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Finding a dimension-free bound for a certain multiplier on Euclidean space

The following question is indirectly motivated by strong type maximal function estimates. Let $f\in L_{p}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$. For $\xi=(\xi_{1},\ldots,\xi_{n})\in\mathbb{R}^{n}$ define $m(\xi)$ so ...
Steven Heilman's user avatar
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Smoothing property of a certain singular integral operator of non-convolution type

For simplicity, suppose that the dimension $d=2$, and let $g_s(x)$ be the Coulomb or Riesz potential defined by $$g_s(x) := \begin{cases} -\frac{1}{2\pi}\ln|x|, & {s=0} \\ c_s|x|^{-s},& {0<...
Matt Rosenzweig's user avatar
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What's the idea behind various equivalent norms on Besov spaces $B^{s}_{p,q}$?

I am trying to understand Besov spaces; and I am eager to see why the various norms are equivalent on it. Let $\phi$ be a $C^{\infty}$ function on $\mathbb R^{n}$ with $ \operatorname{supp} \phi \...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Regularity of $|u|^{\alpha}$ when $u$ is Schwartz

Let $0<\alpha<1$. Let $D_x^{\alpha}$ denote the Fourier multiplier given by $\xi\to |\xi|^{\alpha}$. Suppose $u:\mathbb{R}^d\to\mathbb{C}$ is Schwartz (or even just smooth with compact support). ...
Benjamin Pineau's user avatar
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Sobolev extension from a discrete set of points

Let $1 > \alpha > 0$ and fix some $C > 0$. Consider $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ a bounded domain and $Y \subset \Omega$ a discrete (finite) set of points. For $f: Y \to \mathbb{R}$ define $$...
Ceka's user avatar
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Nonlinear Schrödinger blow-up for non radial solutions

I am studying a paper of Frank Merle and Pierre Raphaël, The equations are $$ i\partial_tu+\Delta u=-|u|^{p-1}u $$ on $\mathbb{R}...
Paul-Benjamin's user avatar
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Inverse Function Theorem on Zygmund Spaces, is the inverse in the same Zygmund Space?

Preliminary Definitions Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be open. We define the Zygmund spaces $C^r_{*}(\Omega)$ with $r>0$, $r \in \mathbb{R}$ in the following way: (all the functions are ...
juan rojo's user avatar
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Systems of parabolic equations -- Petrovskii's condition

Consider the flat torus $\mathbf{T}^d:=\mathbf{R}^d/\mathbf{Z}^d$ and define the corresponding periodic-parabolic cylinder $Q_T:=(0,T)\times\mathbf{T}^d$. Given a matrix field $A:Q_T\rightarrow\text{M}...
Ayman Moussa's user avatar
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Approximation by gaussian mollification in Sobolev spaces

I have been trying to find a good estimate on the constant in the inequality (in dimension $d=3$ to simplify) $$\label{0}\tag{0} \|(1-e^{t\Delta})f\|_{L^{5/3}(\Bbb R^3)} \leq C_0\,t^{2/5}\, \|\nabla \...
LL 3.14's user avatar
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Zygmund class, Schwartz class and Littlewood-Paley projection operators

I'm studying Littlewood-Paley theory in harmonic analysis, where I encountered the following problem related to the Zygmund class of functions: Consider the Zygmund class of functions defined as ...
pureorapplied's user avatar
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Fourier transform of $C^\infty_0$, smooth functions vanishing at infinity

Is there a proper description of the space $$\{\hat f\ | \ f\in C^\infty \ s.t. \forall \alpha\in\mathbb{N}^n,\forall \epsilon>0\exists K\subseteq \mathbb{R}^n\ K\ \text{compact};\ \sup_{x\in \...
toraus's user avatar
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Well-definedness on $C_{0}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$

Let $T$ be a Calderon-Zygmund operator associated to a Calderon-Zygmund kernel $K\in CZK_{\alpha}$ of order $\alpha>0$ and $b\in BMO(\mathbb{R}^{n})$. Then for $f\in C_{0}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$ ...
Timothy's user avatar
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$f,g , |f|f, |g|g \in A(\mathbb R) \ \text{(Banach algebra)} \implies \left\|f|f|- g|g|\right\|\leq C \left \|f-g\right \|$?

Let $f\in L^{1}(\mathbb R)$ and it Fourier transform, $\hat{f} (y) : = \int _ {\mathbb R} f(x) e^{-2\pi i x\cdot y} dx ; y \in \mathbb R ;$ and consider Fourier algebra $$A(\mathbb R):= \{f\in L^{1}(...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Rate of convergence of mollified distributions in Besov spaces with negative regularity

Given a standard mollifier $\rho_\delta$ and a distribution $ u \in B^\alpha_{ p, p}$ with $\alpha<0$, $p \in [1, \infty]$ and $B^\alpha_{p,p}$ is a not-homogeneous Besov space, I'm trying to prove ...
Marco's user avatar
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The proof of Tomas's restriction theorem $\|\hat{f}(\theta)\|_2\lesssim \|f\|_p$

I am trying to understand the proof of Tomas's theorem: The proof reads My question: How do we get the estimates $$\|T_k\ast f \|_{\infty}\lesssim 2^{-(n-1)k/2}\|f\|_{1},\qquad\qquad (1)$$ $$\|T_k\...
user130023's user avatar
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Generalized Fourier transforms associated to Schroedinger operators

Let $n\geq 1$. Let $q\in C^{\infty}_0(\mathbb R^n)$ be compactly supported and consider the operator $P= -\Delta+q(x)$ on $\mathbb R^n$. We will assume that $q$ is sufficiently small so that the ...
Ali's user avatar
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Positivity of the Fourier transform: prove or disprove that $\operatorname{Re}(\overline{\widehat{u}}(\xi) \widehat{F\circ u}(\xi))\geq0$

Let $F:[0,\infty) \to[0,\infty)$ be increasing, $C^1$ and $L-$Lipschitz with $F(0)=0$. Let $u\in L^1 (\Bbb R^d)$, $u\geq0$ so that $F\circ u\in L^1 (\Bbb R^d)$ I would like to prove (or disprove) ...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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An oscillatory integral

Let $s>0, v\in \mathbb{R}^d, w\in \mathbb{R}, |w|\leq 1$. Pick a cut-off function $B(0,1)\prec \eta \prec B(0,2)$ and a large real number $N$. Do we have the following type of estimates? \begin{...
Dapao Zhang's user avatar
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Asking a reference for a fact about nonlocal operators

Let assume that $u$ is smooth enough and $ -\Delta (u \phi) \in L^1(\Omega)$ for any $\phi \in C_c^{\infty}(\Omega)$. Then it easily follows that $ -\Delta u \in L^1_{\mathrm{loc}}(\Omega)$ by ...
Hheepp's user avatar
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Hilbert transform on weighted Sobolev spaces

Let $\mathscr H\,f$ denote the Hilbert transform of a function $f \in L^2(\mathbb R)$. We know that $\mathscr H$ is an isometry on $L^2(\mathbb R)$, but I want to know to what is the mapping ...
Ali's user avatar
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What are (the different aspects of) harmonic analysis good for?

Let $G$ be a locally compact group. To the best of my understanding, harmonic analysis has three legs that all work perfectly in the case that $G$ is in addition compact and abelian, but have ...
Andrew NC's user avatar
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discrete Fourier transform for composition of differential operators on a grid

This question pertains to stability analysis of finite difference methods using the discrete Fourier transform. Suppose I have a convection diffusion equation of the form: (1) $\hspace{.5in}u_t + \...
GeauxMath's user avatar
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Proof of Taylor's Schwartz kernel estimate of pseudodifferential operators

I am interested in the proof of the following result which gives an estimate on the Schwartz Kernel of a $\Psi$DO. There is one aspect the proof that is not clear to me which I would like to ask the ...
ClemensB's user avatar
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Equation of motion of a charged string in a twisted torus.

The flat torus background: Say we want to study the sigma model of strings (closed strings $S^1= \mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$) on a flat torus (for example $T^3=\mathbb{R}^3/\mathbb{Z}^3$ with a flat ...
Reimundo Heluani's user avatar
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Regularity properties of the derivatives of a particular function on $D \times D\to \bar{D} $ ?

This question might sound a little less rigorously formulated, but I hope the question still makes sense. Let $h: S^1 \to S^1$ be an oriention-preserving homeomorphism and let $p(z,t) = \frac{1}{2\...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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A parametrix construction for heat boundary value problem using Fourier transformation

Let $\Omega$ be a smooth bounded open subset in $\mathcal{R}^{d}$, with $d \geqslant 3 $ and $T>0$. Consider the linear parabolic initial Dirichlet boundary value problem with $f\in H^{-1}(\Omega)$...
L19's user avatar
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Recovering phase function using Fourier decomposition

I have a function $\phi(x): \mathbb{R} \to [0, 2 \pi)$, which describes phase of another function $$f = e^{i \phi(x)}. $$ I am interested in the following problem. If I know the function/distribution $...
VojtaK's user avatar
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Wiener Integral and its distribution

Let $(\Omega, \mathcal{A}, \mathbb{P})$ be a probability space. Let $(W(t))_{x \in \mathbb{R}^d}$ be a Gaussian random field. Then, we can define Wiener integral $\int_{\mathbb{R}^d} f(\xi) \, dW(\xi)$...
heppoko_taroh's user avatar
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A potential wrong proof of a Lemma

Consider the following lemma: Let $g \in H^s_{x,y}(S)$ where $S = \mathbb{R}^2$ or $S = \mathbb{T}^2$, and $\eta \in C^\infty(\mathbb{R})$, $\operatorname{Supp}(\eta) \subset [-2,2]$, and $\eta \equiv ...
Mr. Proof's user avatar
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Second question on a real sequence

I am thinking again about the real sequence $\{a_n\}_{n\ge1}$ which decays faster than any algebraic speed, that is, $\lim_{n\to \infty}n^pa_n = 0$ for every integer $p$. Actually, $a_n$ can be ...
Jacob Lu's user avatar
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Calculating frequency of sound of ringing metal coin

I would like to reproduce the results of Manas - The music of gold: Can gold counterfeited coins be detected by ear?, but it skips a lot of steps, and the mathematics behind it is a bit advanced for ...
Black Carrot's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of convolution matrices

Let $h: \mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ be a smooth function. Fix $0\leq s_1\leq \cdots \leq s_m\leq 1$ and $0\leq t_1\leq \cdots \leq t_n\leq 1$. Construct $A\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ by letting $A_{i,j}:...
Sina Baghal's user avatar
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Strichartz estimate for the Schrödinger equation

Estimates of the extension operator can be seen as estimates of the initial value problem for the evolution Schrödinger equation. If $u(x,t)=e^{it\Delta}u_0$ is the solution to the IVP: $$i\partial_t ...
energy's user avatar
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Reference (foundamental sol. and grad estimate, etc.): a particular elliptic PDE

In $\mathbb{R}^d$, consider the following equation $$\Delta u -x\cdot \nabla u = f $$ where $f$ can be $C^\infty$ and decay like $e^{-\frac{c|x|^2}{2}}$. I would like to know fundamental sol. to this ...
I love pineapple coffee's user avatar
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Convergence of PDE/PsiDE - expansion of pseudo-differential operators

I have am working with a nonlinear pseudo-differential evolution equation of the form $$u_t + \mathcal{N}(u) + \mathcal{D}_{\epsilon} u = 0$$ where $\mathcal{N}$ is a nonlinear operator and $\mathcal{...
Frubiclé's user avatar
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Does $u\in H^{3/2}(\Omega)$ imply continuity of $\nabla u\cdot\overrightarrow{n}$ across an interior interface?

When investigaing the regularity of certain functions, I encountered this problem: if $u\in H^{3/2}([0,1]\times [0,1])$, what can we say about the continuity of $\nabla u\cdot\overrightarrow{n}$ ...
booksee's user avatar
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non-conical support of fundamental solution possible?

In his 1970 paper, on page 124, Hormander discusses fundamental solutions of linear PDE with constant coefficients. I notice he only discusses cases where the support $F$ of the fundamental solution ...
5th decile's user avatar
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Reference for PDE problem book

What I need is a source of solved exercises, problems in Partial Differential Equations; to be hard enough (olympiad style) and in areas like Calderon-Zygmund theory and applications, Paley-Littlewood ...
Eddy's user avatar
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Perturbation in Besov space

$\|f\|_{B^{0}_{p,p}}=(\sum_{j\geq -1} \|\Delta_j f\|_p^p)^{1/p}$ is the Besov norm of $f$. Here the Fourier transform of $\Delta_jf~(j\geq 0)$ is $\psi(2^{-j}\xi)\hat{f}(\xi)$ and $\psi$ is a smooth ...
Guohuan Zhao's user avatar
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variation norm of a Fourier transform

Motivated by certain uniform estimate in oscillatory integrals, I am now trying to calculate the Fourier transform of the function ${\large e^{i|t|^{\epsilon}}/t}$ on $\mathbb{R}$, where $\epsilon\in (...
Shaoming Guo's user avatar
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decomposition of tempered distributions by entire analytic functions

Let $\phi$ be a $C^{\infty}$ function on $\mathbb R^{n}$ with $$ \operatorname{supp} \phi \subset \{\xi \in \mathbb R^{n}: |\xi|\leq 2, \phi(\xi)=1~~\text{if}~|\xi|\leq 1\}$$ Let $j\in \mathbb N$ ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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How to use, $(|u|^{2}u - |v|^{2}v)(s)= (u-v)|u|^{2}(s)+ v(|u|^{2}-|v|^{2}) (s)$; to prove contraction in a Banach space $C([0,T]; M^{p,1})$?

(May be this is very basic question for MO) (For details or this question you may see the paper page no. 9, MR2506839, Local well-posedness of nonlinear dispersive equations on modulation spaces; ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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A problem about Joint sine and cosine fourier transform

There is a problem on Page 60 of Book of B.M.Budak, A. A. Samarskii and A. N. Tikhonov, whose title is A Collection of Problems in Mathematical Physics (New York, Dover, 1964). The problem (the ...
azhi's user avatar
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Fourier integral operators and parametrix

Consider the classical wave equation in a bounded domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$, assuming vanishing of the function and its normal derivative on the boundary. Question: Is there an expression for the ...
0x11111's user avatar
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On the I-method's energy increment calculation in a paper of Dodson

I am currently reading Dodson's Global Well-posedness for the Defocusing, Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation in One Dimension for Low Regularity Data article and I am trying to understand Theorem ...
Dispersion's user avatar
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$|\partial $ as Fourier multiplier

I have the following nonlinear dispersive PDEs $$i \partial_t u- \partial_x^2 u =|\partial_x| |u|^2$$ where $f$ is some nice complex-valued function. I am trying to use the ansatz $u(t,x) = e^{i \...
Mr. Proof's user avatar
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Convergence of a infinite sum in Besov space

Suppose we have an annulus $A \subset \mathbb R^n$, which is the set $\{x|0<r \leqslant\|x\| \leqslant R\}$, $\alpha \in \mathbb R$ and $\{ u_j\}_{j\geqslant-1} $ be a seqence of smooth functions ...
Inuyasha's user avatar
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Is the product of two Sobolev functions in L^p?

Assume that $f\in W^{\alpha-1,p}(R^n)$ with $0<\alpha<1$ and $p>2n/\alpha$. Given another function $ g\in W^{\beta,p}(R^n)$ with $\beta>0$. Under what conditions on $\beta$ can we get ...
Wenguang Zhao's user avatar