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Space of sections of a fibre bundle with non-compact base space

Let $\pi: E \rightarrow M$ be a fiber bundle over the manifold M and denote by $\Gamma(E)$ the space of smooth sections of $E$. For compact $M$ it is well known (Hamilton 1982, Part II Corollary 1.3.9)...
Tobias Diez's user avatar
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Parametrisations for null temperature functions: nonuniqueness of solutions to the heat equation

Disclaimer. I expect this is a highly open problem, but maybe I'm wrong and someone has come up with some answers besides those given here. In any case, all information appreciated, thanks! Definition....
Zen Harper's user avatar
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Harmonic oscillator in spherical coordinates

It is probably the most well-known result in quantum mechanics that the harmonic oscillator can be solved by supersymmetry. More precisely, the operator $$-\frac{d^2}{dx^2}+x^2$$ can be ...
ErwinSchr's user avatar
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6 votes
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Quantum Mechanics and bilinear optimal control theory

I was wondering whether there are any rigorous results about the optimal controllability of Schrödinger operators. So my question is something like this: Let $i \partial_t \psi(x,t) = H_0(x)\psi(x,t)...
QuantumTheory's user avatar
6 votes
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Weak solutions for a PDE of fourth order

I deal with two-dimensional Kirchhoff equation with $L^\infty$ coefficient and distributional right hand side: $$ \Delta\Delta w+u(x,y)\left(\alpha^2\frac{\partial w}{\partial t}+\beta^2w\right)+\...
Mechanical engineer's user avatar
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Can two eigenfunctions be almost linearly dependent in a region?

Consider the Schrödinger operator $H=-\Delta+|x|^a$ on $\mathbb{R}$, where $a>0$. Since the potential is growing at $\infty$, we have compact resolvent thus the eigenvalues are discrete and tend to ...
Tomas's user avatar
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Characterizing the harmonic oscillator creation and annihilation operators in a rotationally invariant way

I am interested in a characterization of the creation and annihilation operators that is in some sense invariant under $O(n)$ rotations of $\mathbb{R}^n$: Background The Harmonic Oscillator on $\...
Otis Chodosh's user avatar
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2 answers

Regularity of solution of $(-\Delta + w)f = 0$

I am studying the following Schrödinger equation: $$(-\Delta + w)f = 0$$ which represents a quantum state with zero energy. Here $w$ and $f$ are defined on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$. For simplicity, let us ...
MathMath's user avatar
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A nice function space closed with the operation $x \cdot \nabla $

I am studying a certain model kinetic equation. To study that system, I have to find a function space, which is a subspace of $L^1 (\mathbb{R}^d)$ and the operator $f \rightarrow x \cdot \nabla_x f$, ...
user54494's user avatar
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Scattering of relativistic particle by long-range potential

Let $\mathcal{H}=L^2(\mathbb{R}^3)$, $H_0=\sqrt{-\Delta+M^2}$, ($M$ is a positive constant, $\Delta$ is the laplacian) and $H=H_0+V(\vec{x})$ (where $V(\vec{x})$ is the operator of ...
user72829's user avatar
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Generalizing Kato-Seiler-Simon-type inequalities to diamagnetic operators

I recently learned about estimates one can perform with operators on $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$ given as $f(x)g(-i\nabla)$, see Chapter 4 in Trace Ideals and their Applications by Professor Barry Simon (the ...
garserdt216's user avatar
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Conditions on the Hamiltonian of a classical system that yeild essentially self-adjoint quantum Hamiltonian

What are the conditions on the Hamiltonian of a classical system that under these conditions the quantum Hamiltonian obtained via Weyl quantization will be essentially self-adjoint in $L_2(\mathbb{R}^...
Glinka's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Localization of Laplacian eigenfunction on the unit square?

Let A be the unit square, $\{u_k\}$ is the set of all L2-normalized Laplacian eigenfunctions with Dirichlet boundary condition. Is it true that for any open subset V, $C_V = \inf\limits_k \int\...
Denis Grebenkov's user avatar
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Linearized NLS/GP around a soliton and the spectrum of the evolution operator

I apologize if this has been asked before but so far I haven't found it anywhere. Consider the Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a potential (i.e. Gross- Pitaevskii) in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ $$i\Psi_{t} =...
Taotology's user avatar
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Determining what happens to the spectrum of Schrödinger operator as boundary condition changes

I recently came across a problem in research, and I'm asking about it here after trying in math stack exchange with no luck. Suppose I have a metric graph $G$ (or even a closed interval, to make ...
GSofer's user avatar
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Rigorous stability analysis of infinite dimensional ODEs : How to bound the tails?

My question is about linear stability analysis of dynamical systems obtained by discretizing linear(ized) partial differential equations. Consider, $\dot{x}=Ax$, where $x$ is the infinite dimensional ...
Piyush Grover's user avatar
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Meromorphic continuation of resolvent of free Laplacian on homogeneous Sobolev space

Let $n \ge 2$. Set $\dot{H}^1(\mathbb{R}^n)$ to be the homogeneous Sobolev space, defined as the Hilbert completion of $C_0^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n)$ with respect to the norm $\| \varphi \|^2_{\dot{H}^1} \...
JZS's user avatar
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Well-posedness of heat equation with distributional right hand side

The question is about well-posedness of heat equation $$ \frac{\partial\Theta}{\partial t}=\alpha^2\Delta\Theta+p(t)\delta(x-u(t))\delta(y-v(t)),~~ (x,y,t)\in\Omega\times[0,T], $$ subjected to ...
Mechanical engineer's user avatar
2 votes
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Estimate of a solution of Schroedinger equation for a free particle

Let $\psi(x,t)$ be a solution of the Schroedinger on the line $$i\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}=-\frac{1}{2m}\frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial x^2}.$$ One assumes that $\psi(x,0)$ "behaves well" as $...
asv's user avatar
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Existence and uniqueness for two-dimensional time-dependent Schrödinger equation

I currently have to deal with time-dependent Schrödinger equations in two variables on bounded domains and wanted to find out about uniqueness and existence of solutions. Unfortunately, I am a ...
Zlatan12's user avatar
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Linearization stability condition

The following is a theorem from Fischer and Marsden's 1975's paper: Linearization stability of nonlinear PDEs. Theorem. Let $X, Y$ be Banach manifolds and $\Phi: X \rightarrow Y$ be $C^1$. Let $x_0 \...
Gordhob Brain's user avatar
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Trouble understanding Lax method for KDV equation for inverse scattering method

I am trying to learn the Lax pair condition on my own so that I can eventually learn the inverse scattering method. I am following a paper by Tuncay Aktosun ("Inverse scattering transform and the ...
Will_Phys4's user avatar
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How to compute the functional derivative of the following functional encountered in electrical impedance tomography?

Note: I have raised this question in Mathematical stack exchange but it received no attention. That is why I proceed to here to ask this question. Please tell me if this is not appropriate, thank you....
Ken Hung's user avatar
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Uniqueness of solution to Cauchy problem with quadratic nonlinearity

Consider the non-linear differential operator $$\mathfrak{L}: \ C^2((0,T)\times\mathbb{R}^2)\ni\varphi\equiv\varphi(t,x,y) \, \mapsto \, \partial_x^2\varphi + (\partial_x\varphi)^2.$$ For $U\subset\...
cts12's user avatar
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Existence of solutions to time-dependent Schrödinger equations

I would like to know what is known about evolution equations of the form $$iy'(t)=H_0y(x,t)+u(t)V(x)y(x,t)$$ and $y(0)=y_0 \in D(H_0)$ where $V$ is not a bounded operator, but an unbounded one, $u \...
Landauer's user avatar
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Plummer and Coulomb kernel for the Poisson equation

Consider the $d$-dimensional Coulomb "kernel" defined by: \begin{equation} x \in \mathbb{R}^{d} \mapsto g(x):=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} \log \frac{1}{|x|} & \text { if } d=2 \\ \frac{1}{|...
Titouan Vayer's user avatar
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Schrödinger equation approximation – continuity of eigenvalues with respect to potential

The question has been crossposted from Stackexchange after receiving no answers. Setup: the time-independent Schrödinger equation (eigenvalue problem): $(-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\Delta +V)\psi = E\psi$ (On ...
Rohan Didmishe's user avatar
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$H^s$ norm of dispersive semigroup

The Bourgain space is $X^{s,b} := X^{s,b}(\mathbb R \times \mathbb{T}^3)$ is the completion of $C^\infty (\mathbb R; H^s(\mathbb{T}^3))$ under the norm $$\| u\|_{X^{s,b}}:= \|e^{- i t \triangle} u(t,x)...
Mr. Proof's user avatar
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Regularity of a Fokker-Planck PDE with unbounded coefficient

Let $A$ be a positive definite symmetric matrix, let $b\in C^1(\mathbb R^d\!\times\!(0,\infty))\cap C(\mathbb R^d\!\times\![0,\infty))$ taking values in $\mathbb R^d$. Consider the parabolic PDE $$ \...
tituf's user avatar
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Well-posedness of hyperbolic system with constant coefficients in finite domains

I'm studying the PDE $$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + A_x\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} + A_y\frac{\partial u}{\partial y} + A_z\frac{\partial u}{\partial z} = 0 $$ with $A_x, A_y, A_z$ being ...
viviaxenov's user avatar
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Derivation of the vortex filament equation from Euler equation

How can the vortex filament equation $$\partial_t \chi = \partial_s \chi \wedge \partial_{ss} \chi,$$ where $\chi(t,s)$ is a curve in $\mathbb R^3$, be derived from the Euler equation $$\partial_t \...
Kei's user avatar
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One-parameter group of unitary operators and Core

Question : For what condition on $V$ (we can take it smooth, bounded, whatever necessary), the one-parameter unitary group $U(t)$ associated to the seladjoint operator $A=-\Delta+V$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$ ...
Alphabeta's user avatar
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Energy inequalities for Sobolev spaces of negative integer

I asked this question in mathematics stackexchange and couldn't get an answer. Let $\phi\in H^{s}$ such that the following energy inequality is true: $$\|\phi(t,\cdot)\|_s \le\int^t_0 C \| P\phi(t,\...
yess's user avatar
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fundamental solution of radial wave equation

i am trying to find resources on the derivation of the fundamental solution to the radial wave equation. any suggestions of or links to books, papers, and/or notes would be much appreciated. i have ...
nikofeyn's user avatar
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Bound for the $\ell^3$ norm for the one-dimensional propagator

Problem: In Appendix (A.6) of Main paper is written $$\lVert K(x; t_0, t_1, t_2, \frac{1}{2\pi}q_1, \frac{1}{2\pi}q_2)\rVert_3 \leq \prod_{\nu=1}^{d} \lVert p_{R^{\nu}}^{(d=1)}\rVert_3 \leq C \...
hirotaFan's user avatar
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A special Integral Kernel

Does there exist either one / general class of non-negative definite , symmetric Integral Kernel map satisfying the following properties ?? $f(x)=(Kg)(x)=\int_{\Omega}K(x,y)g(y)dy$ $K:L^2(\...
user26265's user avatar