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How can I can derive an explicit bound for the solution of the poisson's PDE?

i need some help on this question Let $\Omega$ be an open subset of $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ (say a square) with $\partial{\Omega} =\Gamma_{1} \cup \Gamma_{2} \cup\Gamma_{3} \cup\Gamma_{4}$. A structure ...
user106481's user avatar
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Dual of the space of all bounded functions, $B(X, \mathbb{R}).$

Let $X$ be a non compact separable metric space. Denote by $B(X, \mathbb{R})$ the set of all bounded real functions endowed with the sup norm, this is a Banach space. Denote by $C_b(X,\mathbb{R})\...
Eduardo's user avatar
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Is there any accepted single-word that means "partial function"?

When I'm explaining things involving partial functions, I usually end up stumbling over my words, like so: "Suppose $f : A \rightarrow B$ is a function, uhh, sorry I mean a partial function, and ...
goblin GONE's user avatar
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Converse on the rectifiability of products of rectifiable sets

Let $1\leq k\leq m$ and $1\leq l\leq n$ fixed integers, $\mathscr{H}^k$ the $k$ dimensional Hausdorff measure and $E\subset \mathbb{R}^m$. We say that : (1) $E$ is $k$ rectifiable if there exists $C\...
Paul-Benjamin's user avatar
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Spectral mapping theorem

Rudin's book contains in chapter 10 a spectral mapping theorem for (self-adjoint) unbounded operators that respects the point-spectrum, in the sense that he shows $f(\sigma_p(T))=\sigma_p(f(T))$ for ...
Kinzlin's user avatar
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Bundle structures on spheres

Given a positive integer $n$, there is a well known free action of $\mathbb T^1$ on $\mathbb S^{2n-1}$ due to Hopf, which makes $\mathbb S^{2n-1}$ a fibre bundle with the fibre $\mathbb T^1$. Moreover,...
William of Baskerville's user avatar
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Sigmoid functions in a particular function set

Define a sigmoid as any bounded, odd, increasing function from $\mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, and a pretty sigmoid as a sigmoid which is convex over $\mathbb{R^-}$ and concave over $\mathbb{R^+}....
Arthur B's user avatar
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Is the limit of classical Laver tables connected anywhere?

Let $A_{n}=(\{1,\dots,2^{n}\},*_{n})$ be the $n$-th classical Laver table. Then $*_{n}$ is the unique operation on $\{1,\dots,2^{n}\}$ where $x*_{n}(y*_{n}z)=(x*_{n}y)*_{n}(x*_{n}z)$ and $x*_{n}1=x+1\...
Joseph Van Name's user avatar
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Operator topologies

Let $L(H)$ be the space of bounded operators on some Hilbert space. We can endow this space with the operator norm topology, the strong operator topology (SOT) and the weak operator topology (WOT). ...
Zwars's user avatar
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Interval topology of the poset of all coverings

Let $(P,\leq)$ be a poset. The interval topology $\tau_i(P)$ on $P$ is generated by $$\{P\setminus\downarrow x : x\in P\} \cup \{P\setminus\uparrow x : x\in P\},$$ where $\downarrow x = \{y\in P: y\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Basic calculus on topological fields

Let $K$ be a a topological field (I am mainly interested in the cases when K is either an ordered field or a valued field, e.g. $K = \mathbb Q$ or $ \mathbb Q_p$). 1) Let $f: K^n \to K$ be a ...
Antongiulio Fornasiero's user avatar
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Positive and Negative parts of functions in Schrodinger $U_{\Delta}^{p}$ spaces

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space. For $1<p<\infty$, define the atomic space $U^{p}(\mathbb{R};H)$ as follows. We say that $a(t)$ is a $U^{p}$ atom if $\{t_{k}\}$ is a partition of $\mathbb{R}$, $a_{k}\...
Matt Rosenzweig's user avatar
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Definition of the Stratonovich integral in Hilbert spaces

Let $T>0$ $(\Omega,\mathcal A,\operatorname P)$ be a probability space $\mathcal F=(\mathcal F_t)_{t\in[0,\:T]}$ be a filtration on $(\Omega,\mathcal A,\operatorname P)$ $B$ be a (standard, real-...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Algebras and $\sigma$-algebras associated to random variables

Let $\{v_\lambda:~\lambda\in\Lambda\}$ be a family of real-valued random variables on a (complete) probability space $(\Omega, \sigma, \mathbb{P})$. Assume the variables lie in $\bigcap_{p=1}^\infty L^...
Ollie's user avatar
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Banach space admitting a unique subsymmetric basis but not a symmetric one

I have two quick questions: It can be shown without too much trouble (using methods from Altshuler/Casazza/Lin, 1973) that any Lorentz sequence space admits a unique (up to equivalence) subsymmetric ...
Ben W's user avatar
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Does the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality imply 2-positivity?

Recall the following generalisation of Cauchy–Schwarz. Theorem. Let $f\colon \mathscr{A} \to \mathscr{B}$ be a linear 2-positive map between C$^*$-algebras. Then for all $a,b \in \mathscr{A}$ we ...
westerbaan's user avatar
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Fourier transform of $C^\infty_0$, smooth functions vanishing at infinity

Is there a proper description of the space $$\{\hat f\ | \ f\in C^\infty \ s.t. \forall \alpha\in\mathbb{N}^n,\forall \epsilon>0\exists K\subseteq \mathbb{R}^n\ K\ \text{compact};\ \sup_{x\in \...
toraus's user avatar
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Continuity of equivalence relations

A function $\varphi : X \rightarrow Y$ between two topological spaces is continuous if and only if $\varphi(\,\overline{A}\,) \subset \overline{\varphi(A)}$ for all $A \subset X$. This property can ...
coudy's user avatar
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Cauchy-Riemann Operators and Selberg Zeta Function

The determinant of hyperbolic Maaß-Laplacian operator on arbitrary tensors and spinors can be written in terms of Selberg zeta function. Is there a corresponding formula for the determinant of the ...
QGravity's user avatar
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Counting loops in degree: 1 or 2?

Here's what seems to be an annoying technicality when dealing with loops in graphs. In the literature on expander graphs (and surely not only), it seems to be the convention that a loop at vertex $v$ ...
amakelov's user avatar
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Does every separable Banach space have a Markushevich–Auerbach basis?

Let $X$ be a separable Banach space and $X^*$ be its dual, let $\{x_i\}$ be a sequence in $X$ with dense linear span and such that there exists a sequence $\{x_i^*\}$ in $X^*$ satisfying $x_i^*(x_j)=\...
August Cleaner's user avatar
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Coming up with a represenation for sum of functions in the Fourier algebra

This is my first overflow question, so let me apologize in advance if this belongs on Let $G$ be a discrete group. Let $\lambda:G\to B(\ell^{2}(G))$ be the left ...
roo's user avatar
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Homeomorphism between evenly spaced integer topology and the rationals

The evenly spaced integer topology is countable, metrizable, and has no isolated points, and hence is homeomorphic to the rationals with the order topology. But what is an explicit construction for ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
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Concentration of infinite-dimensional Gaussian measure

I have the question about finding the subspace of concentration of a Gaussian Measure. More precisely: $\textbf{Question:}$ Assume we have a separable Hilbert space $\ell_2$ with Borel $\sigma$-...
Fedor Goncharov's user avatar
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Topology on $\mathcal{C}(X,Y)$ to work with homotopy

We know that the compact open topology on $\mathcal{C}(X,Y)$ is a good choice for topology on the set of continuous maps, but this seems really efficient, both naively and with respect to existence of ...
Aloizio Macedo's user avatar
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quasi-nilpotent part of a dual operator

Definitions and notation. Let $X$ be a complex Banach space and $T\in\mathcal{L}(X)$ a continuous linear operator on $X$. We define the quasi-nilpotent part of $T$ as \begin{equation*}H_0(T):=\left\{...
Ben W's user avatar
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Topology on the space of Borel measures

Let $ B $ be the set of all measures $ \phi $ of $ \mathbf{R}^{n} $ such that every open set is $ \phi $-measurable (sometimes these measures are called Borel measures). Note the measures in $ B $ are ...
Longyearbyen's user avatar
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Donnelly-Fefferman growth of eigenfunctions

Let $(M, g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold, and let $\lambda^2$, $\varphi_\lambda$ represent eigenvalues and eigenfunctions respectively of the Laplacian $\Delta$, that is, $-\Delta \varphi_\lambda ...
user91752's user avatar
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Intuition for universal quotient maps

The universal quotient maps are precisely the descent morphisms in the category of topological spaces. In some papers of Janelidze, Tholen, Sobral, and Reiterman (see for instance Reiterman-Tholen), ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Good reference for noncommutative $L^p$ spaces

I'm looking for good references to learn about $L^p$ spaces associated with von Neumann algebras. I already know about Uffe Haagerup's paper "$L^p$-spaces associated with an arbitrary von Neumann ...
Screwdriver's user avatar
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On the weakly sequential completeness of the dual of the James space $J$

Let me first introduce some definitions. Let $1\leq p\leq \infty$. A sequence $(x_{n})_{n}$ in a Banach space $X$ is said to be weakly $p$-convergent to $x\in X$ if the sequence $(x_{n}-x)_{n}$ is ...
Dongyang Chen's user avatar
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A continuous functional calculus on/positive elements in a Fréchet algebra?

I am trying to understand what (minimal) conditions one would need in order to obtain a functional calculus on a Fréchet algebra, which we demand to be equipped with an involution that leaves all semi-...
David Hornshaw's user avatar
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A strongly open set which is not measurable in the weak operator topology

Let $H$ be a non-separable Hilbert space and $\{e_i\}_{i\in I}$ be an orthonormal basis for $H$. Let $J$ be a uncountable proper subset in $I$. Let us put $$E=\{x\in B(H): \lVert xe_j\rVert <1: \...
ABB's user avatar
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Every convex sequentially closed set is closed

Let $X$ be a vector space. A vector (not necessarily Hausdorff) topology on $X$ will be called convex sequential if every convex sequentially closed subset of $X$ is closed. Is there some description ...
red_alert's user avatar
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Compactly supported distributions as a projective G-module

For a Lie group $G$ and a locally convex space $V$ let $\mathcal{E}(G,V)$ be the locally convex space of smooth functions from $G$ to $V$, and accordingly $\mathcal{E}_c^\prime(G,V)$ the space of ...
ThiKu's user avatar
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The weak-star closure of closed left ideals corresponding to pure states

I asked this question at math.stackexchange and received no comment. Let $A$ be a C*-algebra and $\phi$ be a positive linear functional on $A$. Let $\tilde{\phi}$ be its unique $w^*$-continuous ...
ABB's user avatar
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Weakenings of the Bounded Approximation Property

Let $X$ be a Banach space, and let $F(X)$ be the finite-rank operators on $X$. Then $X$ has the $\lambda$-BAP if there exists a net $(S_i)_i$ in $F(X)$ with $\sup_i\|S_i\|\leq\lambda$ such that $...
Hannes Thiel's user avatar
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A generalized ellipse

We know that an ellipse is the locus of all point $z$ in the plane with $$|z-a|+|z-b|=\lambda$$ where $a,b$ are two given points in the plane and $\lambda$ is a constant. Now we consider the ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Almost invariance in compact quotients of locally compact groups

While trying to get an analogue of Weiss's monotiling result for amenable residually finite groups in the topological setting, I face the following problem. Let $G$ be a locally compact amenable ...
Jeremias Epperlein's user avatar
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Properties of the solution of the heat equation

Note 1: the following question has been post on Math Stackexchange here but receive no respond. So I post it here to get more attention. Note 2: This is my research problem, but the original problem ...
JumpJump's user avatar
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Can one integrate around a branch-cut?

How meaningful is it to try to integrate around the branch-cut of a function? For example lets say I have the function $\log(z^2+a^2)$ for $a>0$ and I choose my branch-cuts to be starting at $\pm ...
user6818's user avatar
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Osculating ellipsoids

Let $K$ be a given smooth, origin-symmetric, strictly convex body in $n$ dimensional euclidean space. At every point $x$ on the boundary of $K$ there exists an origin-symmetric ellipsoid $E_x$ that ...
K. P's user avatar
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Characterisation of Sobolev spaces using eigenvalues of laplacian

I'm trying to find a reference on a result I thought it was obvious, but since I can't find anything I'm starting to doubt... I'm looking for a characterisation of the Sobolev space $H^s(\Omega)$ (...
Héhéhé's user avatar
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Which Topological Spaces are Powers?

Given a topological space $X$ and closed subspace $Y \subset X$, it may be the case that $X$ is a power of $Y$. That means $\displaystyle X = \prod_{i < \kappa} Y_i$ for some cardinal $\kappa$ ...
Daron's user avatar
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Determinant of quotient of unbounded operators

I have been trying to prove this for a while but failed so far. Let $A$ and $B$ are two positive, self-adjoint operators with compact resolvent on a Hilbert space $H$ defined on the same dense ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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The best constant in Poincare-liked inequality in $BV$ and $BD$ space

This question has been posted on Math Stack exchange for a while and received no response. So I decide to move it here to get more attention. Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^N$ be open, bounded and with ...
JumpJump's user avatar
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$L_\infty(\mu)$ spaces non-isomorphic to a dual space

Given a measurable space $(\Omega,\mu)$ such that $L_\infty(\mu)$ is isomorphic to a dual space, $L_\infty(\mu)$ is an injective Banach space. Indeed, given a subspace $Y$ of $X$ and a norm-one ...
M.González's user avatar
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Evaluate a multiple integral

I want to compute this integral and I would appreciate any help: $N\geq 1$ is fixed. $$I_N=\int_{0\le r_n\le r_{n-1}\le\cdots\le r_1} e^{-(r_1^2+\cdots+r_n^2)} \prod_{i<j} \sinh(r_i-r_j) dr_1\...
Hatem's user avatar
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How can I calculate the adjoint of the wave operator $\square_{g}$ in $H^{k}$?

I have a three part question, which I could only received an answer for the first part here. The Laplace-Beltrami operator is an operator which is the typical example of a self-adjoint operator in $L^...
yess's user avatar
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SubGROUPs of Banach spaces, when are they dense in a vector subspace?

It’s relatively easy to show that if $J$ is a closed subgroup of a finite-dimensional real Banach space, $B$, then it is a vector subspace iff for all bounded linear functionals $\sigma$ of $B$, $\...
David Handelman's user avatar

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