field and $A:= k[x_1, \dots, x_d]$. Question: Suppose $M$ is an $m\times n$ matrix over $A$. If the entries of $M$ generate the unit ideal of $A$, must there exist $a\in A^m, b\in A^n$ ...
Benjamin Baily's user avatar
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How should we picture the set of monomial orders (= positive monoid orders on $\mathbb{N}^k$)?

Motivation: So apparently there's some sort of sport competition currently going on where I live, which leads to countries being given an element of $\mathbb{N}^3$ called a “medal count”, and not ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Parallelizability of Lie monoids

A Lie monoid is a monoid, together with a structure of a smooth manifold (possibly with a boundary), such that the monoid multiplication is smooth. If all left (or right) translations in a Lie monoid $...
Žan Grad's user avatar
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Can "$\exists\mathcal{X}(R\cong C(\mathcal{X}))$" be expressed in "large" infinitary second-order logic?

Originally asked and bountied at MSE without success: Say that a ring $R$ is spatial iff there is some topological space $\mathcal{X}$ such that $R\cong C(\mathcal{X})$, where $C(\mathcal{X})$ is the ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Proof of Artin–Rees / Krull intersection motivated by universal property of blowup

I was very confused by the proof of Artin–Rees / Krull intersection theorem when I was younger. Now that I learnt about blow up— I saw the Rees algebra again and I want to now gain a better ...
Andy's user avatar
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What is the precise connection between logarithmic algebraic geometry and the field with one element?

Monoid schemes (a.k.a. $\frak M$-schemes) have been introduced by Deitmar as a possible approach to geometry over the field with one element. These build upon monoids as the basic building blocks for ...
Emily's user avatar
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Commutative algebra details on patching when proving $R = \mathbb{T}$ theorem (Calegari-Geraghty Paper)

I have originally posted this on math.SE and been suggested to post this here. I'm merely an undergraduate student and it is the first time for me to ask questions here. I'm sincerely sorry if these ...
Hetong Xu's user avatar
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Reverse mathematics of Noetherian rings over $\mathbb{Q}$

Take the Hilbert Basis Theorem over the rational numbers in this form in the language of Second Order Arithmetic:  For every $n\in N$ every ideal of the polynomial ring $\mathbb{Q}[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ is ...
Colin McLarty's user avatar
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Standard reference/name for "initial ideals $\Leftrightarrow$ associated graded rings"

Let $R$ be commutative ring with a $\mathbb Z$-grading $\deg$ and let $I\subset R$ be an ideal. On one hand, we may consider the initial ideal $\mathrm{in}_{\deg}(I)$. That is the space spanned by ...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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Is $[JK:(x)][JK:(y,z)]\subseteq JK$ in $k[x,y,z]$?

Let $k$ be a field and $S=k[x,y,z]$. Let $m=(x,y,z)$ and $J,K\subseteq m$ be proper homogeneous ideals in $S$. Is this true that we always have: $$[JK:(x)][JK:(y,z)]\subseteq JK \ ?$$ Some ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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Irreducibility of the Sylvester resultant

If $r$ and $s$ are positive integers, $R$ a commutative ring and $a_0,\dots,a_r$, $b_0,\dots,b_s$ independent variables, we can consider the polynomials $f=\sum_{i=0}^ra_iX^i$ and $g=\sum_{j=0}^sb_iX^...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
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When is the rank 2 free metabelian group of exponent $n$ center free?

Let $M_n$ be the rank 2 free metabelian group of exponent $n$. For which $n$ is $M_n$ center-free? The abelianization $M_n^{ab}\cong C_n\times C_n$, so the commutator subgroup $M_n'$ is a cyclic $(\...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Which semirings have enough injectives in their category of modules?

Let $R$ be a semiring and $Mod_R$ its category of modules. That is, $R$ is a monoid in the monoidal category of commutative monoids and $Mod_R$ is its category of modules in the usual sense. Question ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Is the class of commutative generalized Euclidean rings stable under quotient and localization?

Let $R$ be an associative ring with identity and let $E_n(R)$ be the subgroup of $GL_n(R)$ generated by matrices obtained from the identity matrix by replacing an off-diagonal entry by some $r∈R$. Let ...
Luc Guyot's user avatar
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Geometric interpretation of minimal number of generators of a module

Let $X \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ be an irreducible affine algebraic curve with coordinate ring $$\mathbb{C}[X] = \mathbb{C}[z_1, \ldots, z_n] / (f_1, \ldots, f_m ) $$ with each $f_i \in \mathbb{Z}[z_1, \...
charlie katerba's user avatar
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Embedding $\beta\mathbb{N}$ into a product of Cantor sets

Let us consider $\beta\mathbb{N}$, the Stone-Čech compactification of the natural numbers (where we do not take $0$ to be a natural number, so the only idempotent elements are nonprincipal ...
Simon_Peterson's user avatar
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Weierstrass division theorem for henselian rings

Let $A$ be an henselian local noetherian ring. There is an old result of Lafon ("Anneaux henséliens et théorème de préparation" (1967)), which says that if $A$ is analytically normal and of ...
prochet's user avatar
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Is the generation of rings by their units a question in K-theory?

Susan's question When can number rings be spanned (as $\mathbb{Z}$-modules) by units? smells like an algebraic K-theory question in disguise. I'll reformulate the question first: Given an integral ...
Marty's user avatar
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Getting a bound via polynomial equations

When studying the existence problem of power residue deference sets, I came across the following system of polynomial equations over $\mathbb{C}$, \begin{cases} &\sum\limits_{j=0}^{m-1}x_jx_{2k-j}=...
Binzhou Xia's user avatar
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Jacobian ideals reference

Suppose that $f : X \to V$ is a flat equidimensional (of dimension $h$) morphism of schemes of finite type and $V$ is excellent (or a variety) For this one can formulate something called the Jacobian ...
Karl Schwede's user avatar
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Conceptual proofs for the computation of the structure sheaf

The following lemma in commutative algebra is important for the foundations of algebraic geometry: If $A$ is a commutative ring, $U \subseteq A$ is a finite subset generating the unit ideal, then ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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When is $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\:\mathrm{depth}\:R/\mathfrak{a}^n= \mathrm{depth}\:R/\mathfrak{a}$?

Suppose $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ is a noetherian local ring. I am interested in ideals $\mathfrak{a}$ of $R$ for which $$\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\:\mathrm{depth}\:R/\mathfrak{a}^n= \mathrm{depth}\:R/\...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
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When UFD implies PID

The following result is too elementary, both to state and to prove, not to be known. Can someone give a reference? Is there any hope if you don't suppose UFD (i.e. move that from the hypothesis to ...
Michael  Barr's user avatar
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Uncountable Lüroth problem

Question. Let $F(X)$ be the field obtained by adding an uncountable collection of indeterminates (mutually transcendental elements) to a prime field $F$. Is there an example of a subfield $E$ of $F(X)$...
Ali Enayat's user avatar
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Computing Ext for toric divisors

Ok, I have an affine (normal) toric variety $X = \text{Spec} k[\sigma]$. Suppose that $F, G$ are two torus invariant Weil divisors on $X$. Is there any relatively straightforward way to compute $$ \...
Karl Schwede's user avatar
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E(n) Deformations of the infinity category Qcoh(X) with it's E(n)-tensor product

Let $X$ be a smooth scheme, then an infinity enchancement of $QCoh(X)$ has an $E_\infty$ structure and in particular an $E_n$ structure for any $n$. In this paper, Ben-...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Krull rings and determinantal invariants

During another attempt to come to grips with Hillman's excellent book Algebraic Invariants of Links, I am having difficulty figuring out why Krull rings are the setting for Chapter 3- the natural ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
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Ring of invariants for graph automorphism

$\DeclareMathOperator\Aut{Aut}$Let $G$ be a finite simple graph with nodes numbered $1$ to $n$. Attach variables $x_1, ..., x_n$ to nodes. The graph automorphism group $\Aut G$ acts on nodes by ...
Rybin Dmitry's user avatar
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Semigroups of matrices closed under conjugate transposition

An involution semigroup or $\star$-semigroup is a unary semigroup $\langle S,{\cdot}\,,{}^\star\rangle$ that satisfies the equations $$ (x^\star)^\star = x \quad \text{and} \quad (xy)^\star = y^\star ...
E W H Lee's user avatar
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Matrix decompositions as monoid isomorphisms. Ever considered before?

I've noticed some correspondences between some matrix decompositions and monoid isomorphisms (always to some free commutative monoid), in addition to the one I asked about in a previous question: ...
wlad's user avatar
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Image of multiplication map in tensor powers of finite-dimensional ring

Let $R$ be a (commutative, unital) ring of dimension $n$ over a field $k$. Assume the characteristic of $k$ is greater than $n$. Then $R^{\otimes n}$ has a natural ring structure, together with an $...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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A criterion for rational singularities in mixed characteristic

Let $R$ be a mixed characteristic discrete valuation ring with perfect residue field and $f:X \to \mathrm{Spec}(R)$ a flat proper morphism. If the generic fibre of $f$ is smooth and the special fibre ...
naf's user avatar
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Passing to torsion of an exact sequence

If $$ \Theta\colon\quad 0\to A\to B\to C\to 0 $$ is an exact sequence of abelian groups, and $n$ is an integer, then one obtains an exact sequence $$ 0\to A[n] \to B[n] \to C[n] \stackrel{\delta_n(\...
Alex B.'s user avatar
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