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distance from the mean of a normal distribution to the span of a random sample

Let $W$ be a $d\times k$ matrix whose columns are sampled from a multivariate normal distribution with mean $\mu$ and unit covariance. I'm interested in $|\mu - WW^+\mu|$, that is the distance from ...
Mike Izbicki's user avatar
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Some questions related to the unitary operators

A unitary operator is a surjective linear operator between complex inner product spaces, which preserves the inner product. What is the name of the analogue for the real case? Orthogonal operator ...
erz's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Groups of matrices in which all elements have all eigenvalues equal in modulus

I am writing a research article in which I need to use the following fact: if $G$ is a subgroup of $GL_3(\mathbb{R})$ which is irreducible in the sense that no proper nontrivial subspace of $\mathbb{R}...
Ian Morris's user avatar
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7 votes
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Minimum negative eigenvalue of zero-one matrices

The following question must have been answered decades ago. For $n$ fixed, what is the most negative eigenvalue among all trace zero zero-one matrices (that is, all entries are either zero or one, ...
David Handelman's user avatar
5 votes
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Pfaffian of several skew-linear transformations / matrices

Introduction: Let's assume we have a 2-form $\alpha=(1/2)\sum_{j,k=1}^n a_{jk}\ e_j\wedge e_k$, where $n=2m$, and $a_{jk}\in\mathbb C$. We know that $\alpha^{\wedge m}=\alpha\wedge\alpha\dots\wedge\...
BarTov's user avatar
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10 votes
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Coefficient-wise powers of matrices. Reference wanted

Let $K$ be a commutative field and ${\rm M}_n (K)$ be the ring of $n\times n$ square matrices with coefficients in $K$ ($n\geqslant 1$ is an integer). For $k\geqslant 1$ and $A =(a_{ij})_{1\leqslant i,...
Paul Broussous's user avatar
1 vote
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Positive solutions to simultaneous real quadratic equations

I have a system of $n$ quadratic equations with $n$ unknowns. It can be written as $diag(x)Ax=1$ $x$ is an $n$-vector, $A$ is $n\times n$, real, symmetric and positive definite, the diagonal ...
Andy's user avatar
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26 votes
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Real square roots of symmetric matrices

In joint work with Andreas Fischle (TU Dresden, Germany) and Patrizio Neff (U Essen, Germany) we needed to use the following statement: If $S$ is a real $n\times n$ matrix with $S^2$ symmetric, then ...
Lev Borisov's user avatar
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Minimal Support Solutions of a Linear System (Dissertation)

For a given $n \times m$ matrix A with $m>>n$ and a given vector $\vec b \in \mathbb{F}^{n \times 1}$, and given that $A\vec{x}=\vec{b}$ for at least one $\vec{x} \in \mathbb{F}^{m \times 1}$, ...
Thomas Rasberry's user avatar
4 votes
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A reference about Grassmannian over finite fields

Suppose $Gr_k(k,n)$ the Grassmannian which classifies all the dimension $k+1$ sub-spaces of a dimension $n+1$ linear space over the field $k$. For the case over a finite field $\mathbb F_{q}$, we can ...
var's user avatar
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13 votes
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An inequality for the spectral radius of matrices used by J. Bochi

I am interested in the history of an inequality for the spectral radius of a $d\times d$ real or complex matrix, which occurs in Jairo Bochi's 2002 article Inequalities for numerical invariants of ...
Ian Morris's user avatar
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References for a minor variant of the Rayleigh quotient

I believe this variant of the Rayleigh quotient inequality must be well known but I could not find references for it online. It's proof is straightforward. Let $\mathbf{A}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ ...
Edinah Koffi Gnang's user avatar
11 votes
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Encyclopedia of properties of nonnegative matrices

I'd like to buy a book that contains more or less all known properties of elementwise nonnegative nonnegative matrices, i.e. matrices $A$ such that $a_{ij} \ge 0$ for all $1 \le i,j \le n$. Chapter 8 ...
Surb's user avatar
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Looking for (information about) long diamonds

I was given an open problem as a birthday present recently. While I can probably handle spoilers at this point, what I really want are literature and other references. Also acceptable would be ...
Gerhard Paseman's user avatar
15 votes
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Kernel of skew-symmetric matrix of rank $n-1$ with $n$ odd: is this a known result?

When $n$ is odd, the kernel of a skew-symmetric matrix $M$ of size $n\times n$ and rank $n-1$ is the span of $v$, where $v$ is a vector whose $i$-th component is the Pfaffian of the matrix obtained by ...
anderstood's user avatar
16 votes
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Reference for a linear algebra result

I asked the following question ( on and received no ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
4 votes
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The characteristic polynomial of the product of two linear recurrences

Let $\mathbb{F}$ be a field and let $(a_n)_{n \geq 0}$, $(b_n)_{n \geq 0}$ be two linear recurrences with terms in $\mathbb{F}$ and respective characteristic polynomials $f(X), g(X) \in \mathbb{F}[X]$....
user avatar
10 votes
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Name for an operation on matrices?

Given two matrices $A$ and $B$ of size $a \times n$ and $b \times m$ consider the following operation $A \dagger B$ whose result is an $a b^n \times n m$ matrix. $A \dagger B$ is a block matrix with $...
Grigory Yaroslavtsev's user avatar
5 votes
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Relative invariants of $P\oplus P^*$

Let $P$ be a $\mathrm{GL}(V)$-module, and assume that the decomposition of $P$ into irreducible submodules is known. By a relative invariant of the module $P\oplus P^*$, I mean a homogeneous nonzero ...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
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characterize certain type of matrices

I am trying to characterize matrices with a certain property : Define $U$ as an $n \times n$ matrix (over C or R; you can also assume that it is unitary or orthogonal if it helps). Now take $n$ ...
unknown's user avatar
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Riemannian metric of hyperbolic plane

I'm fishing for the origin of the idea to consider "trace scalar product" on the space of ($G$-)orthogonal projectors as means of defining a Riemannian metric on some subset of lines in a vector space....
Vít Tuček's user avatar
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Reference request: Strong Connectivity and the Incidence Matrix

Question: What would be a good reference for characterizations of strong connectivity of a digraph in terms of its incidence matrix? Details: Consider a digraph $(V, E)$ with vertex set $$V = \{v_1,...
orlandoweber's user avatar
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Linear Algebra classic books [closed]

I'm learning linear algebra at the moment, so I'm looking for some great old classic books. Something like Fermat's or Gauss books of some great mathematians. I don't really like the nowadays books ...
Itamar's user avatar
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Elementary bound on operator norm on symmetric tensors: reference request

My education didn't really cover Tensors very well, so I'm getting stumped by a quite elementary question. Let $T_k$ be a type k symmetric tensor. We can define the "operator norm" (or the induced ...
Guillaume Dehaene's user avatar
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Axiomatic explanation of why the volume of a parallelepiped is equal to the area of its base times its height [closed]

I asked this in MSE, it flashed and disappeared. Let $V_n$ be the volume on the set of polytopes in $\mathbb R^n$, defined axiomatically, i.e. a functional, that assigns to each polytope $P\subseteq\...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
6 votes
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Monte-Carlo computation of the Smith normal form

Quite some time ago I saw an article where a Monte-Carlo algorithm for computing the Smith normal form of an integer matrix was described. In this article the following problem was posed: Suppose $P, ...
Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta's user avatar
35 votes
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Why there is a relation among the second-order minors of a symmetric $4\times 4$ matrix?

A $4\times 4$ symmetric matrix $$ \left( \begin{array}{cccc} a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} & a_{14} \\ a_{12} & a_{22} & a_{23} & a_{24} \\ a_{13} & a_{23} & a_{33} & ...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
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Do the support sets of subspaces give the representable matroids?

Fact:   Start with $V$ a subspace of $\mathbb R^n$. Take the set of all supports of vectors in $V$. Throw out $\emptyset$. You now have the dependent sets of some matroid. Not sure you ...
Louis Deaett's user avatar
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Conditions for the consistency of a system of affine polynomials

Let $f_1, f_2,\ldots,f_N$ be some affine polynomials. We consider the question if these polynomials have a common (affine) root. By homogenizing these polynomials, we can associate a projective ...
Đức Anh's user avatar
7 votes
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What methods do we have to understand the spectrum of matrices with restricted entries?

Consider questions of the form (or the "most probable value of" version of these questions rather than the "largest possible"), What is the largest possible spectral radius of a $...
user6818's user avatar
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Reference for measures of commutativity needed

I'm looking for an appropriate measure to quantify the extent to which two matrices commute. In other words, if A and B are two n×n Hermitian matrices, and [A,B]=C. I'd like a function μ:Cn×n→[0,∞) ...
Michael Jarret's user avatar
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Does this linear algebra construction based on a graph have a name, and where has it been studied?

In the paper Kochen-Specker set with seven contexts by Lisonek, Badziag, Portillo and Cabello, the following construction is used : Question : Have such constructions been used elsewhere, and if so ...
Thomas Sauvaget's user avatar
3 votes
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A table for irreducible integral representation of finite cyclic groups

Is there such a table where the irreducible integral representations of finite cyclic groups are listed? Edited: Thanks for Todd Leason's comment.Acutally,i want to know all inequivalent ...
user2015's user avatar
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Constant rank theorem for Banach spaces

Is there a similar statement to the constant rank theorem for finite dimensional real smooth manifolds which holds for a smooth map $F:B \rightarrow M$ where $B$ is an infinite (countable) dimensional ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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A weak Perron-Frobenius property for sets of positive matrices

A popular form of the Perron-Frobenius theorem states the following result: if $A$ is a $d \times d$ real matrix all of whose entries are positive, then the spectral radius of $A$ is a simple ...
Ian Morris's user avatar
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Reference: Continuity of Eigenvectors [closed]

I am looking for an appropriate reference for the following fact. I already posted on math.stackexchange, but got no answer. For each $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}_{\text{sym}}$ (symmetric matrix),...
gerw's user avatar
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Positive definiteness of infinite tridiagonal matrices

I am interested in the following problem: I have an infinite symmetric tridiagonal matrix $$ A= \begin{bmatrix} a_1 & b_1 & & & \\ b_1 & a_2 & b_2 & & \...
Giuseppe Negro's user avatar
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Where does this identity involving sums of Hankel-like determinants over partitions come from?

For a partition $\lambda=( \lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_n)\vdash n$ with $\lambda_1\ge\dots\ge\lambda_n\ge0$ and any function $f:\mathbb Z\to\mathbb C$, define a Hankel-like $n\times n$ matrix $$M_f(\...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Algorithms to compute the rank of a parametrized matrix [closed]

Motivated by my question on Mathematics StackExchange and by a question by Anirbit on the same site, I ask for some references on the problem of rank computation for a parametrized matrix. References ...
Kapoios's user avatar
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Approximate singular value decomposition in Banach spaces

I am interested in generalisations to Banach spaces of the following construction, which relates to the singular value decomposition of a finite-dimensional linear map. If $V$, $W$ are finite-...
Ian Morris's user avatar
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Positive solutions of linear systems with a diagonally dominant matrix

Given a real linear system ($\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}$), is there any result regarding the positiveness of the solution $\mathbf{x}^*$ considering that $\mathbf{A}$ is diagonally dominant? (...
mikitov's user avatar
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Bringing a (Least Squares Problem) Matrix into Block Upper-triangular Shape via Matrix-reordering

I have the problem of solving very large and very sparse least squares problems and, a bit dissatisfied with the run-times of the full-fledged QR-algorithm, I would like to bring the instances into ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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27 votes
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What is known about the distribution of eigenvectors of random matrices?

Let $A$ be a real asymmetric $n \times n$ matrix with i.i.d. random, zero-mean elements. What results, if any, are there for the eigenvectors of $A$? In particular: How are individual eigenvectors ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Reference request on operator matrices [closed]

I'm looking for a reference on linear, bounded, self-adjoint operators defined on the product space, $T:E\times F\to E\times F$ such that $$Tx = \begin{pmatrix}A & B \\ C & D \end{pmatrix}\...
Aad's user avatar
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17 votes
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Linear algebra from the categorical point of view

Is there any book of Linear algebra in the modern language of Category theory? I refer to the (systematic, formalist) study of the category whose objects are vector spaces and whose morphisms are ...
M. Carmona's user avatar
11 votes
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Diagonalization via the Toda flow

According to some almost indecipherable notes of a graduate Linear Algebra class, a symmetric matrix $A\in\mathbb R^{n\times n}$ can be diagonalised via the Toda flow. More specifically, if $X=X(t)\in\...
smyrlis's user avatar
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What is a degenerate Legendre Transformation?

I am studying the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian description of some dynamical systems. The problem with this description of the particular kind of systems I am studying, is that the Legendre ...
cleanplay's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the total polarization of the determinant?

Let $A\in\mathfrak{gl}(\mathbb{R},n)$ be an endomorphism, and think up to conformal factors (in particular, $\Lambda^n\mathbb{R}^n$ will be the same as $\mathbb{R}$). By the total polarization $\...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
5 votes
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Existence of parametrizations of rational orthogonal matrices

I suppose that there are formulas which parametrize all the orthogonal matrices with rational coefficients. Does anyone know anything about it? And what are some publications that discuss this? Thanks....
jose luis leal's user avatar
2 votes
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Neighborhood overlap matrix for a bipartite graph

Let $G$ be an undirected, simple, bipartite graph with parts $V$ (having $n$ vertices) and $W$ (having $m$ vertices). Define the following $n$-by-$n$ matrix: for any $i,j \in V$, $$a_{ij} = |N_i \cap ...
Ben Golub's user avatar
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