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Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro's user avatar
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro's user avatar
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen this week
26 votes

Hilbert's sixth problem and QFT description

26 votes

Who says understanding physics helps mathematicians? (A reference request) [Take the word "who" literally.]

21 votes

QFT and mathematical rigor

20 votes

Functional approach vs jet approach to Lagrangian field theory

17 votes

References request: constructive quantum field theory

16 votes

Is there a class of optimization problems more general than semidefinite programming?

16 votes

Rigorous construction of fermionic field theory?

15 votes

History and motivation for Tannaka, Krein, Grothendieck, Deligne et al. works on Tannaka-Krein theory?

15 votes

Examples of using physical intuition to solve math problems

14 votes

Abstract result on partitions of unity?

14 votes

Is the set of Lorentzian metrics metrizable?

13 votes

Why don't we study hyperbolic equations as elliptic and parabolic equations?

13 votes

C*-algebras and quantum fields

12 votes

Universal unital $C^*$ algebra generated by the relations of an n by n projection

12 votes

Poincare lemma for non-smooth differentiable forms

12 votes

How unique is a conformal compactification?

12 votes

Duality between topology and bornology

12 votes

Symmetric and anti-symmetric parts of the covariant derivative of a connection

12 votes

Why does Riesz's Representation Theorem apply in quantum mechanics?

12 votes

Nice applications for Schwartz distributions

12 votes

Question on Lorentzian geometry

11 votes

Derivatives of $C^{\infty}$ non analytic function

11 votes

Do locally convex topological vector spaces embed into diffeological spaces?

10 votes

Physical meaning of the Lebesgue measure

10 votes

What mathematical treatment is there on the renormalization group flow in a space of Lagrangians?

10 votes

Is the space of tempered distribution second countable?

10 votes

Old books you would like to have reprinted with high-quality typesetting

9 votes

Are locally compact, Hausdorff, locally path-connected topological groups locally Euclidean?

9 votes

Initial conditions in the Klein-Gordon equation

9 votes

How should I understand the "$C^\infty$ functions" whose domain is the dual of $C^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n)$?