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Reference needed: estimate of the second order derivatives

In $\mathbb{R}^d$ there is estimate (see 1.3, Chapter III of E.M.Stein' book Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions) $$\left\|\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_i \partial x_j} \...
Michael Perelmuter's user avatar
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Reference request for equivalent Lipschitz smoothness conditions

For an open set $Z\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n$, let $f: Z\mapsto \mathbb{R}$ be a continuously differentiable function on $Z$, and let $L>0$ be fixed. Also, suppose that (a) $f$ is nonconvex and (b) $f$ ...
William Kong's user avatar
21 votes
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Does summing divergent series using cutoff functions give consistent results?

One way to try to give a value $S$ to a divergent series $\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n$ is with a smooth cutoff function: $$ S = \lim_{N\to\infty}\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n \eta\left(\frac{n}{N}\right) $$ where $\...
not all wrong's user avatar
10 votes
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Are “most” bounded derivatives not Riemann integrable?

Given $a,b\in\mathbb R$ with $a<b$. Let $$X=\{f\in C([a,b]): f \text{ is differentiable on } [a,b] \text{ with }f' \text{ bounded }\},$$ and $$A=\{f\in X: f' \text{ is Riemann integrable}\}. $$ It ...
Fergns Qian's user avatar
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Matrices and vectors of intervals

I'm working on a project and think that matrices and vectors of intervals will be useful. I'm aware about interval arithmetic, but there is little information on the internet, regarding matrices and ...
Paul R's user avatar
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Where is the maximum of the product of two logistic curves?

I've got an asymmetric peak-like function $y(x) = y_1(x)y_2(x)$, where $y_1(x) = 1 / (1 + f_1(x)) = 1 / ( 1 + e^{( -r_1(x-x_1))})$ is an increasing logistic function and $y_2(x) = 1 / (1 + f_2(x)) ...
newbie000's user avatar
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Calculating derivatives of arbitrary-order at an operator's root

Consider roots $f = 0$ of a nicely-behaved real function $f(x, t)$ of two (real) variables. Namely, points $(x, t)$ on which $f$ vanishes, $f(x, t) = 0$. Suppose that $x$ can be written as function of ...
Shlomi A's user avatar
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Two trigonometric integrals: looking for a transformation

I have two integrals of trigonometric functions and I would like to ask: QUESTION. Is there a transformation rule (or general principle) to show this equality? $$\int_0^{\frac{\pi}2}\frac{d\theta}{\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Does $\sum_{m=0}^{\infty} \left|c_m g(x)^{2m+1}\right|$ converge absolutely to an integrable function?

Consider the integral \begin{equation} \int_{0}^{t}J_1(f(t)-f(s))\mathop{ds}=\int_{0}^{t}\sum_{m=0}^{\infty} c_m (f(t)-f(s))^{2m+1}\mathop{ds}, \end{equation} such that $J_1$ is the Bessel function of ...
UNOwen's user avatar
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6 votes
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Need a reference for a trigonometric inequality

In my old high school notebook (20 years ago), the following inequality appears with its proof: $$1+\cos x + \frac{1}{2}\cos 2x + \cdots + \frac{1}{n}\cos nx \geq 0$$ for any real $x$ and positive ...
Vu Thanh Tung's user avatar
7 votes
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Tight upper bounds on trigonometric polynomials

According to D. Hajela's chapter in Open Problems in Communications and Computation the following question was open as of the late 1980s. I have been unable to find any references so any results or ...
kodlu's user avatar
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9 votes
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A tricky integral to evaluate

I came across this integral in some work. So, I would like to ask: QUESTION. Can you evaluate this integral with proofs? $$\int_0^1\frac{\log x\cdot\log(x+2)}{x+1}\,dx.$$
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of the operator $A = -v'' + B(x) v$

How can I prove that for the eigenvalues of the operator $$A := -v'' + B(x) v$$ on $(0,L)$ with zero Dirichlet boundary condition it holds that $$ \left| \lambda_n - \frac{\pi^2n^2}{L^2}\right| \le ||...
Lao's user avatar
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Kolmogorov entropy of a subset of $L^1$

How can we estimate the Kolmogorov $\epsilon$-entropy $$H_\epsilon (A,L^1(\mathbb R))$$ where $ A = \{f:\mathbb R \to [0,K] \text{ s.t. $f \in L^1$ and has total variation $TV(f) \le M$}\} $?
Riku's user avatar
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Fourier transforms exhibiting symmetries about their critical points

Upon looking at the graphs of various Fourier sine and cosine transforms (ones without Dirac deltas in their domain) I've noticed a pattern that is probably already known, but that I thought would be ...
John Clever's user avatar
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Elementary functions (growing faster than exponential ones) with elementary Legendre–Fenchel transforms

Let $F$ be the set of all convex functions $f\colon[0,\infty)\to[0,\infty)$ with $f(0)=0=f'_+(0)$ and $f_+(\infty-)=\infty$, where $f'_+$ is the right derivative of $f$. For any function $f\in F$, its ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Asymptotic inverses and de Bruijn conjugates (etc.) for complex-valued functions

I recently got my hands on a copy of Regular Variation by Bingham, Goldie, and Teugels ("BGT"), and it's been an absolute revelation for my research. The thing is, my current work centers ...
MCS's user avatar
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$L^p$ compactness for a sequence of functions from compactness of product with cut-off

Fix $p \in [1,\infty)$. Let $f_n:[a,b] \to \mathbb R$, $n \in \mathbb N$, be a sequence of $C^1$ functions. For every fixed $m\in \mathbb N^*$, suppose that the sequence of functions $$\{f_{n}\psi_m(...
Zac's user avatar
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$L^p$ compactness for a sequence of functions from compactness of cut-off

Fix $p \in [1,\infty)$. Let $f_n:[a,b] \to \mathbb R$, $n \in \mathbb N$, be a sequence of $C^1$ functions. For every fixed $m\in \mathbb N^*$, suppose that the sequence of functions $$\{f_{n}\psi_m(...
Zac's user avatar
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2 answers

Linear independence of exponential functions: a reference

Is there a publication containing this obvious fact: For any real $T>0$, any natural $n$, any complex $c_1,\dots,c_n$, and any distinct complex $z_1,\dots,z_n$ such that $\sum_1^n c_k e^{tz_k}=0$ ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
5 votes
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Minimizing total variation

Let $f:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ be a function of bounded variation. Define $\overline{f}(x)$ by $$\overline{f}(x) = \limsup_{\mu(I)\to 0} \frac{1}{\mu(I)} \int_I f(x) dx,$$ where $I$ ranges over ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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system of Euler like ode's

I am interested in solving some linear elliptic system like $$ -\Delta \phi(x) + \frac{C_1 \psi(x)}{|x|^\beta} =f(x)$$ $$ -\Delta \psi(x) + \frac{C_2 \phi(x)}{|x|^\alpha} =g(x)$$ in $B_1$ (the ...
Math604's user avatar
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Feller semigroups and fractional operators

Have Feller semigroups been used to investigate the properties of the Cauchy problem associated with the fractional Laplacian (just like they have been used to study local degenerate second order ...
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27 votes
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Rademacher theorem

If $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}^m$ is of class $C^1$ and $\operatorname{rank} Df(x_o)=k$, then clearly $\operatorname{rank} Df\geq k$ in a neighborhood of $x_o$. It is not particularly difficult to ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
13 votes
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Reference request: Oldest calculus, real analysis books with exercises?

Per the title, what are some of the oldest calculus, real analysis books out there with exercises? Maybe there are some hidden gems from before the 20th century out there. Edit. Unsolved exercises ...
12 votes
1 answer

Proof of Green's formula for rectifiable Jordan curves

$\newcommand{\Ga}{\Gamma}$ I am trying to find a proof of Green's formula for rectifiable Jordan curves $\Ga$ (and the corresponding interior regions $R$). There is a proof by Ridder, followed by ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
4 votes
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$\sum_{k=1}^n\frac{\sin kx}{k^\alpha} >0\quad\text{for all}\ n=1,2,3,\ldots\ \text{and}\ 0<x<\pi, \text{and}\ \alpha \ge 1$

The Fejer-Jackson inequality as follows: $$\sum_{k=1}^n\frac{\sin kx}k>0\quad\text{for all}\ n=1,2,3,\ldots\ \text{and}\ 0<x<\pi.$$ I conjecture that the inequality as follows holds: $$\sum_{...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
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Relationship between $f(t,x)$ as $t \to \infty$ and $f(t/\epsilon, x/\epsilon^2)$ as $\epsilon \to 0$ (periodic functions)

Let $f: (0,\infty)\times \mathbb {R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be $1$-periodic in the second variable and in $L^\infty((0,\infty)\times \mathbb{R}).$ If it is necessary, we can also assume $f$ to be continuous. ...
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Decompostition of a Lipschitz domain

We say that $\Omega$ is a strongly star shaped domain (with respect to $0$ for example) in $\mathbb R ^n$ if: $$\Omega = \{x\in \mathbb R ^n : \left \| x \right \| < g(\frac{x}{\left \| x\right \...
Motaka's user avatar
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real analyticity, Fourier coefficients [duplicate]

Question. Suppose $f$ is periodic in $[0,2\pi]$. What conditions on the Fourier coefficients of $f$ would guarantee real analyticity of $f$? Please provide me with a reference.
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
11 votes
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Two divergent series conspiring?

Consider the sequence $a_n=2^{2n}\binom{2n}n^{-1}$. Stirling's approximation shows that $a_n\sim \sqrt{\pi n}$, thus $$\sum_{n\geq0}\frac{\pi}{2a_n}\qquad \text{and} \qquad \sum_{n\geq0}\frac{a_n}{2n+...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Proofs of the second fundamental theorem of calculus

I am referring to the following version of the theorem, in the setting of the Lebesgue integral. Theorem Let $f: [a,b] \rightarrow \bf R$ be an everywhere differentiable function whose derivative is ...
coudy's user avatar
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Interpolation functional for BV spaces?

Recently, while trying to tackle a problem, I found that it would be convenient that I could find some sort of 'interpolation theorem' for Bounded Variation Spaces. More specifically, let's define, ...
João Ramos's user avatar
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An alternative to the Euler--Maclaurin formula: Approximating sums by integrals only

The Euler--MacLaurin summation formula can be written as $$ \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} f(k)\approx \int^{n-1}_0f(x)\,dx + \frac{f(n-1) + f(0)}2 + \sum_{j=1}^m\frac{B_{2j}}{(2j)!}[f^{(2j - 1)}(n-1)...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
12 votes
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Interval arithmetic with different definitions of intervals

Interval arithmetic normally deals with intervals defined as $[a,b]$ with rules like $$[a,b]+[c,d]=[a+c,b+d]$$ I am interested in interval arithmetic with different interval definitions such as $$\{a\}...
Stephan Kulla's user avatar
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Error bounds for approximation with dyadic sums of polynomials

Are there any bounds known for approximating a genuine multidimensional polynomial function with a sum one-dimensional polynomials over the independent variables? In the 2-dimensional case the ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Reference for higher order Campanato Lemmas, e.g. `Sufficiently fast L^2 decay on balls to affine functions implies C^{1,\alpha}'

Whence can I reference the following fact (I have seen it quoted as `standard' in respectable places, so I hope it is so)?: Let $f : B_2(0) \to \mathbb{R}$, say $f \in L^2(B_2(0))$ . Suppose that ...
Spencer's user avatar
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Does this function have any exponential growth?

Has anyone seen any function of the following type? $$ g(x):=\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!}\exp\left(-\frac{a^n}{x}\right),\quad a>1,x\ge 0. $$ The question is whether for some constant $c>...
Anand's user avatar
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21 votes
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Partitions of ${\rm Sym}(\mathbb{N})$ induced by convergent, but not absolutely convergent series

Let $(a_n) \subset \mathbb{R}$ be a sequence such that the series $\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n$ converges, but does not converge absolutely. Then there is a partition of the symmetric group ${\rm Sym}(\...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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11 votes
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Functions that Calculate their $L_p$ Norm

are there any examples of functions $f:x\in\mathbb{R}_0^+\rightarrow\mathbb{R}_0^+$ and intervals $(a,b), 0\le a \lt b \le \infty$ , for which $$\Big(\int_a^b{|f(x)|^p dx}\Big)^\frac{1}{p} = f(p)$$ $$\...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Radius of the ball where the inverse of Lipschitz maps exists

I am aware of the inverse function theorem for Lipschitz maps, which uses the notion of generalised derivative $\delta_{x_0} f$ of a Lipschitz map $f$, due to F.H.Clarke in On the inverse function ...
Mate Kosor's user avatar
13 votes
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An alternative proof of the Łojasiewicz inequality

Is there a "brute force proof" of the Łojasiewicz inequality? By "brute force" I mean a proof without introducing the machinery of semianalytic sets and so on but only using elementary results (i.e., ...
Italo's user avatar
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A generalization of intermediate value theorem on R^k

Let $f:[0,1]\to\mathbb R^k$ be a continuous function with $f(1) = \overrightarrow 0$. Is it true that there always exist $k$ points $0 \le a_1 \le a_2 \le \ldots \le a_k \le 1$ such that $\sum_{i=1}^k ...
tckwok's user avatar
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Can we calculate the inner product of a semicontinous function with the Dirac delta function?

Dear all, It is clear that if $f:R\mapsto R$ is a continuous function, than $< f, \delta_x >=f(x)$. Now, if $f$ is only semicontinous, can we say that $< f, \delta_x >=f(x)$? I think this ...
Anand's user avatar
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8 votes
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Divergent series expansion in Apéry's proof of the irrationality of $\zeta(2)$ and $\zeta(3)$

UPDATE. I am now making this a CW in the hope someone can improve the content of this question and/or correct the text. This is a concise version of this math.SE question of mine. I've got an answer ...
5 votes
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Is the inclusion of Lebesgue spaces compact?

[Disclaimer: this may be a very trivial question; it certainly looks like it ought to have been studied and understood. I started thinking about it this morning when writing some notes for Rellich-...
Willie Wong's user avatar
4 votes
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Analyzing the solution to a second-order, non-linear ODE

Let $\psi : [0,\infty] \to \mathbb R$ be a strictly positive, continuously differentiable function, and consider the non-linear ODE $$\ddot x = - \frac{1}{4} \frac{\psi'(x)}{\psi(x)} \left( \dot x^2 - ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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