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13 votes
1 answer

Existence of a translation-invariant basis of $\ell^2$

This question is heavily inspired by this other one, but is meant to be a hopefully more accessible variant of it (and I think slightly more natural). I give four equivalent formulations of the same ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

What is about J. v. Neumann's "Continuous geometry"?

I am curious about von Neumann's "Continuous geometry", but found no recent text or survey on it. Does anyone know the book and would be so nice to share their impression, and if/how the concept of ...
Thomas Riepe's user avatar
  • 10.8k
13 votes
2 answers

Noncontractible connected topological rings ?

Are there any non-contractible connected topological rings? Of course, such a thing cannot be a (topological) algebra over the reals. (I have a vague memory of having a glance at an erticle by Lurie ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
  • 23.3k
13 votes
4 answers

Subalgebras of matrices

Given a matrix algebra over a field, can one describe all its subalgebras?
chana's user avatar
  • 131
13 votes
3 answers

Classification of commutative Frobenius algebras

Are there attempts to classify commutative finite dimensional Frobenius algebras? They appear often in mathematics, such as in algebraic geometry and the famous category equivalence between ...
Mare's user avatar
  • 26.5k
13 votes
3 answers

How should one look at the set of compatible ring structures on a given group?

Earlier today I had a conversation with a friend about ways of putting topologies on sets of first-order structures; we wound up talking about reducts and expansions from a topological point of view, ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Noncommutative localization of a ring: complete construction

I've been looking for the following construction in the literature, but I've only been able to find (very) partial proofs or proofs of special cases. Let $R$ be a non-commutative ring and $S$ a ...
Steve's user avatar
  • 465
12 votes
1 answer

Relations between coefficients of expansions of a rational function at 0 and infinity

This question goes in the bucket of "this must be well known, but I don't see it and am not sure where to look it up." Given two Laurent power series $A(t)=\sum_{k>N}a_kt^k$ and $B(t)=\sum_{k>M}...
Ben Webster's user avatar
  • 44.7k
12 votes
1 answer

PID expressed as finite union of subrings

There is a classical theorem that no field can be expressed as finite union of proper subfields. In contrast, there is an example of an integral domain that can be expressed as finite union of proper ...
Steve Jacob's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Square of primary ideals

Is there any example of a $P$-primary ideal $I$ in a noetherian domain $R$ such that $I^2=PI \not=P^2$?
lina lie's user avatar
  • 131
12 votes
2 answers

Determinant of identity matrix plus Hilbert matrix

I am looking for the determinant $$ \det(I_n + H_n) $$ where $I_n$ is the $n \times n$ identity matrix and $H_n$ is the $n \times n$ Hilbert matrix, whose entries are given by $$ [H_n]_{ij} = \frac{...
Tobi's user avatar
  • 121
12 votes
4 answers

Zero divisor conjecture for finite fields

I believe that the most attractive "zero-divisor" conjecture is the existence of non-trivial zero-divisors in a group ring $\mathbb{C}[G]$ for a torsion free group $G$. For the sake of knowledge let ...
Kate Juschenko's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Does there exist any "quantum Lie algebra" embeded into the quantum enveloping algebra U_q(g)?

We have known that any finite dim Lie algebra can be embeded into it's enveloping algebra $U(\mathfrak{g})$, my question is: is there any "quantum Lie algebra" embeded into the quantum enveloping ...
tzhang's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

PBW theorem over a Q-algebra, without freeness or flatness

Let $k$ be a commutative ring with $1$. Let $L$ be a $k$-Lie algebra, which is not necessarily free as a $k$-module. Let $S\left(L\right)$ denote the symmetric algebra of $L$ (over $k$), constructed ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
11 votes
0 answers

Detecting invertible elements in group rings by their images for finite quotients of the group

Let $G$ be a "nice" infinite group: at least finitely presented and residually finite, maybe also linear and right-orderable (or even bi-orderable, or residually free nilpotent). Consider an element ...
Jean-Claude Sikorav's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Generalizing the Fundamental Theorem of Symmetric Polynomials

The fundamental theorem of symmetric polynomials tells us that the ring $\mathbb{Z}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]^{S_n}$ of symmetric polynomials in $n$ variables is generated (without relations) by the elementary ...
Owen Biesel's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

What is the smallest variety of algebras containing all fields?

A field is a ring whose nonzero elements form a commutative group under multiplication. A field is also a commutative inverse semigroup with respect to multiplication. The unique multiplicative ...
Thomas Klimpel's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Generalization of finitely generated, finitely presented modules?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring and $M$ an $R$-module. The module $M$ is finitely generated iff there is an exact sequence $R^{k_0} \to M \to 0$. Similarly, $M$ is finitely presented iff there is an ...
eb80's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Countable Maximal Ideals

This may be simple but I can not see a way. I am looking for an uncountable ring (with 1) containing a countable maximal left ideal which is not a direct summand (as a left ideal).
user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Is every field extension of an ultrafield an ultrafield?

Let $K=\lim(K_{i})$ be an ultrafield (over a non-principal ultrafilter), and let $K\hookrightarrow K'$ be a field extension of $K$. When the field $K'$ is finite over $K$ it is also an ultrafield by ...
user12940's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

A flatness result of Fiedorwicz for amalgamated free products of monoids in connection with classifying spaces of monoids

In Lemma 5.2(a) of Z. Fiedorowicz, Classifying Spaces of Topological Monoids and Categories American Journal of Mathematics Vol. 106, No. 2 (Apr., 1984), pp. 301-350 the author proves the following. ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Tensor products of $\infty$-algebras over operads

Let $A$ and $B$ be $A_\infty$-algebras. It's true, but it's a quite nontrivial fact, that the tensor product $A \otimes B$ can be given the structure of $A_\infty$-algebra, too. What is much easier to ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
  • 40.2k
10 votes
1 answer

Reverse Minkowski (and related) Determinant Inequalities

For positive semidefinite matrices $A,B,C \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$, the following inequalities are well known: $$(\det(A+B))^{1/n} \geq (\det A)^{1/n} + (\det B)^{1/n} $$ and $$\det(A+B+C) + \...
Tom's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

Are local finite dimensional Hopf algebras symmetric?

Recall that a finite dimensional algebra $A$ over a field $K$is called a Frobenius algebra in case $A \cong D(A)$ as right modules, where $D(A) \cong Hom_K(A,K)$. In case $A \cong D(A)$ as bimodules, ...
Mare's user avatar
  • 26.5k
10 votes
5 answers

On the notion of partial semigroup

A partial binary operation on a set $X$ is just a (partial) function $\varphi: X \times X \rightharpoonup X$ (I'm using \rightharpoonup for partial maps), and a partial magma is a pair $\mathbb M = (M,...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to define a prime ideal object via diagrams in the category of rings?

I like to think in terms of commutative diagrams rather than referring to elements. So to me a group is really a group object, i.e. an object with some maps satisfying certain commutative diagrams. ...
David White's user avatar
  • 30.3k
10 votes
1 answer

Existence of a finite extension of ℤ providing a finite extension of the primes

Let $R$ be a ring (possibly noncommutative with zero-divisors). A non-unit and non-zero-divisor element $r \in R$ will be called irreducible if for all $a,b \in R$ such that $r=ab$, then $a$ or $b$ is ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Coefficient-wise powers of matrices. Reference wanted

Let $K$ be a commutative field and ${\rm M}_n (K)$ be the ring of $n\times n$ square matrices with coefficients in $K$ ($n\geqslant 1$ is an integer). For $k\geqslant 1$ and $A =(a_{ij})_{1\leqslant i,...
Paul Broussous's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Birkhoff's completeness theorem put into practice

Birkhoff's completeness theorem (see here, Theorem 14.19) states that an equation which is true in all models of an algebraic theory can be proven in equational logic. Question. Does the proof of ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Localization and intersection

It is very well known that if $\mathfrak p_1, \ldots,\mathfrak p_n$ are prime ideal of an integral domain $A$, then we have the equality$$S^{-1}A=\bigcap_{i=1}^n A_{\mathfrak{p}_i},$$ where $S:=A\...
Vincenzo Zaccaro's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Units of group algebra of dihedral group

Question: Can we fully describe the group of units (=invertible elements) $(KG)^\times$ of the group algebra $KG$ for $K=\mathbf{F}_2$, $G=D_\infty=\langle s,t|s^2=t^2=1\rangle$, the infinite ...
YCor's user avatar
  • 63.9k
9 votes
1 answer

Are differential rings monoids in a monoidal category?

$\newcommand{\pt}{\mathrm{pt}}\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}}\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}$A number of algebraic structures can be defined as monoids in some appropriate monoidal category: A monoid ...
Emily's user avatar
  • 11.8k
9 votes
2 answers

Algebraic power series of finite order

Apologies if the question is too elementary/something well-known. I believe it is a well-known fact that the rational formal power series $F(z)=\frac{P(z)}{Q(z)}$ which have finite order under ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Schroeder-Bernstein for Rings

Suppose $f: A \to B$ and $g: B \to A$ are injections of rings (commutative with identity). Must $A$ and $B$ be isomorphic as rings? According to this question, this answer should be "no", but can ...
Damien Mondragon's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Which group algebras in analysis are "true group algebras"?

Let $G$ be a group, $A$ a unital associative algebra over ${\mathbb C}$, and let us call a representation of $G$ in $A$ an arbitrary map $\pi:G\to A$ such that $$ \pi(1)=1,\qquad \pi(a\cdot b)=\pi(a)\...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

First-order UFD (factorial ring) condition / pre-Schreier rings

All rings in this post are commutative and with $1$. Everyone knows the definition of a factorial ring, a. k. a. unique factorization domain (UFD). I have been wondering about some variations ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
9 votes
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Generalizing detropicalization

Given an identity in max,plus arithmetic, are there ways to turn it into an ordinary algebraic identity it other than by replacing addition by multiplication and replacing max by series-plus or by ...
James Propp's user avatar
  • 19.7k
9 votes
2 answers

Extensions of an infinite product of copies of Z by Z

The question is simple: Let $P$ be an infinite direct product of copies of $\mathbb Z$. Do there exist any nontrivial extensions $$0 \to \mathbb Z \to E \to P \to 0$$ in the category of commutative ...
Xandi Tuni's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

On similar matrices and polynomial matrices

I'm teaching linear algebra and I'm encountering this theorem: two matrices $A$ and B are similar iff $tI - A$ and $tI - B$ are equivalent (as polynomial matrices), where $I$ is the unit matrix. The ...
Wei Wang's user avatar
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2 answers

Where should I search for resolutions?

In my research, to test some conjectures or just to illustrate some facts, I often need to compute some explicit examples of derived functors (in the sence of Quillen's model categories). Mainly I ...
Sasha Patotski's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Does a left basis imply a right basis, without AC?

If $_DV_D$ is a $D$-$D$-bimodule, and we have a $D$-basis for $V_D$, do we still need AC to get a $D$-basis for $_DV$? (The original question appears below. But this shorter question gets at the ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
  • 18.7k
8 votes
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Matrix decompositions as monoid isomorphisms. Ever considered before?

I've noticed some correspondences between some matrix decompositions and monoid isomorphisms (always to some free commutative monoid), in addition to the one I asked about in a previous question: ...
wlad's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Functions over monoids which factor in two different ways

This is a follow-up question to this MO question, which was asked by Richard Stanley in a comment to my answer there. Let $S$ be a commutative monoid and $f(x_1, \dots, x_n)$ be a function from $S^n$ ...
Tony Huynh's user avatar
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8 votes
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Topological fraction rings and fields

Linked to this question and as a sequel to my answer of it. Let $R$ be a topological (commutative, unital) ring and set $S$ be a submonoid of $(R,\times,1_R)$. Let $$ s_{frac}\ :\ R\times S\to S^{-...
Duchamp Gérard H. E.'s user avatar
8 votes
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Direct sum of injective modules over non-Noetherian rings

By the Bass-Papp theorem, if every direct sum of injective $R$-modules is injective then $R$ is Noetherian. I would like to know if there exists an injective module over $R$ non-Noetherian, that ...
Aaron Bennet's user avatar
8 votes
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Why is the cardinality of the codomain of a ring epimorphism at most the cardinality of the domain?

According to this page and thence linked text, if $e : R \to S$ is an epimorphism of rings, then the cardinality of $S$ cannot exceed the cardinality of $R$. This is a non-trivial observation because ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
  • 48.8k
8 votes
2 answers

Left-right non-bimodule examples

Let $A$ be a unital algebra, defined over the complex numbers. Any bimodule $M$ over $A$ must, by definition, be a left, and right, module satisfing $$ a.(m.b) = (a.m).b, ~~~~~~~ \textrm{ for all } a,...
Rodrigo Alfonso de la Paz's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Graded rings with compatible S_n actions

Does the following mathematical gadget have a standard name? Let $R$ be an $\mathbb{N}$-graded ring together with an $S_n$ action on each $R_n$ which are compatible in the following sense. Let $i:...
Noah Snyder's user avatar
  • 28.1k
8 votes
2 answers

Reason to apply the Koszul sign rule everywhere in graded contexts

The Koszul sign rule is a sign rule that arises from graded-commutative algebras. For instance, let $\bigwedge(x_1,\dots, x_n)$ be the free graded-commutative algebra generated by $n$ elements of ...
Javi's user avatar
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Kunneth spectral sequence

In Rotman's Homological Algebra, 1st edition, there is written: Is every detail of 11.31-11.35 correct? Isn't the spectral sequence in 11.35 1st quadrant and not 3rd quadrant? Do 11.34-35 also hold ...
Leo's user avatar
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