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$\sigma$-compactness of some locally compact Hausdorff topological groups

Is the topological group $(\mathbf{Q}_p/\mathbf{Z}_p)^{\oplus k}$, $k\ge 1$, a $\sigma$-compact topological group when endowed with its natural $p$-adic topology? More generally, I'm looking for a ...
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Faithfulness of parabolic induction

I've only recently begun to study the representation theory of $p$-adic groups, so the following question might be quite silly. Let $F$ be a non-archimedean local field of residue characteristic $p$, $...
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Automorphism groups of "reductive" Lie algebras in positive characteristic

I put "reductive" in quotes because, of course, in positive characteristic one should speak of Lie algebras of reductive groups, not of reductive Lie algebras. Let $G$ be a reductive group ...
LSpice's user avatar
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May Schubert cell intersection with opposite big cell polynomial count?

Let $SL(n)$ be algebraic group defined over finite field $\mathbb{F}_{p^n}$, $B$ be Borel subgroup consist of upper triangular matrices and $T$ be maximal torus consist of diagonal matrices. Let $W$ ...
fool rabbit's user avatar
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Pointless groups III

This question is a sequel to Pointless groups, to which @DanielLitt produced an elegant and easy-to-understand counter-example, and Pointless groups II, where @R.vanDobbendeBruyn pointed out that my ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Pointless groups II

This question is a sequel to Pointless groups, where I asked for a certain kind of counterexample. @DanielLitt produced an elegant and easy-to-understand counterexample, but also suggested a sense in ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Pointless groups

This question now has two sequels, Pointless groups II (to which @R.vanDobbendeBruyn gave a counterexample for an infinite, imperfect field) and Pointless groups III, both using revised wording ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Affine Bruhat-Tits building associated to $\mathrm{SU}_3(\mathbb Q_p)$

I saw the following results on affine Bruhat-Tits building associated to $\mathrm{SU}_3(\mathbb Q_p)$ without giving any references, where $\mathrm{SU}_3$ is the quasi-split inner form of special ...
Yachen Liu's user avatar
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Characters of tori in finite reductive group

Let $G$ be a connected split reductive group over a finite field $k$. Suppose $G$ has connected centre. Let $T$ be a maximal split torus with Weyl group $W$. Note that $W$ acts on the finite group $T(...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Plus and minus Białynicki-Birula decomposition for normal variety

We work over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $X$ be a normal projective irreducible variety, and let $\mathbb{C}^*$ act nontrivially on $X$. The fixed point locus of $X$, namely $X^{\mathbb{C}^*}$, can be ...
YetAnotherPhDStudent's user avatar
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Galois cohomology class of a reductive group not coming from a torus

Let $G$ be a (connected) reductive group over a perfect field $k$, and let $\xi\in H^1(k,G)$ be a cohomology class. By a theorem of Steinberg (Serre, Galois cohomology, Appendix 1 to Chapter III, ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Bruhat decomposition and standard Frobenius

Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group define over $\overline{\mathbb{F}_p}$, consider it as a subgroup of $\operatorname{GL}(n)$. Let $F_p$ be the standard Frobenius. Let $B$ and $Q$ be an $F_p$-stable ...
fool rabbit's user avatar
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Reductive groups over positive characteristics

Let $G$ be a connected split reductive group over a field $k$ of characteristic $p$. Let $\mathfrak{g}:=T_e(G)$ denote its Lie algebra. Let $T$ be a maximal split torus and $W$ the Weyl group (of the ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Intersection of certain parabolic subgroups in $G$

Let $G$ be a simple (linear) algebraic group over $\mathbb C$. Let us fix a maximal torus $H \subset G$ and let $w_0 \in N_G(H)=\{g \in G: gH=Hg\}$ be such that the class of $w_0$ in $N_G(H)/H$ is ...
Bobech's user avatar
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action of the extra-special group

I'm reading a paper which has this line: A direct computation shows that $P\Omega_8$($\mathbb K$) has an elementary abelian subgroup $X = 2^2$ such that $C_{P\Omega_8(\mathbb K)}(X) = T_4.2^{1+4}_+$. ...
user477707's user avatar
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Reference/list of reductive subgroups of reductive groups?

Let $G$ be a (say, connected) reductive group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero (say, $\mathbb C$). I am looking for simple examples of (ideally) complete characterizations of ...
Tian An's user avatar
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conjugacy in adjoint representation

Let $G$ be an adjoint algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathfrak{g}$ its Lie algebra. Let $\rho:G\rightarrow GL(\mathfrak{g})$ be the adjoint representation. Let $g,g'\in G$ be two semisimple ...
prochet's user avatar
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Lie algebroid in algebraic geometry

When I did net-surfing at home, I met some geometric backgrounds of Lie algebras and encountered the concept of Lie algebroids. In differential geometry, a Lie algebroid seems to be defined as ...
Frank Voigt's user avatar
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Hasse principle for $H^2$ of a maximal torus of a connected quasisplit group?

Let $k$ be a number field and let $G$ be a quasisplit reductive algebraic group over $k$. Does there exist a maximal torus in $G$ such that the Hasse principle in dimension $2$ holds, i.e., such that ...
cgb5436's user avatar
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Centraliser of a maximal $k$-split torus of a reductive $k$-group

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group defined over a field $k$, and let $S$ be a maximal $k$-split $k$-torus of $G$. Then the centraliser $\mathscr Z_{G}(S)$ is defined over $k$. In fact, it is a ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Non-noetherian Cartier Isomorphism

A result in positive characteristic is that if $R/\mathbb{F}_p$ is a smooth ring, then we have a Cartier isomorphism $$\Omega_{R}^\bullet\cong H^\bullet(\Omega_R^\bullet)$$ which is essentially ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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When the action of reductive group on algebraic variety is not equidimensional?

I saw the question When is an almost geometric quotient flat? which said "The quotient $\pi$ is flat if and only if $\pi$ is equidimensional and $X$ is smooth". I am curious is there an ...
Mary Susy's user avatar
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Cohomology of compact open subgroups of semisimple groups over local fields

Let $E$ be a local field, $\mathcal{O}$ its ring of integers, $k$ its residue field, and $G$ a split semisimple group over $\mathcal{O}$. Let $K$ be an open subgroup of $G(\mathcal{O})$; more ...
naf's user avatar
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Conjugates of relative root groups by an element of the Weyl group

Let $G$ be a reductive group (over an algebraically closed field), $T$ a maximal torus, and $\Phi$ the root system of $(G,T)$. Then for each root $\alpha \in \Phi$ there is a unique connected $T$-...
Lisa's user avatar
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Does the "building of parabolics" of a semisimple group have a simplex corresponding to the entire group?

Let $G$ be a semisimple (not just reductive) group over a field $k$. I believe that the question I am asking is what was meant in the second paragraph of Tits building of a linear algebraic group. I ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Reductive subgroups of $\mathrm{GL}_2$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero

I am reading a very nice paper of Newton and Thorne, Symmetric power functoriality for holomorphic modular forms, and there is an argument concerning the (Zariski-closure of) image of certain $p$-adic ...
babu_babu's user avatar
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The Jacquet module of the Steinberg Representation

I have also posted this question also on Math Stack Exchange, please inform me if the level is too low for this forum. Let $G=GL_2(F)$ where $F$ is a non-Archimedean local field of characteristic $0$, ...
carraig's user avatar
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Can we use formal groups to recover Lie-theoretic representation theory in characteristic p?

In differential geometry, Lie's theorems allow us to integrate any Lie algebra representation to a Lie group representation. The algebraic version of this is more complicated (and I'm not terribly ...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
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Algebraic groups acting on affine varieties with finite-dim orbits in the coordinate ring

Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and $X$ be an affine $K$-variety (identify $X$ with its set of $K$-points). Let $G$ be group acting "abstractly" on $X$, by ...
Joshua Ruiter's user avatar
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Parahoric subgroup over a local field

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Let $F$ be a local field and $\mathcal{O}_{F}$ its valuation ring. Let $\pi\in \mathcal{O}_{F}$ be a uniformizer and $\mathfrak{p}=\pi\mathcal{O}_{F}$. Let $G$ be a split ...
M masa's user avatar
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Intersection of open orbits in homogeneous space

Let $G$ be a simple complex algebraic group. Let $P(\alpha_i),P(\alpha_k)$ be maximal standard parabolic subgroups of $G$ associated to simple roots $\alpha_i,\alpha_k$ in the root system associated ...
Bobech's user avatar
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General centralizer of algebraic group

Perhaps there is a simple answer, but I'm very puzzled by the following question: Question: Does there exist a (smooth, connected) algebraic group $G$ such that the general centralizer (i.e. the ...
a_g's user avatar
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Classification of semisimple algebraic groups which act transitively on a projective space

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, and $V$ be a vector space on $k$ of dimension $>1$. In this situation, is there a classification of connected semisimple groups (up to ...
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Existence of regular semisimple elements in linear group over local field

Let $ L $ be a finite extension of $p$-adic numbers $ \mathbb{Q}_p $. Let $ \text{GL}_{n}(L) $ denote the general linear group $ \text{GL}_{n}(L) $ over $L$ equipped with the topology induced from the ...
Nobody's user avatar
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Group scheme with an isotrivial maximal torus

Let $G$ be a reductive group scheme over a normal ring $A$. Then, we know that Zariski locally it admits a maximal torus. Let us assume that it admits a maximal torus after a finite surjective (resp. ...
prochet's user avatar
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Abelianization of $\mathrm{GL}_2(R)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $R$ be a number ring. Are there known lower bounds for $H_1(\GL_2(R);\mathbb Q)$ or $H_1(\GL_2(R),\GL_1(R);\mathbb Q)$ in terms of properties of $R$ (class number, ...
qqqqqqw's user avatar
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Compactifications of group varieties

Let $V$ be a nonempty, irreducible, smooth projective variety over $\mathbf{C}$. Is there a smooth projective variety $X$ over $\mathbf{C}$, a surjective map $X\to V$ of varieties over $\mathbf{C}$, ...
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Reference request: Radicial morphisms & Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence

My name is Chemy (Przemysław). I am a PhD student at UvA (Amsterdam), and I work on projects related to foliations in algebraic geometry in positive characteristic. Therefore I am avidely reading two ...
P. Grabowski's user avatar
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Number of homomorphisms from a group to $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb{F}_q)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Fix a group $\Gamma$ and a positive integer $n$. Let $c(q):=\lvert\Hom(\Gamma, \GL_n(\mathbb{F}_q)\rvert$ denote the number of homomorphisms ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Which Lie groups are a central extension of an algebraic group?

Suppose $G$ is a connected real Lie group. The quotient $G/Z(G)$ is the image of the adjoint representation, so a linear group. Is it known for which groups this quotient is Lie isomorphic to an ...
Luis's user avatar
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An upper bound on the dimension of a subalgebra of $\mathfrak{so}(p,q)$ with non-trivial centre

Let $\mathfrak{so}(p,q)$ be the real definite/indefinite orthogonal Lie algebra, $p,q\ge0$, $p+q=n\in\mathbb{N}$, and $L\subset\mathfrak{so}(p,q)$ a Lie subalgebra with non-trivial centre, $\mathrm{Z}(...
MathQuest's user avatar
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Is every finite subgroup the integer points of a linear algebraic group?

Cross Posting this from MSE since it's been there for almost a month and it got a couple upvotes but no answers. MSE link Is every finite subgroup the integer points of a linear algebraic group? Let $ ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Understanding the proof of a theorem by Van Den Bergh

I'm trying to understand the proof of a theorem by Van Den Bergh, which is Proposition 6 in the paper Bessenrodt, Christine and Lieven Le Bruyn. “Stable rationality of certain PGLn-quotients.” ...
It'sMe's user avatar
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Analogies to the chromatic layers of the sphere spectrum

Is there an analogy between the chromatic layers the sphere spectrum $\mathbb{S}$ and the ramification groups of the absolute Galois group $G(\mathbb{Q}^{\mathrm{sep}}/\mathbb{Q})$?
Ola Sande's user avatar
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$ S_4 $ subgroups and $ \operatorname{SO}_3(\mathbb{R}) $

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$I posted this on MSE 10 days ago and it got 3 upvotes but no answers or comments, so I'm cross-posting to MO. Background: The group of rotations $ \SO_3(\mathbb{R}) $ has ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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What direction does the derivation of an inseparable algebraic variable point in?

I've been thinking about the geometry of inseparable field extensions lately, since I'm studying smoothness in commutative rings in an advanced topics course this semester. I've generally come to the ...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
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Is there a non-split algebraic torus (over a finite field) satisfying the following properties?

Is there a non-split algebraic torus $T$ (over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$) satisfying the following properties? $T$ is not $\mathbb{F}_{\!q}$-isomorphic to the direct product of algebraic tori ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Degree-2 étale covers of curves in characteristic 2 vs torsion points on the Jacobian

It can be found, at Hartshorne exercise 4.2.7 for example, that in the case where $\operatorname{char}(k) \neq 2$ we have a nice correspondence between etale degree 2 covers of a curve $C$ and 2-...
TCiur's user avatar
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Question regarding semistability of a point of GIT quotient

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$I am currently looking at the paper titled "$\SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ quotients de $(\mathbb{P^1})^n$" by Marzia Polito. The author has considered diagonal action of $\...
tota's user avatar
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Abelian category for $(\mathfrak{g},T)$ modules with nontrival Grothendieck group

Let $G$ be a reductive Lie group over $\mathbb{C}$, and write $\mathfrak{g}$ for its Lie algebra. Let $T\subseteq B\subseteq G$ be a maximal torus and Borel subgroup, where $\operatorname{Lie}B=\...
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