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Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta's user avatar
Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta's user avatar
Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta's user avatar
Jan-Christoph Schlage-Puchta
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
7 votes

Is there a left-orderable profinite group?

7 votes

Consequences of the Inverse Galois Problem

7 votes

How many integers divide a number that involves just three non-zero digits?

6 votes

Quadratic residues and nonresidues of arbitrary patterns

6 votes

Not especially famous, long-open problems which anyone can understand

6 votes

Upper bound for number of prime numbers in a range

6 votes

Equality of Euclidean numbers / constructible numbers

6 votes

Prime factors of the members of a certain recurrence

6 votes

expressing permutations in terms of generators

6 votes

What is the relationship between the abscissa of holomorphy and abscissa of convergence of a Dirichlet series

5 votes

Is there any research on how many pairs of prime numbers exist that they describe an even number via Goldbach's Conjecture?

5 votes

Can there be more than two zeta zeros in between a Gram point and a França-LeClair point?

5 votes

Is the affine group generically 2-generated?

5 votes

Extending the discussion on "super Catalan" numbers

5 votes

Very particular limsup of an integral

5 votes

Unknown bias in a distribution related to prime numbers

5 votes

Demystifying complex numbers

5 votes

Analogues of the Riemann zeta function that are more computationally tractable?

5 votes

Counting prime points in a bounded region

5 votes

Specializing non-trivial primality tests

5 votes

What exactly is wrong with this statement (Lucas-Penrose fallacy)?

5 votes

representations of $S_k \times S_j$

4 votes

List of proofs where existence through probabilistic method has not been constructivised

4 votes

Upper bound on level of a congruence subgroup of the modular group

4 votes

Is there a nonabelian free group inside a group of positive rank gradient?

4 votes

How to prove that this equation has only one solution?

4 votes

The density of numbers of the form $p + 2^k$

4 votes

Sum over integer compositions

4 votes

Subset of the integers with certain properties

4 votes

Major arcs in the proof that every odd number is the sum of at most 5 primes