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Distance between two convex sets

Setting If $A$ an $B$ are two symmetric matrices, we denote by $A >B$ when the matrice $A-B$ is definite positive. In $\left(\mathbb{R}^{*}_{+} \right)^4$, consider the convex set $$ \Lambda = \...
Anthony's user avatar
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Do separable cubic constraint and separable quartic constraint SOCP presentable?

I am an engineer who is doing some network modeling and optimization. During my work, I was running into a case that is quite strange. The problem that I am trying to solve seems to be convex and it ...
Tuong Nguyen Minh's user avatar
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Interchange limit and supremum of functionals over a bounded convex set

Let $(H, \langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle)$ be a separable real Hilbert space and $B\subset H$ be (nonempty) convex and bounded, and suppose that $(\alpha_k)\subset H$ is a sequence for which the limit $\...
fsp-b's user avatar
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Clarification about this optimisation problem

Good morning everybody. First of all, I apologise to ask here the same question I asked on MSE three days ago, but I am in fact re-asking since I obtained no relevant advice. Perhaps I will hear some ...
Red Bordeaux's user avatar
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When does an optimal input sequence for a discrete-time system exist?

Suppose an LTI discrete-time system is given by the equations $$ x_{k+1} = Ax_k + Bu_k,\\ y_{k} = Cx_k + Du_k $$ with $x_k\in\mathbb{R}^{m}$, $y_k\in\mathbb{R}^{n}$ and $u_k\in\mathbb{R}^{p}$ and $\...
Benjamin Tennyson's user avatar
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What is the closed form of a polyhedral cone's dual cone?

A polyhedral cone can be defined as $$ \mathcal{K} = \{x~|~Ax\preceq 0\}, $$ where $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$, $x\in \mathbb{R}^n$ and $\preceq$ denotes component-wise less than and equal to. The ...
zhamao dra's user avatar
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Variants of cutting plane method for convex optimization

The cutting plane approach in convex optimization is a general recipe for minimizing a convex function. The argument relies on the fact that using the gradient vector, we can cut the feasible set into ...
MMH's user avatar
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Comparison between the expected values of the inverse of the CDF of binomial-distributed random variables

Let us denote with $F(x;j,\mu)$ the cdf of a Binomial distributed random variable with $j$ trial with success probability $\mu$ considered in $x$, and let $f(x;j,\mu)$ be the pmf. Defining $0\leq \...
Marco Max Fiandri's user avatar
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Gradient-based optimization of $n$ functions

I appreciate the willingness of everyone to assist me in advance. I am faced with a set of $n$ distinct convex optimization problems, each defined as follows: \begin{equation} \max\limits_{x \in \...
raian's user avatar
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Implementation of Friedman's algorithm of reconstructing simple polytopes

In Finding a Simple Polytope from Its Graph in Polynomial Time, Friedman gave a polynomial time algorithm on reconstructing a simple polytope from its graph. Has this algorithm been actually ...
mashedcarrots's user avatar
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The existence of convergent subsequences

Considering an optimization problem on an infinite-dimensional Euclidean space, the sequence of objective functions is $J_{n}(\theta_{n})=||f(X,\theta_{n})-Y||^{2} $, where X and Y are datas. This can ...
xingye zhan's user avatar
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Max-flow modeling with unified vehicle and commodity variables

I am working on a network flow problem that involves routing through a time-space network. The network consists of: A single source node and a single demand node. A fleet of vehicles with specified ...
graphtheory123's user avatar
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Optimality condition for strongly convex function under sparsity constraint

Let $f: \mathbb{R}^p \to \mathbb{R}$ be a $2s$-sparse strongly smooth, $2s$-sparse strongly convex and twice differentiable function. In other words, there exists positive constants $\alpha, L >0$ ...
De vinci's user avatar
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How to extract 'top k' multiple solutions from a quadratic optimization problem?

Imagine we are interested in the following problem: $$ \min_{w} \left( w^T V w + \lambda \|w\| \right) \\ \text{s.t. } w^T R \geq c $$ Where 𝑤 is an $N \times 1$ vector, $V$ is an $N \times N$ ...
Azmy Rajab's user avatar
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Application of greedy approach for optimization

I want to maximize an objective given by $$\max_{\{q_n,p_n\}} \sum_{n=0}^\infty (\alpha_1 - \beta_1 n) p_n + (\alpha_2 - \beta_2 n) q_n$$ where $\alpha_1 > \beta_1 >0$ and $\alpha_2 > \beta_2 ...
Prakirt Raj's user avatar
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Is there a closed-form solution for $\max_D \operatorname{Tr}(ADBD)$

Is there a closed-form solution for $$\max_D \operatorname{Tr}(ADBD)$$ where $D$ is a $N\times N$ diagonal matrix with $m<N$ number of $1$'s and the rest are $0$'s, and $A$ and $B$ are real ...
CWC's user avatar
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Numerical estimation of partial derivatives of convolved functions when closed forms do not exist

Summary: Some peak functions are convolutions which may not have a closed form solution. A classical example can that of a Voigt which is a convolution of a Lorentzian and a Gaussian, followed by ...
ACR's user avatar
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Convexity of a function

Let: $F_{j+1,y}(s)$ be the cumulative distribution function of a binomial distribution with mean $y$, $j+1$ independent trials considered for $s$ successes. Is it possible to show in any way that: $\...
Marco Max Fiandri's user avatar
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Instances of c-concavity outside of optimal transport?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be metric spaces, and let $c:X\times Y\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a nonnegative function which we refer to as a cost. For any $\phi:X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and $\psi:Y\rightarrow \...
Brendan Mallery's user avatar
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Is matrix B obtained from matrix A?

Assuming a matrix $\mathbf{A} \in \mathbb{R}^{4096 \times 4096}$ sampled from a standard normal distribution $N(0, 1)$, and another matrix $\mathbf{B} \in \mathbb{R}^{4096 \times 4096}$ either sampled ...
eternity's user avatar
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ILPs with square constraint matrix

Given the Integer Linear Programming ($\text{ILP}$) problem \begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & c^T x \\ \text{subject to}& \mathbf{A}^T x \ge b \\ \text{where}&c,x,b\in\mathbb{N}_0^n,\\ &...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Norm bound in simultaneous stability to semidefinite program

In the context of robust control, I remember hearing that the two following problems are equivalent. Find $P \succ 0$, such that $A P + P A^{\top} \prec 0$ for all $A \in \mathscr{A}$ where $$\...
patchouli's user avatar
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Monotony of enforced subtour merging

Is it true that for a symmetric TSP instance in the sequence of edges generated by successively: calculating the optimal 2-factor adding cardinality constraints on the edgesets of the 2-factor's ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Solve NP-hard type problems with linear programming

I would like to know if there is any way to solve an NP-hard type problem, for example, the TSP, sum of subsets or knapsack problem, by using linear programming and not by brute force. I ask this ...
Juan Carlos's user avatar
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Generalized envelope theorems

I'm looking for references for two generalizations of Danskin/envelope-type theorems for convex optimization. The first is for when the parameters are functions on a space rather than numbers. A ...
Aaron Bergman's user avatar
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Economic equilibrium and tropical geometry

There is a famous saying in economics: When everyone pursues his or her own interests, there is an invisible hand that brings the market to equilibrium. However, this is not always the case. Here is ...
Surpass2019's user avatar
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Alternatives to McCormick Envelope

I have an optimization problem for which I have the optimal solution obtained by the ILP. However, when I introduced the McCormick Envelope to replace the product of a bi-linear term in its LP ...
LyLa's user avatar
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Seeking insights on bounded set positive solutions for a set of linear systems in $\mathbb{R}^n$

Before delving into my query, I'd like to provide some context. Consider a continuous function $f:\mathbb{R}^{k}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{m}$ and a compact set $\mathcal{B}\subset \mathbb{R}^{k}$ (...
Diego Fonseca's user avatar
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Simple proof for convexity of a real valued matrix function

I am looking for a simple and short proof showing that $X \to \|X X^\top\|_F^2$ is a convex function where $\|\cdot\|_F$ is the Frobenius norm. I have one proof by showing that the derivative is ...
Titouan Vayer's user avatar
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Self adjoint operators from energy functionals

It is known that the equation $$ \Delta f = 0 $$ on some bounded domain $\Omega$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$ subjected to certain boundary conditions can be derived through the minimization of the Dirichlet ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Is this constraint convex?

I have an optimization problem where the following constraint causes DCP Rule Error. $$e^{x_n} \leq B \log _2\left(1+\frac{e^{\rho_n} g_n^2}{\sum_{i=1}^{n-1} e^{\...
Mojtaba's user avatar
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Primal optimal attained implies dual optimal attained

Given some optimization problem $$\min_{x \in S \subset \mathbb{R}^n} f_0(x) \quad \text{s.t.} \quad f_i(x) \leq 0, \quad 1\leq i\leq m$$ we can find the dual problem $$\max_{\lambda\in\mathbb{R}^m} g(...
patchouli's user avatar
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How to integrate an indicator function/constraint into the cost function of a linear program?

I have a mathematical model $P$ for which I optimize two cost functions say $F_1$ and $F_2$ subject to a set of constraints $C1$–$C10$. In $F_2$, I want it to be included only when its expression ...
LyLa's user avatar
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Convex optimization without Slater's condition

In nearly all convex optimization methods that I read about, it is assumed that the problem satisfies Slater's condition, that is, there is a point that strictly satisfies all constraints (the ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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On the additive property of the subdifferential of lower semicontinuous functions

Let $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ be a lower semicontinuous function, we define the Fréchet subdifferential of $f$ at $x\in\mathbb R$ by $$\partial^F f(x):=\left\{L\in\mathbb R: \liminf_{v\to0}\frac{f(x+v)...
Fergns Qian's user avatar
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Max-cut from Laplacian

(This question seems like very standard material for those well-versed in the subject. I thought I would get a quick answer from Math stackexchange, but to no avail.) Given a weighted graph with $n$ ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Maximization of $\ell^2$-norm

Consider for $r,c>0$ the set $$X_{r,c}=\{x \in \ell^1(\mathbb{N}) \mid \|x\|_1=r,\, \forall i \in \mathbb{N}: |x_i|<c\}.$$ Then I can show that $\inf_{x \in X_{r,c}} \|x\|_2 = 0.$ But is it ...
SequenceGuy's user avatar
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Inf-convolution of norm 1 and norm 2 square

The inf-convolution of the functions $f$ and $g$ defined on $\mathbb{R}^n$ is $$ h(x)=\inf _{y \in \mathbb{R}^n} f(y)+g(x-y) . $$ We can prove that if $f,g$ are convex functions, then $h$ is convex. ...
Pipnap's user avatar
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Lower & upper bound on the maximal component given the system of power sums

Given a non-negative vector $x=(x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n)\in\mathbb{R_{>0}^n}$ and $m\in\mathbb{N}$, construct a system of power sum symmetric polynomials (or norms, if you like) $$ \begin{cases} x_1+x_2+\...
Polylemma's user avatar
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Conic hull of a rectangle

I have a simple question that appeared in research: For a rectangle $S :=[a_1,b_1] \times[a_2,b_2] \times \dots \times [a_n,b_n] \subset \mathbb{R}^n$. Let $p_0 = (a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)$, and define $p_i ...
patchouli's user avatar
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If $|P|<\infty$ and $C=P\cap\partial(\textrm{Conv}(P))$, then $P\subset\textrm{Conv}(C)$?

That is, if $P$ is a finite set, and $C$ is the set of points in $P$ which lie on the boundary of the convex hull of $P$, then is $P$ contained in the convex hull of $C$? It seems true intuitively. In ...
one-day-at-a-time's user avatar
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Boundedness of maximisers of parametric strictly concave functions

Let $L:[0,1]\times \mathbb R^m\times \mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R$ be defined by $$L(\lambda, x,y):=\sum_{1\le i\le m}\alpha_i x_i + \sum_{1\le j\le n}\beta_j y_j -\sum_{1\le i\le m, 1\le j\le n} p_{i,j}\...
Fawen90's user avatar
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Calculating vertex potentials from optimal matchings

Question: can the solution to the dual of a Linear Program be calculated directly from the solution of the primal Linear Program? If yes, what are known algorithms and their bounds on complexity. As ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Can the ideas of convex optimization be used to prove a bound?

If we define $\lambda(n)=\lfloor \log_2(n) \rfloor$ and $v(n)$ as the binary digit sum of positive integer $n$ we can make a toy example of what I think is the most important conjecture in addition ...
Neill Clift's user avatar
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Bound the distance between two vectors on the probability simplex

Let $a,b$ be two vectors with strictly positive elements and $\delta = 1 - \frac{\langle a,b \rangle}{\|a\|\|b\|}$. Bound the following optimization problem as a function of $\delta$ $$\sup_{x>0} \...
good bandit's user avatar
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Boundary points in $\overline{\operatorname{conv}\{z_i\}_{i\in I}}$

Let $X$ be an infinitely-dimensional Banach space and $\{z_i\}_{i\in I}$ be a set of linearly independent points in $X_{\leq 1}$, the closed unit ball of $X$. $I$ the index set is not necessarily ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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optimization over moving domains

Let $A, B$ be Banach spaces, and for any $a\in A$, $B_a\in B$ is a measurable subset. Consider the following optimization problem: $$L(a)=\inf_{b\in B_a}\ell(b),$$ where $\ell(b)$ is a infinite-times ...
Jeff 's user avatar
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Linear Program Optimal Value

If $f(A,b,c)$ is the optimal value of a linear program $\min c.x$ subject to $A.x \leq b ; x \geq 0.$ Does $f(A,b,c)$ have a piecewise polynomial/rational upper bound in $(A,b,c)$ on the domain of ...
Pathikrit Basu's user avatar
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LICQ vs MFCQ who is stronger [closed]

I want to ask you which constraint is stronger: MFCQ or LICQ.
zak.Ryd's user avatar
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Mixed integer program and continuous Diophantine approximation

Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $n\geq 2$ and let $0<r<1$ be a real number. We wish to solve the following problem. $$\min_{(t,(z_j)_{j=2}^n) \in \mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{Z}^{n-1}} t$$ subject to ...
Pathikrit Basu's user avatar

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