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What is the distribution of the following limit?

Assume $x \in \mathbb{R}$. We already know that $$\lim_{\epsilon \to 0+} \frac{1}{x-i\epsilon} - \frac{1}{x+i\epsilon} = 2\pi i \delta_x.$$ Here $\delta_x$ denotes the Dirac distribution. If we ...
Jacob Lu's user avatar
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Existence of probability measure on the circle with given Fourier coefficients

We say that a Hermitian symmetric (i.e., $f_{-n} = f_n^*$ for any $n \in \mathbb{Z})$ sequence $(f_n)_{n\in \mathbb{Z}}$ is positive-definite if, for any $N \geq 0$ and any $z_0 , \ldots, z_N \in \...
Goulifet's user avatar
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Analogue of decay of Fourier coefficients of a smooth function on $\mathbb{S}^1$

Let $\nu$ be the uniform measure on the unit circle $\mathbb{S}^1 \subset \mathbb{R}^2$, normalised so that $\nu(\mathbb{S}^1) = 1$. Suppose $\mu$ is a Borel probability measure on $\mathbb{S}^1$ ...
April's user avatar
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Point-wisely dense orthonormal basis

Let us denote $T$ by the unit circle. Let $\{e_n\}$ be an orthonormal basis for $L^2(T)$, with respect to Lebesgue measure. We say $\{e_n\}$ is smooth if it satisfies the following property: $$f(t)...
ABB's user avatar
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fourier transform of radon measure

hi, assume that I have a function $q$ which is a Fourier Multiplier of order zero, i.e. $$ \left|\left( \frac{d}{dx}\right)^nq(x)\right|\lesssim \left(\frac{1}{1+|x|}\right)^n\quad \mbox{for all ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Odd element of L^1 group algebra of the integers

Giving some motivation is hard here, so I'll just ask the question. I want an element $a=(a_n)\in\ell^1(\mathbb Z)$ such that: $\|a\|>1$ a is power bounded (turn $\ell^1(\mathbb Z)$ into a Banach ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Rescaling Fourier coefficients of a continuous function by a bounded sequence

This question stems out of: which sequences $(a_n)_{n\in\mathbb{Z}}$ of complex numbers have the property that if there exists a continuous function $f$ on the circle with Fourier coefficients $b_n$, ...
Logan Hyslop's user avatar
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Name for an orthogonal decomposition of $L^2 (\mathbb{R}^2; \mathbb{C})$

The space $L^2 (\mathbb{R}^2; \mathbb{C})$ can be decomposed as $$ L^2 (\mathbb{R}^2; \mathbb{C}) = \bigoplus_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} L^2_k (\mathbb{R}^2; \mathbb{C}), $$ where $$ L^2_k (\mathbb{R}^2; \...
Jean Van Schaftingen's user avatar
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A calculus question related to the nonnegative definite functions

I am looking for some sufficient conditions for an even, continuous, nonnegative, non increasing function $f(x)$ on $R$ such that $$ \int_0^\infty \cos(xz) f(z) d z \ge 0 \qquad\text{for all $x\ge 0$...
Anand's user avatar
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Connection between the Fourier transform of f and |f|

If $f\in L^p(R)$ with $1\leq p\leq 2$, then Hausdorff-Young inequality implies that the Fourier transform $\widehat{f}\in L^{p'}$, $p'$ is the dual exponent of $p$, and $$ \|\widehat{f}\|_{L^{p'}}\...
Wang Ming's user avatar
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Express Dirichlet energy $E_\mu(f) := \int \|\nabla f(x)\|^2 d\mu(x)$ in terms of Fourier information alone

Let $\mathbb R^d$ and let $\mu = p(dx)$ be a probability distribution thereupon, with density $p$ (which maybe assumed bounded, etc.). For a continuously differentiable function $f:\mathbb R^d \to \...
dohmatob's user avatar
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A convolution type singular integral operator with log

Define a convolution type operator $T_m$ by $$T_m(f) = p.v.\int_\mathbb{R}f(x-y)\frac{\log^m|y|}{y}dy.$$ Here $m\ge0$ is an integer. Consider $f \in H^s (s > 0)$ which is the usual Sobolev space. ...
Jacob Lu's user avatar
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Using Fourier series to prove $-\int_0^1 u_{xxx}u_x \eta = \int_0^1 (u_{xx})^2\eta - \int_0^1 \frac{1}{2} (u_x)^2 \eta_{xx}$

Let $u, \eta$ be smooth functions and $\eta$ compactly supported in $(0,1)$. Integrating by parts, we can easily prove $$-\int_0^1 u_{xxx}u_x \eta = \int_0^1 (u_{xx})^2\eta - \int_0^1 \frac{1}{2} (u_x)...
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Is there (fast) fourier transform for vector convolution?

Given a list of variables $u_1,\dots,u_m\in\mathbb R$ and $v_1,\dots,v_n\in\mathbb R$ the standard convolution is defined $$U*V(t)={\sum_{i}} u_iv_{t-i}.$$ Given a list of vectors $u_1,\dots,u_m\in\...
Turbo's user avatar
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Restrictions on spectral measure

Given any Borel measure $\mu$ on $\mathbb{R}$, define a map that sends any $f\in C_c(\mathbb{R})$ to $$T_\mu(f)(y)=\int \langle\exp(-i x \lambda),f(x)\rangle\exp(iy\lambda)d\mu(\lambda).$$ Here $\...
Qijun Tan's user avatar
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On lower bounds of exponential frames in l1 norm

Let $\{t_k\}_{k=-\infty}^\infty$ be a sequence of real numbers. I'm interested in finding the largest number A such that \begin{equation*} \int_{-\Omega}^\Omega|\sum_{k=-\infty}^{+\infty}c_ke^{2\pi i ...
mohi's user avatar
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Equivalent action of convolution of directional derivative

I have asked this question a while back on StackExchange but have not received any answer/comment. I received a suggestion to post the same question in here which is more research oriented. Let $k*f(x)...
Mirar's user avatar
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Discrete singular integrals

Let $\{\phi(n)\}_{n\in\mathbb Z}$ be a sequence of complex numbers with the following properties: $\phi(0)=0$ and $|\phi(n)|\leq \frac{C_1}{|n|}$ for all $n\neq 0$ and $C_1>0$ is independent of $n....
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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How far can the domain of definition of multiplier operators be extended?

Given any $g \in L^\infty(\mathbb{R})$, we define the associated multiplier operator $T_g \colon L^2(\mathbb{R}) \to L^2(\mathbb{R})$ by $$ \mathcal{F}(T_g f) \ = \ g.\mathcal{F}f $$ where $\mathcal{F}...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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On construction of a $\mathbb{Q}$ periodic function with Fourier series

Taking $f$ a function decreasing exponentially at infinity we can consider the periodic function given by following Fourier series: $$F(x)= \sum\limits_{n =1}^{\infty} f(n) e^{2 i \pi n x}$$ Using ...
Bertrand's user avatar
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The Dunkl intertwining operator $V_k$ on $C(\mathbb{R}^d)$

The Dunkl intertwining operator $V_k$ on $C(\mathbb{R}^d)$ is defined by: $$V_k f(x)=\int_{\mathbb{R}^d}f(y)d\mu_x(y),$$ where $d\mu_x$ is a probability measure on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with support in the ...
Abdelmajid Khadari's user avatar
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Rate of convergence of mollified distributions in Besov spaces with negative regularity

Given a standard mollifier $\rho_\delta$ and a distribution $ u \in B^\alpha_{ p, p}$ with $\alpha<0$, $p \in [1, \infty]$ and $B^\alpha_{p,p}$ is a not-homogeneous Besov space, I'm trying to prove ...
Marco's user avatar
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The essential norm where some Fourier coefficients are fixed

Let us denote $C_{2\pi}$ by the set of all $2\pi$-periodic continuous functions $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$. Q. Let $\phi\in C_{2\pi}$. Is the following statement valid? $$\|\phi\|_2=\inf_{g\in C_{2\...
ABB's user avatar
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Does convolution by a Schwartz function preserve symbol classes?

I am working on a problem involving pseudodifferential operators, and I need a property of the operator "convolution by a Schwartz function". I apologize in advance if the question is ...
Ervin's user avatar
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Space contained in the Interpolation of $L^\infty$ and the Wiener Algebra $\mathcal{F}(L^1)$

Let $\ell^p$ be the space of sequences with power $p$ summable to $\ell^\infty$, $L^p = L^p(\mathbb{R^d})$ be the Lebesgue spaces and $\mathcal{F}$ be the Fourier $d$-dimensional Fourier transform. ...
LL 3.14's user avatar
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On Pitt's inequality (weighted Fourier inequality)

One of Pitt's Theorem (from "Theorems on Fourier Series" by H R Pitt, 1937) states that for an integrable periodic function $F$ over $[-\pi,\pi]$, $$ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} |a_n|^q n^{-q\lambda} \leq K(...
DSM's user avatar
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Zak transform and VMO

The Zak transform of a function $f\in L^1(\mathbb R)\cap L^2(\mathbb R)$ is defined as follows: $$ Zf(x,\omega) := \sum_{k\in\mathbb Z}f(x+k)e^{-2\pi i k\omega},\quad (x,\omega)\in Q_0 :=(0,1)^2. $$ ...
Friedrich Philipp's user avatar
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An identity of operator norms and de Leeuw's theorem

Let $$Hf(x_1,x_2)=p.v.\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(x_1-t,x_2-S(x_1,x_1-t))\frac{dt}{t},$$ $$T_\lambda f(x)=\lim_{\epsilon\to0}\int_{|x-y|\ge\epsilon}e^{i\lambda S(x,y)}(x-y)^{-1}f(y)dy, $$ where $S(x,y)$ ...
Right's user avatar
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Is flatness of Wigner Ville Distribution of error function in Fourier Approximation possible? Is it required?

For a real valued function $f(t)$ I want to check the information left, after taking a Fourier partial sum/integral. Let $\hat{f}$ be its Fourier transform and let $$e_{\omega}(t) = f(t) - \int\...
Rajesh D's user avatar
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The inverse of Laplacian operator for different orders

I post this question in MSE couple of days before and get no response. So I repost it here for better luck. Thank you! Let $u,v\in C_c^\infty(\Omega)$ and $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^N$ is open bounded ...
JumpJump's user avatar
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An upper bound for a average of a function in $L_{p}([0,1))$

Suppose that $ f $ is $ 1 $-periodic and that $ f \in {L^{p}}([0,1) $, where $ p > 1 $. Let $$ (D_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}_{0}} = \left( \left\{ I^{n}_{j},~ 1\leq j \leq 2^{n} \} \right\} \right)_{n ...
Alex's user avatar
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Fourier transform and support of a distribution

Let $T \in \mathscr D'(\mathbb R^n)$ be a distribution, such that its Fourier transform $\widehat T$ is a real analytic function on $\mathbb R^n$ but it can't be continued to an entire function on $\...
Appliqué's user avatar
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Continuous function sort

If you have a real-valued function f(x), positive, continuous and bounded on some interval, then what kind of transform would convert this to a monotonic function g(x) on that interval analogously to ...
user19172's user avatar
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What function has fourier series the harmonic series?

I know that this is on the boundaries of what's allowed, but hopefully someone'll answer before it gets closed! What (periodic) function has Fourier series the harmonic series? I really want the ...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
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Characterizations of amenable groups which use the space $\ell_1(G)$ and convolution

Let $G$ be a discrete group. Do you know characterizations of amenable groups which use the space $\ell_1(G)$ and convolution? I only know Johnson's theorem: A group is amenable if and only if the ...
2 votes
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Decay estimate of Fourier transform of a compactly supported function

Assume $f(x), x \in \mathbb{R}$ is a function with a compact support such that its Fourier transform $\hat{f}(\xi)$ has a decay rate $$\hat{f}(\xi) \lesssim \frac{1}{|\xi|^\gamma + 1}$$ for some $\...
Jacob Lu's user avatar
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Characterization of closed subspaces of $ L^2(R)$

Natural way to find an example of banach spaces is to look at closed subspaces of Banach spaces. Initially, It was really hard to find examples of closed subspaces of $L^2(R)$. Then, my professor gave ...
Rahul Gupta's user avatar
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Is a polynomial decay sufficient for a smooth function to be in $\mathcal{F}(L^1)$?

Background: I have a function $g(\omega)\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R})$, which vanishes like $O(|\omega|^{-\beta})$ at infinity for some $\beta>0$. This answer states that functions that decays "too ...
Chen Wang's user avatar
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Does the Fourier series of an $L^1$ function converge to the function *weakly* in $L^1$?

Let $f$ be a periodic $L^1$ function, and $S_n[f]$ the $n$-th partial sum of its Fourier series. I am aware that $S_n[f]$ might not converge toward $f$ in $L^1$ (i.e., in norm). However, does it at ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Stein's extension operator and wave front sets

Let $K\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ be a compact set with non-empty interior and Lipschitz boundary. In Section VI.3 of his book "Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions", E. M. Stein ...
Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro's user avatar
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$\Lambda f\ge 0\iff f\ge 0$ if $\Lambda$ is a Gaussian convolution kernel?

Consider $\Lambda f(x)=\int_{\mathbb R} f(x-y) e^{-y^2} dy$. Suppose that for a bounded function $f$, $\Lambda f(x)\ge 0$ for all $x\in\mathbb R$. Does it imply that $f\ge 0$ almost surely?
Ribhu's user avatar
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Elliptic regularity on bounded domains

I'm concerned with a generic uniformly elliptic operator $L$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$. If $L$ is uniformly elliptic and I am studying the equation $Lu=f$ then the way I can deduce regularity on $\mathbb{R}^n$...
Dorian's user avatar
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Fourier Transforms restricted to mass shell

Hello, I am stuck with the following (hopefully not too trivial) problem. I want to know, if the map $${\cal D}(\mathbb{R}^2)\to L^2(H_m,d\Omega_m)\qquad f \mapsto \hat{f}|_{H_m}$$ has dense range. ...
Jan S's user avatar
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Approximating a function by a convolution of given function?

Let $g:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ be a given differentiable function of exponential decay on both sides. Now let us be given a function $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$, also of exponential decay, if you ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Integrability of a function under a condition on its Fourier transform

Let $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$ and continuous on $\mathbb{R}$ such that its Fourier transform $\hat f$ equals zero in a neighborhood of zero. Let $F$ be function such that $\hat F$ exists and $$\hat f(x) =...
Paul's user avatar
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Separability of $L^1$ in $L^2$ topology

In the space $L^1(0,1)$ take the topology generated by the $L^2$-balls $$B^2_r(f)=\{g\in L^1(0,1):\; \|f-g\|_2<r\}.$$ Is $L^1(0,1)$ separable in this topology?
hye's user avatar
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Non-zero, bounded, continuous, differentiable at the origin, compactly supported functions with everywhere non-negative Fourier transforms

Do there exist functions $F(x) \! : \, \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ which are non-zero and bounded: $$ \mathrm {Range} (F) = [l, u] \, , \quad \mathrm {where} \quad l, u \in \mathbb R \land u > l \, ; \...
OzoneNerd's user avatar
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Decoupling in mixed norm spaces

Bourgain and Demeter's proof of the $L^2$ decoupling conjecture decouples $\|f\|_{L^p}$ into an $L^2$ sum of $\|f_\theta\|_{L^p}$, where $\hat f$ is supported on a curved hypersurface $S$, where $\...
Fan Zheng's user avatar
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Sobolev regularity via Laplace spectrum

Fix a positive integer $n$ and let $\mu$ be the uniform measure on the sphere $\mathbb{S}^n$, with respect to its usual Riemannian metric $g$. Let $\nabla$ be the Laplacian on $(\mathbb{S}^n,g)$ and ...
ABIM's user avatar
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A question about equivalence of weighted Sobolev space norm in S. Benzoni-Gavage and D. Serre's book

This question may not be at the research level, but it has really bothered me for a long time. The following space is used for handling initial boundary value problem for first order hyperbolic ...
vent de la paix's user avatar

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