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Questions tagged [compactness]

56 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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A ZFC-example of a countably compact paratopological group which is not a topological group

Problem. Does there exist a ZFC-example of a countably compact Hausdorff paratopological group which is not a topological group? (The problem posed 27 May 2015 by Alexander Ravsky on page 9 of Volume ...
Lviv Scottish Book's user avatar
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Masas in SAW*-algebras

I asked this question three years ago at MSe but it has no response; let me try here. Pedersen distilled the following class of C*-algebras which he termed SAW*-algebras (Journal of Operator Theory, ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Noncompactness of the Sobolev embedding in the critical exponent case

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^n$ be a bounded domain with a Lipschitz boundary and $n > p \ge 1$. It is well known that up to the critical exponent $p^* = pn/(n − p)$, i.e. $q < p^*$, the ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Subspaces of $L_p([0,1])$ whose unit ball is compact for the topology of convergence in measure

Any information about the following questions would be welcome. I wonder whether there are (well-known or easy) closed and infinite dimensional subspaces of $L_p([0,1])$ ($1<p<\infty$) whose ...
user159631's user avatar
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Making the analogy of finiteness and compactness precise

If one asks about the intution behind compact topological spaces, most often one will hear the mantra “Compactness of a topological space is a generalisation of the finiteness of a set.” For example,...
Jannik Pitt's user avatar
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When a compact subset of a TVS can be continuously projected on a closed linear subspace?

Let $V$ be a (Hausdorff) topological vector space, $W\subset V$ a closed linear subspace, $X\subset V $ a compact. (Q): When there is a continuous map $P:X\to W$ such that $P(x)=x$ for every $x\in X\...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Does "achieving more GH-distances than some compact space" imply compactness?

Previously asked and bountied at MSE: For complete metric spaces $X,Y$, write $X\trianglelefteq Y$ iff for every complete metric space $Z$ such that the Gromov-Hausdorff distance between $X$ and $Z$ ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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$L^2$ uniform integrability in terms of Fourier coefficients

Given a bounded sequence $(f_n)_n$ in $L^2(\mathbf{T})$ where $\mathbf{T}:=\mathbf{R}/\mathbf{Z}$, the strong compactness of $(f_n)_n$ is equivalent to $$\lim_N \sup_n \sum_{|k|\geq N} |c_k(f_n)|^2=0,$...
Ayman Moussa's user avatar
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Pullback of Morse form satisfies Palais Smale

Let $(\alpha,g)$ be a Morse-Smale pair on a closed smooth manifold $M$, i.e. $\alpha$ is a Morse form and $g$ a Riemannian metric on $M$ such that stable and unstable manifolds of the gradient vector ...
Alessio Pellegrini's user avatar
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A Lipschitzian's condition for the measure of nonconvexity

I'm actually working on the measure of nonconvexity and its application. Especially, the Eisenfeld–Lakshmikantham MNC defined - in a Banach space - by: $$\alpha(A)=\sup_{b\in\overline{\operatorname{...
Motaka's user avatar
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Reflexivity for the compact open topology on a topological $\mathbb{R}$-vector space

On page 20 of these lectures, Peter Scholze and Dustin Clausen show that a broad class of topological vector spaces is reflexive, i.e. $V \cong [[V, \mathbb{R}], \mathbb{R}]$, where we endow these hom-...
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Is this property of continuous maps equivalent to some more familiar condition?

Let $f : X \rightarrow Y$ be a continuous map. Suppose that, for each collection of open sets $\{ V_i \}_{i \in I}\subset X $, $$ \bigcup_{U \subset Y \text{ open}, \ f^{-1}(U) \subset \bigcup_{i \in ...
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Double commutant of compact operators

So my question is straightforward. Let $\mathfrak{X}$ be a (complex, if necessary) Banach space and $K\colon\mathfrak{X}\to\mathfrak{X}$ a nonzero compact operator. Denote by $\mathcal{C}(K)$ the ...
Jack L.'s user avatar
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Examples of indefinite Einstein non-Ricci-flat metric on solvmanifolds

A solvmanifold (resp. nilmanifold) is a compact quotient of a solvable (risp. nilpotent) Lie group $G$. Usually one consider a co-compact lactice $\Gamma$ on $G$ and the solvmanifold is $G/\Gamma$. ...
malklera kwezibalo's user avatar
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Approximation argument in geometric flows

I'm studying by myself Mean Curvature Flow and I'm reading the paper "Interior estimates for hypersurfaces moving by mean curvature" by Klaus Ecker and Gerhard Huisken and I'm stuck in the following ...
George's user avatar
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Hilbert Schmidt Operators and the Conditional Expectation Operator

Consider the function $\text{E}_W: L_2(\mathbb{R},P_X) \mapsto L_2(\mathbb{R},P_W)$ where $P_X$ and $P_W$ are two different probability measures. They are related in such a way that if $f_X$, $f_W$ ...
user61038's user avatar
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trace-class embeddings

There is a classical theorem of Riesz-Kolmogorov that characterizes compact embedding in $L^p$-spaces of some subspace of them. A generalization to arbitrary metric spaces has been recently obtained ...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
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Embeddings of Bochner-Sobolev spaces with second time derivative

NOTE: I also asked this question here in MSE. In the weak theory of evolution PDEs, the Bochner-Sobolev spaces are frequently used. For $a,b \in \mathbb{R}$ and $X,Y$ banach spaces, we define these ...
MathsGoose's user avatar
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About the nilpotency of a subgroup

Let $G$ be a compact group. Let $\mathcal N$ be a family of closed normal subgroups of nilpotency class at most $k$. Assume that $\mathcal N$ is closed under finite intersections and $\bigcap_{N\in\...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Compact generation of the category of D-modules on moduli stack of principal bundles for algebraic groups?

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. Let $X$ be a connected smooth complete curve over $k$. Consider the moduli stack $\mathrm{Bun}_G$ of principal $G$-bundles on $X$ for ...
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Compact embedding of ${\rm L}^1_{loc}$ space

I was reading one preprint and stumbled upon a part in the proof where one particular embedding was used. Namely: Let $\Omega\subset{\bf R}^2$ be open and bounded and let $p\in\langle 1,2\rangle$. ...
Semmel's user avatar
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Using compactness method to prove the existence of a pathwise solution to an SPDE

For given initial data $u_0\in H^k$ for some $k$, I want to prove the existence of solution to some PDE with multiplicative white noise. I modify the SPDE by regularizing it and then use the ...
YT_learning_math's user avatar
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Which compact topological spaces are homeomorphic to their ultrapower?

It is well known that for any compact metric space $(X, d)$, and any ultrafilter $\mu$ there is a map $i_\mu:\prod_\mu (X, d) \to (X_d)$ in the category of metric spaces and Lipschitz maps where $i_\...
Nate Ackerman's user avatar
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finite dimensionality of a subspace of a Banach space

Let $H$ be the space of measurable functions on $(0,1)$ such that $$ \|u\|_{H}^2 = \int_0^1 x^2\,|\partial_x u|^2\,dx + \int_{0}^1 |u|^2\,dx <\infty.$$ Let $C>0$ be a constant. Suppose that $W \...
Ali's user avatar
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Compactness of a nonlinear operator

Let $H^{1}_{0}(0;\pi)=\{f\in L^{2}(0; \pi): f^{\prime}\in L^{2}(0; \pi)\ \text{and}\ f(0)=f(\pi)=0 \} .$ equipped with the following norm $$\|f\|=\Big(\int_{0}^{\pi}|f'(x)|^2dx \Big)^{\frac{1}{2}}$$ ...
Mathlover's user avatar
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Conditions replacing compactness

Reading this book, the authors used the following "classic" idea: Let $X$ be a Banach space and $C$ a nonempty, weakly compact, convex subset of $X$. Let $T: C \rightarrow C$ be a ...
Motaka's user avatar
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Compact embedding of the Sobolev space $H^m(\Omega)$ and $L^2(\Omega)$ from Rellich-Kondrachov theorem

From the Rellich-Kondrachov theorem we know that $H^m(\Omega)\hookrightarrow_c L^2(\Omega)$ when $\Omega$ is bounded of class $C^1$ and $m\geq 1$ is an integer. Also this is not true if $\Omega:=\...
Mark's user avatar
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On weak compactness of the unit ball in a reflexive Banach space

It is a well known result in functional analysis that a Banach space $X$ is reflexive if and only if the unit ball is weakly compact (compact in the weak topology). This result is also known as ...
Arian's user avatar
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Approximation of deterministic problems in the PDEs with the stochastic ones

A lot of problems in PDE theory are solved in the following way: The original problem is quite hard and we can't solve it, so we make the approximation problem that we can solve. Than we go back and ...
Mark's user avatar
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On compactness in $C(X)$

Let $X$ be a Tychonoff space. It is well known, that for a family of scalar functions equicontinuity + pointwise boundedness imply relative compactness in $C(X)$ (with compact-open topology). It is ...
erz's user avatar
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Weak relative compactness in $L^1_{loc}$.

In my work I stumbled upon a proposition (without proof, alas), which I can't really prove. Suppose we have a family of functions $\left\{\phi_\epsilon (t,x,v)\right\}_{\epsilon\in(0,1]}$, and $M(v)$ ...
TZakrevskiy's user avatar
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When must a space generated by compacts also be generated by Hausdorff compacts?

Cross-posted from Math.SE: I'm interested in comparing $k_1$-spaces, spaces whose topologies are witnessed by their compact subspaces, and $k_3$-...
Steven Clontz's user avatar
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Trying to achieve "some sort of hemicompactness" in a Tychonoff space

Let $X$ be a Tychonoff space, i.e. Hausdorff and completely regular. Additionally, consider a map $\psi: X \to (0,\infty)$ such that $K_R := \psi^{-1}((0,R])$ is compact in $X$, for every $R>0$. ...
Gaspar's user avatar
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Extremally disconnected sets as building blocks for compact Hausdorff spaces

Is every compact Hausdorff space the filtered colimit of compact extremally disconnected spaces?
Peter Kropholler's user avatar
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Uniform approximation over compacts using weighted function spaces

I'm interested in approximations over the so-called weighted function spaces. Let $(X,\tau_X)$ be some completely regular Hausdorff topological space. Additionally, consider some map $\psi: X \to (0,\...
Gaspar's user avatar
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Poisson equations for tensors on compact Riemannian manifold

Let $({M},g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold with Levi-Civita connection $\nabla$. It is well known that the Poisson equation $$\Delta f=S$$ where $\Delta:C^{\infty}({M})\to C^{\infty}({M})$ denotes ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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An algebraic analogue of the Bolzano-Weierstrass for formal limits?

The Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem is a very useful result in the theory of metric spaces. It states that given a compact space $X$, a sequence $(u_n) \in X^\omega$ always has a subsequence $(u_{n_k})\in ...
wlad's user avatar
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Closure of finite rank operators on $L^p$

It well-known that, an operator $T:H\to H$ on a Hilbert space, is compact if and only if T is limit of finite rank operators. Besides this, the results by Per Enflo 1973 shows that this results is ...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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Is the set of compact operators closed with the strong topology?

It is well-known that the space of compact operators over Banach spaces is closed within the norm topology. My question: Let $X$ be a Banach space. Considering the strong topology (defined by ...
Malik Amine's user avatar
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Relative compactness... but what is the toplogy?

The following Theorem was described in a text I was reading as a compactness result. The proof is probably too advanced for me but I was just wondering with respect to what topology we have ...
edamondo's user avatar
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$ \{x\in X:h(x)\leq r\} $ is sequentially compact subset of $X$?

Let $(X,\|.\|)$ be a reflexive Banach space and $(D,\|.\|)$ be a Suslin subspace of $X$ such that $D$ is weakly closed subset of $X$. Take $h:X\to [0,+\infty]$ such that $h(x)=\|x\|$ if $x\in D$ and ...
kaka Hae's user avatar
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Subspaces of compact spaces and quotients of Hausdorff spaces

Let $\operatorname{Top}$ be the class of topological spaces. Furthermore, let $\mathcal{U}\subset\operatorname{Top}$ and $\mathcal{V}\subset\operatorname{Top}$ classes satisfying the following ...
cl4y70n____'s user avatar
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Continuous injection of metric ball into Euclidean ball

This is a follow-up to this post. Suppose that $(X,d_X)$ is a compact metric space with (finite) metric-capacity, defined by $$ \kappa_X(\epsilon)\triangleq\sup\left\{ k : \exists x_0,\dots,x_k \...
ABIM's user avatar
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Compact embedding result

Let $\tau$ and $\ell$ be positive numbers. We know that the space $H^2(0,\ell)\cap H^1_0(0,\ell)$ is compactly embedded into $L^6(0,\ell)$. Now, is the space $L^2(0,\tau;H^2(0,\ell)\cap H^1_0(0,\ell))$...
Saj_Eda's user avatar
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Category-theoretic characterization of zero-dimensional spaces

Some background: a zero-dimensional space is one admitting a basis of clopen sets, whereas an extremely disconnected space is one where the closures of open sets are open. In the category CHauss of ...
Andy's user avatar
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If an upper semicontinuous multivalued map is compact on a set, is it compact on the boundary as well?

I have stumbled upon the following problem during my research: Let $X$ and $Y$ be Banach spaces, $K\subset X$ nonempty, $F:\overline{K}\rightarrow 2^{Y}$ an upper semicontinuous multivalued map with ...
Jozsi's user avatar
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Existence of sequence of regular projections

Reading the book :Krasnosel'skii, M.A.; Pustylnik, E.I.; Sobolevskii, P.E.; Zabreiko, P.P. (1976), Integral Operators in Spaces of Summable Functions, Leyden: Noordhoff International Publishing, 520 p....
Guillermo García Sáez's user avatar
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Sequential compactness via Arzela-Ascoli theorem for uniform state spaces

Let $X$ be a uniform topological space and $C([0,1],X)$ the space of continuous functions from [0,1] to $X$. Assume that for subsets of $X$ sequential compactness and compactness are equivalent. Let $(...
PDEprobabilist's user avatar
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Weakly compact set

I want to show that if the set $$ \big\{u \in L^{q}([0, n] ; X): u(t) \in \phi(t, x(t)), t \in[0, n]\big\} $$ is weakly compact, then the set $$ \mathcal{S}_{\phi}(x)=\Big\{u\in L_{loc}^{q}(\mathbb{R}...
Mathlover's user avatar
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Existence of a measurable maximizer

Let $F$ be a continuous cdf with full support on $[0,1].$ Let $A$ be a compact subset of $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathcal{M}$ be the set of measurable functions $\alpha:[0,1]\rightarrow A.$ Let $\bar \alpha ...
FeleMath's user avatar