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On connected sum of compact manifolds along a submanifold

Let $M_1$ and $M_2$ be two compact manifolds of dimension $n\ge 3$. Let us have embeddings $i_1: K \to M_1$ and $i_2: K \to M_2$ for a closed manifold $K$ of dimension at most $n-1$ such that the ...
Katrina's user avatar
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Sheaf cohomology of non-paracompact manifolds (e.g. the long line)

I have long heard that manifolds are "affine". If we allow non-paracompact manifolds, then this seems to fail, since as explained in Dmitri Pavlov's answer, the Serre–Swan theorem fails. I ...
Z. M's user avatar
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7 votes
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Does there exist a Dehn filling of an irreducible 3-manifold with toroidal boundaries which is still irreducible?

Let $M$ be a compact, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold with incompressible toroidal boundary (there might be more than one boundary component). Is it always possible to choose appropriate slopes on ...
YC Su's user avatar
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3 answers

Extending $\mathbb{R}$ to a higher dimensional manifold [closed]

If a topological space $X$ is Hausdorff, connected, second countable, homogeneous (i.e. it has transitive homeomorphism group) and embeds the real line $\mathbb{R}$, does it follow that $X$ is a ...
Pavlos Kazakopoulos's user avatar
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Example of a metrizable space that is not an ANR

I have been looking for an example of a metrizable space that is not an absolute neighborhood retract (ANR). Recall that a metrizable space $X$ is called an ANR if there exists an open set $U$ in a ...
Katrina's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Is symmetric power of a manifold a manifold?

A Hausdorff, second-countable space $M$ is called a topological manifold if $M$ is locally Euclidean. Let $SP^n(M): = \left(M \times M \times \cdots \times M \right)/ \Sigma_m$, where product is done $...
Katrina's user avatar
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1 vote
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Is there a standard name for the following class of functions on non-Hausdorff manifolds?

Let $M$ be a (not necessarily Hausdorff) smooth manifold. Given an open chart $U\subset M$ and a compactly-supported smooth function $f:U\to\mathbb{R}$ on $U$, define $\widetilde{f}:M\to\mathbb{R}$ by ...
user49822's user avatar
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Given an embedded disk in $\mathbb{R}^n$, is there always another disk which intersects it nontrivially in a disk?

We call an open subset $D\subset X$ of a manifold $X$ an embedded disk, if there exists a homeomorphism $D\cong \mathbb{R}^n$. The precise formulation of the question in the title is as follows: Let $...
Tashi Walde's user avatar
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Homeomorphism groups on manifolds and topological properties

Let $M$ be a compact $n$-dimensional manifold let $H(M)$ denote the homeomorphism group of $M$. If $n=2$ then $H(M)$ enjoys nice properties such as being an ANR, is locally contractible, separable. ...
Some Person's user avatar
3 votes
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A detail in Brown's proof of the generalized Schoenflies theorem

Consider a homeomorphic embedding $h:S^{n-1}\times [0,1]\rightarrow S^n$ and denote $$S^{n-1}_t=h(S^{n-1}\times \{t\}).$$ The generalized Schoenflies theorem states the closure of each connected ...
Nikhil Sahoo's user avatar
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(When) can you embed a closed map with finite discrete fibers into a (branched) cover?

Assume all spaces are topological manifolds. A branched cover is a continuous open map with discrete fibers. A finite branched cover is one with finite fibers. Questions. Given closed map $X\to S$ ...
Arrow's user avatar
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8 votes
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If $M$ is contractible manifold and $X\subset \partial M$, does the cone over $X$ embed in $M$?

Let $M$ be a compact contractible manifold, $X\subset\partial M$ and $C_X$ the cone over $X$. Question: Is it true that $C_X$ embeds in $M$ with its boundary $\partial C_X$ mapped to $X\subset \...
M. Winter's user avatar
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4 votes
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What is the Freudenthal compactification of a wildly punctured n-sphere?

Let $C$ be a compact and totally-disconnected subspace of the $n$-sphere $\mathbb{S}^n$, where $n\geq 2$. Question: Must the Freudenthal compactification of $\mathbb{S}^n \setminus C$ be homeomorphic ...
Agelos's user avatar
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A particular case of the general converse to the preimage (submanifold) theorem

I was thinking whether it would be possible to develop a converse to the preimage theorem in differential topology and I found the following post: When is a submanifold of $\mathbf R^n$ given by ...
geooranalysis's user avatar
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A modified version of the converse to the Sard's Theorem

When I learned Sard's Theorem in differential topology by myself, I was thinking whether it would be possible to prove a converse version of the theorem. That is to say, can we somehow show that each (...
pureorapplied's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Must a space that is locally injective image of $\mathbb{R}^n$ be a manifold?

Suppose $X\subseteq\mathbb{R}^m$ s.t. for any $x\in X$ and any open $U\subseteq\mathbb{R}^m$ that contains $x$, there exists a smaller open set $V\subseteq U$ also containing $x$, so that $V\cap X$ is ...
183orbco3's user avatar
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(Homotopy) colimit and manifold

Suppose that I have an arbitrary regular CW complex. By associating a topological space to each vertex of the CW complex, I can have a diagram of topological spaces, denoted by $D$, over the CW ...
chriswest's user avatar
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Can someone explain this proof on aspherical manifolds?

I am trying to understand this proof that the fundamental group of an aspherical manifold is torsion free. The proof is lemma 4.1 from Aspherical manifolds at the Manifold Atlas Project. The proof is: ...
user3308874's user avatar
4 votes
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Is every (not necessarily PL-) triangulation of a manifold pure, non-branching and strongly-connected?

A triangulation of a topological manifold $\mathcal{M}$ possibly with boundary is an abstract simplicial complex $\Delta$ together with a homeomorphism $\varphi:\vert\Delta\vert\to\mathcal{M}$, where $...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Analogue of Kolmogorov/Arnold superposition for general manifolds?

Previously asked and bountied at MSE with slightly different language: Given a topological space $\mathcal{X}$, let $$\mathsf{Cl_C}(\mathcal{X})=\bigcup_{n\in\mathbb{N}}C(\mathcal{X}^n,\mathcal{X})$$ ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
7 votes
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Decomposition of manifolds with toroidal boundary

Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a compact, connected, oriented 3-manifolds with non-empty connected boundary $\partial\mathcal{M}$. Then, following this article, it is stated that $\mathcal{M}$ can be written as ...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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Classification of 3-dimensional manifolds with boundary

It is well-known that every closed, connected and orientable 3-manifold $\mathcal{M}$ can uniquely be decomposed as $$\mathcal{M}=P_{1}\#\dots\# P_{n}$$ where $P_{i}$ are prime manifolds, i.e. ...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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How do you compute the $w_2$ of Freedman's E8 manifold?

The Wikipedia page for Rokhlin's Theorem says "Michael Freedman's E8 manifold is a simply connected compact topological manifold with vanishing $w_{2}(M)$ and intersection form $E_{8}$ of ...
Stella Dubois's user avatar
2 votes
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Collar neighborhood theorem for manifold with corners

I was reading this wonderful sequence of posts: nlab: manifold with boundary and nlab: collar neighbourhood theorem and I couldn't help but wonder. Is there an extension of the Collar neighborhood ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Closed manifolds are not absolute retracts?

A fundamental result in topology is that the $n$-sphere is not a retract of the $n+1$-ball. It implies that the $n$-sphere is not an absolute retract. Is there a generalization from the sphere to ...
mathieu's user avatar
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Are all monotonically normal manifolds of dimension at least two metrizable?

Alan Dow and Frank Tall recently proved the consistency of the statement Every hereditarily normal manifold of dimension at least two is metrizable. See: Dow, Alan; Tall, Franklin D., Hereditarily ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
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Intersection of zero sets of continuous functions

Let the zero sets $F=\{x \in \mathbb{R}^n: f(x) = 0\}$, $G = \{x \in \mathbb{R}^n : g(x) = 0\}$, where $f$ and $g$ are $m$-dimensional real, analytic, continuous, and nonlinear vector functions. Under ...
Chris's user avatar
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Problem of Thickening an Arc in a Topological $ 2 $-Manifold

Let $ M $ be a topological $ 2 $-manifold (possibly with boundary), $ C $ an arc in the interior of $ M $ (i.e., an injective continuous function from $ [- 1,1] $ into $ \operatorname{Int}(M) $), and $...
Transcendental's user avatar
-1 votes
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Topological connected eccentrics, not homeomorphic to commutative Lie groups

An eccentric is a universal algebra $\ (X\ \sigma\ \lambda\ \rho)\ $ such that operations $\ \sigma\ \lambda\ \rho\,:\,X\times X\to X\ $ satisfy: $\quad \forall_{x\ y\,\in X}\quad \lambda(\sigma(x\ y)...
Wlod AA's user avatar
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Map which is null-homotopic on compacts

This is the missing ingredient towards answering my previous question. Let $M$ and $N$ be path connected locally compact, locally contractible metric spaces (you may assume that they are manifolds). ...
erz's user avatar
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Is limit of null-homotopic maps null-homotopic?

The question is motivated by my failed comment to this one. Let $M$ and $N$ be path connected locally compact, locally contractible metric spaces (you may assume that they are manifolds). Let $\...
erz's user avatar
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5 votes
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Non-density of continuous functions to interior in set of all continuous functions

Let $M$ be an $m$-dimensional manifold and $N$ be an $n$-dimensional manifold. Suppose also that the topology on $N$ can be described by a metric. Thus, the set $C(M,N)$ can be endowed with the ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Density of continuous functions to interior in set of all continuous functions

Let $M$ be an $m$-dimensional manifold and $N$ be an $n$-dimensional manifold with boundary. Suppose also that the topology on $N$ can be described by a metric. Thus, the set $C(M,N)$ can be endowed ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Collared boundary of a non-metrizable manifold

For this question a manifold-with-boundary is a topological space which is Hausdorff and locally upper-Euclidean. Every metrizable manifold-with-boundary has a collared boundary, as shown in "Locally ...
kaba's user avatar
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Category of Manifolds and Maps: TOP $\supseteq$ TRI $\supseteq$ PL $\supseteq$ DIFF? [closed]

Please let me denote the following (TOP) topological manifolds (PDIFF), for piecewise differentiable (PL) ...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
8 votes
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Cobordism Theory of Topological Manifolds

Unfortunately, due to my ignorance, my present knowledge is limited to the cobordism Theory of Differentiable Manifolds. Cobordism Theory for DIFF/Differentiable/smooth manifolds However, there are ...
wonderich's user avatar
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16 votes
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Can one determine the dimension of a manifold given its 1-skeleton?

This may be an easy question, but I can't think of the answer at hand. Suppose that I have a triangulated $n$-manifold $M$ (satisfying any set of conditions that you feel like). Suppose that I give ...
Simon Rose's user avatar
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What is the topological/smooth analogue of Nagata compactification

A celebrated theorem of Nagata and subsequent refinements to schemes and algebraic spaces say that over a not-completely-monstrous base scheme, any separated morphism can be openly immersed in a ...
Arrow's user avatar
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The homological negligibility of certain subsets in compact manifolds

Let $n\ge 3$ and $X$ be a compact connected $n$-manifold (without boundary). I need a reference to the following facts (which I believe are true at least in dimension $n=3$): Fact 1. For every ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Irreducible separators of compact manifolds

Definition. A closed subset $S$ of a topological space $X$ is called $\bullet$ a separator of $X$ if $X\setminus S$ is disconnected; $\bullet$ an irreducible separator if $S$ is a separator of $X$ ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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14 votes
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Obstruction of spin-c structure and the generalized Wu manifods

Bockstein homomorphim and obstruction of spin-c structure: Let $w_2$ be the Stiefel Whintney class of manifold $M$. Let the Bockstein homomorphim $\beta$ be the $$ H^2(\mathbb{Z}_2,M) \to H^3(\mathbb{...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
8 votes
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Any 3-manifold can be realized as the boundary of a 4-manifold

We know "Any closed, oriented $3$-manifold $M$ is the boundary of some oriented $4$-manifold $B$." See this post: Elegant proof that any closed, oriented 3-manifold is the boundary of some ...
wonderich's user avatar
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17 votes
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Lowest Dimension for Counterexample in Topological Manifold Factorization

Bing gave a classical example of spaces $X, Y, Z$ such that $X \times Y = Z$, where $X$ and $Z$ are manifolds but $Y$ isn't. The space $Z$ in his example has dimension four. Is it known if this is ...
John Samples's user avatar
3 votes
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Signature of the manifold of the multiple fibrations over spheres

We can define the signature of a manifold in $4k$ dimensions. 1) If I understand correctly, the signature $\sigma$ of the manifold of the product space of spheres would always be zero: $$\sigma(S^...
wonderich's user avatar
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Arcwise-connectedness generalized to higher connectivity?

This is a crosspost from stackexchange. I'm not completely sure whether the question below is research-level, but I have not yet found an obvious answer, and what I have found thus far suggests that ...
Vikram Saraph's user avatar
7 votes
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What is "topology in dimension 3.5"?

I've noticed a couple of conference titles which reference something called "topology in dimension 3.5," such as this one and this one. This subject seems quite mysterious to me — it looks like ...
Arun Debray's user avatar
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Which topological manifolds do not correspond to strongly Hausdorff locales?

I'm toying with the idea of using locales as a way to define topological manifolds without beginning with points, largely for philosophical reasons. In this context I think I want to redefine a ...
Helveticat's user avatar
5 votes
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Generating the topology of a manifold

Let $X$ be a topological manifold of dimension $d$, and let $F$ be a collection of continuous maps from $X$ into $\mathbf{R}^d$ such that: $F$ separates points of $X$, i.e. for any two distinct ...
erz's user avatar
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Tietze's extension theorem for contractible manifolds

I've read that the Tietze's extension theorem was still valid for continuous applications from a closed subspace of a normal topological space to a contractible topological manifold (understood as ...
ychemama's user avatar
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Self-covering spaces

Let $M$ be a connected Hausdorff second countable topological space. I will call $M$ self-covering if it is its own $n$-fold cover for some $n>1$. For instance, the circle is its own double cover ...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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