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Questions tagged [pr.probability]

Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory.

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4 votes
2 answers

Minimum of exponential distributions

Consider $n$ independent random variables $X_i \sim \exp(\lambda_i)$ for $i = 1,\dots,n$. Let $\lambda = \sum_{i=1}^n \lambda_i$. Of course, the minimum of these exponential distributions has ...
Jacqueline Nolis's user avatar
42 votes
6 answers

Measures of non-abelian-ness

Let $G$ be a finite non-abelian group of $n$ elements. I would like a measure that intuitively captures the extent to which $G$ is non-commutative. One easy measure is a count of the non-commutative ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Have you seen this one parameter family of distributions before?

This is a one parameter family of distributions. Choose some parameter $\lambda > 0$ and define the measure $\nu_\lambda$ which is absolutly continuous with respect to the Lebsegue measure with the ...
Mihai Nica's user avatar
1 vote
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What conditions on a filtration guarantee that a (sub)martingale has a continuous modification?

There is a theorem as follows: Theorem. Let $\mathcal{F}_t$ be a filtration which is right-continuous and complete. Assume $M_t$ is a submartingale adapted to $\mathcal{F}_t$ such that $t \mapsto \...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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1 answer

Probability of difference between elements in a sorted set

Given a set of naturals [n]:{1,2,3,...,n}, we repeatably select m elements from [n] to make a sorted set ${x_1,x_2,...,x_m}$ satisfying $x_i >= x_j$ for i>=j. What the probability $p(i<=k)$ ...
liaomingxue's user avatar
2 votes
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Computing hypergeometric function of matrix argument

In the context of the Bingham probability distribution the ${ }_1F_1$ hypergeometric function of matrix argument naturally arises as a normalization constant of the probability distribution function. ...
ostap bender's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is this probabilistic principle for stochastic processes known?

In the course of a proof, I used the following principle, which seems so intuitive that it should have a name: Suppose one has a stochastic process $X_t$, for $t \in \omega$, on a (possibly infinite) ...
David Harris's user avatar
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0 answers

mathematical expectation of length of dependency well.

We have these assumptions: $W$ is a finite set $\mathcal W$ is the set of all functions $f:W\to \mathcal P(W)$. $p:\mathcal P(\mathcal W)\to [0,1]$ is a probability measure. For each $w\in W$ and $m\...
user31968's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is the set of the absolutely continuous functions a Borel set of the space of the continuous functions?

Does anyone knows whether the set of the absolutely continous functions $F :[0,1]\to \mathbb{R}^d$ of the form $$F(t)= a + \int_0^tf(s) ds$$ where $f$ is an integrable function is a Borel set of the ...
Theluze's user avatar
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1 answer

Weak convergence in measure for negligible sets.

Let $X$ be a Polish space and $(P_n)$ a sequence of Borel probabilities which converges weakly in measure to a Borel probability $P$. By this i mean that for any $f\in C_b(X)$ which is continuous and ...
Theluze's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Rotation-invariant strict-inclusion-preserving preorderings on subsets of the circle

Say that a preordering $\le$ on a set of subsets of some space preserves strict inclusion provided that $A\lt B$ whenever $A\subset B$ (where $A\lt B$ iff $A\le B$ and $B \not\le A$). Let the space ...
Alexander Pruss's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Joint (close to uniform) distribution in finite fields

This is perhaps a simple fact but I am struggling to prove it. If A, B are distributed over some finite field $\mathbb{F}$, such that $aA + bB$ is $\epsilon$-close to uniform in $\mathbb{F}$ for ...
Div's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Convergence of probability measure and the *-weak convergence ?

Given a Polish space $X$, I note $C_b(X)$ the set of the continuous bounded functions with the norm of the uniform convergence, and $(C_b(X))^\star$ its topological dual with the $*-$weak convergence $...
Theluze's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Does erosion mix faster than a riffle shuffle?

It is a famous result of Aldous and Diaconis1 that seven shuffles are necessary and suffice to approximately randomize 52 cards.2 Here the shuffles are the standard riffle shuffle, where the ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Equivalent Markov Random Fields

Hi, Is it possible to have topologically different Markov Random Fields (few different edges) and yet yielding the same inference results ? Thanks!
Raskol's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

The property of a Markov measure

Given $\sigma$ a shift map, $m$ - a Markov measure, $C_a$, $C_b$ - cylinder sets. Suppose $P \in C_b$. The problem is to show the following \begin{equation} m(C_a \cap \sigma^{-1}(P)) = \frac{m(C_a \...
Anton's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Uniformly integrable sequence such that a.s. limit and conditional expectation do not commute

Hi, Could anyone give an example such that: $$Y_i \rightarrow Y_{\infty}, \text{a.s.},$$ and $Y_i$'s are uniformly integrable. But $\mathbb{E}(Y_i|\mathcal{G})$ does not converge a.s. to $\mathbb{E}(...
john KING's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Mean minimum distance for N random points on a unit square (plane)

A previously posted question "mean minimum distance for N random points on a one-dimensional line" produced an elegant answer: for a line of length L, the expected minimum distance (between random ...
KEN KEL's user avatar
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Two Different Representations of Multivariate Bernstein Polynomials

In the literature the multivariate Bernstein polynomial of a function $f:[0,1]^m\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is often defined as the following: $$B_{f,n}(x_1,\dots,x_m)=\sum_{\mathbf{k}\in \{0,\dots,n\}^m}...
Hugh Medal's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Concentration of sum of pairwise squared Euclidean distances of random vectors

Let $X_1, \ldots, X_n $ be independent random vectors in $B(0, D) \subset R^d$ ($\ell_2$ ball of radius $D$ centered at the origin). I am trying to find the concentration of the following quantity ...
PRam's user avatar
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1 answer

Chernoff-Hoeffding bound for complex values

Consider the Chernoff-Hoeffding bound, stated as follows: Let $X_1, \dots, X_K$ be i.i.d. real-valued random variables with expectation value $\mu$ and satisfying $|X_i| \le b$. Let $\epsilon > 0$. ...
Dan Stahlke's user avatar
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Good books on stochastic partial differential equations?

I have a system of 2 PDEs, one with a probabilistic right side, and kind of stuck on what to read about those things.. Any good books around? Both analytical (if any) and numerical methods are welcome....
mt_christo's user avatar
2 votes
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asymmetric random walk, hitting time probability

Let's consider an asymmetric Random Walk on $Z$, with transition probabilities $p_{i, i+1}=p$, $~~p_{i, i+1}=q$, $\forall i \in \mathcal{Z}$, $p+q=1$ and $p>q$. I am interested in the probability ...
QuantumLogarithm's user avatar
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question about circular law

Hi, I have a question about the circular law. Consider $A_n=[x_{ij}]$ a sequence of random matrices where $x_{ij}$ are iid with mean $0$ and variance $1$. Consider $\lambda_{n,1},\dots,\lambda_{n,n}$ ...
jeanB's user avatar
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1 answer

Nonstandard definition for the generator of a standard Ito diffusion

For a standard Brownian motion, the generator of the diffusion is $$ L = \frac12 \frac{d^2}{dx^2}. $$ Is there a nonstandard definition of this generator?
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Gaussian measures on non-separable spaces

Let $X$ be a topological affine space which is neither separable nor metrizable. There are plenty of trivial Gaussian measures: each Dirac point-mass $\delta_x$ are the Gaussian measure with zero ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Sub-exponential tail implies Poincare inequality

Assume we have a probability measure $\mu$ on $\mathbb R^n$. Assume it satisfies $$ \mu(||x|| > u) \le Ce^{-au} \ \ \forall u > 0 $$ In other words, its tail is dominated by an exponential ...
Andrey 's user avatar
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2 answers

The limiting behavior of geometric random walk

I would like to know what the asymptotic limiting behavior is for the following random walk on $\mathbb Z^d$. By Donsker's invariance principle, I suspect that its behavior is diffusive, i.e., the ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Book on the Moment Problem

Is there a recently published book on the Classical Moment Problems and related theory? I have seen a couple of old books by Tamarkin and a few other books by Russian authors. Want to know what else ...
4 votes
3 answers

Expectation of $(c+e^{N(0,\sigma^2)})^{-n},\, n>0$

I would like to know if there's a way to compute or approximate the following expectation: $$\mathbb{E}[(c+e^X)^{-n}]$$ where $X=N(0,\sigma^2)$ and $n,c>0$ (you can also assume that $n$ is a ...
user9121's user avatar
5 votes
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Expected distance of a random point to the convex hull of N other points

Let $X_1, \cdots, X_N$ be i.i.d. $d$-dimensional random vectors, the exact distribution of $X$ is not very important in my application (as long as it continuous) so pick the one that works best, but ...
Fredrik's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Probability that a random distance function is metric

Take a random $n \times n$ nonnegative symmetric matrix $D$ with zero diagonal. What is the probability that it is an abstract distance matrix, i.e. satisfies $D_{xy}+D_{yz} \geq D_{xz}$ for all index ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

What is a Gaussian measure?

Let $X$ be a topological affine space. A Gaussian measure on $X$ is characterized by the property that its finite-dimensional projections are multivariate Gaussian distributions. Is there a direct ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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7 votes
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Constructing black noise with non-standard analysis

With noise in the sense of i.i.d. random sequence, a noise is black if it is not isomorphic to standard Gaussian white noise. Tsirelson showed the existence of black noise through the scaling limit ...
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1 answer

Spanning subgaph with trivial Poisson boundaries

Assume $\Gamma$ is the Cayley graph of an amenable$^{*}$ group and that the simple random walk has non-trivial Poisson boundary$^{**}$. Is there a spanning connected subgraph $\Gamma'$ of some $k$-...
ARG's user avatar
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Probability Density Optimization

I am working on an optimization problem which I am stuck on towards the end. Essentially, I have two probability density functions in $\mathbb{R}^2$, call them $q(x,y)$ and $p(x,y)$, now I define ...
TeTs's user avatar
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Extension of measures from the ball sigma-algebra to the borel sigma-algebra

Let $X$ be a metric space, $\Sigma_{1}$ the borel sigma algebra and $\Sigma_{2}$ the sigma algebra generated by balls (open and closed). If $\mu$ is a probability measure on $\Sigma_{2}$ can it be ...
FelipeG's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Is there a statistical interpretation of Green's theorem, Stokes' theorem, or the divergence theorem?

This is cross-posted from math.stackexchange and stats.stackexchange. Probably there is no great answer to this question, but I thought I'd give it a shot here. I'm teaching a class on integration ...
Paul Siegel's user avatar
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Inequality for square of the subgaussian distributions

Hi all, For my research I am trying to bound some exponential moments of subgaussian r.v.'s. And I am stuck with proving one of such inequalities. More specifically: Let $a$ be unit vector in $\...
Fred's user avatar
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Exponential Ergodicity for Reflected Brownian Motion in a Bounded Domain

Assume we have a reflected Brownian motion in a smooth bounded domain $D \subseteq \mathbb R^d$. It can have nonzero (but constant) drift, non-identity (but constant) covariance matrix, and oblique (=...
Andrey 's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

The fraction of the sphere a fixed distance from a subspace

The following problem has a beautiful geometric interpretation in terms of the proportion of points on the Euclidean sphere in $\mathbb{R}^d$ that lie at least a certain distance away from a $k$-...
jat's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is every bornological space measurable?

Every topological space is measurable, since we may canonically equip a topological space with its Borel $\sigma$-algebra. A bornological space is like a topological space, except the structure ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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How does changing the transition probabilities affect the concentration of a position-dependent random walk?

Consider a random walk on the integers where the probability of transitioning from $n$ to $n+1$ is $p_n$ (and of course, the probability of transitioning from $n$ to $n-1$ is $1-p_n$); we assume all $...
yves's user avatar
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1 answer

Central Limit Theorem for additive function of permutations of sequences

Fix the finite sets $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{Y}$, and probability mass functions $P_X(x)$ and $P_Y(y)$ on these sets. Assume each value of $P_X(x)$ and $P_Y(y)$ is rational. For each $n$ such ...
jmscarlett's user avatar
5 votes
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Calculate channel capacity of general channel under constraint

Given a conditional distribution $P_{Y\mid X}$ I'd like to find the prior distribution $P_X$ that maximizes the mutual information $I(X;Y)$ with $P_Y(y)=\int P_{Y\mid X}(y\mid x)P_X(x) \, \text{d}x$ (...
user31757's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Central Limit Theorem (and Berry-Esseen theorem) for non-independent variables

Consider the triangular array $X_{n,k}$ such that, for each $n>0$, the variables $(X_{n,1},\cdots,X_{n,n})$ have the following properties: For any given $1 \le L \le n$, all subsets of $(X_{n,1},\...
jmscarlett's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is the Binomial Expectation of Convex Function Convex in p?

Suppose $X$ has a binomial distribution with success probability $p$ and $n$ trials and let $h(\cdot)$ be a positive convex real-valued function. Is the function $g(p)=\mathbb{E}[h(X)\ |\ p]$ convex ...
Hugh Medal's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What is the order of the lower tail of a Chi-Squared distribution?

Let X be a random variable with having a chi-squared distribution with n degrees of freedom and let y be some real number at most n. Is it known how P (X < y) behaves at least in some reasonable ...
TOM's user avatar
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Products of Boolean algebras and probability measures thereon

These are really two questions, but the second presupposes the first. First, let $( B_i )_{i\in I}$ be an arbitrary family of Boolean algebras. I want to directly form a product of them that is like ...
Alexander Pruss's user avatar
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Infinite product of finitely-additive probability measures

I'm looking for a reference for the existence of a finitely-additive product probability measure for an arbitrary family of finitely-additive probability measures. It's easy to prove, but I'd like to ...
Alexander Pruss's user avatar

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