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The Masked Avenger's user avatar
The Masked Avenger
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 9 years ago
21 votes

Why are polynomials so useful in mathematics?

16 votes

Arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions

8 votes

Meta$^{n{-}th}$ mathematics

6 votes

Can We Decide Whether Small Computer Programs Halt?

5 votes

Examples of algebras satisfying (a+b)(c+d)=ac+bd

5 votes

bounded partitions and bounded signed partitions of integers

5 votes

Relationship between triangle free graphs and their minimum degree

5 votes

What are the applications of hypergraphs?

5 votes

Parodies of abstruse mathematical writing

5 votes

Algorithms for calculating R(5,5) and R(6,6)

4 votes

The diameter of a certain graph on the positive integers

4 votes

distribution of coprime integers

4 votes

Shape of axioms in algebraic structures

4 votes

Mathematics of privacy?

3 votes

What proportion of chess positions that one can set up on the board, using a legal collection of pieces, can actually arise in a legal chess game?

3 votes

Is “problem solving” a subject to be taught?

3 votes

when will the surfficient large power of a rational matrix be a integer matrix?

3 votes

Wait time to grid network disconnection with failing edges

3 votes

Escape the zombie apocalypse

3 votes

How many unit simplices are needed to cover a unit $n$-cube?

3 votes

Divergence of a series similar to $\sum\frac{1}{p}$

3 votes

When are the congruence lattices nicer?

3 votes

Generalizing the commutator and anti-commutator

3 votes

Can we find 3 disjoint directed Hamiltonian cycles in the cube?

2 votes

Why is every variety of bands determined by a single identity?

2 votes

Diameter of random segment intersection graph?

2 votes

Products of relative prime numbers with least sum

2 votes

Random graphs with boundary in a game (Tsuro)

2 votes

Distribution of composite numbers

2 votes

Are these inequalities for primes equivalent?