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A particular Lie algebra $L_{n}$ and (various) lie groups whose Lie algebra is isomorphic to $L_{n}$

Edit: According to the comment by @LSpice we realise the existing link to the main motivation of the question is not available. Then we search for the paper we found the following version: https://www....
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Guess the next polynoms in the sequence (MO vs. AI :), count anticommuting $F_p$-matrices, P. Hrubeš conjecture

Here is a sequence of polynoms - (presumably) counting N-tuples of ANTI-commuting 2x2 matrices over $F_p, p>2$. (That is just the case of 2x2 matrices, and (surprisingly) it is not so easy to see a ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Hadamard $\ell_p$ sum of two symmetric positive semidefinite matrices

Does there exist $p>1$ such that for all $n\geq 2$, if $(a_{ij})$ and $(b_{ij})$ are symmetric positive semidefinite $n\times n$ matrices and $a_{ij}, b_{ij}\geq 0$ then $\bigl(\|(a_{ij},b_{ij})\|...
D_809's user avatar
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Matrices with only two different entries and maximal determinant

Define $\mathcal M_n$ as the set of all $n\times n$ matrices of full rank with each entry either 1 or $x$. I am interested in how big the determinant of such a matrix can be. For this, we define in a ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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2 votes
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What is the Birkhoff norm of a Perron vector?

Let $A$ be a positive matrix. What is known about the Birkhoff norm of its Perron vector? By the Birkhoff norm of a vector $x$ I refer to the quantity $\frac{\max{x}}{\min{x}}$. P.S. This is ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
2 votes
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Convex combinations $A$ of $n\times n$ permutation matrices such that every entry in $A^{k}$ is $1/n$

Recall that a doubly stochastic matrix is a square matrix $A$ with non-negative entries such that the sum of each row is $1$ and the sum of each column is $1$. The Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem states ...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
2 votes
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Optimization over a convex cone generated by a set is equal to optimization over the set

Within my research I found an important doubt and that prevents me from advancing, the context of my doubt is as follows: We considerer the following optimization problem $$ \left\{\begin{array}{cl} \...
matematicaActiva's user avatar
2 votes
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Hadamard $\ell_p$ sum of two symmetric positive semidefinite matrices: follow-up

I asked the following question here: "Does there exist $p>1$ such that for all $n\geq 2$, if $(a_{ij})$ and $(b_{ij})$ are symmetric positive semidefinite $n\times n$ matrices and $a_{ij}, b_{ij}\...
D_809's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Spectral decomposition of a $4\times4$ real nonsymmetric matrix with unknown elements

I'm trying to eigendecompose the following matrix $A$, i.e. to find $Q$ and $\Lambda$ such that $$ A = \begin{bmatrix} -\alpha & \alpha & -\gamma^{-1} & 0\\ \beta &...
sound wave's user avatar
1 vote
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Possibility of Disconnected Subgraphs of a $k$ Connected $r$ regular Graph under a given condition

Context: Given a adjacency matrix A of a $r$-regular graph $G$ (not complete graph $K_{r+1}$) . $G$ is $k$ connected. The matrix A can be divided into 4 sub-matrices based on adjacency of vertex $x ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

A geometric property of singular matrices

Let $S\subset M_{n}(\mathbb{R})$ be the singular points of the equation $Det=0$. That is $S$ is the critical points of the determinant function. What matrices belongs to $S$, precisely? Let $M=...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Expected size of determinant of $AA^T$ for non-square random $A$

If $A$ is chosen uniformly at random over all possible $m \times n$ (0,1)-matrices, what is the expected size of the absolute value of the determinant of $AA^T$. We can assume $m < n$ and all ...
Simd's user avatar
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Why is Givens better than Householder on sparse matrix? [closed]

I am trying to transform a matrix from something like a b c d e f g h i to 0 b 0 d 0 f 0 h 0 but at a way larger scale. ...
Marry Poppins's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is this a full rank matrix? [closed]

According to the answer of znt to the previous version, I revise the question as follows: Is there a real $(n-1)\times n$ matrix $A$ such that $A$ is not a full rank matrix and satisfy $a_{ii}&...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
1 vote
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Combinatorial 0-1 vector problem

Let $M \in \{0, 1\}^{n\times n}$. Given a constant integer $c \ge 2$, let the number of $1$s in each row be equal to $\frac{n}{c}$ (assuming $c$ is a divisor of $n$). Let $\mathcal{M}_c$ be the set of ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
1 vote
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Hard instances for this graph isomorphism algorithm based on powers of weighted adjacency matrices?

In short, I found an algorithm for GI and the only hard instances I found so far are non-isomorphic strongly regular graphs with large automorphism groups. Q1 What are hard instances for the ...
joro's user avatar
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Combinatorial counting question related to count (anti)commuting N-tuples of matrices (more generally $(X_1,...X_n): F(X_i,X_j)=0$ - only one F)

Consider some finite set $S$ (can be matrices over $F_p$), consider some symmetric relation $F(s1,s2)$ which values are True or False (for example - matrices (anti)commutate or not). Question 1: can ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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A RKHS interpretation of the Rydberg formula for hydrogen and an application for physics?

I was thinking if it is possible to define an inner product between two small physical objects with a positive definite kernel and was led to look at the Rydberg formula: The Rydberg formula for ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
66 votes
2 answers

Geometric interpretation of characteristic polynomial

The coefficients of lowest and next-highest degree of a linear operator's characteristic polynomial are its determinant and trace. These have well-known geometric interpretations. But what about its ...
Per Vognsen's user avatar
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63 votes
7 answers

How to prove this determinant is positive?

Given matrices $$A_i= \biggl(\begin{matrix} 0 & B_i \\ B_i^T & 0 \end{matrix} \biggr)$$ where $B_i$ are real matrices and $i=1,2,\ldots,N$, how to prove the following? $$\det \big( I + e^...
Lei Wang's user avatar
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42 votes
4 answers

What is the intuition for the trace norm (nuclear norm)?

I will word this question in terms of linear operators acting on $\mathbb{C}^n$ for simplicity. Feel free to provide an answer in terms of more general Hilbert spaces if you think it makes more sense ...
Kall's user avatar
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40 votes
6 answers

Linear transformation that preserves the determinant

It seems "common knowledge" that the following holds: Let $T$ be a linear transformation on $n\times n$ matrices with complex coefficients that preserves the determinant. Then there exists ...
Ohdarkdevil's user avatar
38 votes
10 answers

Fast matrix multiplication

Suppose we have two $n$ by $n$ matrices over particular ring. We want to multiply them as fast as possible. According to wikipedia there is an algorithm of Coppersmith and Winograd that can do it in $...
ilyaraz's user avatar
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36 votes
4 answers

Determinant of the random matrix $X^2+Y^2$

$\DeclareMathOperator\Prob{Prob}$Let $X,Y\in M_n(\mathbb{R})$ be $2$ random matrices. The entries of $X,Y$ are i.i.d. variables. They follow the standard normal law $N(0,1)$. i) When $n=2,3,4$, one ...
loup blanc's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

A curious determinantal inequality

In my study, I come across the following curious inequality, which I do not know a proof yet (so I am asking it here). Let $A, B$ be $n\times n$ (Hermitian) positive definite matrices. It is very ...
M. Lin's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

Quickly determining if a matrix has any PSD completion

Given $m$ entries of an $n \times n$ matrix, is it possible to determine in $O(m n)$ time whether there is any positive semidefinite completion? Slightly more precisely: for simplicity let's assume ...
Paul Christiano's user avatar
34 votes
3 answers

Why is uncomputability of the spectral decomposition not a problem?

Below, we compute with exact real numbers using a realistic / conservative model of computability like Type Two Effectivity. Assume that there is an algorithm that, given a symmetric real matrix $M$, ...
wlad's user avatar
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32 votes
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Existence of orthogonal basis of symmetric $n\times n$ matrices, where each matrix is unitary?

For a positive integer $n$, let $S_n$ denote the set of $n\times n$ symmetric matrices over $\mathbb{C}$. As a complex vector space, this set has dimension $\mathrm{dim}(S_n)=\binom{n+1}{2}$. The ...
Mark Girard's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

Determinants of binary matrices

I was surprised to find that most $3\times 3$ matrices with entries in $\{0,1\}$ have determinant $0$ or $\pm 1$. There are only six out of 512 matrices with a different determinant (three with $2$ ...
Dirk's user avatar
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29 votes
12 answers

When does 'positive' imply 'sum of squares'?

Does anyone have examples of when an object is positive, then it has (or does not have) a square root? Or more generally, can be written as a sum of squares? Example. A positive integer does not ...
29 votes
1 answer

Is there an explicit formula for the hessian of "Determinant"?

Let $f: G= \mbox{GL}(n,\mathbb{R}) \to \mathbb{R}$ be the determinant function. Then $\mbox{Hess} (f)$ is a two linear map on $M_{n}(\mathbb{R})\simeq T_{e}(G)$ where $e$ is the neutral element of $G$,...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
29 votes
6 answers

How to find a closest integer point to the intersection of two lines?

Here's a question that originates from StackOverflow. Given are two lines on a plane, specified by equations ($a x + b y = c$) with integer coefficients. The lines aren't parallel and they don't ...
P Shved's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Uniquely reconstruct a matrix $M$ from its inverse $M^{-1}$ if $n$ elements of $M^{-1}$ are unknown and $n$ elements of $M$ are given

This question was motivated by a recent MO post. You know $n$ elements of the $N\times N$ matrix $M$ and you do not know $n$ elements of the inverse $M^{-1}$ (but you know the other $N^2-n$ elements ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

Condition for a matrix to be a perfect power of an integer matrix

I have a question that seems to be rather simple but for I got no clue so far. Let's say I have a matrix $A$ of size $2\times 2$ and integer entries. I want to know if there is a kind of test or ...
Luis Ferroni's user avatar
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26 votes
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Finite subgroups of unitary groups

Let $n$ be an integer. Camille Jordan showed that there exists some $m \in {\mathbb N}$ (depending on $n$), such that for any pair of $n \times n$-unitaries $u,v \in U(n)$ which generate a finite ...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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26 votes
6 answers

Deriving inverse of Hilbert matrix

The Hilbert matrix is the square matrix given by $$H_{ij}=\frac{1}{i+j-1}$$ Wikipedia states that its inverse is given by $$(H^{-1})_{ij} = (-1)^{i+j}(i+j-1) {{n+i-1}\choose{n-j}}{{n+j-1}\choose{n-...
L.Z. Wong's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Eigenvalues of permutations of a real matrix: can they all be real?

For a matrix $M\in GL(n,\mathbb R)$, consider the $n!$ matrices obtained by permutations of the rows (say) of $M$ and define the total spectrum $TS(M)$ as the union of all their spectra (counting ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Non-diagonalizable complex symmetric matrix

This is a question in elementary linear algebra, though I hope it's not so trivial to be closed. Real symmetric matrices, complex hermitian matrices, unitary matrices, and complex matrices with ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Condition for two matrices to share at least one eigenvector?

Suppose that I have two matrices $A$ and $B$, and I want them to share a common eigenvector $x$. For simplicity let's just assume that the eigenvalue associated with $x$ is $1$ for both matrices, so $...
sasquires's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Does Anyone Know Anything about the Determinant and/or Inverse of this Matrix?

The matrix I am inquiring about here is the $n \times n$ matrix where the entry $A_{ij}$ is $\frac{1}{(i+j-1)^2}$. The $2 \times 2$ matrix looks like $$ \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1/4 \\ 1/4 & 1/9 \...
user36887's user avatar
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19 votes
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Smallest eigenvalue of a tricky random matrix

While experimenting with positive-definite functions, I was led to the following: Let $n$ be a positive integer, and let $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ be sampled from a zero-mean, unit variance gaussian. Consider ...
Suvrit's user avatar
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19 votes
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A possible extension of a determinant inequality

It is well known that if $A, B$ are positive semidefinite matrices, then $$\det (A+B)\ge \det A+\det B.$$ I am considering a possible extension of this result. Let $\mathbb{M}_m(\mathbb{M}_n)$ ...
M. Lin's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Best known bounds on tensor rank of matrix multiplication of 3×3 matrices

Years ago I attended a conference where they taught us that matrix multiplication can be represented by a tensor. The rank of the tensor is important, because putting it into minimal rank form ...
Brian Rushton's user avatar
19 votes
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Is the semigroup of nonnegative integer matrices with determinant 1 finitely generated?

The group of $n\times n$ matrices with integer entries and determinant equal to 1, $SL(n,Z)$, is a finitely generated group (in fact, it is generated by 2 matrices). I am interested to know if the ...
Hej's user avatar
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Applications of linear programming duality in combinatorics

So, I know that one can apply the strong LP duality theorem to specific instances of maximum flow problems to recover some nontrivial theorems in combinatorics, such as Hall's theorem, Koenig's ...
amakelov's user avatar
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18 votes
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looking for proof or partial proof of determinant conjecture

Math people: I am looking for a proof of a conjecture I made. I need to give two definitions. For distinct real numbers $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_k$, define $\sigma(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_k) =1$ if $(x_1, ...
Stefan's user avatar
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18 votes
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Orthogonal matrices with small entries

Is it true that for any $n$, there exists a $n \times n$ real orthogonal matrix with all coefficients bounded (in absolute value) by $C/\sqrt{n}$, $C$ being an absolute constant ? Some remarks : If ...
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
18 votes
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Deciding membership in a convex hull

Given points $u, v_1, \dots,v_n \in \mathbb{R}^m$, decide if $u$ is contained in the convex hull of $v_1, \dots, v_n$. This can be done efficiently by linear programming (time polynomial in $n,m$) in ...
Mitch's user avatar
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18 votes
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Bounding the commutator [A,B] in terms of the numerical radius

Given a norm $N$ over ${\bf M}_n(\mathbb C)$, it is a natural question to find the best constant $C_N$ such that $$N([A,B])\le C_N N(A)N(B),\qquad\forall A,B\in{\bf M}_n(\mathbb C).$$ The answer is ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
  • 52.3k
17 votes
1 answer

How can we interpret the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Euclidean Distance Matrices?

I asked this question in Math Stack Exchange earlier here: and since I ...
Srinivas K's user avatar

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