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Questions tagged [schemes]

The first purpose of schemes theory is the geometrical study of solutions of algebraic systems of equations, not only over the real/complex numbers, but also over integer numbers (and more generally over any commutative ring with 1). It was finalized by Alexandre Grothendieck, during the 1950s and the 1960s.

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8 votes
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A Hartogs-type criterion for flatness

Let $U$ be a smooth affine connected variety over $\mathbb C$ and let $V\subset U$ be an open whose complement is of codimension at least two. Now, let $Y$ be a smooth quasi-affine connected variety ...
Christophe's user avatar
21 votes
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Are all formal schemes *really* Ind-schemes?

Saal Hardali's user avatar
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5 votes
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Equivalent definitions of the Hasse invariant

As probably many others before me, I got stuck in verifying all the nice properties of the Hasse invariant. Let me start by recalling one definition: Let $E\to S$ be an elliptic curve in ...
Bear's user avatar
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Spin structures on schemes

This is a very naive question, but I have been wondering about the role of spin geometry and spinor structures in the context of algebraic geometry. I know the definition of spin structures and ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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45 votes
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Useful, non-trivial general theorems about morphisms of schemes

I apologize in advance as this is not a research level question but rather one which could benefit from expert attention but is potentially useful mainly to novice mathematicians. I'm trying to ...
9 votes
1 answer

Tube of a mod p point on a smooth Z_(p)-scheme

Let $R$ be a smooth, integral, finite-type $\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}$-algebra of relative dimension $n$ and $\overline{f} \colon R \to \mathbb{F}_p$. Then Hensel's lemma tells us that this lifts to a map $R \...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Quotients of quasi affine varieties and extension of scalars

I have some questions about GIT quotients and extensions of scalars of categorical quotients: 1) Let $X$ be a complex algebraic quasi-affine variety, $G$ an algebraic reductive group over $\...
Frosinoneculone's user avatar
2 votes
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representability of some mapping stack

Let $S$ be an Artin stack of finite type. We assume that it contains a point as an open dense. Is it always true that the mapping stack: $Hom^{0}(\mathbb{P}^{1},S)$ which consists of sections ...
prochet's user avatar
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About complete residues on curves

Preliminaries: Let $X$ be a projective smooth curve (scheme of finite type, integral and of dimension $1$) over a perfect field $F$. Let $K=K(X)$ be the function field of $X$ and for a closed point $...
Dubious's user avatar
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What sort of ind-scheme is this?

It apparently follows from work of Velu (MathSciNet) that every isogeny between elliptic curves in (long) Weierstrass form over $k$ can be written in the form $$ \left(\frac{u(x)}{v(x)}, \frac{s_1(x)+...
David Roberts's user avatar
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Verdier duality on excellent schemes

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a regular morphism between $k$-schemes which are noetherian and excellent with a funcion of dimension. In the book by Illusie-Laszlo-Orgogozo, there is a theorem (4.4.1 in ...
prochet's user avatar
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extending local systems on a neighbourhood

Let $Y$ an affine finite type scheme over an algebraically closed field $k$. Let $S$ be a closed subscheme of $Y$ and $Y'$ the henselization of $Y$ along $S$. If we have a $\mathbb{Z}_{\ell}$ local ...
prochet's user avatar
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l-adic local system. on hensel schemes

Let $k$ be a field, $\ell$ a prime different from the characteristic. If I take $S$ a closed subscheme of $Y$, which is a $k$-scheme of finite type, is it true that any $\mathbb{Z}_{\ell}$-local ...
prochet's user avatar
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12 votes
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Obstructed automorphisms of schemes

Let $X$ be a smooth projective scheme over a field $\mathbf{k}$ of characteristic zero such that $\mathrm{H}^0(X, \mathrm{T}X)$ vanishes, and let $f$ be an automorphism of $X$. I would like to have an ...
Julien Grivaux's user avatar
5 votes
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Comparison of sheaves of modular forms

Let $\pi:E\to X$ the universal generalized elliptic curve over the compactified modular curve, with zero section $e: X\to E$. Now consider the following two sheaves on $X$: $e^*\Omega^1_{E/X}$ and $\...
Bear's user avatar
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henselizations along closed subscheme

Where can I find some references about henselizations ablong a closed subscheme? For example if I take a map $Y\times\mathbb{A}^{1}\rightarrow Y$ and $Z$ a closed subscheme. Let $Y_{Z}^{h}$ the ...
prochet's user avatar
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infinitesimal lifting criterion for non-noetherian schemes

We have the "standard criterion" which says that a morphism $f:X\rightarrow Y$ is smooth if: 1/ $Y$ is locally noetherian. 2/ $f$ is locally of finite type and satisfies lifting criterion for ...
prochet's user avatar
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Mapping scheme from a proper variety

Let $X$ be a proper scheme over a field $k$. Let $T$ be a scheme over $k$. Is it true that morphisms $T \times X \to \mathbb{A}^1$ are in bijection with morphisms $T \to \Gamma (X, \mathcal{O}_X)$ (...
Sasha's user avatar
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Description of the equalizer of $\prod _j R/I_j \rightrightarrows \prod _{i,j}R/(I_i+I_j)$

This is a crosspost of this MSE question. I have asked several questions in an attmept to get a general version of the Chinese remainder theorem without conditions on the ideals which will trivially ...
Arrow's user avatar
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History of the functor of points

Until now, I thought the functor of points approach was introduced by Grothendieck at the 1973 Buffalo seminar. However, in this note by Lawvere the author writes: "I myself had learned the ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Morphisms of locally ringed spaces into affine schemes

In Görtz and Wedhorn's Algebraic Geometry I, there's the following proposition: Proposition 3.4. Let $(X,\mathcal O_X)$ be a locally ringed space. If $Y$ is an affine scheme then the natural map ...
Arrow's user avatar
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An apparent equivalence of the category of affine schemes over $S$ and the category of quasi-coherent $\mathcal{O}_S$-algebras

I had asked something very similar before on (deleted now) but unfortunately it hadn't received a lot of attention. I decided to re-ask here. Let $S$ be a fixed scheme. Is the following true? ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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The SGA1 version of Riemann's Existence Theorem is about analytic spaces. How does one relate it to topological covering spaces?

In SGA1, Theoreme 5.1 (Riemann's Existence Theorem) states: Let $X$ be a $\mathbb{C}$-scheme locally of finite type, $X^{\operatorname{an}}$ the associated analytical space. Then the functor which ...
Amy's user avatar
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Arithmetic zeta function and local zeta functions

For the arithmetic zeta function of (say) a nonsingular projective variety $X$, one has the following Euler product \begin{equation} \zeta_X(s) = \prod_{p\ \mbox{prime}}\zeta_{X\vert\mathbb{F}_p}(s), ...
THC's user avatar
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Base schemes and Bayesian priors

One of Grothendieck's dicta about algebraic geometry is to consider "the relative situation", where one doesn't consider the category of schemes but of schemes over a fixed base scheme. In Bayesian ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
8 votes
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Are there varieties with non finitely generated Picard group and vanishing irregularity?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over an algebraically closed field $k$. Can it happen that $q(X) := \dim H^1(X,\mathcal O_X) =0$ and $\textrm{Pic} \,X$ is not finitely generated? Certainly, ...
Pitcher's user avatar
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27 votes
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Reference for de Rham cohomology in positive characteristic

It is known in characteristic $0$ that (algebraic) de Rham cohomology is a Weil cohomology theory. However, in characteristic $p > 0$ it isn't, if only because it has mod $p$ coefficients, whereas ...
R. van Dobben de Bruyn's user avatar
3 votes
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Chevalley devissage

Let $G$ be an algebraic group over a perfect field $k$. Then it is know that it can be written as an extension of an affine algebraic group and a proper algebraic group. Is there a similar result for ...
prochet's user avatar
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Higher-dimensional Artin L-functions

I begin by clarifying that the "higher-dimensional" in my question refers to analogues of Artin L-functions over higher dimensional base schemes than $\mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})$. Now for the set-up. ...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
20 votes
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Why would one "attempt" to define points of a motive as $\operatorname{Ext}^1(\mathbb{Q}(0),M)$?

I'm a novice when it comes to motives. (I've read multiple introductory texts.) I'm attempting to read Galois Theory and Diophantine geometry by Minhyong Kim. In it, he says that "One might attempt, ...
Quinlan Aktaş's user avatar
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Blow up along a section of a smooth morphism

Let $C$ be a ground locally notherian and quasiprojective scheme. Let $\pi:S\to B$ be a $C$-morphism of finite type $C$-schemes. We call $\pi$ a $C$-smooth morphism if the morphisms $S\to C$ and $B\to ...
MonLau's user avatar
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10 votes
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Parahoric Group Scheme

I am looking for the definition of a parahoric group scheme in the sense of Bruhat and Tits? I couldn't find a reference for that? at least a "clear" reference! thanks
Gest2015's user avatar
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18 votes
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Homotopy types of schemes

Let $X$ be a scheme over $\mathbb{C}$. When does the topological space $X\left(\mathbb{C}\right)$ of $\mathbb{C}$-points have the homotopy type of a finite CW-complex? When does the topological ...
David Carchedi's user avatar
11 votes
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About the relation between the categories $\text{Sch}$, $\text{LRS}$ and $\text{RS}$

I've asked this question on math.stackexchange , however I don't think I will ...
user40276's user avatar
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In how many ways can one extend the zero section of the affine line with a double origin

Let $X$ be the affine line with a double origin over $\mathrm{Spec}\,\mathbb Z$. Let $X_\eta$ be its generic fibre, the affine line with a double origin over $\mathrm{Spec}\,\mathbb Q$. Let $0$ be ...
Shane's user avatar
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Is the stack of varieties with a big line bundle algebraic

In Starr's paper the folk result that the fibred category of pairs $(X\to S, L)$, where $S$ is an affine scheme, $X\to S$ is flat proper ...
Pancho's user avatar
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Isotrivial families with non-zero Kodaira spencer map

Let $S$ be a smooth quasi-projective curve over the complex numbers. Let $P$ be a closed point in $S$. Let $f:\mathcal X \to S$ be a polarized family of smooth projective connected varieties. To this ...
Pancho's user avatar
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Irreducible component of a scheme over a dvr

Let $\mathcal M$ be a (reduced) quasi-projective scheme over a dvr (of mixed caracteristics), $R$. Suppose that the generic fiber $\mathcal M_{\eta_R}$ is (nonempty) smooth and irreducible of ...
user3001's user avatar
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The scheme $y^n = x^{2n}$ for $n$ a rational number [closed]

Let $n\geq 1$ be an integer. If $A$ is a ring, then the spectrum of $A[x,y]/(y^n - x^{2n})$ is a well-defined (affine) scheme, say $X_n$. This scheme describes the "variety" given by the equation $y^...
Veegh's user avatar
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9 votes
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Torsors trivializing over a fixed finite etale cover

Let $S$ be an integral regular scheme and let $T\to S$ be a finite etale morphism. Let $G$ be a smooth affine finite type group scheme over $S$. Is the set of $S$-isomorphism classes of $G$-torsors ...
Juan's user avatar
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Infinitesimal deformations of a fibration

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of normal projective varieties over an algebraically closed field with connected fibers. Assume that both $Y$ and the general fiber of $f$ admit a non-trivial ...
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20 votes
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Geometric generic fibre

This is a pretty elementary question about schemes, but it came up in the course of research, so let's try it here rather than MSE. Question 1: Are the fibres of a family of complex varieties ...
Lazzaro Campeotti's user avatar
5 votes
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The stack of group algebraic spaces

The fibred category $\mathcal A$ of algebraic spaces over a scheme $S$ is a stack (over the category of affine schemes with the etale topology). This is proved in Laumon and Moret-Bailly's book (see (...
Stacky student's user avatar
4 votes
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Stacks with a small coarse moduli space

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero. Let $X$ be a finite type algebraic stack over $k$ with a coarse (or good) moduli space $M$. Suppose that $M$ is isomorphic to a point, i.e., $M = Spec k$. ...
Fater's user avatar
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Properties of schemes determined by field valued points [closed]

Are there any interesting cases (interesting here is interpreted rather loosely here) where you can show $X$ has property $P$ whenever all $X(K)$ have property $P$ where $K$ runs through all fields? ...
solbap's user avatar
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Is there a difference between the inertia stack and the universal automorphism group

Let $\mathcal M$ be a stack representing some moduli problem. Let $\mathcal X\to \mathcal M$ be the corresponding universal family. What is the difference between the inertia stack $I\to \mathcal M$ ...
user123123's user avatar
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On functors which are generically representable

Let $F$ be a set-valued (contravariant) functor on the category of schemes. Let $F_{\mathbb Q}$ be the associated functor on the category of schemes over $\mathbb Q$. Suppose that $F_{\mathbb Q}$ is ...
Konan's user avatar
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Sections of morphisms up to fppf covering

Let $f:X\to S$ be a finite type affine morphism of schemes where $S$ is an integral noetherian affine regular scheme whose function field is of characteristic zero. Assume that all geometric fibers ...
Steven's user avatar
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Locally free sheaves of algebras vs. algebra bundles

It is well known that there is a bijective correspondence between locally free sheaves of modules and vector bundles (cf.
mathbekunkus's user avatar
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constructibility for pushforward

Let consider a quasicompact open $j:U\rightarrow\mathbb{A}^{\mathbb{N}}$ over a field $k$, Is there an example where $Rj_{*}\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ is not constructible, where $n$ is prime to the ...
prochet's user avatar
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