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Dependence on Urysohn's Lemma in Cartan's Construction of Haar Measure

This question was posted by someone else on stackexchange three months ago, but no one has answered as of yet: Cartan's 1940 paper, Sur la mesure de Haar, claims to provide a proof of the existence ...
DJ Forklift's user avatar
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How can the maximal ideal space of the Fourier Stieltjes algebra be non-separable?

I have been asking a fair few (probably elementary) questions about abstract harmonic analysis lately. By means of explanation, I am just feeling around the subject at the moment and trying to build ...
Daron's user avatar
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How wild is the maximal ideal space of the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra of the real line?

The Fourier-Stieltjes algebra of $\mathbb R$ is the set of all sufficiently nice measures on $\mathbb R$. The vector product is convolution of measures. By identifying each measure with its Fourier ...
Daron's user avatar
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Uniqueness of left-invariant Borel probability measure on compact groups

On a compact topological group, consider two left-invariant probability measures $\mu$ and $\nu$ defined on the Borel sigma-algebra. Is it true that they coincide? It is classical that the Haar ...
Sebastien Gouezel's user avatar
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Generalized conjugacy classes in (topological) groups

Let $G$ be a topological group. We define an equivalence relation on $G$ as follows: For $a,b\in G$ we set $a\sim b$ if the following two maps are topologically conjugate: $$x\mapsto ax,\qquad x\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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The set of measurable functions together with convergence in measure is a completely metrizable abelian topological group

Below we use Bochner measurability and Bochner integral. Let $(X, \mathcal A, \mu)$ be a complete $\sigma$-finite measure space, $(E, | \cdot |)$ a Banach space, $S (X)$ the space of $\mu$-simple ...
Analyst's user avatar
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Steinhaus number of a group

$\newcommand\Sn{\mathit{Sn}}$A subset $A$ of a group $X$ is called algebraic if $A=\{x\in X: a_0xa_1x\dotsm xa_n=1\}$ for some elements $a_0,a_1,\dotsc,a_n\in X$. Let $\mathcal A_X$ be the family of ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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11 votes
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Which results in probabilistic group theory generalize from finite groups to compact Hausdorff groups (and which don't)?

Let $G$ be a finite group. It has been shown that: If the probability that two randomly selected elements of $G$ generate an abelian group is greater than $5/8$, $G$ is abelian. If the probability ...
ckefa's user avatar
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Show that $V_G: L^2(G\times G, \mu \times \mu)\to L^2(G\times G, \mu \times \mu)$ defined by $V_G(f)(x,y) = f(xy,y)$ is well-defined

Let $G$ be a locally compact Hausdorff group and let $\mu$ be a right Haar measure on $G$. Then $\mu\times \mu$ (the Radon product of measures) is a right Haar measure on $G \times G$ and we can ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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10 votes
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What is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra of reals that is closed under addition of sets?

What is the smallest $\sigma$-algebra $\Sigma\subseteq\mathcal P(\Bbb R)$ containing the open sets and such that if $A,B\in\Sigma$, then $$A+B=\{a+b\mid a\in A,b\in B\}\in\Sigma?$$ I know that neither ...
Alessandro Codenotti's user avatar
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Definition of a continuous Gabor frame

I am trying to understand the definition of a Gabor frame and would appreciate some clarification with terminology. Let us begin with the setup: Let $G$ be a locally compact abelian group, and let $\...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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On measurability of certain group actions on spaces of bounded measurable functions

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a separable Hilbert space equipped with a strongly continuous unitary representation of a locally compact group $G$. Denote by $\mathcal{L}^{\infty}(H)$ the space of the bounded ...
S.Z.'s user avatar
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Non-measurable sets on groups from translation invariance

The most well-known construction of a non-measurable set is the Vitali set. The idea behind Vitali sets is to split up the space (such as $[0,1]$) into equal-sized copies (guaranteed by translation ...
aras's user avatar
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How to define Lebesgue Integrability of functions assuming values in an arbitrary topological vector space over an arbitrary topological field?

I have already asked this question in this MSE thread, but some people suggested me to ask to the MO community also. Preliminaries An algebra of sets in a set $X$ is an $\mathcal{X}\subseteq\mathcal{P}...
Daniel Kawai's user avatar
5 votes
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Integration theory for functions and values with values in topological rings

I am curious whether somebody ever tried to generalize the classical theory of Lebesgue integral to functions and measures with values in Hausdorff topological rings. The generalization of a measure ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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A group where the Weil topology induced by the Haar measure does not coincide with the original topology

Let $(G,\tau)$ be a locally compact Hausdorff topological group that is $\sigma$-finite with respect to the Haar measure $\mu:\mathcal{B}(G)\to[0,\infty]$ ($\mathcal{B}(G)$ is the Borel $\sigma$-...
Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo's user avatar
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Locally compact Polish groups acting on standard Lebesgue spaces

If $G$ is a countable discrete group, then one can consider the Bernoulli shift $2^G$. $G$ acts on $2^G$ via shift, and letting $\mu$ be the product of the $(1/2, 1/2)$-measure in each coordinate, ...
Andy's user avatar
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Continuous function defined by measurable sets

Is the following slightly generalization of Corollary 20.17 in Hewitt and Ross Book (page 296) correct? Let $A$ be a subset of a profinite group $G$ ( compact, Hausdorff, totally disconnected ...
Alireza Abdollahi's user avatar
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Invariant measure on coset space and integrable functions

Let $G$ be a locally compact abelian group, and $H$ a closed subgroup. Let $C_c(G)$ be the space of continuous, compactly supported complex valued functions on $G$. General theory of Haar measure ...
D_S's user avatar
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Extrinsic applications of Haar measure

I am looking for examples of (not necessarily deep) results whose proofs rely on the Haar measure (or rather such that there exists an "elegant" proof involving it). Further, the formulation of such ...
J.F's user avatar
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Are Hausdorff measures on the real line Haar measures for some locally compact topology?

For $0\leq d\leq 1$, let $\lambda_d$ be the $d$-dimensional Hausdorff measure on $\mathbb{R}$. Note that it is translation-invariant. Does there exist a locally compact topology $\mathscr{T}_d$ on $\...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Can Gaussian measure be characterized by unitary representations?

It is well known that Fourier transform switches positive-definite functions with positive measures on a (locally compact topological) group. Further, the positive definite functions can be ...
Bombyx mori's user avatar
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Invariant integration on principal bundles

Let $G$ be a sufficiently nice topological or Lie group (e.g. compact), and let $H$ be a closed subgroup. This data determines a principal $H$ bundle $G \rightarrow G/H$ defined by the projection $g \...
John von N.'s user avatar
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Are all compact subsets of Banach spaces small in a measure-theoretic sense?

Definition. A subset $K$ of a topological group $X$ is called measure-continuous if there exists a $\sigma$-additive Borel probability measure $\mu$ on $X$ such that for every compact subset $C\subset ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Sum-sets of sets of positive measure in the Hilbert cube

Problem. Let $\lambda$ be the standard product measure on the Hilbert cube $[-\frac12,\frac12]^\omega$ and $A,B$ be two $\lambda$-positive Borel subsets of $[-\frac12,\frac12]^\omega$. Is it true ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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The disintegration of the convolution of two probability measures

Let $G$ be a topological group with all the topological conditions in order that some form of the disintegration theorem be applicable (for instance, take $G$ metrizable). Let $N$ be normal and closed,...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Convergence of some object depending on functions with compact support

Let $G$ be a locally compact group with unimodular Haar measure $\mu$. We consider the Hilbert space $\mathscr{H}:= L_{\mu}^2(G)$ together with the unitary representation $\pi : G \to U(\mathscr{H})$ ...
Constantin K's user avatar
7 votes
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Characterizations of infinite compact Abelian groups and probability spaces based on the forcing notion they give

Let $G$ be an infinite compact Abelian group with the collection $\mathcal{B}$ of Borel subsets of $G$, and $m$ the (unique) normalized Haar measure on $\mathcal{B}$. This gives a natural forcing ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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Is this concrete set generically Haar-null?

This question is related to this problem on MO about generically Haar-null sets in locally compact Polish groups but is more concrete. First we recall the definition of a generically Haar-null set in ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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On generically Haar-null sets in the real line

First some definitions. For a Polish space $X$ by $P(X)$ we denote the space of all $\sigma$-additive Borel probability measures on $X$. The space $P(X)$ carries a Polish topology generated by the ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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11 votes
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Homeomorphisms vs Borel automorphisms

Let $\mathrm{Homeo}(M)$ and $\mathrm{Borel}(M)$ be the groups of homeomorphic and Borel automorphisms of a space $M$, respectively. Question: Are $\mathrm{Homeo}(M)$ and $\mathrm{Borel}(M)$ ...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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Is shifting $x \mapsto \theta_x\mu$ Borel measurable wrt total variation topology?

We work on a Polish group $G$ and consider finite signed measures. Let $\theta_x\mu(B) := \mu(x^{-1}B)$. Fix a $\mu$. It is clear that $x \mapsto \theta_x\mu$ is continuous when the codomain is given ...
nullUser's user avatar
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Measure on orbits of $N$ under conjugation by $H$

Let $G$ be a locally compact topological group with closed subgroups $H, N$ and $H$ normalizing $N$. Then $H$ acts continuously on $N$ by conjugation. If it will help, assume that $N$ is nilpotent, ...
D_S's user avatar
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Weil's Haar measure construction from below

Weil's construction of a Haar measure on a locally compact group rests on approximating a function from above by sums of translates of another function. I would need to know something similar for an ...
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Subgroups of finite non-zero Haar measure of abelian locally compact groups

Is it true that every subgroup of finite non-zero Haar measure of an abelian locally compact group should be open and compact? This is obviously true for the case of discrete abelian groups. Thanks.
Alvin's user avatar
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A meager subgroup of the real line, which cannot be covered by countably many closed subsets of measure zero?

Is there a ZFC-example of a subgroup $H$ of the real line $\mathbb R$ such $H$ is meager, has zero Lebesgue measure, but cannot be covered by countably many closed subsets of measure zero in $\mathbb ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Meager set of full measure

Let X be a compact Hausdorff topological group and let m be the Haar measure on X. Can we find a meager set in X whose complement is m-null? I can do it when X is separable but I don't know if there ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is $ {C_{c}}(G) $ a meager subset of $ {L^{2}}(G) $ for a second-countable locally compact Hausdorff group $ G $?

The following problem is a stumbling block in a research project that I am working on: Problem. Let $ G $ be a second-countable locally compact Hausdorff group with a fixed Haar measure. Is it true ...
Transcendental's user avatar
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If $ F(x,\bullet) \in {L^{2}}(G,B) $ for all $ x \in G $, then is $ x \mapsto F(x,\bullet) $ strongly measurable?

This question is related to something that I asked yesterday: If $ F(x,\bullet) \in {L^{\infty}}(G,B) $ for all $ x \in G $, then is $ x \mapsto F(x,\bullet) $ strongly measurable? Pietro Majer ...
Transcendental's user avatar
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If $ F(x,\bullet) \in {L^{\infty}}(G,B) $ for all $ x \in G $, then is $ x \mapsto F(x,\bullet) $ strongly measurable?

Let $ (X,\Sigma,\mu) $ be a $ \sigma $-finite measure space and $ B $ a Banach space. A function $ f: X \to B $ is said to be strongly $ \mu $-measurable iff it is the almost-everywhere pointwise ...
Transcendental's user avatar
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Approximating a measurable function from a second-countable, locally compact Hausdorff group to a separable Banach space

Let $ G $ be a second-countable, locally compact Hausdorff group and $ B $ a separable Banach space. We say that a function $ f: G \to B $ is Bochner-measurable if and only if it is the everywhere ...
Transcendental's user avatar
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Justification of the convolution operation of $L^1(G)$ functions where $G$ is a LCA group (measurability)

Suppose $G$ is a locally compact abelian Hausdorff group (LCA), and $\lambda$ is the Haar measure on it. We all know the convolution of two $L^1(\lambda)$ functions $f$ and $g$ on $G$ is defined as $$...
Hua Wang's user avatar
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Haar measurable sets and quotient maps

Let $G$ be a locally compact Hausdorff group with a Haar measure $\mu$, let $H$ be a closed normal subgroup of $G$, and let $q: G \to G/H$ be the quotient homomorphism. Let $\nu$ be a Haar measure ...
B. Krull's user avatar
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A characterization of the module function on a locally compact division ring

The same question was asked in Math StackExchange about 3 months ago. Since nobody has answered to it, I would like to post it here. References: Weil's Basic Number Theory(denoted by BNT). Bourbaki'...
Makoto Kato's user avatar
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Measures on general topological groups

I am interested in the group algebras of non-locally compact groups. What references can you advise? This is a wide question, so I list more concretely what I would like to see: Here X can be even ...
Yulia Kuznetsova's user avatar
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exotic compact group

Let $G$ be compact (and Hausdorff) group, $\mu$ be Haar measure on $G$. Is it always true that $(G,\mu)$ is a standard probability space (Lebesgue-Rokhlin space)? It is so if (a priori not iff) the ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
19 votes
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Haar measure on a quotient, References for

I remember reading Weil's "Basic Number Theory" and giving up after a while. Now I find myself thinking of it (thanks to some comments by Ben Linowitz). Right from the very beginning, Weil ...
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