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Noah Stein's user avatar
Noah Stein
  • Member for 14 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
2 votes

Other Ring Structures on $\mathbb{Q}$

2 votes

non trivial involutary group isomorphism of (C*,x)

2 votes

cardinality of local bases in the non-standard reals

2 votes

Proving theorems by using functions with fixed points.

2 votes

Approximation by polynom 1) with respect to supremum-norm 2) I need F_{approx} > F_{exact}

2 votes

How to deal with this Chicken-And-Egg problem ?

2 votes

Finding an axis-aligned ellipsoid of minimal volume which contains a given ellipsoid

2 votes

Finding a vector representation for a data where we only know the inner products

2 votes

On the solvability of a matrix equation

2 votes

Majorate semidefinite continuous matrix by a constant matrix

2 votes

Standard solution to semidefinite program

2 votes

Feasibility of a given set of homogenuous nonconvex quadratic inequality constraints

2 votes

What is the dual of an semidefinitely representable (SDR) cone?

2 votes

Does Quadratic Programming get easier when it's described by a diagonal matrix?

2 votes

Efficient computation of "discrete infimal convolution"

2 votes

Space of matrices B for which there is a solution to Bx=c for a given c

2 votes

Solving a System of Quadratic Equations

1 vote

Minimal variance for phase-type distributions?

1 vote

Conventional notation for the probabilistic functor

1 vote

identically distributed random variables and measure-preserving transformations

1 vote

How to determine if two rational cones intersect?

1 vote

How to determine if two rational cones intersect?

1 vote

A sampling and learning question

1 vote

Extending a positive linear functional on the vector space of ternary quartics to the integral against a Borel probability measure on $x^4+y^4+z^4=1$

1 vote

Finding an unfrustrated set of local linear constraints with given minimal value

1 vote

Create matrix containing values in [0,1] where sum of all diagonals and anti-diagonals is fixed

1 vote

Given $M$, minimize $|Mx|_0$

1 vote

Hermitian forms with real coefficients

1 vote

Convex optimization over vector space of varying dimension

1 vote

Condition for doubly non-negative matrices to be completely positive