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Spherical building of an algebraic group

Let $G$ be an algebraic group and $X$ its spherical building, that is, $X$ is the set of maximal proper parabolic subgroups of $G$ and the simplices of $X$ are the finite subsets of $X$ of the form $S=...
Rajkarov's user avatar
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Why do twists of an algebraic group over k correspond to k-torsors over G

Let $G$ be an algebraic group over a field $k$. Let $k^s$ be the separable closure of $k$. I can't seem to figure out why isomorphism classes of twists of $G$ correspond to $k$-torsors over $G$. It'...
Harry's user avatar
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On a resolution of sections of line bundles on the cotangent bundle of a flag variety

Background Let $G$ be a semisimple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic 0. Let $B \subseteq G$ be a Borel subgroup and let $U \subseteq B$ be its unipotent radical....
Chuck Hague's user avatar
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Soft(?) algebraic groups question

Suppose $G$ is a linear algebraic group over $\mathbb{C}$, defined over $\mathbb{Z}$ (for example, $SL(n, \mathbb{C})$ is defined by $\det x = 1,$ which visibly has integer coefficients). Let $H$ be ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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A kind of orthogonal subgroup

Let $n$ a positive integer and $k \in \mathbb{Z}^n$ such that for all integer $a \geq 2$ and $h \in \mathbb{Z}^n$ we have $k \neq ah$. Here $\cdot$ is the scalar product. Is it true that $\{x \in \...
user21706's user avatar
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Is there a really big ring of differential operators in characteristic p?

$k$ is a field of characteristic $p$. $k[t]$ has canonical first-order differential operator $\partial$ As an endomorphism of $k[t]$, $\partial^p=0$. First way to fix it: Use the divided power ...
YoungMathematic's user avatar
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Weyl group of a singular torus

Let $G$ be a semisimple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field, and let $T$ be a torus in $G$. If $T$ is a maximal torus, then $N_G(T)/Z_G(T)=N_G(T)/T$ is the Weyl group $W$ of $G$. If $T$...
Jean Lecureux's user avatar
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A kind of orthogonal subtorus

Here $\mathbb{T}^n := (\mathbb{R} / \mathbb{Z})^n$ is the topological group of the n-dimensional torus and $k \in \mathbb{Z}^n$ is a non-null vector, I'm working about the subgroup $S = \{x \in \...
user21706's user avatar
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Rationality of algebraic groups

The Cayley parametrization of $O(n),$ as in my answer to this question makes one wonder: which algebraic groups are actually rational? I am sure this is very well understood, just not by me...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Symmetrization for hyperalgebras in positive characteristic

Let $G$ be an algebraic group over an algebraically closed field $k$ of arbitrary characteristic and let $U$ be the hyperalgebra of $G$. Recall that $U$ is defined as the subspace of the full linear ...
Chuck Hague's user avatar
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how many Q-forms of SL_n(R) are there for a given Q-rank

Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group defined over $\mathbb Q$. Suppose that $G$ is isomorphic to $SL_n$ over $\mathbb R$. Suppose the $\mathbb Q$-rank of $G$ is fixed, say $m$. How many types are ...
ronggang's user avatar
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About $G$-modules versus $Lie(G)$-modules for algebraic groups

Hello, I would like to know clear references about the following facts: Let $G$ be a connected algebraic group (over alg. closed field in char. 0), $Lie(G)$ its Lie algebra, $M$ a $G$-module. I don'...
Sasha's user avatar
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Parabolic subgroups and BN-pairs

We note $G$ a connected algebraic group, $T$ a maximal torus in $G$, $B$ a Borel subgroup containing $T$. We put also, $N=N_{G}(T)$ the normalizer of $T$ in $G$. We know that $(B,N)$ is a BN-pair of $...
Rajkarov's user avatar
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Conjugation of faces in root systems / of parabolic subgroups having same Levi in split reductive groups

If $(V,\Phi)$ is a root system of rank $n$, one knows that its Weyl group $W$ acts simply and transitively on Weyl chambers. But in general, if $d\lt n$, the action of $W$ on faces of dimension $d$ is ...
Mgrd's user avatar
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Deformation space of non-ordinary abelian varieties

It is a well known result of Serre and Tate that if $A$ is an ordinary abelian variety over a field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$, then the deformation space $\mathcal{M}$ of $A$ to an abelian ...
Cyrus's user avatar
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Decomposition of the ring of functions on the unipotent radical of a Borel

Background Let $G$ be a semisimple linear algebraic group over an algebraically closed field $k$ of arbitrary characteristic. Let $B \subseteq G$ be a Borel subgroup of $G$ and let $U \subseteq B$ be ...
Chuck Hague's user avatar
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Infinite products of representations of the additive group

Fix a $\mathbb{Q}$-algebra $R$. Let's call an endomorphism $f : M \to M$ of an $R$-module $M$ locally nilpotent if for every $m \in M$ there is some $n \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $f^n(m)=0$. ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Coproduct on coordinate ring of finite algebraic group

I'm reading Mukai's book "An introduction to invariants and moduli", and I am having trouble understanding one of his examples. It is example 3.49 on page 101. The setup is as follows. Let $G$ be a ...
MathStudent's user avatar
10 votes
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Proofs in the same vein as Ax-Grothendieck

I would like to see other examples of (ideas of) proofs and results in the same vein as the proof of the Ax-Grothendieck theorem. To explain what I mean by "in the same vein", I will quote from the ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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Uniform setting for computing orders of algebraic groups over finite quotients of the integers?

A couple of recent questions on MO have involved the characters or the orders of specific finite groups of the form $G(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})$ for a familiar algebraic group $G$ defined over $\mathbb{...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
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A question on algebraic torus

Let $T$ be an algebraic torus defined over $\mathbb Q$, $T_\infty$ be its real points and $\pi_0(T_\infty)$ be the group of connected components of $T_\infty$. Why is the homomorphism $T(\mathbb Q)\...
Muzhi Yang's user avatar
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An interesting double coset in the theory of automorphic forms

Does anyone have some idea to describe the double coset $P(F)\backslash G(F)/H(F)$ , say using Weyl group elements ? Here $G=GL_n\times GL_{n-1}$ is defined over a number field $F$ , $H=GL_{n-1}$ ...
user4245's user avatar
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Reductive groups over non archimedean local fields.

I want to know if connected reductive groups over non archimedean local fields have a dense countable subset. I was thinking that this should be true because if $G(\mathbb{F})$ is such group where $\...
Carlos De la Mora's user avatar
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Tamagawa number for functional fields

Let $G$ be a split semi-simple simply connected group over a global field $F$ and let $\omega$ be a top-degree differential form on $G$ without zeroes (defined over $F$). It is well known that $\omega$...
Alexander Braverman's user avatar
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Description of $GL_3/U$

Let $U$ be the set of unipotent upper triangular matrices and $B$ the upper triangular matrices of $GL_3$. How could I describe $GL_3/U$ ? Using coordinates, in a projective or an affine space. For ...'s user avatar
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intersections of $SO_2^n, SL_2^n$ with $SO_{2n}, Sp_{2n}$

Let $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$ be endowed with the canonical symplectic structure $(\omega, J)$, where $\omega$ the usual nondegenerate symplectic form and $J$ the usual almost complex structure (ie. $\omega(\...
JHM's user avatar
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Higher-dimensional algebraic subgroups of the proalgebraic Nottingham group?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring, and, for $n\ge0$, ${\mathcal{A}}_n={\mathcal{A}}_n(R)$ the group of series $u(x)=\sum_0^\infty a_jx^{j+1}\in R[[x]]$ for which $a_0\in R^\times$ and $u(x)\equiv x\pmod{x^...
Lubin's user avatar
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Do there exist weak Lefschetz-type statements that were proved for varieties over complex numbers, but were not proved in finite characteristic?

As far as I understood the situation (reading section 3.5B of Lazarsfeld's "Positivity in algebraic geometry" and also some of the references), some of weak Lefschetz-type statements known rely on '...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Exotic Chains for Group Homology of a Complex Lie Group

Related Question: Exotic Chains for Group Cohomology of a Complex Lie Group Let's take the group homology of a affine algebraic group over $\mathbb C$ (with its discrete topology). The natural free ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Exotic Chains for Group Cohomology of a Complex Lie Group

Related Question: Exotic Chains for Group Homology of a Complex Lie Group Let's take the group cohomology of a affine algebraic group over $\mathbb C$ (with its discrete topology). The natural free ...
John Pardon's user avatar
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Minimal Model Program for surfaces over algebraically closed fields of characteristic p

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. I have been trying to find out unsuccessfully if there is a mmp for algebraic surfaces over $k$. I know minimal surfaces are ...
Jesus Martinez Garcia's user avatar
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Cartan decomposition for upper triangular matrices

Due to the comments, I have the impression that I have to be more precise. Consider $G= GL_n(F)$ for a non-Archimedean field $F$ with ring of integers $o$. Let $K= GL_n(o)$ and let $I$ the Iwahori ...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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finite non-commutative local group schemes

Can I have some examples of finite non-commutative connected group schemes over a field $k$? I would like also to see some non-trivial torsors over a $k$-scheme $X$ under such group schemes. Thanks.
Lei's user avatar
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Polynomial function from $S^3$ to $S^3$ and quaternions

I am searching the polynomial functions from $S^3$ to $S^3$. ($S^3$ is the set of vectors $x$ in $\mathbb{R}^4$ such that $\|x\|=1$) We say $g$ is a polynomial function from $S^3$ to $S^3$, if there ...
user12806's user avatar
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Springer isomorphisms and parabolics

Let $G$ be a semisimple, simply-connected algebraic group over an algebraically closed field $k$ of positive characteristic. Fix a Borel subgroup $B \subseteq G$ with unipotent radical $U$. Also let $...
Chuck Hague's user avatar
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understanding Milne's article "Duality in the flat cohomology of a surface"

I have trouble understanding a point of Milne's article "Duality in the flat cohomology of a surface" see the "Alternatively" on p. 177, paragraph before ...
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abelian centralizers in almost simple groups

Hallo! I'm looking for a reference. I'm sure that the information I need is already in the literature but I'm having some trouble to find it. Here is the question. Let $S$ be a non-abelian finite ...
user19977's user avatar
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What is a canonical set of representatives in $GL(n,F)$ for the vertices in the Bruhat Tits building?

$F$ is a non archimedean field here. To be more precise, I would actually prefer a set of representative in $B(F)$ for the discrete space $B(F) / B(o)Z(F)$? This can be phrased also as question about ...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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Invertible Hasse-Witt for non-ordinary curves

Assume that $S$ is a smooth curve of over a field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$ and $f\colon X\to S$ is a relative curve over $S$ (i.e., the fibers are curves). It is well-known that when all the ...
Cyrus's user avatar
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Finite connected groups over a perfect field of characteristic p

In 14.4 of "Introduction to Affine Group Schemes" it is proved (!) that if $A$ represents a finite connected group scheme over a perfect field $k$ of characteristic $p$ then $A$ has the form $k[X_{1}, ...
A.E.'s user avatar
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Can the intersection of a maximal parabolic with a closed sub-group contain more than one maximal parabolic?

Suppose that we have a closed embedding $G_1\hookrightarrow G_2$ of reductive groups (say over $\mathbb{Q}$), and suppose that we have a maximal parabolic sub-group $P_2\subset G_2$, and a minimal ...
Keerthi Madapusi's user avatar
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finiteness of class number: a bound for semi-simple groups?

Let $F$ be a number field, and $G$ a connected semi-simple linear algebraic $F$-group, which does not contain anisotropic (simple) $F$-factors. Write $\hat{F}$ for the ring of finite adeles $F\otimes\...
genshin's user avatar
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Spherical building of an exceptional group of Lie type

I've read that one of Tits' original motivations for studying buildings was that he wanted to give a unified description of algebraic groups that would allow the definition of exceptional groups such ...
Will's user avatar
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Reference request: The geometry of $GL_2(\mathbb{R})$ and related questions

Can anyone please recommend some good reading on the geometry of linear groups and their actions? An example of the kind of question I am interested in: Explicitly describe a fundamental domain for ...
3 votes
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Action of Non-Split Torus in Deligne-Lustzig induction

Recently I have been trying to understand Deigne-Lustzig induction in the case of $G = \text{Sl}(2,\mathbb{F}_p).$ In this case the appropriate Deligne Lustzig variety is given by $X:xy^q-y^qx = 1,$ ...
Lalit Jain's user avatar
10 votes
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Cohomology vanishing for tensor powers of tangent bundle on the flag variety

Let $X$ denote the flag variety of a semi-simple group $G$ (in characteristic 0) and let $T_X$ denote its tangent bundle. I would like to ask the following question(s): 1) Is it true that for any $n\...
Alexander Braverman's user avatar
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On closed abelian reductive subgroups of Real reductive groups

Hello everybody. I would first like to apologise for the basic question; I'm not expert on Lie Theory. Can someone please help me with the following questions Let $\mathrm{G}=\mathrm{K} \exp(\...
Doua Moua's user avatar
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Frobenius functor and length of local cohomology

Let $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ be a Noetherian local ring of positive prime characteristic $p$ and let $F$ be the Frobenius functor. Write $d$ for dimension of $R$. Assume that for some $0\leq i< d $ the ...
Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin's user avatar
24 votes
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Is strong approximation difficult?

Recently a colleague and I needed to use the fact that the natural map $SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) \rightarrow SL_2(\mathbb{Z}/N\mathbb{Z})$ is surjective for each $N$. I happily chugged my way through an ...
Frank Thorne's user avatar
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Possible Borel subgroups of GL_n?

I am trying to understand the interaction between Borel subgroups of $GL_n$ and its roots. Is it correct to say that for any choice of roots among each pair of reciprocal roots there is a Borel ...
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