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Questions tagged [string-theory]

A class of theories that attempt to explain all existing particles (including force carriers) as vibrational modes of extended objects, such as the 1-dimensional fundamental string.

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Moduli spaces for the TCFT map $HH(L) \to GW(X)$

Let $L$ be a Lagrangian submanifold of a closed symplectic manifold $X$. What I gather from Costello (see specifically $\S$2.5 there), is that one expects to have a morphism of closed TCFT's $\tag{1}...
Just Me's user avatar
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Seiberg-Witten theory in 4d is categorification of Seiberg-Witten in 3d

According to Gukov et al. in this 2017 paper Seiberg-Witten theory in 4d categorifies Seiberg-Witten theory in 3d. In what sense is this phrase mentioned? I know what the process of categorification ...
Gorbz's user avatar
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q-deformation of the unitary group integral

There is a well-known orthogonality property of $U(N)$ group characters $$ \int d U \chi_{\mu}(U)\chi_\lambda(U^\dagger V)=\delta_{\mu\lambda}\frac{\chi_\mu(V)}{\dim_\mu} $$ where the integral is ...
Sasha's user avatar
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Supersymmetry charge $Q$ as anti-linear and anti-unitary operator

We know the supersymmetry (SUSY) charge $Q$ satisfies the following relation respect to fermion parity operator $(-1)^F$: $$ (-1)^F Q + Q (-1)^F :=\{Q, (-1)^F \} =0 $$ which defines the anti-...
wonderich's user avatar
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book about string theory a la Von Neumann [duplicate]

Can we summarize string theory (in its actual state) in some principles and fundamental equations like electromagnetism, general relativity, quantum mechanics and classical mechanics ? I am looking ...
google's user avatar
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GKO (or coset) construction - all possible highest weights $h$

I am reading the famous paper "Unitary Representations of the Virasoro and Super-Virasoro Algebras" by Goddard, Kent, Olive. From a compact simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ and a Lie subalgebra $\...
soap's user avatar
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Examples of $1$-Calabi-Yau triangulated categories

Can you give me examples of $1$-Calabi-Yau triangulated categories $D$ different from the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on an elliptic curve? I would like moreover the numerical ...
user97971's user avatar
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Does fixing the reparameterization invariance of the string action correspond to some kind of orbifolding?

Does fixing the reparameterization invariance of the string action, for example by choosing the light-cone gauge $$ X^{+} = \beta\alpha' p^{+}\tau $$ $$ p^{+} = \frac{2\pi}{\beta} P^{\tau +} $$ ...
Dilaton's user avatar
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On how to diagonalize a Casimir element

$\DeclareMathOperator\U{U}\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$I'm trying to read the physics paper Two Dimensional QCD as a String Theory. I'm struggling with my ignorance about ...
Ramiro Hum-Sah's user avatar
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Derive how the level quantization for 3d quantum Chern-Simons theory path integrals?

Let us consider abelian and non-abelian 3d quantum Chern-Simons theory path integrals: abelian Chern-Simons theory on non-spin manifolds --- $$ \int [DA]\exp(i \frac{k}{2\pi} \int_X (A \wedge dA )) ...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
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The Fuchsian monodromy problem

I want to understand the argument being made from equation 6.1 to 6.5 in this paper between pages 27-28 6.2, 6.4 and 6.5 are completely out-of-the-blue to me and I have no clue as to from where they ...
user6818's user avatar
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What is this correspondence between composition algebras over R and superstring theories?

In the page for superstring theory, Wikipedia states: Another approach to the number of superstring theories refers to the mathematical structure called composition algebra. In the findings of ...
L. E.'s user avatar
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Lifting in String Theory and QFT

I'm posting this here instead of Physics Stack as my question is on the precise mathematical meaning of a word which is often used in the physics literature. In theoretical physics (especially string ...
Hollis Williams's user avatar
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Localization of the pushforward in equivariant cohomology

I am reading Nekrasov's paper and in page 2 he considers the $G \times T^2$ equivariant cohomology of the (compactified) moduli space $\tilde{M_k}$ of $U(N)$ instantons on $\mathbb{C}^2$. Here $G$ ...
Marion's user avatar
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Physical relevance of either fundamental identity generalizing Jacobi [closed]

There are two fundamental identities for n-ary generalizations of the Jacobi identity. One fundamental identity is right for Nambu mechanics and such, the other for L_\infty algebras as in CSFT. Which ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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genus one Gromov-Witten invariants of Calabi-Yau 3-folds

In physicists calculate (predict) genus one GW invariants of quintic (Table 1) and some other cases (Table 2). Can any body explain to me (...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
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space at the Planck scale [closed]

All models of space that I know from physics use real or complex manifolds. I was just wondering if it is still the case at the level of Planck scale. In string theory, physicists still use strings (...
Q Q's user avatar
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Is the structure constant additive on connected components?

This is the reanimation of a question which already got an answer, that I did not fully understand. Coming back to it, after let it sit in a corner for some time, I keep not getting the point. I would ...
Giovanni De Gaetano's user avatar
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Are there non-supersymmetric and/or non-Calabi-Yau topological sigma models?

I am reading some aspects of Mirror Symmetry and in mirror symmetry the $N=2$ SCFT on a Calabi Yau Manifold can be divided into two sectors each of which is a topological sigma model, A-Model and B-...
J Verma's user avatar
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Enumerative geometry and restricted plane partitions

Donaldson-Thomas theory is an enumerative theory for virtual counts of ideal sheaves (with trivial determinant) of the structural sheaf $\mathcal{O}_{X}$ of some smooth projective manifold $X$. There ...
Ramiro Hum-Sah's user avatar
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Holomorphic anomaly at genus 1

For computing instantons contributions from worldsheet torus to target torus, one can evaluate zero modes contribution of genus 1 partition function given by following expression: $$Tr(-1)^FF_LF_Rq^{...
user44895's user avatar
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Perverse sheaves and maximal genus Gopakumar-Vafa invariants

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a proper morphism between complex varieties (the varieties as well as the map may be non-smooth) and let $\phi \in \text{Perv}(X)$ be a perverse sheaf on $X$. Given this data, it ...
Benighted's user avatar
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Possible Context for this "Siegel-like" Modular Form Construction?

The following construction of something very nearly a Siegel modular form of degree 2 arose in my research. I'm outside the worlds of automorphic forms and number theory, so I'm wondering if it ...
Benighted's user avatar
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L-infinity algebra of deformations of an L-infinity algebra?

From Schlessinger-Stasheff we know that a deformation problem should come with an associated $L_\infty$-algebra, so that gauge-equivalence classes of solutions to its Maurer-Cartan equation (the "MC ...
AlexArvanitakis's user avatar
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SYZ conjecture for varieties of general type or Fano

Let $X$ and $Y$ are Calabi-Yau varieties and mirror to each other. Then from HMS the Fukaya Floer category of Lagrangian intersections in $X$, is equivalent to bounded derived category of coherent ...
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Question on Hori, Iqbal and Vafa's 'D-branes and Mirror Symmetry'

In the paper mentioned above, on page 19, the physics of A-type supersymmetry is related to a Lagrangian submanifold $\gamma$ of a Kaehler manifold $X$. In particular, the phrase "...holomorphic ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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computation with Hilbert scheme of $n$ points on $\mathbb C^2$ [closed]

How can we show that $$\sum_{n = 0}^\infty q^n \operatorname{char}_T S^n(\mathbb C[x,y])= \prod_{p_1,p_2\geq 0}\frac{1}{1-t_1^{p_1}t_2^{p_2}q}$$ where $\operatorname{char}_T V$ denotes the character ...
jj_p's user avatar
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Where is there a treatment of double field theory other than in local coordinates?

The n-lab seems to lack a treatment of double field theory. Where is there a treatment other than in local coordinates? Or at least one which identifies the coordinates as local coordinates for a ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Outer automorphism for $U_q(\mathfrak{su}(2|2))$

It is known that Lie superalgebra $\mathfrak{su}(2|2)$ (and only this one, not arbitrary $\mathfrak{su}(n|n)$) has the nontrivial central extension which forms an $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ triplet, let's call ...
Peter Koroteev's user avatar
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Computing chern classes for products of varieties

I'm currently facing the problem of computing chern classes for Varieties. More precisely the product of such varieties. Let $C_i$ be a variety in $\mathbb{CP}^2$ given by the Weierstraß $\wp$-map. I ...
Michael Kissner's user avatar
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Generalized spin connection and dreibein in higher spin gravity

I am studying higher spin gravity and I would like to know the mathematical and physical meaning of generalized spin connection and generalized dreibein that appear in this theory. It is well known ...
Gian's user avatar
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Comparison between two volume forms on genus zero Teichmüller space

Consider a sphere with $n$ punctures. If you pick a holomorphic cotangent vector at each puncture, you can canonically construct a holomorphic top form in the corresponding moduli space. (The specific ...
Charles Wang's user avatar
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Divisor cohomology through spectral sequences

I don't know if it belongs here but anyway, I need to compute arithmetic genus of divisors pulled back from a Fano base space to a bundle (which may or mayn't be trivial) defined through the ...
user333644's user avatar
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NSR superstring as a map of supermanifolds

On one hand, I know that the NSR superstring is described by a map $\Phi: \Sigma \to X$, where $\Sigma$ is a supermanifold with local coordinates $(\sigma,\theta)=(\sigma^0,\sigma^1 | \bar{\theta},\...
Alec's user avatar
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GKO construction for (Super-)Virasoro algebras

I am reading the paper "Unitary Representations of the Virasoro and Super-Virasoro Algebras" by Goddard, Kent, Olive. In many places, the authors claim results without any justification, or with ...
soap's user avatar
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How can the interersection number of $2$ $D6$ branes wrapping around a CY manifold be derived?

For two intersecting $D6$ branes $a$ and $b$ wrapped around a $6$ dimensional torus $T^6 = T^2 \times T^2 \times T^2$ specified by $$ \textrm{D6-brane a:}\, (l_1^a,l_2^a,l_3^a) $$ $$ \textrm{D6-...
Dilaton's user avatar
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H-flux by any other name

There are more than a few papers referring to H-flux and/or H-twist etc. Is there anywhere a survey relating these variants?
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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monodromy defects and Chern-Simons

In the context of string theory I recently read "The formulation of Chern-Simons theory in terms of monodromy defects can be carried through all the dualities of the present paper, leading to ...
Paul's user avatar
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Anti-symmetric operators for the Dirac or Majorana spinors

In a Zoom lecture given by a mathematical physics professor, if I recalled correctly, he explained that the in 1+1 dimensional spacetime (or 2 dimensions in short), the "action" of fermions (spinors) ...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
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modular properties of macmahon function?

How does the MacMahon function for counting plane partitions $M(q) = \frac{1}{(1-q^n)^n}$ behave under modular transformations? For instance for $q= e^{2 \pi i \tau}$ where $\tau \rightarrow -1/\tau$.
D S's user avatar
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how to derive this elliptic integral?

I am reading the article arXiv: 2207.09961, there are some interesting elliptic integrals, i.e. the formula (3.7) and (3.8). You can also see this image where $p_0(z)=\sqrt{-Q_0(z)}$ and $Q_0(z)=-\...
amon Hsu's user avatar

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