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13 votes
1 answer

metric on the space of real analytic functions

Hello, this question may be simple but I couldn't find a reference. Let $E$,$F$ be real Banach spaces and $\Omega\subset E$ be a bounded domain and let $C_b^{\omega}(\Omega,F)$ be the vector space of ...
Mirko's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

About Schauder Basis [closed]

Suppose M is a compact Lie Group, is there a Schauder basis for L^1(M)?
XXX's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

The Frechet derivative and Lagrange multipliers on Banach spaces

I am interested in questions of the following form: minimize $H(f)$ given $G(f) = 0$ where $H$ and $G$ are operators of type $X \to R$ where $X = R \to R$. An example is: Minimize $$H(f) = \int_{-1}^...
Jules's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Commuting unitaries

Is the following true: For every unit vectors $x_1,..., x_n$, $y_1,..., y_n$ in $\mathbb{C}^k$ there exist a Hilbert space $H$, unitary operators $U_1,...,U_n$ and $V_1,...,V_n$ in $B(H)$ and unit ...
Kate Juschenko's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

An extension of the Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality?

Let $x,y$ be vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and let's use the notation $\hat x$ for the vector $x$ with its components sorted in increasing order. The Hardy-Littlewood-Polya inequality states that $$ x\...
Aryeh Kontorovich's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

On the Nyman-Beurling equivalent form for RH

Now, I am new to functional analysis. So please dont be harsh. I was going through some papers by Balazard & Saias, Baez-Duarte, etc. that discussed and delved deep into details of approximating ...
Roupam Ghosh's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Double Orthogonal Complement

Let $V$ be a complex inner product space. If $W$ is a closed subspace of $V$, we may define $W^\perp$ to be the subspace of all vectors $v \in V$ such that $\langle v | w\rangle =0$ for all $w \in W$....
Andre's user avatar
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16 votes
0 answers

Dual of the Ultraproduct of a Banach Space

Suppose we have a Banach space ultraproduct $(E_i)_U$. I can think of three natural objects which are "dual-like": $(E_i^*)_U$, the ultraproduct of the duals of the ground spaces. The space made up ...
Henry Towsner's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Separability of the space of bounded continuous maps

Let $O$ be an open subset of the separable Hilbert space H and $k\geq0$ . Consider $C_b^k(O, Sym(H))$, the space of k-times continuously differentiable maps with values in the bounded symmetric ...
Orbicular's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is every bounded representation of Z unitarisable when all sets are measurable?

For the purpose of this question, a group is amenable iff there exists a Følner sequence. Dixmier unitarisability problem asks whether a (countable discrete) group G is amenable iff every bounded ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Complex structure on $L^2(\mathbb R)$ generalizing the Hilbert transform

The Hilbert transform on the real Hilbert space $L^2(\mathbb R)$ is the singular integral operator $$ \mathcal H(f)(x) := \frac{1}{\pi} \int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{1}{x-y} f(y) dy. $$ It satisfies $\...
André Henriques's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

weak regularity conditions for regions to assure boundary of measure zero

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ be a region ( bounded, simply connected, open set ). What are some regularity conditions to assure the boundary $\partial\Omega$ is a set of (lebesgue-)measure zero? ...
Alexander Thumm's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Point on a line nearest a point in Banach space

I have a Banach space geometry question (a curiosity-driven spin-off from a research topic). Given a point $x$ on the unit sphere of a Banach space and a vector $y\ne 0$, there is a multiple $t_0y$ of ...
Anthony Quas's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

"Exotic" Banach spaces of sequences

Does there exist a linear subspace of $\mathbb C ^{\mathbb N}$ that can be endowed a Banach space topology that is not finer than the locally convex topology of pointwise convergence? Best, Martin
shuhalo's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Subspace of $L^2$ that lies in $L^\infty$

Let $E$ be a closed subspace of $L^2[0,1]$. Suppose that $E\subset{}L^\infty[0,1]$. Is it true that $E$ is finite dimensional? PS. This is actually a question from the real analysis qualifier. I came ...
Rostyslav Kravchenko's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Intuition for the Hardy space $H^1$ on $R^n$

the standard intuition for Lebesgue spaces $L^p(\mathbb R^n)$ for $p \in [1,\infty]$ are measurable functions with certain decay properties at infinity or at the singularities. In particular, a ...
shuhalo's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Does generator of continuous time random walk map heat kernel from L^2 to L^2?

Let $\Gamma = (G,E)$ be an undirected, infinite, connected graph with no multiple edges or loops. We equip $\Gamma$ with a set of edge weights $\pi_{xy}$, where, given $e=\{x,y\}\in E$, we write $\...
mfolz's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Applications of the Theorem of Gelfand-Naimark

Hi, I am interested in the correspondence of algebraic results about C(X) (the space of continuous functions $X\to {\mathbb C}$(complex numbers) or $X\to {\mathbb R}$(real numbers) and topological ...
trew's user avatar
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Bounding point-wise maximum of the absolute difference of two convex functions

Let $\Delta: R \times R \rightarrow R_{+}$ be a positive and convex function (convex in, say, both the arguments) called the loss function. Let $x \in R^d$. Moreover, let $H_1,...,H_r$ be sets of ...
Rajhans's user avatar
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2 votes
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Fredholmness and invertibility in a C* algebra generated convolution-type operators

Let $PC$ be the algebra of complex-valued, piecewise-continuous functions from $[-\infty,+\infty]$, $SO$ be the algebra of bounded, continuous, complex-valued functions on $\mathbb R$ which are slowly ...
Matt Heath's user avatar
7 votes
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Reference request: Arzela-Ascoli theorem for smooth Hölder norms

Could anyone suggest a textbook account of the Arzela-Ascoli theorem for $C^{k,\alpha}$ norms?
Igor Belegradek's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Existence of solution for Poisson problem with pure Neumann BCs

Hello all, Does the following boundary value problem admit unique solutions $q$: $- \Delta q + \beta q = f$, $x \in \Omega$ $ \nabla q \cdot \vec{n} = g $, $x \in \Gamma := \partial \Omega$, ...
Mihai's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Topology on the set of linear subspaces

Hello, let $X$ be a seperable Hilbert space. Let $(e_i)_i$ be a Hilbert basis, and for each index let $E_i = \langle e_1,\dots,e_i \rangle \subset X$ the span of the first $i$ basis vectors. For any $...
shuhalo's user avatar
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43 votes
3 answers

Why the name 'separable' space?

It is well known that a separable space is a topological space that has a countable dense subset. I am wondering how is this related to the name 'separable'? Any intuition where the name come from?
minimax's user avatar
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Topology for test functions [closed]

One naive way to define a topology on test functions ${\mathcal D}(\Omega)$ would be to exhaust $\Omega$ by compacts $(K_n)$ and to take the metric induced by the semi-norm system $$ {\| f \|} _ {n} :=...
Eric's user avatar
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37 votes
2 answers

Moving one family of commuting self-adjoint operators to another without losing commutativity on the way

This is actually not a question of mine, so I'll be short on motivation and say nothing beyond that if this were true, a few fancy harmonic analysis techniques that a colleague of mine used in proving ...
fedja's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Strong measurability reference

I'm reading a book on Lyapunov Exponents by Lian and Lu in which they refer to strong measurability of operator-valued maps. They define this by saying an operator valued map $T:\Omega\to L(X,X)$ is ...
Anthony Quas's user avatar
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11 votes
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Combinatorial Hilbert spaces

Any closed subspace $V\subset {\ell}^2(\omega)$ has associated to it a subset ${\cal S}_V$ of ${\cal P}(\omega)$, call it a combinatorial Hilbert space, namely the set of all supports of all vectors ...
David Feldman's user avatar
22 votes
13 answers

Is there a "crash-course" book on Abelian varieties (e.g., an introduction for physicists)?

Hello, In our (rather applied) theoretical physics research, we have encountered an important class of problems, which seem to require an understanding of Abelian functions (unfortunately, this ...
Victor Galitski's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Who first found this characterization of Lebesgue integration?

Write $L^1$ for the Banach space $L^1([0, 1])$. Given $f \in L^1$, define $f_1, f_2 \in L^1$ by $$ f_1(x) = f(x/2), \qquad f_2(x) = f((x + 1)/2). $$ Let $I = \int_0^1$. Then $I$ is the unique ...
Tom Leinster's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Integration of differential forms using measure theory?

Setup: Let $(M,g)$ be a (possibly non-compact) Riemannian manifold with volume density $d_gV$. Then one may think of $(M,g)$ as a measure space $(\Omega,\mathcal{A},\mu)$, where $\Omega:=M$, $\mathcal{...
Meneldur's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

About the exponential bounds for modified Bessel function

Dear colleagues, I want to know if there are some results on the bounds of modified Bessel functions $I_\alpha(x)$ and $K_\alpha(x)$? Especially, I need the exponential bounds for them, that is to ...
user11936's user avatar
1 vote
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Derivative of functional

Define $J\colon W_0^{1,2}(\Omega)\to \mathbb{R}$ by $J(u)=\int_\Omega u^{p+1}dx$ for $p\in (1,\frac{n+2}{n-2})$. Is $J'(u)(v)=\int_\Omega (p+1)u^pvdx$?
goooooogler's user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

Can we recover a von Neumann algebra from its predual?

By definition, a von Neumann algebra is a C*‑algebra A that admits a predual, i.e., a Banach space Z such that Z* is isomorphic to the underlying Banach space of A. (We require that isomorphisms in ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is exp(rA) = (exp(A))^r for real r and A in a Banach space?

Is $e^{(rA)} = (e^{A})^r$ when $r \in \mathbb{R}$ and $A$ is an element of a Banach algebra? Clearly if $n$ is an integer, then $e^{(nA)} = e^{A+A \cdots +A} = e^{A}e^{A}\cdots e^{A} = (e^{A})^n$, ...
soulphysics's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

$\ell^p$ version of singular values

I am embarrassed to pose this question. It is a generalization of a question asked less than 24 hours ago by an unknown (Google), which has been deleted since then, presumably by its author themself. ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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11 votes
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Algebraicity of Eigenvectors in a Hilbert space

Let $(e_j)_{j\in\mathbb N}$ be an orthonormal basis of a Hilbert space $V$. Let $T:V\to V$ be continuous, selfadjoint linear operator. Assume that for all $i,j\in\mathbb N$ the number $\langle Te_i,...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

The Invariant Subspace Problem: examples

Question. Is there a concrete example of a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space for which it is not known if it has a non-trivial closed invariant subspace? [Added 24.01.2011: According to ...
Andrey Rekalo's user avatar
2 votes
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Decomposition of an abelian von Neumann algebra

Hi, I came across the statement below and I couldn't figure out why it is true. I was hoping someone could explain it or give me a good reference. Thank you in advance. "Let $\pi$ be a non-degenerate ...
Wishiwere Smarter's user avatar
14 votes
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"Explicit" embedding of $\ell^1$ as a closed subalgebra of a direct sum of matrix algebras

For sake of brevity let $A$ denote the Banach algebra formed by equipping $\ell^1({\mathbb N})$ with pointwise multiplication. This algebra is clearly not isomorphic as a Banach algebra to any uniform ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is this method of "fractional sums" using a Fourier series viable?

Hi. I have this idea about developing what I call a "continuum sum", that is, a method to "add up a non-integer number of terms", i.e. to see if there is a "natural" way to assign a meaning to the ...
The_Sympathizer's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Idiosyncratic characterizations of $\ell^p$, for $p\not=1,2,\infty$

Do there exist, either in the literature or in folklore, theorems that characterize some particular $\ell^p$ space(s) ($p\not=1,2,\infty$)? Such a theorem should reveal the particular space(s) as ...
David Feldman's user avatar
1 vote
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How do maximum norms relatively change in Euclidean translations

Let $Q$ be the cube $[-1,1]^{3}$ and $\pi$ be a plane in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ that contains the origin but doesn't contain any vertex of $Q$. Suppose that $A$ is an invertible linear transformation from $\...
user9490's user avatar
39 votes
3 answers

Is the Invariant Subspace Problem interesting?

There's an amusing comment in Peter Lax's Functional Analysis book. After a brief description of the Invariant Subspace Problem, he says (paraphrasing) "...this question is still open. It is also an ...
William DeMeo's user avatar
2 votes
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Controlling the Lipschitz norm of the limit of a sequence of functions

Consider the Fréchet space $\Omega = C(\mathbb R^d)$ of real-valued continuous functions equipped with the seminorms $$\|f\|_D := \sup_{x,y \in D} \left\{ |f(x)|, \tfrac{|f(x)-f(y)|}{|x-y|} \right\}, \...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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4 votes
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Are coordinate functionals on complete vector spaces always continuous?

(I'm just adding the completeness condition to $V$ from this 2 month old question of mine, because I realized it's relevant to whether Bill Johnson's answer to this 4 month old question of mine ...
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8 votes
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Spectral theory of pseudo-differential operators

Consider a finite rank complex bundle $E$ over $S^1$ with connection $\nabla$. Let $Q_0, Q_1 \in C^\infty(S^1, E)$ be pseudo-differential operators. $Q_0$ is defined by the symbol $\sigma_0(x, \xi) =...
Lukasz Fidkowski's user avatar
3 votes
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An elementary introduction of Colombeau's generalized function theory

Hello, I am wondering whether anyone know an elementary reference for Colombeau's theory on the multiplication of distributions? I encountered the problem of the square of Delta function. I need a ...
Anand's user avatar
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2 votes
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Characterizations of amenable groups which use the space $\ell_1(G)$ and convolution

Let $G$ be a discrete group. Do you know characterizations of amenable groups which use the space $\ell_1(G)$ and convolution? I only know Johnson's theorem: A group is amenable if and only if the ...
7 votes
3 answers

Compactness properties of plurisubharmonic functions

I'm quite interested in this topic, but the main text on Several Complex Variables say little of nothing about it. Here are my questions, and I'd be grateful of any reference or information. Let $\...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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