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Zurab Silagadze's user avatar
Zurab Silagadze's user avatar
Zurab Silagadze
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
129 votes

Proofs without words

32 votes

Stability of the Solar System

29 votes

Convergence of $\sum(n^3\sin^2n)^{-1}$

25 votes

History of $\frac d{dt}\tan^{-1}(t)=\frac 1{1+t^2}$

24 votes

Origin of exact sequences

22 votes

Which integers can be expressed as a sum of three cubes in infinitely many ways?

22 votes

Is there a standard notation for off-diagonal transpose?

20 votes

Which popular games have been studied mathematically?

19 votes

Ordinary Generating Function for Bell Numbers

18 votes

How does one justify funding for mathematics research?

18 votes

A certain mathematical competition in the UK

17 votes

Has Apéry's proof of the irrationality of $\zeta(3)$ ever been used to prove the irrationality of other constants?

16 votes

Fermat's opponents

16 votes

A sum by Ramanujan for $\coth^{2}(5\pi)$

15 votes

Absolute value inequality for complex numbers

15 votes

Evaluating an infinite sum related to $\sinh$

14 votes

Rings satisfying the polynomial equation $x^4=x^2$

14 votes

On an example of an eventually oscillating function

14 votes

If a triangle can be displaced without distortion, must the surface have constant curvature?

13 votes

How to make the Capelli's identity less mysterious?

13 votes

Algebra and cancer research

13 votes

Insightful books about elementary mathematics

12 votes

Using the decomposition $641 = 5^4 + 2^4$ to factor $F_5$

12 votes

General Relativity and Differential Geometry intuitions of Second Bianchi Identity

12 votes

Usefulness of Nash embedding theorem

11 votes

On the exact reference of a cute Diophantine problem

11 votes

Primitive integral solutions to $x^2+y^3=z^2$

11 votes

A closed form for an integral expressed as a finite series of $\zeta(2k+1)$, $\pi^m$ and a rational?

10 votes

volume over a hypercube, over simplex: twist by Euler numbers

10 votes

Publishing mathematical coincidences

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