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Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
Qiaochu Yuan
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Oakland, California, USA
3 votes

Distinct manifolds with the same configuration spaces?

3 votes

In which commutative algebras does any derivation possess a flow?

3 votes

Explaining a comment: Difference between a transformation of points and a transformation of coordinates

3 votes

Making use of extra symmetries; more examples?

3 votes

Reference for asymptotic estimates

3 votes

One object preadditive groupoids as a categorification of skew fields

3 votes

Local "pathologies" in spaces arising naturally in algebraic topology

3 votes

Lifting symmetries to the universal cover

3 votes

Is $S^1\vee S^1$ an Eilenberg-Mac Lane Space to a Homotopy Purist?

3 votes

Link between Irreducible Factors and Prime Factors (or Cycles of a Permutation)

3 votes

Is there a function $f$ that is a finite sum of functions with finite products of the inputs of $f$ as inputs with this property?

3 votes

Counting the number of points in a variety over a finite field

3 votes

Analogue of integration for group cohomology

3 votes

Characterization of Frobenius complements

3 votes

Idempotent completion of linear categories and Yoneda

3 votes

Classifying functions up to suitable pre-composition and/or post-composition

3 votes

$H$-objects of a category $\mathcal{A}$ as $H$-fixed points of a $G$-category

3 votes

What does "higher monodromy" tell us about a principal bundle

3 votes

Groups with trivial rational homology and their finite index subgroups

3 votes

Parameterize unitary without transpose

3 votes

Commutator 2-forms on Lie groups

3 votes

Additive functors to abelian groups: "additional structure" and functors induced by "additive pseudo-functors"; references?

3 votes

Heuristics for counting degrees of freedom

3 votes

Obstructions for $E_n$-algebras

3 votes

Simply connected Lie groups homeomorphic to R^n are solvable

3 votes

Exact sequences of pointed sets - two definitions

2 votes

Extensions of $SL(2,\mathbb{F}_q)$

2 votes

Is there a nice "synthetic" way for doing differential geometry on infinite dimensional vector spaces?

2 votes

Combinatorial\Probabilistic Proof of Stirling's Approximation

2 votes

Categorifying the free monoid and non-commutative generating functions