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10 votes
2 answers

What is Kept Fixed for Flexible Spheres

For background to this question much recent exciting related things, see this videotaped lecture by Alexander Gaifullin. Consider a triangulation $K$ of a two-dimensional sphere and consider maps ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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2 answers

Do maximal polyhedra have algebraic volume?

Is it possible to prove that for every $n > 3$ the maximal possible volume of a convex polyhedron having $n$ vertices inscribed in a sphere of unit radius is an algebraic number? Update: What can ...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
10 votes
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Polyhedron not circumscribed about a sphere

Let $P$ be a polyhedron whose faces are colored black and white so that there are more black faces and no two black faces are adjacent. Show that $P$ is not circumscribed about a sphere. My teacher ...
shadow10's user avatar
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2 answers

Monochromatic point sets in two-colored plane

Which are the configrations $P\subset \mathbb{R}^2$ of points, such that the following property holds: Property M (for Monochromatic): Every two-coloring of $\mathbb{R}^2$ contains a monochromatic ...
Moritz Firsching's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Get Largest Inscribed Rectangle of a Concave Polygon

I'm looking for an algorithm to find a set of largest inscribed rectangles of a concave polygon where each rectangle must be collinear with one of the edges of the polygon. In other words, I want to ...
Josh C.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Perimeter-halving center of a convex shape

Let $P$ be a convex polygon (or any convex body in $\mathbb{R}^2$) with perimeter of length $1$. Call a chord $c$ of $P$ perimeter-halving if half the perimeter lies to one side of $c$ (and so half to ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Do triple-linked graphs exist?

Lets say that a finite simple graph $G$ is (intrinsically) fully triple-linked if for each embedding of $G$ into $\Bbb R^3$ we can find three disjoint cycles $C_1,C_2,C_3\subset G$ whose embeddings ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the face lattice of the cube a polytope graph?

The face lattice of a convex polytope $P\subset\Bbb R^d$ is the partially ordered set whose elements are the faces of $P$ ordered by inclusion. We can turn it into a graph by considering its Hasse ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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2 answers

How many small dots can be drawn in a region such that no three are "collinear"?

When people draw dots on paper, they are actually not points, but small regions filled with ink. Suppose that each dot has disc-shape with fixed radius $r\ll 1$ and must be drawn inside (1) a square ...
Haoran Chen's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Optimization of points on a plane

Suppose we have $n$ points on a plane. Let $D$ be the sum of the squares of all the pairwise distances between the points. Let $A$ be the area of the convex hull. What is the minimum possible value of ...
Halbort's user avatar
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A random variation on Pólya's orchard problem

Pólya's orchard problem is as follows: "How thick must the trunks of the trees in a regularly spaced circular orchard grow if they are to block completely the view from the center?" See, e....
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

For what $n$ do there exist non-periodic tilings with rotational symmetry of order $n$?

More precisely, given an integer $n$, does there exist a non-periodic tiling, where there are infinitely many patches within the tiling, of indefinitely large area, with rotational symmetry of order $...
Andrew Bayly's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Chord arrangement that avoids confining small or large disks

These two questions are two-dimensional variations on this recent MO question, "Threading pinholes in the wall of cylinder to pass through an internal coordinate." Noam Elkies suggested that even a 2D ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Given the skeleton of an inscribed polytope. If I move the vertices so that no edge increases in length, can the circumradius still get larger?

Let $P\subset \Bbb R^n$ be an inscribed convex polytope, that is, all its vertices are on a common sphere of radius $r$. Let $G$ be the edge-graph of $P$. For convenience, assume $V(G)=\{1,\dotsc,s\}$....
M. Winter's user avatar
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1 answer

Optimal shape for stabbing balls in $\mathbb{R}^3$

I have radius $r < \frac{1}{2}$ congruent balls with centers randomly distributed uniformly within a region, say, within a unit-radius sphere $S$. I shoot a ray/path through $S$, hoping to ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

What is determined by the combinatorics of the shadows of a convex polyhedron?

Define the shadow of a convex polyhedron $P$ in direction $u$ to be the orthogonal projection of $P$ onto a plane whose normal is $u$. The shadow is a convex $k$-gon. I am wondering to what degree $P$ ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Maximum number of Vertices of Hypercube covered by Ball of radius R

Let $R>0$ be given and let $H^n$ be the unit hypercube in $\mathbb{R}^n$. The problem I am facing is to find the maximum number of vertices of $H^n$ which can be covered by a closed $n$-dimensional ...
user21277's user avatar
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0 answers

Minimum reflection paths in a mirror polygon

Let $P$ be a simple, orthogonal polygon of $n$ edges, i.e., one whose edges meet at right angles, and is non-self-intersecting; also known as a rectilinear polygon. Treat every edge of $P$ as a ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Rectangology and squareology

I thought that rectangles were simple, and squares even simpler. Until my research has led me to several questions about rectangles and squares, which I can't solve. I started by posting this question ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Interpolating points with minimum curvature constraint

I have $n$ points $p_i$ strictly interior to a rectangle $R$, and I would like to connect them with a curve $C$ whose curvature is as low as possible. Let $\kappa_\max(C)$ be the sharpest (largest ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Generalization of Sylvester-Gallai theorem

The Sylvester-Gallai theorem states that it is not possible to arrange a finite number of points so that a line through every two of them passes through a third unless they are all on a single ...
9 votes
2 answers

Generalized figures of constant width

Is it known which plane figures $Q$ can rotate touching three given circles $A$, $B$, and $C$? This question was asked by Lazar Lyusternik in 1946, there is only one reference to this paper that ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
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Largest convex hull of a unit length path

What is the largest area possible for the convex hull of a path of unit length lying on a plane? For what paths is that largest area attained?
ARi's user avatar
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3 answers

Mutually tangent ellipsoids in 3 space

I recently heard a claim that for any n, it is possible to arrange n ellipsoids in 3 space such that each pair of ellipsoids is kissing. Is this true, and if so, how? Edit: By kissing, I mean that I ...
Linda Brown Westrick's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What rectangles can a set of rectangles tile?

(I asked this question first on math.stackexchange, but did not get any responses so I thought I would try here.) If we have a set of $p_i \times q_i$ rectangles ($p_i, q_i \in \mathbf{N}$), which $m \...
Herman Tulleken's user avatar
9 votes
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Tracking a reference: "Karl Scherer, A Puzzling Journey to the Reptiles and Related Animals"

I linked a paper by James Schmerl in a recent question which cites Karl Scherer, A Puzzling Journey to the Reptiles and Related Animals, Privately Published, 1987. I have had difficulty finding any ...
Kepler's Triangle's user avatar
9 votes
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Is a polytope that has in-spheres for faces of all dimensions already regular?

Let $P\subset\Bbb R^d$ be a convex polytope (convex hull of finitely many points). A $k$-in-sphere of $P$ is a sphere centered at the origin to which each $k$-face of $P$ is tangent. So a 0-in-sphere ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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1 answer

Hyperplane arrangements whose regions all have the same shape

Suppose I have a (finite, real, central, essential) hyperplane arrangement $\mathcal{H}$ such that all regions "have the same shape": for any two regions $R,R'$, there is an orthogonal ...
Christian Gaetz's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Diameter of random segment intersection graph?

I have an even number of points $n$ randomly distributed (uniformly) in a disk. Then the points are randomly connected to form $n/2$ segments, a perfect matching. Finally, I form the intersection ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Dissecting Ramanujan´s Cuboid: 1729 = 19 x 13 x 7

Consider the cuboid of dimensions 19 x 13 x 7 whose volume is 1729, the Hardy-Ramanujan number. What is the least number of smaller cuboids into which it can be dissected so that the resulting pieces ...
Bernardo Recamán Santos's user avatar
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Question about tetrahedron decomposition

Are there tetrahedra which can be subdivided into three non-overlapping parts similar to the original? I believe this would require splitting one face into three parts. I know some types of tetrahedra ...
Dennis Farr's user avatar
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Billiard dynamics with angle of reflection a fraction of angle of incidence

Suppose that a billiard ball bouncing in a unit square (or a lightray reflecting in a mirrored square) has the property that the angle of reflection is a fraction of the angle of incidence, rather ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
9 votes
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Which values can attain the minimum solid angle in a simplex

Given a simplex $S$ with a vertex $v$ by the solid angle at this vertex I mean the value $\hbox{vol}(B \cap S)/\hbox{vol}(B)$ where $B$ is a small enough ball centered at $v$ (for example, in the ...
Martin Tancer's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

get a point in polygon (maximize the distance from borders)

I have several 2D polygons represented by lists of xy-coordinates of their vertices. It is needed to get several points inside the polygon so that they lie possibly far from the polygon's borders (...
Omicron_Persei_11's user avatar
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Visibility in a growing orchard

This is a variant on Polya's orchard problem.1,2 Suppose trees are planted randomly in the plane. The question is: How many trees are visible from the origin as their radii grow? More precisely, ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Which polytopes have compact realization spaces?

Let $P\subset\Bbb R^d$ be a convex polytope. Its reduced realization space is the space of all combinatorially equivalent polytopes modulo projective transformations. I am interested in polytopes for ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Cubing the cube - as 'perfectly' as possible

Ref: A perfect cubing of a cube is a partition of the cube into some finite number of smaller cubes that are pair-wise non-congruent. The above page ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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A characterization of root systems via their intersections with halfspaces

In a recent preprint I obtained a nice characterization of root systems as a side product. I can imagine that this was known before, and that a source for this statement can shorten the proof of my ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Herding sheep in a polygon

Imagine sheep fill a simple (simply connected) polygon $P$, except at one vertex $x$ there is no sheep. One convex vertex $g$ of $P$ is a gate through which the sheep should pass. A herding dog sits ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Combinatorial distance ≡ Euclidean distance

Definition: A polytope has property X iff there is a function f:N+ → R+ such that for each pair of vertices vi, vj the following holds: disteuclidean(vi, vj) = f(distcombinatorial(vi, vj)) with ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Cutting a spherical surface into mutually non-congruent pieces of equal area

Question: For what values of integer $n$ can the surface of a sphere be partitioned into $n$ convex and mutually non-congruent pieces of same area? (convexity could be viewed as geodesic convexity). ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Inscribed $n$-polytope with $2^n$ vertices of maximal volume

The question is in the title: Question: Which inscribed $n$-dimensional polytope (inscribed in the unit sphere) with $2^n$ vertices has the largest possible volume? Is it the $n$-dimensional cube? ...
M. Rumpy's user avatar
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What's the name of this geometric mathematical modeling problem?

There is a right angle corner with width 1 in both directions. One wants to find the largest area shape which can pass through this corner. I know that this is a famous problem, but what is it called?
Yijun Yuan's user avatar
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Inside-out polygonal dissections

A dissection of a polygon $P$ is a partition of $P$ into a finite number of pieces, which can then be rearranged (via planar translations and rotations) and joined (without overlap) to form a new ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
8 votes
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Embedding points in 2D based on distance estimates?

Suppose we have a collection of exactly $N$ points (say $N=1000$), with each point belonging to 2-dimensional Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^2$, but we don't know the coordinates of the points. Suppose ...
Douglas S. Stones's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there any edge- but not vertex-transitive polytope in $d\ge 4$ dimensions?

I consider convex polytopes $P\subset\Bbb R^d$. The polytope is called vertex- resp. edge-transitive, if any vertex resp. edge can be mapped to any other by a symmetry of the polytope. I am looking ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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A vertical line with many intersections with $n$ non-parallel lines

Pick $n\ge 3$ non-vertical lines $\mathscr{L}:=\{\ell_1,\ldots,\ell_n\}$ in the plane which are pairwise non-parallel, and they are not all concurrent in a single point. Question. Does there exist a ...
Paolo Leonetti's user avatar
8 votes
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Are angles between points enough to decide the realizability?

Let n points in the plane be given whose coordinates we don't know. Assume, however, that for any triple of the points we know the angle. Question: Can we decide whether the n points are realizable ...
Jae's user avatar
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