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A good reference for the wave front set

Hello, I am wondering whether anyone know some good references for the theory of wave front set, microlocal analysis? I have some basic knowledge of distribution theory at the level of the Rudin's ...
Anand's user avatar
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Bounding near the boundary for a Sobolev function.

Let $f: \Omega\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ where $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ is bounded with lipschitz smooth boundary. Further suppose that $f\in\mathcal{H}^{\tau}(\Omega)$, $\tau>\frac{d}{2}$ (i.e. $f$...
alext87's user avatar
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44 votes
10 answers

Is square of Delta function defined somewhere?

I am wondering whether anyone knows if the square of Dirac Delta function is defined somewhere. In the beginning, this question might look strange. But by restricting the space of the test functions, ...
0 votes
1 answer

A property of "Schwartz" quadratic forms

Consider $K(x, y)$, $f(x)$ Schwartz functions and $g(y)$ a tempered distribution. Suppose $$K(x, y) = K(y, x)$$ Define $$h(t) = \int f(x - t) K(x, y) g(y - t) dx dy$$ It appears to me $h(t)$ is a ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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13 votes
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"Orthogonal complement" of a subspace of a Banach space

I'm looking for a reference. I am considering the situation where $X$ is a Banach space and $Y$ is a closed finite co-dimensional subspace. I am looking for a $W$ that is a complement of $Y$ (i.e. so ...
Anthony Quas's user avatar
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Solving Functional Equation

Continue with my previous question “Regarding Kolmogorov's Superposition Theorem”, here are some further questions: Question-1 Is it true: for any given $C^1$ continuous real function $f(x, y): \Re^2 ...
Wang Tao's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Weak and Strong Integration of vector-valued functions

This is probably an elementary question, but outside my area of expertise, and I was unable to find any suitable reference: Suppose $f:X\to E$ is a continuous function from a compact spaces (endowed ...
Hadi's user avatar
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Lebesgue measure on Frechet space?

It is well known that there are no Lebesgue measures on infinite-dimensional Banach spaces (see e.g. However, I couldn'...
Vanessa's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Nice Classes of Non-Closable Operators

The only thing I know about non-closable operators can be summarised as "they exist, but they're nasty, so let's not talk about them!" This seems to be the case with everyone else I've talked to. I'd ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Positive block matrices over tensor algebras

Let $A$ be a unital C*-algebra. A positive block matrix in $M_2(A)$ must have the form $$ \begin{pmatrix} a & a^{1/2} x b^{1/2} \\ b^{1/2} x^* a^{1/2} & b \end{pmatrix}, $$ where $a,b$ are ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Does a log-concave function on a convex set extend continuously to the boundary?

Let $U$ be an open convex set in a locally convex space $X$, and let $f : U \to [0,1]$ be a log-concave function on $U$ (i.e., bounded and real-valued). Under what conditions does $f$ have a ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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7 votes
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Nonexpansive multi-valued maps in $\ell^2$

Let $C$ be a nonempty bounded closed convex subset, say the unit ball, of $\ell^2(\mathbb{N})$. Let $T: C\to 2^C$ be a map such that $T(x)$ is nonempty closed for each $x$, and that $$D(Tx,Ty)\le \|x-...
TCL's user avatar
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A matrix minimisation problem

Feel free to edit the title! Suppose A is a C*-algebra and $a,b\in A$ are self-adjoint. I'd be very happy with A being just $n\times n$ matrices. Question: If there are $t\in\mathbb R$ and $\...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Gelfand theory Problem

I have 2 problems in Gelfand theory. I shall be thankful for any answers. 1)What is the gelfand spectrum of l^1(N)? A few of the elements are evaluations of functions(defined below) on closed unit ...
Madhuresh's user avatar
2 votes
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General Sobolev Inequalities

In Partial Differential Equation by Lawerence Evan p284 there is this theorem stated: Let $U$ be a bounded open subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ with $C^1$ boundary. Suppose $u\in W^{k,p}$ then if $k>n/p$ ...
alext87's user avatar
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spectrum of the compression of a selfadjoint operator

Let T be a (unbounded) selfadjoint operator in $B(H)$, the bounded operator acting on Hilbert space $H$. Def: A compression of T is an operator $pTp$, where $p$ is a projection in $B(H)$. I am ...
Paul Z's user avatar
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Square root of integral operator

Consider the 1-torus $\mathbb{T}$. Let $k$ be a smooth function on $\mathbb{T}^2$ and $K$ be the integral operator on $L^2(\mathbb{T})$ with kernel $k$. One can show that $K$ is of trace class, hence $...
m07kl's user avatar
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Do separable $C^*$-algebras form a set?

The question is in subject. Update: See Andreas Thom's answer.
Kolya Ivankov's user avatar
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Riemannian structure on a unit sphere of a Banach space

For a finite dimensional Banach space $V$ with strictly convex and smooth norm (outside the origin), there is a natural way to induce a Riemannian structure on the unit sphere $S$ (see Alvarez-Paiva, ...
Dima's user avatar
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Bounding a smooth function near the boundary

Let $f: \Omega\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ where $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ is bounded with lipschitz smooth boundary. Further suppose that $f\in\mathcal{H}^{\tau}(\Omega)$, $\tau>0$ and that $f$ ...
alext87's user avatar
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Characterizations of a linear subspace associated with Fourier series

Let $c_0$ be the Banach space of doubly infinite sequences $$\lbrace a_n: -\infty\lt n\lt \infty, \lim_{|n|\to \infty} a_n=0 \rbrace.$$ Let $T$ be the space of $2\pi$ periodic functions integrable ...
TCL's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Unexpected applications of Dvoretzky's theorem

Dvoretzky's theorem is a classic of convex geometry. Recently at a conference in quantum information I learned (from Patrick Hayden's talk) about a nontrivial application of the theorem to a problem ...
Michal Kotowski's user avatar
18 votes
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Does "taking the dual space" stabilize?

Every book which treats dual spaces of normend spaces states that $(c_0)' = \ell^1$ and $(\ell^1)' = \ell^\infty$ and some also describe $(\ell^\infty)'$. However, is anything known about higher ...
Dirk's user avatar
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If $H$ is a separable Hilbert space, is its dual dense in $L^2(H)$?

Let $H$ be an infinite-dimensional, separable Hilbert space, and let $\gamma$ be a Radon probability measure on $H$ with mean zero and covariance operator the identity $I$. Let $H^*$ denote the space ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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If $H$ is a separable Hilbert space, is $L^2(H)$ separable?

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space, and let $\gamma$ be a Radon probability measure on $H$ with mean zero and covariance operator the identity $I$. Is the Hilbert space $L^2(H,\gamma)$ separable?
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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26 votes
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Does Arzelà-Ascoli require choice?

Inspired by a recent Math.SE question entitled Where do we need the axiom of choice in Riemannian geometry?, I was thinking of the Arzelà--Ascoli theorem. Let's state a very simple version: ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
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Does the dual Banach space $B(\ell^\infty)$ have weak* normal structure?

Let $K$ be a bounded closed convex subset of a Banach space $E$. A point $x$ in $K$ is called a diametral point if $$ \sup_{y\in K} \|x-y\|={\rm diam}(K). $$ where ${\rm diam}(K)$ denotes the ...
BigBill's user avatar
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23 votes
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Hahn-Banach without Choice

The standard proof of the Hahn-Banach theorem makes use of Zorn's lemma. I hear that, however, Hahn-Banach is strictly weaker than Choice. A quick search leads to many sources stating that Hahn-Banach ...
Mark Kim-Mulgrew's user avatar
7 votes
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Heat kernel estimates and Gaussian estimates for semigroups, good reference?

Hi, it seems like a big field and I'm having trouble getting some solid/classic references to get me started. If $U \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ is a bounded domain with, say, $C^2$-boundary $\partial U$ ...
partition_of_unity's user avatar
7 votes
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A Question concerning the Fourier Transform of $\mathbb{R}$

Consider the classical Schwartz space $\mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R})$ together with the Fourier transform $\mathcal{F} : \mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}) \rightarrow \mathcal{S}( \mathbb{R})$. Consider the subspace ...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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18 votes
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Are there non-reflexive abelian topological groups isomorphic to their second dual?

I posted the following question in a comment at Are there non-reflexive vector spaces isomorphic to their bi-dual? and it got one upvote, but it didn't get an answer, so I'll post it as an ...
KConrad's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is there an extension of the Arzela-Ascoli theorem to spaces of discontinuous functions?

The Arzela-Ascoli function basically says that a set of real-valued continuous functions on a compact domain is precompact under the uniform norm if and only if the family is pointwise bounded and ...
weakstar's user avatar
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What are conditions to make f(x) defined by f(x)=f(x-1)*x + 1/e unique(for instance convex)?

[Background:] Looking at the powerseries for the gamma-function $ \Gamma(1+x) = 1 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 - a_3 * x^3 + ... $ then we can arrive at a decomposition $ \Gamma(1+x) = r(x) + g(x) $ ...
Gottfried Helms's user avatar
21 votes
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Closed connected additive subgroups of the Hilbert space

It is a classical result that a closed and connected additive subgroup of $\mathbb{R}^n$ is necessarily a linear subspace. However, this is no longer true in infinite dimension: a very easy example is ...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Laplace equation over concentric spheres

Is there a closed formula for the solution of Dirichlet problem ($\Delta u=0$) for annulus $r <|x| < R$, $x \in R^n$ (n>2), with two given boundary value functions, $f$ over $|x|=r$ and $g$ over ...
Solmaz's user avatar
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Precompact set in L2 space?

Let A be a bounded interval in R. Suppose we have a collection of functions, such that Each function is $\in$ $L^r(A)$, where r is any number $\in$ $[1, \infty]$, The fractional derivative of order ...
Paul Z's user avatar
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What is the regularity of the argument of a complex function?

Let $\psi=f+ig=\rho e^{i\theta}$ be a complex function on some open subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$, where $f,g,\rho$ and $\theta$ are real-valued. I happened to find that the identity of differentiation for ...
Liren Lin's user avatar
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Lower semicontinuity of Bregman distances/divergences

For a Banach space $X$ and a convex functional $J:X \to [0,\infty]$ (i.e. with values in the extended reals), consider the associated Bregman distance: For $x,y\in X$ and $\xi\in\partial J(y)$: \begin{...
Dirk's user avatar
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4 votes
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An example of a non-paracompact tvs (over the reals, say)

What is an example of a non-paracompact topological vector space? I'm aware of this question, but I don't care if my tvs is locally convex. In fact the wilder the better. The only criterion is that ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Lipschitz properties of minima/minimizers of convex functions of two variables

Suppose I have a function $f(x,y)$ from $\mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ that is convex in both $x$ and $y$. Set $g(y) = \min_{x} f(x,y)$ What I would like is for $g(y)$ to be ...
Anand Sarwate's user avatar
3 votes
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When does a mother wavelet generate a frame?

This question is about conditions on a mother wavelet that generates a countable familily of child wavelets via scaling and translation, that are both necessary and sufficient for the child wavelets ...
Tim van Beek's user avatar
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Counterexample for the Open Mapping Theorem

I would like to ask a counterexample for the classical theorem in functional analysis: the open mapping theorem in the case that $Y$ is Banach, but $X$ is not Banach to show that the completeness of X ...
Minh's user avatar
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weak convergence

I know the following result is true in the case of strong convergence. But I don't know whether it is true in the case of weak convergence also. Let $p>1$. Suppose that each $x_n$ is a non negative ...
Ashok's user avatar
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Range of the Radon Transform

Let us consider the Radon transform in two dimensions: $$\tag{1}Rf(r,\theta):=\int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(r\cos\theta-t\sin\theta,r\sin\theta+t\cos\theta) dt,$$ where $r\in\mathbb{R}$ and $0\...
Oleg's user avatar
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6 votes
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Question about Schauder bases in C([0,1]).

I would like to check a statement about Schauder bases in $C([0,1])$ to be sure that I don't lie to my students on Monday. The statement(s) that I would like to check are: The family of monomials $\{...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
29 votes
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Furstenberg's Conjecture on 2-3-invariant continuous probability measures on the circle

Hillel Furstenberg conjectured that the only $2$-$3$-invariant probability measure on the circle without atoms is the Lebesgue measure. More precisely: Question: (Furstenberg) Let $\mu$ be a ...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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8 votes
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Fourier dimension of the sum of sets

This question came up when my supervisors, my colleague, and I were considering arithmetic progressions in sets of fractional dimension. In particular, we were interested in "extracting" Salem sets ...
Vince's user avatar
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Dual of bounded uniformly continuous functions

Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space, and let $C_u(X)$ be the Banach space of bounded uniformly continuous functions on $X$ (with the uniform norm). How can I characterize its dual space $C_u(X)^*$? I ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
32 votes
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Are there non-reflexive vector spaces isomorphic to their bi-dual?

Let $V$ be an infinite dimensional topological vector space and consider the natural application $\iota\colon V\to V^{**}$. The space $V$ is said to be reflexive if $\iota$ is an isomorphism. Are ...
diverietti's user avatar
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Separability of inner product to a product of Minkowski function and norm

I’ve encountered the following assumption: Let D be a set such that there exists a Minkowski function $f(u)$ on $\mathbb{R}^l$ and norm $g(v)$ on $\mathbb{R}^m$ such that $\forall u\in \mathbb{R}^l, \...
Maayan's user avatar
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