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Questions tagged [convex-polytopes]

Convex polytopes are the convex hulls of a finite set of points in Euclidean spaces. They have rich combinatorial, arithmetic, and metrical theory, and are related to toric varieties and to linear programming

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Partition complexity measure of the boolean cube?

Given $n$ points $p_1,\dots,p_n$ in $\{0,1\}^d$ my goal is to find $m$ index sets $\mathcal I_1,\dots,\mathcal I_m$ on the condition that each index set is a subset of $\{1,\dots,n\}$ on the ...
Turbo's user avatar
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11 votes
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Characterizing faces of 3-dimensional polyhedra. (Related to Victor Eberhard's Theorem [1890]:)

Originally asked by Ali Dino Jumani; EXTENSIVELY EDITED by David Speyer. The previous version was a bit confused, but Steven Sivek and Graham, in the comments, figured out what was going on. G. C. ...
1 vote
0 answers

Prove that the following set of triples forms a convex polytope

Take $a,\,b,\,c,\,d \in \mathbb R_+$ such that $a+b+c+d=1$. Define: \begin{equation} x_1 = \min(a+b,\,c+d)\,,\qquad x_2 = \min(a+c,\,b+d)\,,\qquad x_3 = \min(a+d,\,b+c)\;. \end{equation} I would like ...
jvn99's user avatar
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Compute the edge-skeleton of a polytope given by its vertices

Let $P$ be a polytope given by a vertex description, i.e., $P=conv(\{x_1,\ldots,x_m\})\subset\mathbb{R}^n$. Is there an efficient (i.e., not relying on Linear Programming) algorithm to compute the ...
guigux's user avatar
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5 votes
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Coefficients of Ehrhart polynomials, in the binomial-coefficient basis

Let $P$ be the convex hull of a finite set of points in $\mathbb Z^d$, and $p(n) = \#\{nP \cap \mathbb Z^d\}$ be its Ehrhart polynomial, which is also the Hilbert polynomial of the corresponding ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Uniform Sampling Subject to Linear Equalities and Non-Negativity Constraint

I'm trying to sample uniformly on the intersections of faces of several simplicies, with all coordinates being non-negative. That is, given constraints $$A\vec{w}=\vec{b} \ \ and \ \ \vec{w} \geq \vec{...
Miller Zhu's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to (efficiently) find intersection of two polyhedral cones?

I have two polyhedral cones represented by their rays. I am looking to find their intersection, which would also be a polyhedral cone, hopefully efficiently. Does anybody know a way to do that? ...
Deepanshu Vasal's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Triangulations of polyhedra

A topologist came to me with this question, but everything I think should work doesn't. How many triangulations are there of a polyhedron with n vertices? By a "triangulation" of a polyhedron P we ...
Jonah Ostroff's user avatar
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Is there a Fourier Analytic way to approximate volume?

Suppose a convex compact room in $3$-dimensions is given and source and microphones recorders are provided in the room that can locate echo timings there are works in literature which can give you the ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Approximating John's ellipsoid from uniform sampling of a centrally symmetric convex polyhedron

A centrally symmetric convex polyhedron in $\Bbb R^n$ shifted from the origin with possibly $e^{\alpha n}$ number of vertices at some $\alpha>0$ has an unique ellipsoid of maximum volume called ...
Turbo's user avatar
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intersection of convex and non-convex polyhedra

I am trying to find the best appropriate way to intersect polyhedra which may be non-convex. The number of vertices that build the polyhedron is hence always small (up to 20 or so). The ...
tmaric's user avatar
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7 votes
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Partitioning a convex object without harming existing convex subsets

$C$ is a convex planar figure and $C_1,\dots,C_n$ are pairwise-disjoint convex subsets of $C$, like this: A convex-preserving partition of $C$ is a partition $C=E_1\cup\dots\cup E_N$, , such that $N\...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
2 votes
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An implementation of Minkowski reconstruction in 3 dimensions

By a theorem of Minkowski from 1903, an $n$-dimensional polytope $P\subset \mathbb R^n$ is determined up to translation by its unit face normal $u_1,\dots,u_k\in S^{n-1}$ and the corresponding $(n-1)$ ...
Christoph's user avatar
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Cyclic polytopes whose boundary is a flag complex

A cyclic polytope $C(n, d)$ is defined as the convex hull of $n$ distinct points on the moment curve in $\mathbb{R}^d$ (here $n>d$). This is a simplicial polytope so its boundary $\partial C(n, d)$ ...
Priyavrat Deshpande's user avatar
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Volume of caps of a polytope

Let $K$ be a polytope in $\mathbb R^d$, blow it up by a factor $\lambda>0$. For a unit vector $u \in \mathbb S^{d-1}$, $\lambda K$ has 2 support hyperplanes $H_1$ and $H_2$ with corresponding ...
Amafessor's user avatar
18 votes
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Higher dimensional generalization of: Any quadrilateral tiles the plane?

Any (non-self-intersecting) quadrilateral tiles the plane.     (MathWorld image.) Q. What is the strongest known generalization of this statement to higher dimensions? I.e., $\mathbb{R}^d$ ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
4 votes
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Extending a Theorem of Brualdi to Matrices with Infinitely Many Rows

This question is about extending a result on transportation polytopes from Brualdi regarding $m\times n$ matrices to the case when $m=\infty$. Notation: Denote an $m\times n$ matrix by $A=[a_{i,j}]$, ...
The Substitute's user avatar
10 votes
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What's the volume of $\{x\in[0,1]^n|\sum x_i\le t\}$ for real $t$?

EDIT: Thanks for your answers and comments. There is indeed a classical easy formula, given by Pietro Majer (with a simple nice proof) in his answer below. Given $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$, $x_i$ denotes its ...
Mathieu Baillif's user avatar
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Efficient scissors congruence between efficiently describable convex polytopes and simplex?

Is there a convex polytope in $\mathbb R^n$ describable by only $O(poly(\log n))$ half-plane inequalities with positive volume (so at least $n+1$ vertices) such that the standard simplex has a ...
VS.'s user avatar
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intriguing Polytope

Define $E_{i,j} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ to be the canonical basis (that is all elements set to zero except the entry $i,j$ ) let the bloc matrix $M \in \mathbb{R}^{n^2 \times n^2}$ defined by : ...
Rémy Martin's user avatar
2 votes
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Describing hull of vertex intersections of two convex bounded polytopes?

We have two convex bounded polytopes $P_1$ and $P_2$ where a. $P_2\subseteq P_1$ b. $\mathcal{V}(P_2)\cap\mathcal{V}(P_1)\neq\emptyset$. Is there a name for the polytope $P=\mbox{Conv}(\mathcal{V}(...
Turbo's user avatar
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Reciprocity for multi-parameter Ehrhart polynomials

In McMullen's 1977 paper "Valuations and Euler-type relations on certain classes of convex polytopes" (, he shows that for $...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Simple polytope with smooth facets

Let $P$ be a simple $3$-dimensional (and full-dimensional) lattice polytope such that every facet $F$ is a smooth polytope. Is then $P$ itself smooth? EDIT: A full-dimensional lattice polytope $P$ is ...
Mellon's user avatar
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How do you refer to the feasible set of solutions to a mixed-integer program?

I frequently want to refer to the feasible set of solutions to a mixed integer programming instance. Is there a name for a subset of $\mathbb{R}^n\times\{0,1\}^m$ of the form $\{(x,a)| Ax + Ba\leq b\}$...
bucket's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

The space of probability measures and its intersection with hyperplanes in the space of measures

Let $X$ be some uncountable standard Borel space (e.g., the real line). Let $D$ be the set of Borel probability measures on $X$. Let $M$ be the set of signed Borel measures on $X$ Now let $p_1,...,p_N$...
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12 votes
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Detecting tilings by toric geometry

This is probably a silly question, but I figured that if there is a good answer, this would be a good place to ask. Ever since I got my hands on the book "Toric Varieties" by Cox, Little and Schenck, ...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Maximal-Orthogonal Convex Hull (or Maximal-Rectilinear Convex Hull) [closed]

Edit : Consider giving a reason for down vote. In my research, I have come across a this paper from the Computational Geometry field and I am not able to understand the concept of Maximal-...
Abhinav's user avatar
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Computation of extreme rays of rational polyhedral cones - Hemmecke's project and lift algorithm

I am working on an implementation of Raymond Hemmecke's algorithm for finding generating sets of cones: Unfortunately I am struggling to make the algorithm work on ...
swistak's user avatar
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5 votes
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Delzant polytopes and combinatorial types

At first, let us see the following matheoverflow question, About a Delzant polytope. (In particular dodecahedron) The question is whether (combinatorial) regular dodecahedron can be realized as a ...
Seonhwa  Kim's user avatar
7 votes
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Not quite regular polyhedra

Take a naive interpretation of regular polyhedra: All vertices (including epsilon ball) congruent All edges congruent All faces congruent We can now find interesting families by removing one ...
Edmund Harriss's user avatar
4 votes
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A construction related to scissors congruence

I was thinking about the following some time ago. My question is whether such things have been studied before. Let $E_n$ be the abelian group with a generator for each (bounded) euclidean polytope of ...
Tom Goodwillie's user avatar
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How to find extreme points of a set related to Minkowski's Theorem?

Let $S^{n-1}$ be the unit sphere in $\mathbb{R}^n$. For $m>n$, we can define $\Lambda$ to be the set $$\{(\lambda_1, ..., \lambda_m):\sum_{i=1}^m \lambda_i=1, \lambda_i\ge0, and \mbox{ there exist}...
student's user avatar
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Radial similarity of Newton polytopes

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero, and assume that $p,q \in k[x,y]$ is a Jacobian pair, namely, $p_xq_y-p_yq_x \in k^*$ (= the determinant of the Jacobi matrix $\in k^*$). It is known that ...
user237522's user avatar
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Tutte polynomials and h-vectors of convex polytopes

Revised question: Aluffi and Marcolli give a recursion relation for the Tutte polynomials of altered graphs (as described in Machacek's post below) on page 42 of "Feynman graphs and deletion-...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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2 votes
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Relating face polytopes of permutohedra to integer partitions

The OEIS entries A019538, A049019, and A133314, relate a refinement of the face polynomials of the permutohedra (A049019) to partition polynomials (A133314) defined by multiplicative inversion of an ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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7 votes
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What polytope is this? Bounded sums with choice of coefficients

Let $b\gt a\gt 0$ be constants. Define $P_n(a,b)$ to be the set of all $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)\in\mathbb{R}^n$ satisfying $$ |c_1 x_1 + \cdots + c_n x_n| \le 1$$ for every choice of $c_1,\ldots,c_n\in\...
Brendan McKay's user avatar
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What is the significance of the $-1$-simplex?

The number of $k$-simplex elements in an $n$-simplex is counted by the binomial coefficient $\binom{n+1}{k+1}$. For example, the $3$-simplex is the tetrahedron, which has the following elements: $4$ ...
Andrius Kulikauskas's user avatar
12 votes
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Why do convex polytope options constrict with dimension, rather than expand?

There are an infinite number of regular polygons in the plane, five regular polyhedra, six regular polytopes in $\mathbb{R}^4$, and then three regular polytopes in every dimension $d > 4$. There ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

regular polyhedra (and polytopes) in hyperbolic geometry, and generalisations

While there exist regular tesselations of the hyperbolic plane with arbitrary regular polygons, there are no new regular polyhedra in hyperbolic (3D) space. This being quite trivial, it is probably ...
Feldmann Denis's user avatar
14 votes
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Have there been further developments on this scheme for polytope approximations to the unit ball of $\ell_p^n$?

A long time ago I happened to look at, and save (on a floppy disk!) for future reading, a copy of the following article: W. T. Gowers, Polytope approximations of the unit ball of $l^n_p$. In Convex ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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18 votes
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Egalitarian measures

A question I got asked I while ago: If $T$ is a triangle in $\mathbb R^2$, is there a function $f:T\to\mathbb R$ such that the integral of $f$ over each straight segment connecting two points in the ...
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Cluster Variables for non-convex n-gons

Most of the lectures and lecture notes on Cluster Algebras (at least from Combinatorial point of view) start with mutations of the diagonals of a convex n-gon (mostly the pentagon) as the illustration ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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Lattice question

Consider a lattice $\mathcal{L} = \mathbb{Z}v_1 \oplus \ldots \oplus \mathbb{Z}v_l$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and let $S_0$ be the set of edges of the fundamental unit of $\mathcal{L}$. We call a region $X$ ...
Alex's user avatar
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9 votes
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Regular polygon shadows of convex polyhedra

Fix a finite subset $S$ of the natural numbers $\mathbb{N}$, each element $\ge 3$. Is there a convex polyhedron $P$ that has among its shadows regular $n$-gons for each $n \in S$? Does such a $P$...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
8 votes
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Number of simplicial polytopes with a given f-vector

Plenty of very nice literature is available on the characterization of f-vectors of simplicial complexes of diverse sorts (results by Billera, Bjoerner, Kalai, Stanley, among others). I mention, as an ...
Camilo Sarmiento's user avatar
5 votes
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Finding the Boundary Faces of the Zonohedron

A zonotope is a linear combination of m vectors with coefficients in [0,1]: $Z = \{ \sum \lambda_i v_i : 0 \leq \lambda _i \leq 1 \}$. The fancy way is to say it's the Minkowski sum of line segments ...
john mangual's user avatar
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13 votes
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When are Ehrhart functions of compact convex sets polynomials?

Given a lattice $L$ and a subset $P\subset \mathbb R^d$, we define for each positive integer $t$ $$f_P(L,t)=|(tP\cap L)|$$ the number of lattice points in $tP$. Let's say $P$ is nice if $f_P(L,t)$ is ...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
2 votes
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Intersection of segments in $\mathbf{R}^{k}$

Let $A$ be a set composed by an even number $n$ of distinct points in $\mathbf{R}^{k}$, such that any 3 points in $A$ are non-collinear in $\mathbf{R}^{k}$. Let us consider the set $P_{2}(A)$ of ...
Francesco Ciardiello's user avatar
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estimating binomial coefficients

There is a beautiful paper on the arXiv by Andrew Suk containing an asymptotic result about the Erdös-Szekeres convex polygon problem. I am struggling with one of the estimates he makes on page 4. He ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
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How to minimize n-polytope's bounding box with linear transformation?

I am working on an exact algorithm for integer linear programming for my master's thesis: $Ax\leq b, x \in \mathbb{Z}^n$ $cx\rightarrow min$ For my idea to work out, I need a guarantee that n-...
Иван Шумилов's user avatar

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