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Vector with many non-zero coordinates

Given finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$, positive integers $n$ and $k<n$. Given $k$-dimensional subspace $X$ of $\mathbb{F}_q^n$, for which $m=m(q,k,n)$ may we find for sure a vector in $X$ with at least ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Characterizing graphs whose incidence matrix has the all ones vector in its row span

Suppose we have a simple connected graph $G=(V,E)$. Then let $A$ be its $|E|\times |V|$ incidence matrix. Here I am considering the unoriented incidence matrix. I want to know when the row span of $A$ ...
batconjurer's user avatar
4 votes
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Number of linearly independent subsets in arbitrary set

Consider $n$-dimensional vector space $\mathbb{F}_p^n$ over finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$ and a function $a: \mathbb{F}_p^n\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$. Let $$ F(a) = \sum_{\substack{S\subset \mathbb{F}_p^n \...
Artsem Zhuk's user avatar
4 votes
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Representing a graph's vertices as linear combinations of paths

I have a (directed graded) graph $G=(V,E)$ with two distinguished subsets of $V$: sources and destinations. I am to show that the set of indicator functions of paths starting in a source and ending in ...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can every trace preserving isomorphism of unital self-adjoint matrix algebras be realized as conjugation by a unitary?

In this paper, Friedland shows (in Lemma 3.4) that if $\phi$ is an isomorphism of coherent algebras, then there exists a unitary $U$ such that $$ \phi(M) = UMU^\dagger$$ for all $M$. I am wondering if ...
David Roberson's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

List of counting proofs instead of linear algebra method in combinatorics

I've just come across this proof of the Graham-Pollak Theorem by Sundar Vishwanathan (thanks to Konrad Swanepoel's sporadic comments about it on this site), that must be called beautiful after its ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Directed graph Laplacian with exactly one negative eigenvalue

Let $G$ be a digraph with adjacency matrix $A =(A_{ij})$ where $A_{ij}=1$ if and only if there is a directed edge $i \to j$ and $A_{ij}=0$ otherwise. Let $D= (D_{ij})$ be the degree matrix with $D_{ij}...
Harry's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Extracting a full rank matrix from a 0-1 matrix

If $A$ is a $n\!\times\!n$ $0$-$1$ matrix of rank $k<n$. If ever possible, what would be an efficient way of extracting a full rank $k\!\times\!k$ sub-matrix of $A$ by removing columns and rows of ...
Nado's user avatar
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1 answer

Determinant of discrete Laplacian

It can easy be shown by induction that the determinant of the $(N-1)\times (N-1)$ matrix $$\begin{pmatrix} 2 & -1 & & \\ -1 & 2 & \ddots & \\ & \...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
3 votes
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Bounds for maximum determinant of circulant matrices

The Hadamard circulant conjecture states that there do not exist circulant Hadamard matrices with more than $4$ columns. An $n$ by $n$ Hadamard matrix where the entries are chosen from $\{-1,1\}$ ...
Simd's user avatar
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Reduced echelon form of sparce matrices and constructing hash function

Let $G$ be a $d$-regular graph, and $A$ be the incidence matrix of $G$. Also suppose $B$ is a reduced echelon form of $A$ such that computations are in $\mathbb F_2$. Given matrix $B$, can we find ...
Meysam Ghahramani's user avatar
2 votes
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On $XX'=I$ such that $AX=XB$ is true when $A,B\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$

Given real symmetric matrices $A,B\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ is it true that $$AX=XB$$ has a solution of form $X$ a permutation matrix iff a solution with $XX'=I$ exists? We are over reals. It is clear ...
Turbo's user avatar
  • 13.9k
5 votes
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Is this subset-sum-type problem discussed in the literature?

Let $y \in \mathbb{Z}_+^n$, with $y_1 < \dots < y_n$. I am interested in finding a 0-1 matrix $A$ and $x \in \mathbb{Z}_+^m$ s.t. $m$ is minimal and $Ax = y$, where I am guaranteed that at least ...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
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Polynomials with positive coefficients passing through fixed points/range of Vandermonde matrices

I'll give two equivalent statements of the setup, then give my questions. Fix integers $M \leq N$ and define the Vandermonde-like matrix $V_{M,N}[i,j] = (1 - \frac{i}{M})^{j-1}$ for $i \in \{1,2,\...
Qzyx's user avatar
  • 21
12 votes
1 answer

Maximal Number of Pairs of Orthogonal vectors in a set of $n$ vectors in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Suppose you are given a set of $n$ non-zero vectors in $\mathbb{R}^3$. What is the maximum number of pairs of them that are orthogonal? The current guess is $\le 2n$. EDIT: I forgot to add that no ...
batconjurer's user avatar
1 vote
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Worst case difference in rank by column-row swapping

Given a matrix $m\in\{-1,+1\}^{n\times n}$. Consider $m^\sigma$ to be collection of all matrices obtained from $m$ by permuting rows and columns. Consider $\mathscr{M}[m^\sigma]$ to be collection of ...
Turbo's user avatar
  • 13.9k
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Largest symmetric matrix given rank

Let $\mathscr{M}[n,d]$ be collection of $n\times n$ symmetric matrices with real entries from $\{0,1\}$ such that every row/column is distinct with sum of every row/column being $d$. What is minimum ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Vanishing Restricted Isometric Constant

In compressed sensing, we are interested in the restricted isometry property. Suppose the design matrix is $n$ by $p$, consisting of $np$ iid $\mathcal{N}(0, 1/n)$ entries. Assume both $n$ and $p$ are ...
John Wong's user avatar
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Minimum rank of certain matrices

Let $\mathscr{M}[n]$ be collection of $n\times n$ matrices with real entries from $\{0,1\}$ such that every row is distinct and every column is distinct. What is minimum real rank of matrices in $\...
Turbo's user avatar
  • 13.9k
5 votes
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How many random matrices does it take to generate a matrix algebra?

Let $\mathbb{F}$ be a finite field. Let $A\le \mbox{Mat}_n(\mathbb{F})$ be a matrix algebra. Is there a good bound on the number $k$ of random elements $a_1,\dots,a_k\in A$ that one needs to take ...
Boaz Tsaban's user avatar
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Linear independence of +/- 1 strings/vectors II

Let $V=\left\{-1,1\right\}^{n}$. Consider three vectors $v_1,v_2,v_3\in V$. I would like to know whether these vectors are linearly independent over $\mathbb{Z}$. To be more precise - I need a ...
TOM's user avatar
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Linear independence of +/- 1 strings/vectors

Let $V=\left\{-1,1\right\}^{n}$. Consider three vectors $v_1,v_2,v_3\in V$. I would like to know whether these vectors are linearly independent over $\mathbb{Z}$. To be more precise - I need a ...
TOM's user avatar
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6 votes
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Dimension of the span of all partial derivatives of a given homogeneous symmetric polynomial $f$ and the polynomial $E(f)$

I need some help about the problem below. Let $d\geq 4$ and $f$ a symmetric polynomial, homogeneous of degree $d$, in $n$ variables $x_1,\dots,x_n$, with real coefficients. We set $$ E(f):=\sum_{j=1}^{...
Hector Blandin's user avatar
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Lattice-isotopic essentialization of arrangements

I'm working on a problem related to $\textbf{Randell's isotopy theorem}$ for complex hyperplane arrangements. I have a question which seems quite obvious. However, I haven't found a rigorous proof ...
snaleimath's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Determinant of a checkerboard Hankel matrix with Catalan numbers

My goal is to compute \begin{equation} I = \det \left(\mathbf{I} + \mathbf{A}\right) \end{equation} where $\mathbf{A}$ is a $n \times n$ checkerboard matrix filled with Catalan numbers: $$ \left\{ ...
user16215's user avatar
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Notions of consistency / heterogeneity in sets of vector values?

The problem Let us consider a row vector u of size $n\in\mathbb{N}$, containing only binary values (0,1): $$u=(u_1 \cdots u_n), n\in\mathbb{N}$$ $$\forall i \in \{1\ldots n\}, u_i \in\{0,1\}$$ I would ...
Hazan Tayeb's user avatar
1 vote
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Dense symmetric unitary integer matrix?

Can someone give me a nontrivial example of a symmetric unitary integer matrix? I'm looking for something as dense as possible (i.e., not too many 0's); 5 <= size <= 8 would be ideal.
Anonymous Coward's user avatar
5 votes
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The Maximal $\ell_2$ norm of a signed sum of vectors

Suppose we have $n$ vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n.$ Consider the signed sum of these vectors: $$U(s_1,\ldots,s_n)=s_1 v_1+s_2 v_2 + \ldots + s_n v_n$$ where $s_j$'s can only take values of $+1$ or $-1.$ I ...
KPU's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Distinguishing combinatorial maps by their linearizations

Every (not-necessarily invertible) map $f$ from $[n]:=\{1,2,,,,.n\}$ to itself determines a linear map $L_f$ from ${\bf R}^n$ to itself that sends the basis vector $e_k$ to $e_{f(k)}$ for $1 \leq k \...
James Propp's user avatar
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Where does this identity involving sums of Hankel-like determinants over partitions come from?

For a partition $\lambda=( \lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_n)\vdash n$ with $\lambda_1\ge\dots\ge\lambda_n\ge0$ and any function $f:\mathbb Z\to\mathbb C$, define a Hankel-like $n\times n$ matrix $$M_f(\...
Wolfgang's user avatar
  • 13.4k
3 votes
2 answers

Rank changes with matrix edits

Assume we have rank $r$ real matrix $M\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ (not constrained to symmetric). Assume $W\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ is rank $1$ real matrix. Case $1$: $M+W\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$. Could ...
Turbo's user avatar
  • 13.9k
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Decomposing matrices to lower ranks

Given real matrix $M\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ of rank $r$. How many $M_i\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ of rank $s$ does one need to write $M'=\sum_{i=1}^ta_iM_i$ for some $a_i\in\Bbb R$ where maximum absolute ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Probabilistic statement on matrix ranks

Given $A\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ with $\operatorname{rank}(A)=r=2^{O((\log_2n)^{\frac{1}{c+1}})}$. Denote $\mathsf{1_n}\in\{0,1\}^n$ as vector with $1$s. Does $$\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\mathsf{P_{A\...
Turbo's user avatar
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Number of degree $k$ functions [closed]

Given a Boolean function $f:\{0,1\}^n\rightarrow\{0,1\}$, there is a real multivariate multilinear polynomial that is associated with in through interpolation. Example: $AND(x_1,x_2,\dots,x_{n-1},x_n)...
Turbo's user avatar
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Distinct determinants of circulants

If $M$ is a circulant integer matrix of size $n\times n$ whose entries are randomly chosen from $\{0,1\}$ value, how many different determinants does $M$ possibly take value in? For $n=1,2,3,4$, I ...
Turbo's user avatar
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3 votes
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Open problems in compressed sensing

What are the main open problems in compressed sensing? I am interested in theoretical as well as in numerical point of view.
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
3 votes
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Number of *distinct* dot products of an integer vector by elements of a hyper-rectangle

Imagine a vector $\boldsymbol{v}$ composed of integers, and the set $S$ of all integer vectors within a hyper-rectange, with one corner at the origin and other at $\boldsymbol{m}$. In other words: $S ...
Jeremy 's user avatar
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Distributing partially known data between n parties

Assume that $n = 2r+1$. There are $n$ elements $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n$ from a finite field $\mathcal{F}$, and $n$ parties. Each party knows the values of at least $r+1$ elements out of those $n$ elements....
real's user avatar
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8 votes
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Are sums of 0-1 Pareto efficient vectors Pareto efficient?

Does there exist $m,n\ge1$, an $m \times n$ matrix $A$, and a vector $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ such that: The entries of $A$ are $\in \{0, 1\}$. For all pairs of columns $u, v$ of $A$ the entries of $u - ...
Daishisan's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Generalized Cauchy-Binet sum over a fixed subset of indices

I originally posted this on math.stackexchange, but it quickly got buried. I removed it not too long after, thinking of rewriting it for MO, but I didn’t have a chance to post it until now. Apologies ...
j.c.'s user avatar
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19 votes
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Recognize this strange expression from linear algebra?

I've come across an odd-looking expression and oh how I wish I had a more elegant description of it. Maybe someone who enjoys symmetric bilinear forms in characteristic two will recognize it? Or ...
Marty's user avatar
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Multi-dimensional permanent of structured tensor

I am facing the multidimensional permanent \begin{equation} \text{perm}(W) = \sum_{\sigma, \rho \in S_n} \prod_{j=1}^n W_{j, \sigma_j, \rho_j } \end{equation} of a 3-tensor $W_{j,k,l}$ of ...
Malte's user avatar
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10 votes
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Is there a hyperplane avoiding two independent sets?

Let $V$ be a vector space over a field with $5$ elements, $A,B \subseteq V$ independent subsets. Must there be a subspace of $V$ of codimension 1 disjoint from $A \cup B$?
Pablo's user avatar
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4 votes
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Finding the set of all $0$-$1$ vectors in an affine subspace

We are given a $0$-$1$ matrix $A$ with constant row and column sum, and we need to find out if there exists a $0$-$1$ vector in the solution space of $Ax = \mathbf{1}$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ (or $\mathbb{Z}...
Anurag's user avatar
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Reduce a Combinatorial problem

It is given n sets with k vectors. (k is element-wise positive or zero) Choose one vector of each set so that the biggest element of the sum of the chosen vectors is minimal. What i also know but is ...
JonasDuwell's user avatar
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Kneser graphs eigenvalues

Basically, I want to prove that, in the Kneser graph (wikipedia has a good definition),$K_{n, m}$, if $n_{-}(A(G)) $ and $n_{+}(A(G))$ denote the number of negative and positive eigenvalues of A(G) ...
user53083's user avatar
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Find a common expression (parameterized by y = 1/2, 1 and 2) uniting three (rational) polynomials in k [closed]

I am seeking a common "simple" expression (preferably/presumably a sum of products of linear factors, or sum of products of low-degree factors) uniting the three polynomials (parameterized by $y=\...
Paul B. Slater's user avatar
5 votes
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A question on hyperplanes in partial linear spaces and hypergraphs

A partial linear space (or a linear hypergraph) is a point line geometry $(P,L,I)$ where for every pair of points there is at most one line incident with both of them. A hyperplane in a partial linear ...
Anurag's user avatar
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The twisted kiss of the curvaceous cubic and the staid tetrahedron (references)

(Migrated from MSE) While investigating some operators, I came across some relations between the twisted cubic curve and the tetrahedron that link together some notions in differential geometry, ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Collecting terms of a linear expression with nested sums and combinatorics in coefficients

I need to collect the $\Pr(\cdot)$ terms of the following expression: $\sum_{m=3}^{n}\frac{g_{m}\left( \cdot \right) }{\left( \sqrt{\theta \left( 1-\theta \right) }\right) ^{m}}\left[ \sum_{j=2}^{m-1}...
Giovanni Ursino's user avatar