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Is there a more natural way to define the Young symmetrizer and the Specht module?

It's well known that Young symmetrizer is a fundamental tool in the representation theory of symmetric groups. For instance, for every Young diagram $\lambda\vdash n$, we construct a Young tableau $T_\...
LuckyJollyMoments's user avatar
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induced module of hyperoctahedral group

Let $H$ be the subgroup of the symmetric group $\mathfrak{S}_n$. Let $W_n$ be the group algebra of the hyperoctahedral group $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \wr \mathfrak{S}_n$.The induced module $M:=\mathrm{...
noone 's user avatar
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4 votes
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Where to begin in Computational Group Theory?

I'm coding a small application that looks for periodic solutions to the gravitational n-body problem. I'm trying to better understanding the symmetries of solutions, which is made up of the product of ...
G. Fougeron's user avatar
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Class multiplication coefficients of symmetric groups

My question is that I was working with some counting problems, and finally the answer should be $$ \nu_{\mu_1,\mu_2,\mu_3}=\#\{(\sigma_1,\sigma_2,\sigma_3): \sigma_1\sigma_2\sigma_3=1, \sigma_1\in C_{\...
user545662's user avatar
2 votes
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Invertibility of one matrix constructed by order n subgroup of symmetric group

Let $S_n$ be the symmetric group on $n$ elements $\{ 1,2,\dotsc,n \}$ and $G$ be a subgroup of $S_n$ of order $n$. Denote the elements in $G$ by $\{ \sigma_1,\dotsc,\sigma_n \}$. Let the matrix $A=(\...
lin's user avatar
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Basis of Specht module of symmetric groups

I am reading the construction of the Specht module from James's book. The Specht module of a symmetric group corresponding to a partition $\lambda$ is spanned by all polytabloids $e_{t}$ associated ...
noone 's user avatar
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Unitary representations of the symmetric group over finite fields

I am interested in understanding the unitary representations of the symmetric group over $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$. In general, some comments here are relevant Unitary representations of finite groups over ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
5 votes
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Symmetric groups acting on rational surfaces

Let $X$ be a complex projective rational surface. Is there an upper bound on $n\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $S_n\subset \text{Aut}(X)$? Here $S_n$ is the symmetric group on $n$ elements.
Robert B's user avatar
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Morita equivalence between category of modules of hyperoctahedral group with the category of modules of direct product of two symmetric groups

I am reading the paper "R. Dipper and G. D. James, Representations of Hecke algebras of type $B_n$, J. Algebra (146) 1992, 454–481". Theorem 4.18 says that the category of modules of the ...
noone 's user avatar
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3 votes
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Drunken X-mas polynomials for graphs

Given a finite connected graph $\Gamma$ with vertices $\lbrace 1,\ldots,N\rbrace$, we can consider the polynomial $$\sum_{\pi\in\mathcal S_N}x^{\sum_{j=1}^Nd_\Gamma(j,\pi(j))}$$ where $\mathcal S_N$ ...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
6 votes
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Second homotopy group of the symmetric power of a space

Let $X$ be a finite CW complex, $n \ge 2$, and $\Sigma_n$ be the permutation group on $n$ symbols. Let $X^{(n)}=X^n/\Sigma_n$ be the quotient of the natural action of $\Sigma_n$ on $X^n$. We call $X^{(...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Representation of equivariant maps

Let $n,m,k$ be positive integers. Consider the action of symmetric group $S^n$ on $\mathbb{R}^{n\times i}$ (for $i\in \{m,k\}$) by permuting rows; i.e. for each $\pi\in S^n$ and every $n\times i$ ...
ABIM's user avatar
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8 votes
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Describing the hook part of the symmetric group algebra

Let $\mathbf{k}$ be a field of characteristic $0$. Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$, and consider the symmetric group $S_{n}$ consisting of all permutations of $\left[ n\right] :=\left\{ 1,2,\ldots,n\right\} $...
darij grinberg's user avatar
2 votes
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Is the small Davenport constant for $S_n$, $d(S_n)=n(n-1)/2$?

The Davenport constant $D(G)$ of a finite group $G$ is the minimal $d$ such that any sequence/multiset of length $d$ is one-product, i.e., identity can be obtained as a product (in some order) of some ...
Mikel Martinez Puente's user avatar
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One-product free sequences for $A_n$

I am working on computing the Davenport constant $D(G)$ for $S_n$ and $A_n$, i.e., the minimal number $d$ such that every sequence (multiset) of $d$ elements contains some subsequence giving identity ...
Mikel Martinez Puente's user avatar
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Davenport constant $D(S_5)=10$ or $11$?

I am working on computing the Davenport constant $D(G)$ of symmetric groups, which is the minimal number $d$ such that every sequence of $d$ elements, possibly with repetitions, is one-product, i.e. ...
Mikel Martinez Puente's user avatar
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Correspondence between even and odd permutations in $S_5$

I am working on the Davenport constant for symmetric groups, $D(G)$ , which is the minimal number $d$ such that every sequence of $d$ elements in the group G is one-product sequence, i.e, we can ...
Mikel Martinez Puente's user avatar
4 votes
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Commutativity of the wreath product

(Cross-posted from MSE, with isomorphism replaced by conjugate: ) Let $G$ be a ...
eti902's user avatar
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Schur cover of alternating groups

Wilson's book "The finite simple groups" gives (in section 2.7) a description of the double cover of the alternating groups. First, one constructs a double cover $2S_n$ of the symmetric ...
stupid_question_bot's user avatar
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Young symmetrizers-like projections to the center of group algebra

Let $A:=\mathbb{C}S_n$ be the symmetric group aglebra. Let $T$ be a standard Young tableaux of shape $\lambda$. Denote $R(T)$ and $C(T)$ as row and column stabilizers of $T$. For a set $S \subseteq ...
Alimzhan's user avatar
9 votes
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Matrix invariants for simultaneous conjugation by a finite subgroup of $\textrm{GL}_n$

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic 0, and consider $d$ generic $n\times n$ matrices $X_1,\ldots,X_d$ where $X_k = (x_{ijk})_{ij}$ and $ K[x_{ijk}]$ is the polynomial algebra in $n^2 \cdot d$ ...
Greg Zitelli's user avatar
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Hyperoctahedral group, preliminaries [closed]

I am looking for information on the hyperoctahedral group From what I understand, the hyperoctahedral group is 'the generalized symmetric group' in the case where $m=2$. That is, the hyperoctahedral ...
ness's user avatar
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12 votes
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H^2 of symmetric group

I'm a number theorist in need of some group cohomology lemmas, and I'm rather bewildered by the level of generality used in the literature. Specifically, the result I need is as follows: the ...
Evan O'Dorney's user avatar
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How to multiply dots with Young idempotents in the degenerate affine Hecke algebra (type A)

Let $\widehat{\cal H}_n$ be the type A degenerate affine Hecke algebra on $n$ strands, and let $x_1,\cdots,x_n$ be the dots. Inside of this algebra lies the algebra $\mathbb C S_n$, and the Young ...
Fan Zhou's user avatar
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Characters with all higher exterior powers irreducible

Let $G$ be a finite group and we take for the field the complex numbers. Call an irreducible character $\xi$ with degree $m$ of $G$ perfect, if all exterior powers $\bigwedge\nolimits^k \xi$ are ...
Mare's user avatar
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What is known about finite dimensional modules over the nilCoxeter algebra?

Recall that the nilCoxeter algebra $\mathcal{N}_W$ for a Coxeter group $W$ is given by the $\mathbf{k}$-basis $x_w$ for each $w\in W$ and multiplication $x_ux_v=x_{uv}$ if $\ell(uv)=\ell(u)+\ell(v)$ ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
16 votes
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Conjectures in the representation theory of the symmetric group

Question: What are current open conjectures about the representation theory of the symmetric group? I am interested mostly in the characteristic 0 case, but conjectures for the modular case can also ...
Mare's user avatar
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Efficient decomposition algorithm for characters of symmetric groups

Let $\chi$ be a rational character of $G:=S_n$, and we want to know whether it decomposes into irreducibles $\chi_\lambda$, for $\lambda\in\Lambda$, with $\Lambda$ given, as $$ \chi=\sum_{\lambda\in\...
Dima Pasechnik's user avatar
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The sum of the signs of conjugacy classes in the symmetric group S_n [duplicate]

Let $r$ be the number of conjugacy classes of the symmetric group $S_n$ whose sign is $1$, i.e. \begin{equation} r := \#\{c \in \text{Conj} (S_n): \text{sgn} (c) = 1 \}. \end{equation} Let $s$ be the ...
alpha2357alpha's user avatar
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The meet of two dominant permutations in weak order of $S_n$

A permutation is called dominant if its Lehmer code is a partition, or equivalently if it avoids the pattern $132$. I can prove that given a permutation $v\in S_n$, there is a unique dominant ...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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Plethysm and wreath product

I am looking for a proof about the link between plethysm and wreath product. It is a well-known fact, being use extensively in many papers, but I can't find a good reference. Everything that follows ...
eti902's user avatar
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Using the Dold-Thom Theorem to define \'etale cohomology

For reasonable spaces $X$, the Dold-Thom Theorem states that $\pi_i(SP(X)) \cong \tilde{H}_i(X)$ where $SP(X) = \bigsqcup_i \mathrm{Sym}^i(X)$. There is a purely algebro-geometric realization of this ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Relationship between the symmetric group representation (Specht module) of a Young diagram and the Young diagram obtained by deleting one row

Suppose $\lambda$ is a Young diagram, and $\lambda'$ is obtained by deleting one particular row of $\lambda$. Is there any relationship between the symmetric group representation (Specht module) ...
Yuting Li's user avatar
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An identity for characters of the symmetric group

I am looking for a reference for the identity $$\chi_\lambda(C)=\frac{\dim(V_\lambda)}{|C|}\sum_{p\in P_\lambda,\,q\in Q_\lambda,\,pq\in C}\operatorname{sgn}(q)$$ for the irreducible characters of the ...
Hjalmar Rosengren's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the effect of tensoring with the sign representation on irreducible modules for a Type D Weyl group?

Given an integer $n \geq 4$, consider the Weyl groups $W(B_n)$ and $W(D_n)$ of types $B_n$ and $D_n$, respectively, and consider their representation theory over the field of complex numbers. The Weyl ...
Christopher Drupieski's user avatar
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When are these irreducible complex representations for the Type D Weyl group self-dual?

Given an integer $n \geq 4$, consider the Weyl groups $W(B_n)$ and $W(D_n)$ of types $B_n$ and $D_n$, respectively, and consider their representation theory over the field of complex numbers. The Weyl ...
Christopher Drupieski's user avatar
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On characters of the symmetric group: Part 1

Given an integer partition $\lambda$, denote $\ell(\lambda)=$ length, $\vert\lambda\vert=$ size and $\lambda=$ conjugate of $\lambda$. Allow to write $\lambda\vdash n$ either as $(\lambda_1,\dots,\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
30 votes
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Interpretation of "1089-number trick" in terms of symmetric group action on cohomology group?

I tried posting the following on math.stackexchange, but no answers. I can of course delete if inappropriate. The "1089 number trick" (see e.g. here) says that if you take a three-digit ...
mnmse475's user avatar
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Major indices of standard tableaux of shapes obtained from addable cells of a given Young diagram

I have a "very" indirect proof that the following fact is true for every Young diagram $\lambda \vdash n$ and every $r \in \{0,\dotsc,n\}$: \begin{equation} d_\lambda = \sum_{a \in \mathrm{...
dmitry's user avatar
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What is $\dim D^{\lambda}$ for the symmetric group?

What are the dimensions of the simple modules $D^{\lambda}=S^{\lambda}/S^{\lambda}\cap (S^{\lambda})^{\perp}$ for the modular representation theory of $S_n$, i.e. $\operatorname{char}(k)=p>0$? I ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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Asymptotics for number of $p$-regular partitions of $n$

The number of simple modules $D^{\lambda}=S^{\lambda}/S^{\lambda}\cap (S^{\lambda})^{\bot}$ of the symmetric group over a field $k$ such that $\text{char}(k)=p > 0$ is the number of $p$-regular ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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What is known about representations of $S_n$ in other categories?

Is anything known about representations of the symmetric group $S_n$ for categories other than $\textbf{Vect}_k$, vector spaces and linear maps over a field $k$. That is, a group $G$ can be considered ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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Equivalence of dihedral and symmetric group actions on a specialized real algebra

Edit: fixed misaligned indentation for "Update x and y by", below. I also had two little ideas that might help. consider first the case where the digit 7 is not allowed, simplifying the ...
Dement's user avatar
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Minimal dominant permutation in weak order

Consider $S_\infty$ as a Coxeter group with Coxeter generators the adjacent transpositions $s_i$, $i\geq 1$. We view elements of $S_\infty$ as functions $u:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$. Recall the Lehmer ...
Matt Samuel's user avatar
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A question regarding symmetrizing the tensor product of vectors in two different ways

Let $V = \mathbb{C}^m$, endowed with the standard hermitian inner product which we will denote by $\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle$, $n$ be a positive integer and $\Sigma_n$ denote the symmetric group on ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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Is the appearance of Schur functions a coincidence?

The Schur functions are symmetric functions which appear in several different contexts: The characters of the irreducible representations for the symmetric group (under the characteristic isometry). ...
matha's user avatar
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Subgroups of the symmetric group and binary relations

Motivation The following came up in my work recently. (NB this is the motivation, not the question I'm asking. You can skip to the actual question below, which is self-contained, but not self-...
Z. A. K.'s user avatar
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Basis parametrized by the symmetric group elements for the coinvariant algebra

Let $A_n$ be the coinvariant algebra of the symmetric group $S_n$. This algebra has vector space dimension $n!$. $A_n$ is the quotient algebra of the polynomial ring $K[x_1,...,x_n]$ by the elementary ...
Mare's user avatar
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The quotient of a higher Specht polynomial over the corresponding regular Specht polynomial

I'll need some notation before I can phrase my question, so please bare with me for a little. I'll try to get there as fast as possible (it's also my first MO question...). Let $\lambda$ be a ...
Shaul Zemel's user avatar
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Maximal subgroup in $S_{10}$

Consider the set of unordered pairs $\{(i,j)\}$, $i<j, i=1,2, \ldots, 2k+1$, $j=i+1, \dots, 2k+2$, and the group $G=S_{k(2k+1)}$ of all permutations of those pairs. Is the subgroup of the ...
Анатолий Вершик's user avatar

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