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Vidit Nanda's user avatar
Vidit Nanda
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
3 votes

radius of tubular neighborhood

3 votes

Financial Mathematics Books

3 votes

Is this graph known?

3 votes

A Fixed point Theorem that does not need the convexity of set valued map?

3 votes

A theorem of Markov about completely regular spaces and topological groups

3 votes

Injective simplicial maps between Arc complexes

3 votes

Where to break paragraphs in a proof?

3 votes

Strange (or stupid) arithmetic derivation

3 votes

f-vectors of Pure Complexes and Eulerian Complexes

3 votes

When are maps between topological spaces homotopic?

3 votes

Is barycentric subdivision of a collapsible, regular CW complex collapsible (non-evasive)?

3 votes

Classifying spaces for enriched categories

3 votes

discrete Grothendieck construction

2 votes

Appropriate morphisms and 2-morphisms in Ind(C)

2 votes

Perverse sheaves for easy stratifications

2 votes

Is there an asymptotic formula for an inverse function of the binomial coefficient?

2 votes

Representation of Banach spaces partially ordered by solid, normal, minihedral cones

2 votes

Using Discrete Morse Theory to represent hom classes

2 votes

Simplicial complices on unlabelled vertices

2 votes

How to get the largest subset of a set of sets of intervals with no overlapping intervals

2 votes

Probability of zero in a random matrix

2 votes

When polynomial f(x^2) can be factored as g(x)·g(-x) ?

2 votes

Not especially famous, long-open problems which anyone can understand

2 votes

Morse matching with 0-cells and (n-1)-cells

2 votes

Recovering a Weighted Graph from Shortest Path Distances

1 vote

Partial sums of partitions

1 vote

Sets invariant under sections

1 vote

Lipschitz Approximation to a PW Smooth Map

1 vote

Combinatorial Morse functions and random permutations

1 vote

Inflate a simplex, change rows to make the rank n