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Andreas Thom's user avatar
Andreas Thom
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

The difference between $l^1(G)$ and the reduced group $C^*$ algebra $C_r^*(G)$

4 votes

Hochschild/cyclic homology of von Neumann algebras: useless?

4 votes

Looking for references talking about category of topological vector spaces

4 votes

Completely equivalent operator norms on $*$-Banach algebras.

4 votes

Ultraproducts of finite cyclic groups

3 votes

Commutation of $GL_{n}$ with projective limits

3 votes

Continuity of functors under inductive sequence of $C^*$-algebras.

3 votes

balls as Foelner sets

3 votes

Continuous sections of the morphism ${GL}_{n}(A) \to {GL}_{n}(A/I)$, where A is a topological ring and I denotes a nilpotent ideal.

3 votes

Is there a characterization of free groups in terms of the unitary dual?

3 votes

Derivation of von Neumann algebra which is zero on MASA

3 votes

Is every bounded representation of Z unitarisable when all sets are measurable?

3 votes

Is there an abstract characterization of freeness in terms of additive unitary cocycles?

3 votes

Do subalgebras of C(X) admit a description in terms of the compact Hausdorff space X?

3 votes

Is the poset of all precompact group topologies on an abelian group $G$, order-isomorphic to $\operatorname{Sub}(\hat{G})$?

3 votes

A small rank linear combination of a small number of elements of a group

3 votes

Small values of a polynomial evaluated at roots of unity

3 votes

Map from algebraic K-theory to topological K-theory

3 votes

About some positive elements in a group von Neumann algebra

2 votes

Tournament contained in vertex transitive tournament

2 votes

Closed free subgroups of the automorphism group of the countable atomless boolean algebra

2 votes

Finding an "optimal" quotient in a free group

2 votes

Is there an effective way to calculate K-theory using Morse functions?

2 votes

Fast construction of straight line programs?

2 votes

Bound on the index of an abelian subgroup in discrete subgroup of the euclidean group?

2 votes

Which polynomials are Fricke polynomials ?

2 votes

vector balancing problem

2 votes

How similar/different are dense subgroups of a compact group.

2 votes

Return probabilities for random walks on infinite Schreier graphs

2 votes

Amenability with respect to a function