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Convergence of mollified functions in weighted $L^p$ norm

$ \newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\bE}{\mathbb{E}} \newcommand{\supp}{\operatorname{supp}} $ Let $(\rho_n)_{n \geq 1}$ be a sequence of mollifiers on $\bR^d$, i.e., each $\rho_n$ is a ...
Akira's user avatar
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Dependence and $L^2$ projections of functions

tl;dr: Is it possible that the best approximation to a nonnegative function of three variables with a bivariate function is no better than the best univariate function? Let $w$ be a density on $\...
shawn532's user avatar
4 votes
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Dual spaces of Banach-valued $L^{p}$-spaces

Let $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},\mu)$ be a measure space (say complete and $\sigma$-finite, for simplicity). Furthermore, let $(X,\Vert\cdot\Vert_{X})$ be an arbitrary Banach space. I denote by $(L^{p}(\...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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$L^1$ convergence

Setting For $i \in \mathbb{N}$, consider two sequences $f_i,g_i \in L^1(\mathbb{R})$ such that $$ f_i \rightarrow_{L^1} f \in L^1(\mathbb{R}) $$ and also $$ g_i \rightarrow_{L^1} g \in L^1(\mathbb{R})...
Anthony's user avatar
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Are these two norms on localized versions of $L^p_q$ equivalent?

$\newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb R}\newcommand{\diff}{\, \mathrm d}$ We fix $T \in (0, \infty)$ and $p, q \in [1, \infty)$. Let $\mathbb T$ be the interval $[0, T]$. Let $E$ be the space of all real-valued ...
Akira's user avatar
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Is there a version of dominated convergence theorem for local $L^p$ spaces?

Fix $p \in [1, \infty)$. Let $(L^p (\mathbb R^d), \|\cdot\|_{L^p})$ be the Lesbesgue space of $p$-integrable real-valued functions on $\mathbb R^d$. Let $\tilde L^p (\mathbb R^d)$ be the space of ...
Akira's user avatar
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A counterexample showing $BV_p \neq AC_p$

I am trying to work through a supposedly simple counterexample given in papers by Love and Gehring regarding a $p$-power generalization of bounded variation and absolute continuity. Let $p > 1$. ...
maxematician's user avatar
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Finite dimensionality of a subspace

Let $c>0$ and let $Y$ be the space of all distributions of compact support in $(-1,1)$ with singular support at $\{0\}$. Let $X$ be subspace of $Y$ such that for any $\phi \in X$ there holds: $$ \...
Ali's user avatar
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What standard Banach space is isomorphic to the completion of this different normed structure on $\ell^1$?

A colleague asked me the following question: "What can one do with the following norm on $\ell^1$: $|x|=\int_1^2 |x|_pdp$ where $| \;\; |_p$ is the standard norm on $\ell_p$?" This ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
5 votes
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Bounds on dimension of a subspace

Let $I=(0,1)$ and let $C>1$ be a constant. Let $L^2(I)$ and $H^1(I)$ be the standard Sobolev spaces on $I$. Suppose that $U$ is a subspace of $H^1(I)$ with the additional property that: $$ \| u\|_{...
Ali's user avatar
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Can a weighted $\ell^p$ norm be bounded by an unweighted $\ell^q$ norm?

For any sequence $\omega\in[1, \infty)^{\mathbb{N}}$, define the weighted $\ell^p_\omega$-norm of the sequence $v$ by $$\Vert v\Vert_{\ell^p_\omega} := \left(\sum_{k=1}^\infty \omega_k^p |v|_k^p\right)...
Philipp Trunschke's user avatar
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Determine if an integral expression is in $L^2(\mathbb{R})$

Note: This is a simplified version of the following question. I did not get a full response and realized can make it simpler to have my main interrogation answered. I decided to write it as a ...
Gateau au fromage's user avatar
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Fractional integration in Orlicz spaces

I am reading the paper "Fractional integration in Orlicz spaces" by R. Sharpley. And I would like to understand one question: Let $A,B, C$ are Young's functions. The spaces $L_A, L_B$ are ...
user124297's user avatar
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Dual norm of a subspace of $\ell_\infty^3$

We define a norm on $\mathbb C^2$ as $\|(\alpha,\beta)\|:=\max\left\{|\alpha|,|\beta|,\big|\frac{\alpha+\beta}{\sqrt{2}}\big|\right\}.$ Can the dual norm be calculated explicitly?
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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Direct limit of the sequence $E_{0} \hookrightarrow E_{1} \hookrightarrow \cdots$ in the category of Banach spaces

Recently I have been reading the paper The categorical origins of Lebesgue integration by Tom Leinster ( In this paper, he said that: For $n \geq 0$, let $E_{n}$ ...
ScienceAge's user avatar
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Some estimates on tensor norms

Denote $M_n$ to be $n\times n$ matrix. For $X\in M_n$ define $\|X\|_1:=\max\limits_{1\leq j\leq n}\sum_{i=1}^n|x_{ij}|$ and $\|B\|_2:=\max\{|\sum_{i,j=1}^nb_{ij}x_iy_j|:|x_i|=|y_j|=1,\ 1\leq i,j\leq n\...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
23 votes
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Nonseparable counterexamples in analysis

When asking for uncountable counterexamples in algebra I noted that in functional analysis there are many examples of things that “go wrong” in the nonseparable setting. But most of the examples I'm ...
2 votes
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How to characterize the order convergence in Bochner-integrable functions space?

Let $(\Omega,\Sigma,\mu)$ a finite measure space. We want to characterize the order convergence (for sequences) in Bochner integrable functions space $L^1(\mu,X)$, $X$ Banach lattice. In $L^p$ we have:...
grutzchell's user avatar
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Sequence of functions tending to zero in L^2

Let us consider a sequence of functions $f_n : (0,1)\times (0,1) \to \mathbb{R}$ in $L^2((0,1)\times (0,1))$ satisfying the following condition: $$ \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\int_{1/j}^{1 - 1/j}\...
Raul Kazan's user avatar
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Interpolation theory and $C^k$-spaces

Consider the Banach spaces $C^k(M)$ ($k=0,1,2,\dots$), consisting of $k$times continuously differentiable functions $f:M\rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ on a closed manifold $M$ (or just the torus if that ...
Jan Bohr's user avatar
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Condition on kernel convolution operator

I am studying O'Neil's convolution inequality. Let $\Phi_1$ and $\Phi_2$ be $N$-functions, with $$ \Phi_i(2t)\approx \Phi_i(t), \quad i=1,2 $$ with $t\gg 1$ and let $k \in M_+(\mathbf R^n)$ is the ...
Forbs's user avatar
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Two definitions of $L^p$ spaces that are not always equivalent

There are two definitions of $L^p(S, \Sigma,\mu)$ in the literature. (Here $S$ is a set, $\Sigma$ is a $\sigma$-algebra of subsets of $S$ and $\mu$ is a positive measure.) The two definitions are ...
Denis White's user avatar
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Example of a nonconvex Chebyshev set in a metric space with continuous projection?

Question: Is there an example of a nonconvex Chebyshev set $S$ in a metric space $(X,d)$ whose projection map is continuous? For convexity to be well-defined, we need to assume that $X$ is a vector ...
JohnA's user avatar
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Approximation of Inductive Tensor Product $C(X) \bar{\otimes} C(Y)$

The following question is from Banach Algebra Techniques in Operator Theory written by Ronald G. Douglas. Assume both $X, Y$ are Banach spaces and $X \otimes Y$ is the algebraic tensor product. Let ${...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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Existence of a function with slow growth on derivatives

Does there exist a smooth compactly supported function $$f \in C^{\infty}_c((0,1))$$ such that $$ \|D^k f\|_{L^{2}(0,1)} \leq \left\lfloor{\alpha\,k}\right \rfloor! \quad \forall\, k\in \mathbb N$$ ...
Ali's user avatar
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Subsequences of an orthonormal basis generating a strongly embedded subspace in $L_2(0,1)$

A closed subspace $M$ of $L_2(0,1)$ is said to be strongly embedded if the norms $\|\cdot\|_2$ and $\|\cdot\|_1$ are equivalent on $M$. Let $(f_n)_{n\in \mathbb N}$ be a orthonormal basis of $L_2(...
M.González's user avatar
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Converse to Riesz-Thorin Theorem

Let $T$ be an operator on simple functions on (say) $\mathbb{R}$. The Riesz-Thorin interpolation theorem, in one form, says that the Riesz type diagram of $T$ is a convex subset of $[0,1]\times[0,1]$....
Yonah Borns-Weil's user avatar
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Reference request: Extensions of Wiener's Tauberian Theorem

Wiener's Tauberian Theorem says that linear combinations of translations of a function $f$ are dense in $L^1(\mathbb{R})$ if and only if the zero set of the Fourier transform of $f$ is empty. This is ...
JohnA's user avatar
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Korovkin subset of $C(\mathbb{T})$

Let $K$ be a compact Hausdorff space and $A$ be a subset of $C(K)$. $A$ is said to be a Korovkin set if for every sequence $(T_n)$ of positive linear operators on $C(K)$, the condition $\|T_n(f)- f\|_\...
Tanmoy Paul's user avatar
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Approximation of a compactly supported function by Gaussians

Let $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ be a smooth function whose support is a closed interval, e.g. $\text{supp}(f)=[a,b]$. Then $f$ can be approximated (e.g. in $L^2$) by a linear combination of Gaussian ...
JohnA's user avatar
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If two spheres are isometric, does there exist a bijective isometry $T:S\to S$ with $\|Tu-\alpha Tv\|_Y \leq \|u-\alpha v\|_X$ for all $\alpha>0?$

Let $$(S,\|\cdot\|) = \{(x,y)\in \mathbb{R}^2: \|(x,y)\| =1\},$$ that is, $S$ is the collection of all norm one vectors in $\mathbb{R}^2$ with respect to the norm $\|\cdot\|.$ Question: Let $\|\...
Idonknow's user avatar
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Counter example about blow-up solution of DEs

Let $f(\cdot)$ be a continuously differentiable function over $\mathbb{R}$, and $u\in L^2_{loc}(0,\infty)$, $a\in \mathbb{R}$, and $x(t)$ solves the integral of $$\dot{x}(t)=ax(t)+f(x(t))+u(t), \quad ...
Saj_Eda's user avatar
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Optimal estimate in trace norm

Let $x,y$ be vectors of some Hilbert space of unit length. Then we can consider the projection $P_x:=\langle \bullet, x \rangle x$ and similarly $P_y.$ Assume then that we know that $\left\lVert x-...
Xing Wang's user avatar
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Orthogonal complement vector space

Let $X$ be a vector space contained in $H^{1}(\mathbb R^d),$ then we can study $X^{\perp_{L^2}}:=\left\{ \xi \in L^2; \langle \xi, x \rangle_{L^2} =0 \ \forall x \in X \right\}$ and $X^{\perp_{H^{-...
Ulan12's user avatar
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Closure of tensor product /tensor product semigroup

In this reference the following claim is made in Remark 2 Let $A,B$ be closable operators on Banach spaces $X,Y$, then $A \otimes 1$ and $1 \otimes B$ are closable operators on the Banach space $X \...
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Nonlinear maps in Riesz Thorin theorem

The Riesz Thorin theorem allows us to interpolate between $L^p$ spaces and the usual assumption is that the map $T$ is linear. What I was wondering about is whether this is because otherwise you do ...
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Do functions exist and are they dense? Or does it depend on the basis?

Consider an orthonormal basis $(\varphi_n)_{n \in \mathbb N}$ of $L^2(\mathbb R).$ We consider the functionals $\Phi_n$ given by $$ C^b(\mathbb R) \ni f \mapsto \left\langle \varphi_n, f \varphi_{n+1}...
Andres's user avatar
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Infinitely many independent functions that are only frequency localized?

A function $f \in L^2(\mathbb R^d)$ will be called $K$-frequency localized if the following inequality holds $$\int_{\mathbb R^d} \lvert \widehat{f}(x) \rvert^2 x^2 \ dx \le K \int_{\mathbb R^d} \...
Alex Derek's user avatar
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Inclusion of Hardy spaces

It is well-known that any convergence in $L^p$ for $p \in [1,\infty]$ implies convergence in $L^1_{\text{loc}}$ by Hölder's inequality. It is also known that for $p>1$ it holds that $L^p(\mathbb R)...
Heins Siedentopf's user avatar
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The geometry of $\mathbb{R}^n$

Let $X,Y$ be finite-dimensional real normed spaces. Consider the set of linear operators $L(X,Y)$ between the two spaces. Then we define the set of equivalence classes $$G(X,Y):=\left\{[T]; T,S \in ...
Sascha's user avatar
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Which norms on vectors can be consistently decomposed?

I need to know which permutation-invariant norms can be consistently decomposed in the sense that for any vector $v = (a,b,c)$ we have that $$\|(a,b,c)\| = \|(\|(a,b)\|,c)\|.$$ More precisely, let $v ...
Mateus Araújo's user avatar
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Heat semigroup dissipative

Consider the heat semigroup on $L^1(\mathbb{R}).$ I would like to know if the generator of this semigroup is dissipative in the sense of this definition. On $L^2$ it would be completely trivial, but ...
Zehner's user avatar
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Compact operators on $\ell^1$

Let $T$ be a compact symmetric operator on $\ell^2$ and $T\vert_{\ell^1}$ be bounded on $\ell^1$. Are there any non-trivial conditions that $T\vert_{\ell^1}$ is compact as well (for example would $T$ ...
BaoLing's user avatar
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The weakest condition guarantees some Separation-type of convex sets in Banach spaces

Classical Hahn-Banach Separation theorem plays a vital role in many branches of Analysis, Like functional Analysis, Convex Analysis, Variational Analyis, Theory of ODEs, optimal control and ...
Red shoes's user avatar
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Determining if a set is a Basis for l^2

For each $ n\ge 1$ Define the vectors $e_n = (e_{nk})$ where $ k\ge 1$ and $ e_{nk} = \frac{1}{k^n}$ Is this set a basis for $l^2$? Thanks,
Ali's user avatar
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An inequality about embedding of cube into metric spaces

A k-cube in $X$ is a function $\psi:\{-1,1\}^k\to (X,d)$. An edge of a cube is a pair of points $\{\psi(\epsilon_1),\psi(\epsilon_2)\}$ in $X$ such that $\epsilon_1$ and $\epsilon_2 $ differ in ...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Spectra on different spaces

This is a method request: I am looking for techniques that allow me to investigate problems like this: Let $T_1: \ell^1 \rightarrow \ell^1$ be a bounded operator with $\Re(\sigma(T_1)) \subset (-\...
Kinzlin's user avatar
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Absolutely continuity in variation of constant formula

We are talking here about the initial value problem on some Hilbert space $H$ $$y'(t)=Ay(t)+f(t), \\ y(0)=y_0 \in D(A).$$(Problem 1.13 in the reference) Then $y(t)=e^{At}y_0 + \int_0^t e^{A(t-s)}f(s) ...
Torpedo's user avatar
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Restriction to Basis of Cadlag function

If $f \in L^2([0,T])$ then it can be written as $$ f(t) \triangleq \sum_{i \in \mathbb{N}} c_i e_i(t), $$ for some sequence $\{c_i\}$ of real numbers and a Schauder basis $\{e_i(t)\}$ of $L^2([0,T])$ ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Interpolation between $L_1^0$ and $L_2^0$

Let $L_p^0$ be the mean zero functions in $L_p(G)$, where, say, $G$ is an infinite compact group endowed with normalized Haar measure. Suppose that $T$ is a bounded linear operator on $L_1$ that maps $...
Bill Johnson's user avatar
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