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Zurab Silagadze's user avatar
Zurab Silagadze's user avatar
Zurab Silagadze
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
2 votes

Reference for exercises with solutions for affine Lie algebras

2 votes

What are the applications of Grillakis Shatah and Strauss paper?

2 votes

About an integral equation

2 votes

Schrodinger equation with magnetic vector potential

2 votes

The Identity of the Modified Bessel Function of the first kind

2 votes

Stokes theorem with corners

2 votes

Why can the general quintic be transformed to $v^5-5\beta v^3+10\beta^2v-\beta^2 = 0$?

2 votes

Does quantum mechanics ever really quantize classical mechanics?

2 votes

Complex evaluation of a classical (real) integral

2 votes

proof without words for logarithms

1 vote

Ramanujan-type sum

1 vote

Surfaces contained in a ball

1 vote

Expository articles on Algebraic Number Theory

1 vote

An inequality concerning Lagrange's identity

1 vote

Good references for Rigged Hilbert spaces?

1 vote

A question on an set of 8 matrices related to the SU(3) generators

1 vote

References about spectral theory on Hyperbolic space

1 vote

Action Integral

1 vote

Hyperelliptic generalization of Euler's formula

1 vote

Quantum Mechanics and bilinear optimal control theory

1 vote

A proof of the Ibragimov-Kara-Mahomed commutation relation

1 vote

Reference request for the relation of Ext groups and bar construction

1 vote

Anderson localization - an embarassment of riches

1 vote

Books on advanced galois theory

1 vote

Schrödinger operators on a sphere

1 vote

Reference request: a guide through quantum probability

1 vote

Applications of commutative algebra

1 vote

Algebraic Number Theory in Financial Mathematics

1 vote

Non-Pythagorean proof for the square root of 2 and solution to YBC7289

1 vote

$\pi$, disjunctive numbers, and finite sequences of given length

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