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Diagonal lemma from recursion theorem?

Does Gödel's diagonal lemma follow from Kleene's recursion theorem? I believe the converse is true, by an argument like the following. Let e ↦ θe be a bijection between ω and ...
Cole Leahy's user avatar
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Is there a decidable theory of arithmetic with a non-collapsing quantifier hierarchy?

This question is very close to this old MSE question of mine, which is still unanswered. Is there an (ideally reasonably-natural!) expansion of the structure $(\mathbb{N};+)$ in a finite language ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Is there a theory of completions of semirings similar to $I$-adic completions of rings?

Let $L = \text{Con } (\mathbb{N}, 0, +) \setminus \Delta$ be the lattice of monoid congruences on the naturals, excluding the trivial congruence. As it happens, every $\theta \in L$ is the meet of ...
Keith's user avatar
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Is $(\mathbb{R}, +)$ still injective as long as $(\mathbb{Q},+)$ is?

It is known that the existence of nontrivial injective abelian groups is independent of choice in ZF (or, rather, ZFA). In particular, $\mathbb{Q}$ is not provably injective, much less $\mathbb{R}$, ...
Garrett Figueroa's user avatar
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A game of harmonic series(s)

Given a set $A\subseteq\mathbb{R}_{>0}$, consider the following (two-player, perfect-information, length-$\omega$) game $H_A$: Players $1$ and $2$ alternately play strictly increasing natural ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Which sentences are "irreducibly" self-referential over $\mathsf{PA}$?

Previously asked at MSE. Below, all sentences/formulas are in the language of arithmetic, and for simplicity we conflate numbers with numerals and sentences with Godel numbers. Say that a sentence $\...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Is ZF + "all sets of reals have the Ramsey property" + "there is a set without the Baire property" consistent?

A question which was mentioned in passing by Larson when discussing geometric set theory. Are there models of set theory where all sets of reals have the Ramsey property but there is a set of reals ...
Luke Serafin's user avatar
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Theories of truth

Not knowing much about logic, I thought that in mathematics saying that a (closed) sentence $\varphi$ in a (formal) theory $T$ is "true" amounted to one of the following notions: Syntactic ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Can we bound $2^{\aleph_\omega}$ without pcf theory?

One of the famous applications of pcf theory is that if $\aleph_\omega$ is a strong limit cardinal then $2^{\aleph_\omega}<\aleph_{\omega_4}$. I'm curious whether any weaker result with the same ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Does every finite poset have a rigid endomorphism?

Crossposted on Mathematics. In this post, an order-preserving self-map of a poset $X$ will be called an endomorphism of $X$, and such an endomorphism $f$ will be called rigid if the only automorphism ...
Pierre-Yves Gaillard's user avatar
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Quantifier swap in Banach space theory

The uniform boundedness principle and its corollaries from a logical point of view are statements of when one can swap quantifiers in Banach spaces. Take for instance the principle of condensation of ...
Jason Zhao's user avatar
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Does Merkurjev's argument help Voevodsky's program?

In the talk Unimath - its present and its future, July 10, 2017. Video and slides of a talk, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge. (abstract) Voevodsky mentioned that he was ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Isomorphic free groups have bijective generating sets

Let $F(X)$ be the free group on a set $X$. Classically, we can prove the statement: $F(X) \cong F(Y)$ if and only if $|X|=|Y|$. The proofs (that I have seen) consist of turning the group ...
Ali Caglayan's user avatar
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Preservation of chain condition under strategically closed forcing

It is well-known that $\kappa$-closed forcing preserves $\kappa$-c.c. posets. The same argument works for $\kappa$-strategically closed forcing. Here is the definition: A poset $\mathbb P$ is $\...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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Is it decidable if a tree-presented semigroup contains an idempotent?

A semigroup presentation $\langle A | R\rangle$ is called tree-like if every relation has the form $ab=c$, $a,b,c$ are in $A$ and if two relations $ab=c, a'b'=c'$ belong to $R$, then $c=c'$ if and ...
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Example of $\aleph_1$-categorical linear order

Is it possible to have an $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$-sentence $\phi$ in a vocabulary that includes $<$ that satisfies the following? $<$ is a linear order on a definable subset; $\phi$ is $\aleph_1$-...
Ioannis Souldatos's user avatar
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c.c.c forcing notions and adding minimal generic reals

Is the following statement consistent: ``There is no non-trivial c.c.c forcing notion adding a minimal generic real''? The question is related to Prikry's question: Is it consistent that any non-...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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Do all linear orders in this class have computable copies?

This is a question which has been bothering me now for quite some time. I've talked to a number of people about it, and we've shown that a few basic ideas can't work, but other than that haven't made ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Savings property: A transformation which turns nonnegative martingales into uniformly integrable ones

Background I work in a subfield of computability theory called algorithmic randomness. We have been using martingales as long as probability theory (going back to work of von Mises). However, since ...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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Using Lindstrom's theorem to prove Craig interpolation

[EDIT: The theorem I call "Beth definability" below is apparently not generally called that (wikipedia notwithstanding; see ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Various definitions of recursion from ordinal machines

Background: I'm trying to get an intuitive understanding of α-recursion and related concepts in higher recursion theory. Once nice book is Peter Hinman's Recursion-Theoretic Hierarchies, available ...
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Reverse mathematics strength of identically zero polynomials are the zero polynomial

According to wikipedia, the statement "every polynomial over a countable field that is not the zero polynomial has only finitely many roots" is equivalent to RCA0 over RCA0* (which is called ERCA-0 in ...
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What are the logical morphisms from a topos E to Set?

If $E$ is a topos, is there a nice way to characterize the category of logical morphisms $E\to Set$? Is it complete and/or cocomplete? The topos $Set$ geometrically represents a point; what does it ...
David Spivak's user avatar
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4-quantifier formula not decided by ZF

This interesting question asks the minimum number of quantifiers required to state the Axiom of Choice, and recalls that any sentence having three or fewer quantifiers is already decided by ZF. This ...
Pedro Sánchez Terraf's user avatar
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Open problems in complete theories

It is well-known that every complete recursively enumerable first-order theory is decidable. Does that mean that such theories are "trivial", or are there still interesting open problems ...
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Closed sets versus closed sublocales in general topology in constructive math

This question is set in constructive mathematics (without Choice), such as in the internal logic of a topos with natural numbers object, or in IZF. Short version of the question: if $X$ is a sober ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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"Effective gaps" in the c.e. degrees

Below, $W_e$ is the $e$th c.e. set according to some appropriate list of such. In a very loose analogy with Hausdorff gaps, say that an effective gap is a pair of computable sequences $(c_i)_{i\in\...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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What is the tiling semigroup for an einstein "hat" tiling?

My undergraduate dissertation was on inverse semigroups and the key text I used for it was Lawson's, "Inverse Semigroups: The Theory of Partial Symmetries". In said book, Lawson describes ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Determinacy coincidence at $\omega_1$: is CH needed?

This is a follow-up to the last part of an old MSE answer of mine. Briefly, an analogue at $\omega_1$ of Steel's equivalence between clopen and open determinacy can be proved assuming $\mathsf{CH}$, ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Feferman's universes for proof assistants?

This question was prompted by a discussion from another MO question about the consistency of ZFC. There are some mathematicians who are comfortable with ZFC but uneasy with large cardinals. For them,...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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How nice can sets of reals be under $\mathsf{ZF} + \mathsf{BPI}$?

It's well known that the full axiom of choice is not needed to prove the existence of non-measurable subsets of $\mathbb{R}$. In particular, the Boolean prime ideal theorem ($\mathsf{BPI}$) is ...
James E Hanson's user avatar
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Extending models of topological set theory

$\mathsf{GPK_\infty^+}$ is an alternative set theory in which we have comprehension for formulas which are positive in a certain sense; see the SEP article for more detail (or this MO post, which ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Martin's Maximum implies stationary/club Chang's conjecture?

Chang's Conjecture (CC) states: for any $f: [\omega_2]^{<\omega} \to \omega_1$, there exists a set $X\subset \omega_2$ of order type $\omega_1$ such that $|f''[X]^{<\omega}|\leq \aleph_0$. ...
Jing Zhang's user avatar
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Definability up to isomorphism versus definability of an isomorphic copy

Question: Is it provable in ZFC that every structure that is ordinal definable up to isomorphism has an ordinal definable isomorphic copy? If not, what are some counterexamples? All structures are ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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How does a theory give rise to a category with finite products?

In the paper Diagonal Arguments and Cartesian Closed Categories (here), Lawvere presents a fixed-point theorem that generalizes both Cantor's theorem and Gödel's (first) Incompleteness Theorem. In ...
Renan Mezabarba's user avatar
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What kind of objects can code a universe?

Jensen proved that given $V\models\sf ZFC+GCH$, there is a class generic real $r$, such that $V[r]=L[r]$, and no cardinals are collapsed. We know that this can be modified such that $r$ is minimal, i....
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
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Connection between second-order arithmetic and Hilbert-Bernays' Grundlagen

What is the exact (historical) connection between second-order arithmetic and Hilbert-Bernays' Grundlagen der Mathematik? Some background: the literature on Reverse Mathematics contains a number of ...
Sam Sanders's user avatar
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Isomorphisms mod nonstationary

Suppose $G \subseteq \mathrm{Add}(\omega_1)$ is generic over $V$. Let $X_i = \{ \alpha : G(\alpha) = i \}$. Is it true that $P(X_0)/\mathrm{NS} \cong P(X_1)/\mathrm{NS}$?
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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How wealthy are canonical inner models?

One of the way a person shows their wealth is by having many diamonds. The same can be said about models of $\sf ZFC$. We can add generic diamond sequences, while preserving the old ones, so in some ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
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Undetermined Banach-Mazur games: beyond DC

This question is a follow-up to this one; see that question for the definition of Banach-Mazur games. There James Hanson showed that ZF+DC proves that there is an undetermined Banach-Mazur game; ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Equational theory in the signature (+,*,0,1) of sedenions and beyond

Consider a Cayley-Dickson algebra $(X,+,∗,0,1)$, that is an algebra generated from the reals by the Cayley-Dickson construction. From complexes to quaternions, we lose commutativity of multiplication, ...
user107952's user avatar
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Sunflower / $\Delta$-system lemma in a more general poset?

The sunflower lemma (or $\Delta$-system lemma) may be viewed as a statement about the poset $P_\omega(\omega_1)$, and the generalized sunflower lemma may be viewed as a statement about the poset $P_\...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Connection between Provability Logic (GL) and geometry?

In Provability Logic (aka GL) we have The Beth definability theorem and De Jong-Sambin Fixed Point Theorem The former has a vague similarity to the implicit function theorem in that you can loosely ...
Dan Piponi's user avatar
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Model for "$\kappa$ limit cardinal iff $2^\kappa$ limit cardinal"

Is there a model of ${\sf (ZFC)}$ such that in the model we have that $\kappa$ is a limit cardinal if and only if $2^\kappa$ is a limit cardinal?
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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stationary reflection in $[\kappa]^\omega$

It is well-known that the following reflection principle is consistent relative to a supercompact: For all $\kappa \geq \omega_2$ and all stationary $S \subseteq [\kappa]^\omega$, there is $X \...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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Is there an expansion of $(\mathbb{N},+,<)$ by a pairing function that is still NIP?

I was told once that there is a theory consisting of just a pairing function that is stable, although I cannot find a reference for it. This motivated my question, which is essentially the title, ...
James E Hanson's user avatar
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On the Number of Parallel Automorphism Lines

Given a group $G$, one can define the transfinite line of iterative automorphisms of $G$ to be the following chain of the groups where $G_{\alpha+1}=Aut(G_{\alpha})$ for each ordinal $\alpha$ and the ...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
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A formula for Frobenius number of certain numerical semigroups

The old formula for the Frobenius number of a numerical semigroup generated by two elements can be stated as follows: assume $\gcd\{a+1,b+1\}=1$, then the Frobenius number of $S= \left<a+1,b+1\...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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Is the Banach game quantifier "intractable"? (Becker's guess)

(This is a revised version of the original question. Below I work in $\mathsf{ZF+DC+AD}$, but I would be happy to add further axioms if appropriate: $\mathsf{ZF+DC+AD_\mathbb{R}}$, for example, seems ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Strongly compact vs Shelah cardinals

Does Con(ZFC+there exists a strongly compact cardinal) imply the Con(ZFC+there exists a Shelah cardinal)?
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar

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